Business Plan, 3 pages (600 words)

The operational plan business plan samples

The supply chain of J. C. Penny’s organization is a network of dealers, distributors, transporters, storage amenities and providers who takes part in producing, delivering, and selling of the products to consumers. The three key elements of supply chain are supply, manufacturing and distribution. The supply chain is also used to illustrate how numerous procedures supplies one another. The organization’s plan focuses on the whole aspirations that a company pursues while a strategy chain deals with the genuine operations of the business and the route to use so as to accomplish a specific goal. J. C. Penny’s organization also shows moral practices are the way they integrate policy of behavior and guidelines to the companies culture and the administration system. This helps the company to make the demand on their suppliers and confirm through public audit that they abide by the required values.
The contingency plan for J. C. Penny supply chain is that, in case of attack by burglary or fire which may lead to damage or loss of property, the following procedures should be followed to regain the loss.
– Call 911 with immediate effect to inform the police.
– Notify the department manager immediately.
– If it is fire, inform the firemen immediately.
Lean development is an incredible time responsiveness and equipment’s need to be in their position where they can be accessed at all time. When tools are not in their positions, people waste a lot of their productive time looking for them. To avoid this, one should create a schedule and strike the goal. Train all the stuff to use the schedule and to meet their goals, carry out some training on the foremost step, let everyone be familiar with the plan, familiarize them with the intended date for the second step and adhere on it. Step two training should be given to them prior to implementation. If the above steps are followed, the firm will have a very stable lean.
The value formed and liberated by a business is the profit margin. The organization’s value chain involves activities that add an extra value to its customers. An organization can study all the actions and see how they are linked together. The actions are general to all business. Nevertheless they can be divided into primary and support activities. The primary ones includes; inbound logistics, operations, outbound logistics, marketing and sales and services. Inbound logistics includes receiving, storage and the distribution of inputs within the organization. Operations deal with the transformation of raw materials into final products that are sold to consumers. Outbound logistics distributes products or service to customers either internally or externally. Marketing and sales involves persuading clients to buy and no other sellers. Service how the value of the product should be maintained after being purchased. The support activities include; procurement, human resource management, technology development and infrastructure. They help the primary activities. Procurement is the activities that the organization carries out to get resources required for it to operate. Human resources deals with how well the organization recruits, lease, coach, induce, rewards and safeguard their workers. Technology development entails activities that contribute to the management and processing of information and by protecting a business knowledge base. Infrastructure is a party’s support system which helps it to sustain dairy operations. Organizations the above aspects as the building blocks which help in creating a valuable product or service.


Jayaram, Tan, & Nachiappan (2010). Examining the interrelationships between supply chain integration scope and supply chain management efforts. International Journal of Production Research.
Sabri, & Beamon (2000). A multi-objective approach to simultaneous strategic and operational planning in supply chain design. Omega-international Journal of Management Science.

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AssignBuster. (2021) 'The operational plan business plan samples'. 17 November.


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AssignBuster. 2021. "The operational plan business plan samples." November 17, 2021. https://assignbuster.com/the-operational-plan-business-plan-samples/.

1. AssignBuster. "The operational plan business plan samples." November 17, 2021. https://assignbuster.com/the-operational-plan-business-plan-samples/.


AssignBuster. "The operational plan business plan samples." November 17, 2021. https://assignbuster.com/the-operational-plan-business-plan-samples/.

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"The operational plan business plan samples." AssignBuster, 17 Nov. 2021, assignbuster.com/the-operational-plan-business-plan-samples/.

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