Summary, 2 pages (500 words)

Summary of chapter 3: information technologies (its)

Summary Unlike two and a half decades ago, most families in the US have personal computers at home. The advances in IT have made it possible for the gadgets to be connected to a vast network. While the positions have appeared, the pure digital home is still, a concept of the future. IT has brought about a radical change in everything, ranging from systems from human identities. These days, every individual has a real and an electronic identity. In fact, the electronic personas are likely to dominate our real personas in the near future as emphasis on electronic form of communication in all systems is emphasized more.
Technology has played a huge role in changing the communications in the society. Breakthroughs in telecommunication have not only influenced the way we perceive each other, but also our views of the international community. Using direct-broadcast satellites, we are simultaneously appearing in entertainment activities and terrorist uprisings taking place globally. Over the passage of time, there will be increase in the variety of platforms where we will be able to share out particulars and personal information. The electronic devices being introduced in the market every now and then have fostered our connection with our jobs too much. Gadgets in general and cellphones in particular have blurred the interface between our work lives and personal lives, thus causing us to take work to home, and vice versa. In this age of saturation of information, the information transfer technologies have converged in a way so as to help us in our day-to-day activities. Expansion in the volume of information available to the common man today has led to advancements in the storage and retrieval of electronic record. It is advisable for us to try to constantly adapt and endorse the newly introduced gadgets and advancements in the IT sector rather than be fearful of our inability to keep pace with them. The advancements in IT have introduced a series of devices and mechanisms to us that help foster our interaction within a variety of environments and over different platforms. Technological hardware related to communication networks have caused a number of social issues to surface. Videoconferencing has evolved as a strategy of communication in the corporate environment. Workers in the future are expected to be granted the option of telecommuting for the assignments related to their jobs. Individual citizens are raising concerns regarding the need for new legislation to act as a mediator in technology’s effect on information privacy. It cannot be said with utmost surety as to what extent will these issues be resolved in the future.
To conclude, IT has radically changed the world and all its systems. The fast pace of technological development imparts a need for us to constantly make them part of our life. If we do not modify our ways in order to integrate the new gadgets in our daily life, only we would be suffering as others would reap their benefits. Alongside, constant legislation is required to regulate the effect of growth of IT on privacy of information.
Markert, L. R., and Backer, P. R. (2009). Contemporary Technology: Innovations, Issues and
Perspectives. 5th ed. Goodheart-Willcox.

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AssignBuster. "Summary of chapter 3: information technologies (its)." November 17, 2021. https://assignbuster.com/summary-of-chapter-3-information-technologies-its/.

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"Summary of chapter 3: information technologies (its)." AssignBuster, 17 Nov. 2021, assignbuster.com/summary-of-chapter-3-information-technologies-its/.

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