Essay, 21 pages (5000 words)

The history of how advertisement works marketing essay


Since ages, advertising mediums have reshaped themselves according to the innovation leading. Initially advertisers used traditional medium for advertising like radios, newspapers and most importantly TV for promotion of their products and services but Internet have totally changed the course of advertising making it to lowest possible price competitor in the market that has outdated traditional high cost ways of advertising. Television is watched by billions of people around the globe and slightly more than half of them have the internet access. Advertisers find cost efficient ways to market their product/service to almost 90% of the total population in UK. Introduction part concludes that there is a need to find out about the UK customers that for advertising purpose what are their perceptions regarding advertising mediums, whether they prefer traditional media (TV) or the internet for watching advertisement of Qatar Airways? An inside study of preferred marketing medium as of UK consumers’ perception, an investigation of TV advertising vs. online advertising.

Chapter 01


1. 1 Background of the Research:

Throughout ages, human minds being controlled and directed by the powerful tool of media. Advertisements are the persuasive messages that are used to create demand of certain product or service by making the public believe in what is shown to them. Advertisement is a way of communication with the customers and public. They direct the customer’s behaviour and perception. Ultimate result of advertisements is to create and generate increased consumption of certain products or services. Persuasive messages in the form of advertisements are delivered through number of traditional channels that include magazines, radio, newspapers, billboards, banners, personal advertisements, word of mouth and television and all them commonly known as mass media. With the innovation in every field around the world, advertisements have also gone under massive changes with the introduction of innovative advertisement process, online advertisements and text messages advertisements. Online advertisements today is believed to be most effective way of communicating with the consumers as more and more humans are shifting towards technological world, computers and internet. Different researches have shown both negative and positive perception of media advertisings. Television is watched by millions of viewers around the world and with the advancement in digital age, the use of internet has also increased surprisingly. Seeing this, advertising companies are seeking new and innovative ways of communicating with the public, (Morison and Cheongg, 2008). Introduction of social media websites like ” Facebook” have changed the advertising promotions entirely. Changes in demographic has resulted in growing acceptance of social websites in everyday life. Buckley and Cook in 2008 suggested that internet would be the future advertising tactic. One prime advantage of online advertising is that it gets direct response of viewers and users. Advertisers can interact directly with the targeted customer and it is more attainable strategy as it involves quite less investments unlike television where it costs in millions to get to customer’s perception. With the launch of ITV in 1955 across UK, TV advertisements existed since then. Over past decades, TV ad market across UK has undergone numerous changes. Television ad market has seen both decline and inclines over the past years. It is the mature medium of advertising. Traditional television advertising market has seen a sharp decline in year 2002. A recent study published by John Plunket (guardian. co. uk, Aug 2010) showed that nearly 86% of TV viewers skip TV commercials. They believe that despite of skipping TV commercial, TV still remains the most memorable medium of advertisement as according to the study, 25% of the respondents believed TV as most effective medium of advertisement followed by 2% in the favor of online advertisement. Despite the growth of TV viewers in the UK, the TV ad market of UK still faces decline. Only in US, TV advert declined from $52 billion to $ 41 billion. This sheep decline in Television advert market was a result of on-demand and expanding online advert market. During the same year, when TV advert market saw sheer decline, it was an incline for online advert market as online revenues grew by as high as 8. 4% totalling $26 billion. Perceiving as a new marketing or advertising channel, online advertisements are supposed to be easily accessed as compared to television advertisement. Online advertisements are independent of time, cost saving and more interactive (Watson and Boudreau, 2008). Laftery and Goldsmith (2002) suggested the online advertisement as the constituent of e-commerce. Advertisements around the world are used to create an awareness of the brand, its perception and selection process, persuading consumers towards certain product or service. Online advertisements possess enhanced capability to directly interact with the targeted audience and it helps in establishing direct relationship and feedback from the customers (Nicowich et al, 2005). Online advertisements are accessible by every single human being who has the internet access and without any barrier, locality limitation; customers can get numerous information on their desired product and service by just clicking on the required link. It was in September 2009, a report by Mark Sweney, printed in English newspaper, Guardian, that online advertisement market has officially overtaken the TV ad market, a survey conducted by Internet Advertisement Bureau (IAB) UK. Despite the fact that today more and more televisions are being sold and numbers of television viewers are on an increase but UK is the 8th largest country that surfs the internet. It has total 51. 5 million users across UK (internet world stats 2011, www. internetworldstats. com). Out of 51. 4 million online users, there are almost 30 million Facebook subscribers across UK(highest subscribers across Europe). Seeing this, advertisers across moved towards online advert market as it was seen that cost of online advertisement is half a less than TV advert. IAB, in their report, suggested that at the end of year 2010, there was an increase in online advert market of 12. 8% totalling £1bn and this was because of Facebook revolution. The social media website also offer proper customized advertisement page for quite a less fee and companies seek more profit by investing in online advertisement. Facebook UK helped the advertisers cross £100 million in their revenues in 2010. Total online advert market in UK was accounted to be £709 million in 2010. This massive increase in online advert market and declining TV ad market, despite of increase in TV viewers in UK persuaded the researcher to conduct a study focused on the importance of both online and TV advert market with the perception of UK consumers. This research paper will have an inside look at comparison of online vs. TV advertising when a certain brand is focused. It will thoroughly be looked at effectiveness of both mediums that which medium for Qatar Airways advertisement, the customers across UK prefer along with a research whether online advertisement is a substitute for traditional advertisement.

1. 2 Research Questions:

Considering the above listed background of the research, following are the research questions: Is there any considerable change in perception in UK consumer’s mind regarding a specific commercial shown on both type of mediums, Online and TV? What exactly does the UK consumer perceive about advert shown on both media type? Which advertising medium persuades UK customer more effectively, online advertisement or TV advertisement? Is there any significant change in UK consumer’s perception regarding online advertisement over previously established literature?

1. 3 Research Objectives:

Following are the objectives of this research study; To study the effect of UK customer’s perception towards Qatar Airways commercial shown on both Online and TV advertisement. To understand the differences perceived about both mediums when same commercial is shown, Online vs. TV advertisement. To study the ultimate effect of online vs. TV advertisement on UK customers. To identify interrelation between UK consumer’s perception and online advert.

1. 4 Research Hypothesis:

Kruger and Welman (2001) argued that an examination of a preliminary statement or a tentative assumption regarding relationship between two or more things (Welman and Kruger, 2001, p. 11). Hypothesis 1(alternative hypothesis H1): there will be significant relation between online commercials for Qatar Airways and perception of UK customersHypothesis 2(alternative hypothesis H1): there will be a significant relationship between TV advertisements for Qatar Airways and perception of UK customersHypothesis 3(alternative hypothesis H1): there will be a significant relationship between advertisement shown on TV and advertisement shown online

1. 5 Rationale of the Study:

The reason of statement being what the UK consumer perceives about different advert medium. Rationale of this study is to understand the key factors that influence the perception of UK customers. Think-box conducted a survey in UK and it was officially published in English newspaper, Guardian (Edition: Aug 15, 2011) that UK viewers are watching more television then before and their average time has increased to collectively four hours per day. On an average, there were total 47 advertisements viewed per day by different people across UK and it was previously 45 adverts per day. This is a significant increase in TV viewing across UK but despite the fact of increasing TV viewing, advertisers are spending more money on online advertisements as it was recorded that advertisers across UK spend as high as £1bn on online advertisements. It is seen that offline and online, both mediums are of utmost importance and are quite unique in their own way. Modernization of world has lead advertisers to get better advantage from their advertising mediums. This world is a global village, demographics are constantly changing and this is being the rationale of this study that how changing demographics perceive different mediums of adverts and what is actually changing their perception.

1. 6 Significance of the Study

In this globalised world of 21st century, there are quite interesting and innovative things happening every day. Initially, TV was one of the most powerful tools of advertising products and services but now there is another more power and cost effective tool is introduced which we all know as Internet, an accessible platform for everyone at any time. Traditional means of advertisings are being replaced by online advertisements, cell phone messages and subliminal messages. Advertisement is such a powerful tool that it creates demand of unnecessary product whenever desired. Advertisement is actually a persuasive tool for building brand awareness and demand. People perceive different things differently so there is much possibility of similar trend in field of advertising. Interactive media has replaced or is replacing traditional media. There is no doubt that in near future, interactive advertisements will completely overtake traditional advertisements. Prime focus of the study is to find out that which medium, online advertisements or the TV advertisements, works better with the UK customers. Significantly, to get to know the perception of UK based customers, their attitude towards online and TV advertisements because according to a research study, it is believed that when right message is targeted at right time to the right customer, it engages the customer’s perception and in response wins the customer’s satisfaction. It is said that if you cannot win customer’s perception, you can never win his money. So primarily get to know what customer perceive about different set of advertisement medium then engage them with the right strategy.

1. 7 Limitations of the Study:

This research study is conducted across UK boundaries only. It contains necessary information about perception of different set of customers across UK. Also, the questionnaire was distributed randomly among adults who surf internet or watch TV for particular product advertisement. No specified set of age group was targeted for this study.

1. 8 Chapter Summary:

Since ages, advertising mediums have reshaped themselves according to the innovation leading. Initially advertisers used radios, newspapers and most importantly TV for promotion of their products and services but Internet have totally changed the course of advertising making it to lowest possible price competitor in the market that has outdated traditional high cost ways of advertising. Television is watched by billions of people around the globe and slightly more than half of them have the internet access. Despite the big difference, World Wide Web has given tough time to traditional media and particularly in UK there are 51. 4 millions of internet users out of 62. 6 million of population. Advertisers find cost efficient ways to market their product/service to almost 90% of the total population in UK. Introduction part concludes that there is a need to find out about the UK customers that for advertising purpose what are their perceptions regarding advertising mediums, whether they prefer traditional media (TV) or the internet for watching advertisement of Qatar Airways? An inside study of preferred marketing medium as of UK consumers’ perception, an investigation of TV advertising vs. the Internet advertising.

Chapter 02

Literature Review

2. 1 Advertising:

As defined by Armstrong and Kotler, any paid form of non-personal promotion and presentation of services, ideas and products through the mean of advertising channels like TV, magazines, radio and internet by an identified sponsor (Armstrong and Kotler et al, 2006). Advertising is something that is practiced at its best to persuade the audience to buy certain product or service. This is a trend setting tool for the companies and corporations. People’s perception is made, toggled and changed through the means of advertising channels. Institute of Practitioners in Advertising (IPA) once defined advertising as the channel of providing most persuasive messages to the right target market at lowest possible price. So it a communication mean directed to the desired market for the promotion of products and services. Ultimate purpose of advertising is to drive the buying pattern and behavior of the customers, commonly known as changing perception of target market through a trend setting media. These advertising messages on media streaming are sponsored by the companies and corporations to market their product. Advertisements are used to produce amplified utilization of certain product or service through Branding process. In advertisements, Branding includes repetition of certain products’ image over the advertising channel in an effort to induce some extra qualities with the brand name in the mind of the customer. For example, Jeep, a 4 wheeler off road truck, made by Grand Cherokee, became so popular and brand became so common that every four wheeler off roader became known as jeep. Here media play crucial role in setting trend for certain brand and this advertising is so important factor that in the 2010, a total of almost $800 billion were spent on advertising worldwide. According to Arenes, advertising is the mean of non-personal communication of information normally paid by the sponsor and persuasive in messaging nature (Arenes, 1996). For an advertising campaign to persuade the audience, there are five well defined stages to understand and direct the perception of target consumers. Phillip Kotler in his book, Marketing Management, illustrated these five stages as when a campaign is to set, initially in first step, objectives of the advertisement are set. It involves the introduction of a new product to the customer and at the same time encouraging consumers to switch from a different brand to the desired brand by carefully positioning the product. Budget for advertisement is then set in second stage. A new product needs extra budget for advertisement. In third stage, crucial advertising messages are decided and determined. This is the most crucial stage as decision are to be taken and they need to be extra effective because consumers will be seeing the message and perception building is all dependent on this strategy. It is believed that this stage is of utmost importance that sometimes even extra spending on advertisements is not beneficial as compared to right message delivered in promotional campaign.

2. 1. 1 Role of Advertising:

Advertising is a vast field. It has several roles and benefits. Advertising has a branding role, the role of making the reputable brand and required after using values such as street credibility, strength, humor, and heritage and fashion ability. Secondly, there is a persuasion role of advertising. Trickster theory of everything by Emily Levine is of most importance in advertising as it tells how to upgrade the realization of a cause and heighten the state of consumer to frenzy and confidence. Customers desire to get hooked into purchasing through ingenuity, sincerity and wit. They like exaggerated advertisements of transformed products and services. Then there is a disarming role of advertising. In modern society, it is believed that advertising should be truthful. It never prevents costumers from being cynical about product item. To be critical is believed tobe their right. There are many areas in advertising where skeptical attitude of customers prevail. Reassurance is again another role of advertising. It is said to be most important and probably most under estimated role of advertising. Large secure brands publicise further than diminutive untested ones and as a result present extra encouragement by having different advertisements reinforces this role. Social targeting, yet another role of advertising, links a brand image with the certain customer market. Here advertising provides a channel of social identity. Wish fulfilment is most crucial role of advertising. Product category is an essential role performed here as to answer how it should be used and what the customer requires out of this because products does not exist in vacuum rather they fit into people’s lives. Audience needs both the fantasy and realism in advertisings and that is why the perfume and chocolates makers resort their promotions into fantasy market. Now days, customers are the advertising literate because they perceive that if they being intrude by the advertisement medium then they have total right to criticize the advertisements. This is stylistic role of advertisement. Consumer who is watching the advertisement has complete right to comment and criticize so that to make advert more likeable and effective.

2. 1. 2 How Advertisement Works?

Glowa stated that out of all the marketing mix, promotion is the most crucial ” P” as it carries unlimited methods to reach future and present target market (Glowa, 2002). Results show that across USA, an average family watches TV for 6 hours per day and there are 30, 000 advertisements per year (Ogilvy, 1985). It shows that advertisement is an essential tool since it is the basic way that big retailers have with them, their potential customers (Witt, 1999). Glowa believedmarketableagendamechanism since they endeavour to produce an effective demand and craving in the listeners mind by watching, reading or listening to them. Gray A. Witt believed that to get total grip on marketing techniques, one strongly needs to know the psychology of their consumers. He referred in his book, ” if you do not capture His mind, you would not be able to capture His money” (Gray A Witt, 1999. p-3). In addition, the useful notionin commercialroots from the connectionthat exists between brand name and purchaser in terms of consciousness, purposeetc. In the same way themassadvertisercontinuously make an attempt to clarify and replica how profitablead works and in order to get tothe target market, they struggle to choose the consequentialmessaging objectives (Courtland, Wood and Dowel, 1995).(Source: www. google. com/images)Intensity of rivalry is at its peak in today’s modernized world, Witt said that any meaningful advert campaign cannot generate poor quality product expansion and nevertheless the poor promotional campaign can damage a product worth high quality (Witt, 1999). Learning process must be experienced by customers via sequential and non-sequential mode when it comes to the purchasing process; AIDA model shows how meaning advertisement can grabs customers perception at initial stage and lead to the ending phase which is purchasing perception. For example, in AIDA model customer at initial level learns from the advertisement and then followed by next steps a perception will keep on building in consumer’s mind and its purchasing intention and at the final stage client tries to take physical proceedings, purchasing intention (Bovee et al, 1995). Fitzwilson and Mehta suggested that certain group of people tend to recall specific brand whose advertisement they find more connecting to their attitude and behaviour (Fitzwilson and Mehta, 2001). Some advertisements have their direct impact on consumer’s mind that leads their purchasing pattern and in the same there some advertisements that have their indirect impact on the purchaser’s mind. Fitzwilson and Mehta’s studies and researches reveal that there is a strapping optimistic affiliation stuck between attitudes in the direction of brand that for the reason will affect the purchaser’s purchasing perception (Ray and Batra, 1986). Customer’s interest is of utmost importance dependent of advertisement efficiency and their attitude and perception towards advertisements (Fitzwilson and Mehta, 2001).

2. 2 Customer’s Perception towards Advertisement:

Rettie, Jenner and Robinson proposed that invasive strategy promoters utilize when challenging for customers’ interest can be maddening to listeners (Leckenby and Sandage, 1980). As a result, studies have so far proven that consumers have relatively negative perception of advertising (Prabhaker and Alwit, 1994 and Zanot, 1981). On the other hand, findings from different researches show and deny the importance of advertising. Despite the fact that there are many opposes of advertisements, as they find it annoying, still results of findings have proven the strength of advertisement in perception building. Ducoffe argued that the huge preponderance of promoting introduction attain persons when they are not shopping for the product or service being advertised, so at the time of exposure, most of the messages are purely not pertinent to customer’s concerns (Ducoffe, 1998 p. 22). Consequently, the significance of promoting strategy that caters to customer’s requirements has materialization. This researched study is focused on customer’s behaviour of dissimilar types of publicity mediums. On the other hand, an advertisement has to be applied in or carried out by a specific medium. To eradicate any sort of be wilderment, an advertisement is an amalgamation of the advert contents or messages and the channel through which the advertisement is carried. Therefore, advertising channel functions as a way to present the content of an advertisement. In addition, directional media is used to mean such media whose chief objective is for directional promotion. Catalogues and Yellow pages are some examples of directional media as they are direction providers to the public. Ducoffe in 1995practiced his unique agenda on web surroundings. He confirmed his prior consequences in 1996 and established that perceived height of entertainment and advertising is all-dependent on perception towards Web marketing. In addition, formativeness and irritation in perceived height of entertainment was further dependent of advertising values. Entertainment in the form of irritation and formativeness contribute to customers’ evaluations of advertisement values and so their perception toward advertisements (Ducoffe, 1996). Caar and Brackett additionally authenticate Ducoffe’s research findings and expanded the replica to take interest worthiness and customer demographics. Reliability is exposed to be in a straight-line connecting together perception towards advertising and promotion values. Age, gender, majors in studies; job etc. That stood as demographic and have shown to have impact the perceptions towards advertising (Caar and Bracket, 2001). Fernandez (2000) intended to understand goal-oriented consumers’ responses toward directional advertising within the context of Yellow Pages.

2. 3 Online vs. TV Advertisement:

With more television content being shown online, advertisers and TV networks are presuming which could be more beneficial and on target—internet or television advertising. Marketers are shelling out as much as 20% of their advertising budgets to online marketing. They as well as their advertising clients are interested in how online ads compare to TV advertising and affect brand image. TV ads are long, disruptive and easily avoidable, while most of the online advertising is concise and are forced to be watched, whether it is a banner ad on a website or a mini-commercial before an online program begins. Also, using targeted ads online means that different viewers see different advertisements on the same page. Marketing research companies like IAG Research and ARS group have developed different methods to gauge how effective ads are in TV and the Internet. IAG uses incentive-based internet polls to see what TV ads viewers recollect, and they place ” cookies” on hard drives so they know when exposed to an online advert. ARS group tests how engaging ads are in TV, internet and movie theatres. The use of these tools is still in its primary stage; however, recent research proposes online advertising to be more effective. NBC conducted an online survey of its NBC Rewind viewers and says its internet ads elicit higher brand recall than those on TV. Significantly ads are more entertaining, attractive and importantly less disruptive for viewers. Peter Naylor, Senior Vice President of Digital Media Sales at NBC Universal said, ” These research results show that when the right message is tailored to the right medium, this engaged audience really responds and our advertisers win.” These results combined with the Internet’s growing presence in everyday life may lead to online advertising becoming more important than TV ads.

2. 4 Effect of TV Advertising:

Recently the effect of television advertising, especially on children and adolescents has been under fire from various public interest groups and researchers. Few advertising critics resisted that advertising strongly influences the consumer attitudes, perception, values, behaviour of youths and produces undesirable socialization such as non-rational choices, impulse oriented decision making and the development of strong materialistic values. Alternatively, advertisers argue that the main sources of such behaviours and cognitions are parents and peers, and that advertising may actually create positive consumer socialisation, such as socially desirable consumer behaviors and greater knowledge of the consumption process (cf. Ward 1979). To answer questions concerning the effects of television advertising on consumer behavior, researchers must seek three basic kinds of evidence according to Seltiz, Wrightsman, and Cook (1959). Correlation of television advertising with specific aspects of consumer behavior are time order of occurrence-advertising must occur before consumer behavior changes, dismissing the possibility of causal factors-elimination of other explanations of consumer behavior besides advertising. The question of whether television advertising has a direct effect or is mediated through interpersonalprocesses, it was established that the family communication could play a major role. Precisely, television advertisingappears to affect the growth of materialism andtraditional sex-roles when adults do not discuss consumptionmatters with children, perhaps placing the adolescentchild at the mercy of advertising, a finding consistentwith previous research (Churchill and Moschis1979; Comstock 1978). Television advertising effects on adolescents interactingwith peers were observed in the short run, but these outcomes overpowers the direction of such influence. Apparently, peers play a minor mediating role in learning frommass communication, at least in the long run.

2. 5 Preferred Advertising Medium for a Particular Brand:

This research study is also important for the firms to better understand the customer psyche across UK for choosing advertising medium for car advertisements. Indeed, this study is an insight look to identify the importance of online advertisements relating particular product or service. Usually this is a hard job to separate the effects of both advertising mediums when online and TV advertising is released at same time (Berndit and Klien, 2001). This study will find out whether the unique ability of online advertisement sufficient enough to target the target market and stand out as a separate and external advertising medium or online advertisement just act as substitute for TV advertisement. Pervious researches have proven so far that for particular brands like tobacco, alcohol, gambling etc., TV advertisements have faced government laws and regulations across UK (Dempsey, Klarke, Sarabia and Cohan, 2001). Outside of taxation policies, effectiveness of existing local regulations across UK is influenced by the online advertisements (Ward and Fox, 2005). Results have shown that for the promotion of local brands, restrictions are less important as they have access over the internet that allows them to promote any kind of product. For example, for the advertisement of alcohol beverages, TV advert market has shown a decline as online advertisements have taken their place as TV advert market has to follow the Govt. rule and regulations (Slemrod and Goolsbee, 2010). Previous studies have second collective untried data to demonstrate that incomplete promoting restrictions have insignificant effects on alcoholic consumption as a total. In conflictwith thereplacement by promoters between promoting channels plays a role (Young, 1993 and Nelson, 2003). Research studies have proven so far that online advertisements have reduced the capability of confined establishment to confine the effect that promotion has on the local UK population. Online advertisement unfalteringly destabilized state dominion and control of the pour of information to the state’s residents (Castles, 2011 p. 168). Studies have shown a mighty deviation of advertisers’ from TV advert market towards online advert market because of its growing importance as each customer can easily access the internet and can watch the commercial of car of their desired brand any time they wish.

2. 6 Why Online vs. TV Advertisement of UK Customer’s Perspective?

With the innovation in every field around the world, advertisements have also gone under massive changes with the introduction of innovative advertisement process, online advertisements and text messages advertisements. Online advertisements today is believed to be most effective way of communicating with the consumers as more and more humans are shifting towards technological world, computers and internet. Researchers have proposed that people tend to like advertisements and they enjoy it. A trend has seen that audience perceive advertisements as informative and it helps them in their daily life decisions. An advertisement focused more on their purchase decision is perceived to be useful but they also said that they do not totally believe on advertisements. Introduction of social media websites like ” Facebook” have changed the advertising promotions entirely. Changes in demographic has resulted in growing acceptance of social websites in everyday life. Buckley and Cook in 2008 suggested that internet would be the future advertising tactic. One prime advantage of online advertising is that it gets direct response of viewers and users. Advertisers can interact directly with the targeted customer and it is more attainable strategy as it involves quite less investments unlike television where it costs in millions to get to customer’s perception. For example, the most highly paid slot on television was recorded to be £250, 000, a 30 second on-air time during Britain’s Got Talent, 2010 series. Perceiving as a new marketing or advertising channel, online advertisements are supposed to be easily accessed as compared to television advertisement. Online advertisements are independent of time, cost saving and more interactive (Watson and Boudreau, 2008). Laftery and Goldsmith (2002) suggested the online advertisement as the constituent of e-commerce. Advertisements around the world are used to create an awareness of the brand, its perception and selection process, persuading consumers towards certain product or service. Online advertisements possess enhanced capability to directly interact with the targeted audience and it helps in establishing direct relationship and feedback from the customers (Nicowich et al, 2005). Online advertisements are accessible by every single human being who has the internet access and without any barrier, locality limitation; customers can get numerous information on their desired product and service by just clicking on the required link. TV advertisement across UK was overtaken by online advertisement officially when it was published in English leading news agency, The Guardian (The Guardian, Sep 2009). Despite the fact that today more and more televisions are being sold and numbers of television viewers are on an increase but UK is the 8th largest country that surfs the internet. It has total 51. 5 million users across UK (internet world stats 2011, www. internetworldstats. com). Out of 51. 4 million online users, there are almost 30 million Facebook subscribers across UK (highest subscribers across Europe). Seeing this, advertisers across moved towards online advert market as it was seen that cost of online advertisement is half a less than TV advert. IAB, in their report, suggested that at the end of year 2010, there was an increase in online advert market of 12. 8% totalling £1bn and this was because of Facebook revolution. The social media website also offer proper customized advertisement page for quite a less fee and companies seek more profit by investing in online advertisement. Facebook UK helped the advertisers cross £100 million in their revenues in 2010. Total online advert market in UK was accounted to be £709 million in 2010. This particular research study is primarily focused on the perception of UK customer market. This is an insight study of how an individual customer in UK perceives the advertisement shown to him. Which way he likes to be entertained, either by watching advertisement shown on television or online advertisement? This is the study of perception and behavior of UK’s customer and study of the change in behavior and attitude towards advertisement mediums. The differences in customer’s mind across UK and the fulfilment of ethical behavior of advertisers in term of setting brand perception.

2. 7Chapter Summary:

Advertising has a massive literature regarding TV vs. online advertising. Results of different studies have proven that online advertisements have given tough time to the traditional medium of promotion. Promoters of particular brands like tobacco, alcohol, etc. have faced restrictions while using TV advert market. People’s perception is made, toggled and changed through the means of advertising channels. This researched study is focused on customer’s behavior of dissimilar types of publicity mediums. On the other hand, an advertisement has to be applied in or carried out by a specific medium. To eradicate any sort of bewilderment, an advertisement is an amalgamation of the advert contents or messages and the channel through which the advertisement is carried. Therefore, advertising channel functions as a way to present the content of an advertisement. Promoters are segregating as high as 20% of their promotingfinance to online advert market and also they and their customers are paying attentionto how online advertisements contrast to TV advertisement and affect car brand image. TV advertisements are disruptive, lengthy and avoidable quite easily, while car advertising contents shown online areto the point and must be watched, whether it is a banner ad on a website or a mini-commercial before an online program begins.

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