Essay, 6 pages (1500 words)

tesco & oxfam essay sample


The two companies I have chosen is Oxfam and Tesco; Tesco’s is one of the biggest companies in the world and is known very well through out the whole of England.

The charity I have chosen is Oxfam and the reason I chose this is because it is a well-known charity and company through out the whole of England, the charity is working in 94 countries worldwide to help fight poverty. Oxfam was founded in 1942 in oxford; the charity also helps with disaster relief. Oxfam is a Voluntary sector company.

The charity was founded by a group of Quakers, social activists and oxford academics. The first overseas Oxfam was found in Canada in 1963. I chose Oxfam because I have an interest in the company and I think its one of the best charities in the UK.


Tesco’s is one of the biggest company’s in the whole of England and Is well known as a grocery store and a merchandise retailer. It was founded in 1919 in hackney, London. The founder of the company ‘ Tesco” is Jack Cohen; Tesco’s has over 6500 stores around the world and also has over 600, 000 employees.

Tesco’s also has a clothing sector, mobile sector, bakery sector and are also digital resellers, the company has risen a lot since 1919 and has branched out to different business sector and has been very successful in doing so.

Primary, secondary and tertiary sectors are 3 main types of industries that companies operate in.

Primary – is mostly raw materials for example companies who mine coal, drill oil and extract metals are primary based company.

Secondary – the secondary sector is mostly assembly and manufacturing process, it basically the converting of raw materials from sector 1 into components, for example making plastic bottles from oil.

Tertiary – Tertiary is the commercial company who sell all the products produced in the secondary sector. Or services like advertising, banks, and insurance.

Both Tesco’s and Oxfam in the Tertiary sector.


Tesco’s had a wide range of products and variety of services, the company itself started off by selling groceries and moved up to other products, they now sell electronic devices, toiletry’s etc. They also provide services, which deliver your groceries to your doorstep, which has been very popular lately.

It also has bakeries in each store selling freshly baked goods. Tesco’s has grown a lot since the 1919 and has a lot of different sectors in the business market for example the petrol station, where you can also do your shopping and you can now also go to Tesco’s and pick up your shopping after you picked it online.

The owner can decide what to do with the company to make a profit, and to undercut the competitors They will decide what the businesses money can be invested into. Suppliers
The suppliers provide stock for the business to sell to the customers. The suppliers are the people who keep the business alive because with out stock Tesco’s couldn’t survive and they would lose customers. Government

The can control the way the company sells, they can also decide how much they have to pay tax. If the company was to give a incorrect estimate of revenue the government could fine them. Financers

The financers invest into the company, expecting to make a profit. When they invest into the company, the company can use the money they’ve invested to spend ne machinery etc. Customers
The customers have the biggest influence on the company, they decide if they want to spend money at the stores. The influence they have is very big, considering they control if the business should go redundant or not.


Oxfam is a charity, which provides poor countries with aid and disaster relief, the way they do this Is by accepting donation or products which they can sell in their stores. It is a not for profit charity and has a total of 17 organizations. And give aid to 94 countries worldwide.

They can decide where the aid is sent to and what countries to help the most. They can decide who the business helps and what the business does, not everybody will agree on what the owner has to say but he controls everything. Suppliers

The suppliers are probably the most essential as they supply the aid that Oxfam donates to the poorer countries. The suppliers can decide how much aid is given to Oxfam and how much is sold. Government

As well as restricting the charity on what it donates the government also help big charities like Oxfam. They restrict what the charity can donate and what they can sell, and what type of products they can sell which also helps with the target market. Customers

They decide how what they want to buy from the store or how much they want to donate. They decide how much money can go into the charity because they buy the products and they decide how much they want to donate. Volunteers

They work for the company but they don’t get paid because it is voluntary work. They can decide how much work is given to the charity and what aid is given to poorer countries.

Primary sector is raw materials for example coal, metals and fruit. This is everything is extracted and shipped of to factories. Secondary
The secondary sector is mostly the manufacturing and processing of all the products extracted, also the assembling of products, which will be sold in stores. Tertiary
This section is the companies that provide services and products for example Tesco’s or Oxfam.

Tesco is an organized company and it has this graph to show clearly how everything is managed, the managers and heads of departments train all the employees for there specific roles in the job. The managers also have to make sure the employees are trained properly.

They must also deiced how much money must be invested and how much they must spend on stock, Tesco’s managers and head of departments always hold meetings to discuss future plane and future investments. Tesco’s hierarchy is much more complicated than Oxfam’s and has more managers in the structure.

Limited Liability
Limited liability is when the company can loose what they have invested into it, for example the people who buy shares from Tesco on the stock market will only lose they’ve invested if the company was to go out of business. Unlimited Liability

A company with unlimited liability or mostly smaller companies and are likely to lose there personal possessions if they were to get sued but Oxfam and Tesco’s both have limited liability.

Oxfam’s organizational structure has less management but is more diverse, they have a lot of different departments because it is globalized and has partner ships with 17 different businesses worldwide and carry out work with them. Oxfam is a non-profit organization but it is on a scale as large as Tesco’s providing aid to countries Tesco’s isn’t even situated in.

Tesco’s has unlimited liability, if the gets into debt the shareholders will have limited liability and they also have to pay off the debt with personal assets. They will also lose all the money they invested into the business.

Oxfam is a voluntary organization so unlike Tesco it doesn’t have an owner; it was wounded by a group of social activists and oxford academics in 1942.

Human resources – They work on recruiting new employees or the dismissal of staff, promotions, training of staff, health and safety and the monitoring conditions of work.

Finance – Paying wages and salaries, accounting, preparing accounts and paying wages.

Sales – basically sales promotion

Marketing – product planning, market research for example primary and secondary research.

Stakeholders influence on Tesco’s and power

The stakeholders have a big influence on the company itself; the stakeholders
can be the customers, colleagues, suppliers, investors and non-government organizations. The customers have a big influence on the Company because they decide if money goes into the business or not.

Suppliers provide all the products for Tesco and without them the Tesco’s couldn’t survive because with out the products to sell, Tesco’s couldn’t make any money. If Tesco’s had sold out a product and customers couldn’t get it at Tesco’s they would lose a sale but also have bad customer loyalty.

Investors are one of the biggest stakeholders considering they have invested money into the company and if they were to take their money back Tesco’s would lose value in the company.

Stakeholders influence on Oxfam and power

There are less stakeholders with Oxfam considering they are a non profit company and there is less of a workforce, but the government is one of the stakeholders of Oxfam because they donate money to them and also help out with providing products.

The main stakeholders of Oxfam would be the customers and the people who donate money to the trustees and any partnerships, and trade unions. And when the Oxfam lose its money it just doesn’t effect Oxfam and its stakeholders, it also effects the people who the charity help.

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