Essay, 3 pages (650 words)

Team work and motivation essay sample

You have been appointed to head the local division of a health care management organization. Specify whether you would prefer to have employees work individually or as a team. Justify your rationale.

A bunch of broom is stronger than a single stick.

African proverb

It is possible to pursue a dream alone but the extent of accomplishment is based on the dexterity of the team work. A man can run quickly when he goes alone but he moves faster and enjoys a trip when he works with others. That is the typical nature of the strength present inherent in unity. The importance of unity is tested by the fabrics of the body when there is a break down, and the body calls for a restoration of loss of function and structure. The beauty of unity is best put to work when there is a team.

Team work transcends profession, race and class; the coherence of members, the classical task of cohesion, mutual understanding and appreciation, and the burden of sustenance are parts and parcel of the package of team work. This concept has been in existence since the Stone Age and has continued to stand its value in out Global Age. Its importance in any field of human endeavor can not be overemphasized; this is why division of labor has been a major tool of industrial efficiency. There could be inherent challenges, but the advantages of team work and motivation are enormous. This is my consideration as the head of the health care management organization.

The task of effective health care delivery is not a one-man show. It has never be achieved by the prowess of an individual neither can it be sustained by the skills of a genius. It demands the cumulative efforts of many parts. The body is the classical example of a united force where different parts work together for the common good.  Each part of our anatomy works with specific instructions from associated genes but the works are interconnected and intercordinated by the nervous and endocrine systems, as well as other control systems the body operates. This shows that team work is an important concept that is part of us, and can not be divorced from our normal architecture without creating room for instability.

In the health care delivery unit, there are different parts. There are a number of departments attending to different pathological states: medicines, surgery, community medicine with the major and minor specialities are part of the whole caring for the needs of the body. Apart from the medical doctors, there are laboratory scientists, nurses, physiotherapists, radiologist, community health care workers, social extension workers and countless number of named segments of health care.  These people need work together for us to achieve the goal of prevention, treatment of health conditions, and even health education.

No one works alone in any medical setting, so there is really no question as to whether people should work individually or in the team. The truth is evident: every one needs the other. The doctor can not work properly without investigations, just as investigation results are useless without interpretation from a consultant.  It is until clinical findings are juxtaposed with imaging and laboratory results that the client/patient receives the appropriate care s[he] needs. This underscores the need for us to work as a team.

We can not do without the team work. It is practically impossible to achieve anything in health care without other members of the health care team, this is reason my preference would not obviously be to allow individuality but encourage team work. Individual ideas and initiatives are welcome but there is a team. And the team is supreme.  As the head of the local health care management organization, I believe in the limitless possibilities of unity expressed in team work, and that will I uphold.


www. chsrf. ca/research_themes/pdf/teamwork-synthesis-report_e. pdf

www. med. unc. edu/epic/module4/m4to. htm

www. rpsgb. org. uk/pdfs/teamworking. pdf

www. tmci. org/downloads/topic5_01. PDF

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"Team work and motivation essay sample." AssignBuster, 26 Dec. 2021, assignbuster.com/team-work-and-motivation-essay-sample/.

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