Research Paper, 3 pages (750 words)

Standard precautions research paper examples

Basically, Standard precautions are termed as the set of prevention practices taken, which intends to reduce or stop transmission of diseases that are infectious to people. Precautions are applied to persons every time there is an outbreak to ensure transmissions do not occur evenly. This is because; in most cases it is difficult to identify who is infected with the disease (Bunin 2010).
The most popular precautions include the use of surgical mask for respiratory hygiene purposes; this is mostly done in hospitals when a health worker is attending a patient. Covering the mouth when sneezing or coughing is also recommendable precaution.
Prioritizing of single placement of patients away from others to avoid transmission is a factor. Consequently, avoid shifting patients to numerous places, they may contaminate the environment. If they contaminate, develop procedures for cleaning the surfaces with disinfectants. Remember to wear gloves, gown and face mask for personal protection (Bunin 2010).
Hand hygiene is the most common to many people both to young and old. Always ensure you reduce rubbing of hand with people and get used to frequent wash of hands before you prepare food or eat. In addition, wash hands upon arrival at home from work before you shake hand s to the loved ones.
Transmission based precautions are classified according to their source. For example, contact precautions are associated with diseases that are directly or indirectly transmitted through contact. Contact precautions are used for people with diseases that can be spread through contact. The likely means could be skin, mucous, urine, feces and body fluids. In this case, there is the need to wear gloves and always dispose every single use of an item over a patient.
Droplet precautions are for the diseases that easily spread through large particles in the air. They are for patients or people who are infected or would want to avoid infections from respiratory diseases. To regulate droplets, one should wear a mask, and a single patient room is encouraged. Finally, airborne precautions regard those diseases that spread as a result of small particles in the air. The infection from these patients can travel and spread fast. Health workers should wear masks and keep patients in well ventilated single rooms. Non immune health workers should not attend to such patients (Hopwood 2004).
Always wash hands using soap whether you had worn glove s or not after attending a patient whose body fluids blood, secretion or excretions have been touched. Develop a habit of using mask, gloves and eye protection every time when touching blood, body fluids, secretions and excretions. Change glove between task and procedures, even for the same person any time one uses an object that is deemed to contain any micro organisms. It is important to put on gloves before touching mucous membranes or non intact skin.
The gown should be clean and sterile. This is to protect skin and prevent soiling by the patient’s blood, body fluids, secretions and excretions during procedures. Handle used patient care equipments soiled with blood, body fluids, secretion and excretions in ways that prevent damage of skin and mucous membrane, hence avoiding transfer of microorganisms to other patients.
It is important to ensure that the hospital has adequate routine care for the environment surfaces by intensive use of disinfectant in areas where blood, body fluids, secretions and excretions have splashed. Finally take great care to prevent injuries to you or patient when using operation instruments such as scalpels, needles and other devices.
The World health organization (WHO) is united nation agency that concerns about people’s health globally. It was established in 7 April 1948 with it headquarters in Geneva, Switzerland. You can visit them at www. who. int. The current director general is Margaret chan.
OSHA refers to occupational safety and health administration It is an America based organisation that regulates health and safety. It was formed in 1971 and has its headquarters in Washington Dc. Visit www. OSHA. GOV.
CDC is a public health in united state, formed in 1946. It refers to center for disease control and prevention. It mostly focuses on infectious diseases, occupational and environmental health. Contact (888)232 -6348 or Email; : www. cdc. gov
NIH is an abbreviation for National Institute for Health, which was formed in 1887. It is based in Maryland, United States. It is responsible for Biomedical and health related research. Visit at www. nih. gov.
Muncie, Indiana state health department, is a private company categorized under county government and provides health facilities. Contact 765-747-7747 Email www. co. delaware. in. us
(Neil, M 2008)


Bunin, J. (2010) Universal Precautions for Prevention. Maryland. Merit Publishers.
Hopwood, J. (2004) Implication for Health Care Education. London. Gannet Printers.
Neil, M. (2008) Medical Abbreviations. Warminster. Marmot Publishers.

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AssignBuster. 2021. "Standard precautions research paper examples." November 14, 2021. https://assignbuster.com/standard-precautions-research-paper-examples/.

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AssignBuster. "Standard precautions research paper examples." November 14, 2021. https://assignbuster.com/standard-precautions-research-paper-examples/.

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"Standard precautions research paper examples." AssignBuster, 14 Nov. 2021, assignbuster.com/standard-precautions-research-paper-examples/.

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