Review, 3 pages (750 words)

The last of the mohicans

The paper ” The Last of the Mohicans” is an exceptional example of a movie review on visual arts and film studies. Produced in 1992, The Last of the Mohicans was a historical epic film set from 1757 during the Indian and French War. In the film, it was in 1757, and America got caught in the midst of the renowned French – Indian War. Chingachgook (Russell), his son Uncas (Eric) and his adopted son Nathanial Poe (Daniel Day-Lewis) stayed independent of the conflict, although their attachments to British settlers found them bringing into line with the Fort William Henry British forces and General Webb. Those British forces comprised of Col. Edward Munro who was a widower with two daughters Alice (Jodhi May) and Cora (Madeleine Stowe). He sends word that he would like them to leave for Fort William Henry (Peck 4). The movie is partially based on reality but, at some point, it lacks some true facts may be to make it flow or “ actable”. Alice and Cora, eager to view the frontier and all its wild men, leave, guarded by Magua (Wes), Major Duncan Heyward (Steven) and a unit of English soldiers. However, this is war with the frontier where European flags did not have significant power over the bloody and private war that the natives wage on settlers. Magua betrays Alice and Cora, but they get rescued by Hawkeye, Uncas, and Chingachgook. The trio vows to accompany these ladies to fort William, and a thorny relationship grows into true love. It stands a relationship that must survive the siege and falling of the Fort and the ruthless grit of Magua to exterminate the Munro family (Peck 13). A question now gets exposed: where the characters treated with historical accuracy? Were there any real events?
Many of historical figures in the film occurred. Col. Edward Munro actually existed. His unremarkable military career could never have found a place in the history books, but he happened to be posted to Fort William. The fort got attacked by a force commanded by Marquis Montcalm and embraced by Native and French soldiers. The fort got cut off from English soldiers (the closest detachment commanded by General Webb at Fort William. He appears in the movie too! However, they succeeded to hold out a whole week (Peck 14).
Munro got forced to capitulation, but he had battled so valiantly that Marquis gave him substantial terms. Munro remained able to negotiate for a secure passage for his soldiers to Fort William. These soldiers were not just armed militaries but included children, wives, and servants. Approximately 2, 000 people left on foot and horses to the Fort, a 17 miles distance. A distance of 17 miles stood an epic in the days. A lot could occur – and did occur (Peck 55). Munro and his troops got attacked by Montcalm Native helpers. It remains down in history and literature as a massacre, but contemporary studies have suggested it was not the ” horrid scene of slaughter and blood” that eyewitnesses described or the film portrays.
Munro did not have any daughters (there is even no record of his marriage), so there existed no Alice or Cora who confronted the frontier to see him at the Fort. But Cora (dies in the book – the film reverses the two sisters dooms) got based on an actual woman, Jane McRae. Jane got killed during the America Revolution by a Native Americans group led by a Wyandot named Le Loup. She left her brothers home to see her Loyalist fiancée and had reached the old Fort Edward William. The town got attacked, leaving her as a hostage. She got either murdered by a tomahawk as a result of a quarrel between them, or she got accidentally shot by an urchin American bullet. Take your choice (Peck 82).
Allegedly, one of the men wore her ” unique scalp” on his belt that got recognized, causing an immense commotion. Her death got used as propaganda by Patriots, who insisted that they could protect Americans well than Loyalists and British could do, and they realized an increase in recruitment figures. It may similarly be worth remarking that Coopers Cora stands of African – American background, something that no cinematic version has hitherto incorporate. The movie is partially based on reality but, at some point, it lacks some true facts may be to make it flow or “ actable”. This makes the movie intricate, therefore, not easy to compare it with the literal history (Peck 90).

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AssignBuster. (2021) 'The last of the mohicans'. 16 November.


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AssignBuster. 2021. "The last of the mohicans." November 16, 2021. https://assignbuster.com/the-last-of-the-mohicans/.

1. AssignBuster. "The last of the mohicans." November 16, 2021. https://assignbuster.com/the-last-of-the-mohicans/.


AssignBuster. "The last of the mohicans." November 16, 2021. https://assignbuster.com/the-last-of-the-mohicans/.

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"The last of the mohicans." AssignBuster, 16 Nov. 2021, assignbuster.com/the-last-of-the-mohicans/.

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