Synthesis Essay, 2 pages (500 words)

Synthesis essay

Synthesis Essay In today’s society, language is one of the most important and most used things in everyday life. Language is one of the most effective and efficient ways of communicating with one another, animals, and God. It can be used as a mirror, tool, or a weapon. The reason I think language can be used as a mirror is because people use language to directly reflect who they are as a person. For example, if you have heard someone using improper grammar or slang, it may lead you to believe that the person might be uneducated and did not know a better way to express himself. People can use language to mirror or reflect their mood at the time. Have you ever been around a person who spoke in a high pitch tone which reflected their high spirited personality and excitement about life? While a person who speaks in a monotone voice would reflect low spirited person who is not too excited about his life. The word choices that we use and the way that we use words can reflect a lot about our personality. Usually the image that a person portrays in their language is a direct reflection of their true personality; however, people can also use language as a tool when they purposely alter their language to reflect a personality that is not their true personality. This can be seen when a teacher or professor attempts to use improper language or slang in an effort relate to the students in a language that the student is more familiar. When a person uses language improper grammar or slang as in this case, instead they are using it as a tool to manipulate other into believing that they are a different personality. George Orwell discusses how this happens a lot in today’s society in the “ Politics and English language. ” Parents have often told their children the old saying that, “ Stick and stone may break my bones but word will never hurt. ” I think that this is one of the biggest lies ever told. People in today’s society use language all the time as a weapon. The way I think this happens when people use harsh and offensive words when talking to others and do not realize or care that it hurts the people around them, like a knife or any other weapon would hurt them. But using language as a weapon can be dangerous because it could anger the ones around you enough to the point where they might try to hurt you back as in an argument when you find yourself saying something so mean to a loved one just to hurt them and later wish your could take the words back. Other ways that I think people use their words as a weapon is that they would try to use euphemisms that in my opinion can still be just as hurtful as other words. The English language can be a very powerful thing that can be used in more ways than just a mirror, tool or weapon. There are endless possibilities to how we can use the English language. And as time goes by people will continue to find new ways to use language

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AssignBuster. 2021. "Synthesis essay." November 16, 2021. https://assignbuster.com/synthesis-essay/.

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AssignBuster. "Synthesis essay." November 16, 2021. https://assignbuster.com/synthesis-essay/.

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"Synthesis essay." AssignBuster, 16 Nov. 2021, assignbuster.com/synthesis-essay/.

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