Essay, 2 pages (300 words)

The chocolate war assignment #2

” The Chocolate War” Violence is the predominant theme in the book, though not overtly portrayed. For instance, at the initial part of the book, the voices shout “ Get him! Get him! Hit him! Hit him! Don’t let him get away! Don’t let him get away! Grab him! Take him down! Kill him! Bury him!” (Robinette 7). Archie is differentiated from the most notable Trinity School bullies such as Emile Janza. The quotation above clearly depicts that violence has been in the picture though in suppressed manner. However, Jerry’s refusal to sell the chocolates explodes the whole issue. Surprisingly, Jerry went against the norm of the school, by declining to accomplish the school assignment the way other students did. Those who refused to accomplish such assignments faced serious repercussions. Before Jerry joined the school, other students used to dance to the tunes of The Vigils, since they feared the violent consequences that would erupt. The students, as well as The Vigils and the administration are astonished the moment they realized that Jerry declined to accomplish the assignment. This triggered the long awaited dominant violent act to erupt.
Jerry has undergone metamorphosis from being a hero to being an enemy. At first, his fellow students were amazed at his courage to go against The Vigils’ wishes. However, the moment the students realized that Jerry was going to face violent consequences; they abandoned him and went ahead and sold their chocolates. Furthermore, when Jerry was informed that he was to take part in the boxing face-off, his friend, Goober tried to stop him in vain “ Sick. But I just heard about this and I had to come to stop you. For chrissake Jerry, don’t do it.” Jerry went ahead and answered “ I think I can take him, Goob, I really do…” (Robinette 95). The violence finally exploded at the tail end of the play and Jerry faces serious injury and is taken to hospital.
Work Cited
Robinette, Joseph. Robert Corniers The Chocolate War. Illinois: Woodstock, 2001.

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AssignBuster. (2021) 'The chocolate war assignment #2'. 17 November.


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AssignBuster. 2021. "The chocolate war assignment #2." November 17, 2021. https://assignbuster.com/the-chocolate-war-assignment-2/.

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AssignBuster. "The chocolate war assignment #2." November 17, 2021. https://assignbuster.com/the-chocolate-war-assignment-2/.

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"The chocolate war assignment #2." AssignBuster, 17 Nov. 2021, assignbuster.com/the-chocolate-war-assignment-2/.

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