Essay, 5 pages (1200 words)

Benefits Of Divorce

Divorce People who have or are going to tie the nuptial bonds, rarely expect a negative end of their marriage. One such negative unwanted conclusion of marriage is divorce that is disliked by most people. In fact, marriage is considered to be identical with feeling of love, joy, warmth, bliss, peace, etc. The feelings usually associated with divorce are that of sorrow, regret, shock, and sympathy. Those who go through the traumatic suffering tend to forget that divorce is a remedial measure for the unhappiness and grief that marriage has brought for them. Divorce is mostly that last resort to solve a marriage dispute and is done with the intent of improving the life of individuals concerned with divorce. Hence, instead of considering it a calamity divorce should be taken as a way to liberation and happiness. The many benefits of divorce to the divorcee and their families include: 1. Gives life a new beginning. (NECESSITY) If given a choice no couple would wish to end their marriage with a divorce. Yet, sometimes, in spite of the finest efforts and intent, a person’s married life becomes a miserable small story, frightening to end up in sorrow and disaster. When such a situation arrives in life, divorce gives a person the much desirable chance to begin life afresh, and with a clean slate. Divorce is a way to begin a new chapter in life. 2. Get into new relationships. (BENEFICIALITY) Many times spouses realize after marriage that they are totally incompatible for each other and they hold numerous irreconcilable differences. Such people might meet compatible partners, whom they wish to marry. Divorce gives them a chance to get into a relationship with a compatible partner, who will surely bring back happiness into their lives. 3. Divorce returns freedom (BENEFICIALITY) Freedom and independence are inseparable parts of bachelorhood. Unmarried people are master of their own destiny and are free from any unwanted domestic responsibilities or emotional influences. People enter the marital relationship with an expectation of happiness and end up all the freedom that that enjoyed when they were bachelors and spinsters. However, life might bring things contrary to our expectations. Divorce provides an opportunity for being our own boss and live life independently once again. 4. Way to personal growth. (NECESSITY) A certain amount of space and freedom is very important to provide way for individual growth and development of other relationships in life. Marriage might hinder the growth of these relationships and lead to their end. Divorce reiterates the way to personal growth and relationships. 5. Financial independence. (PRACTICABILITY) After divorce, you are free to spend your earnings in a way you wish to spend. There will be no control of your partner over your finances. Though marriage brings its share of happiness, but if you feel that it is immensely difficult to lead life with an incompatible partner as yours, don’t torture yourself living in an incompatible environment. Choose the option of getting divorced and bring a new beginning for your life. Source: http://voices. yahoo. com/the-benefits-getting-divorce-5706980. html Divorce is meant to provide something positive during or after the end of a bad marriage. If divorcing people could have looked into the future before marrying, they would have never married in the first place. We all make mistakes, and taking chances is a requirement of life. Freedom is One of the Best Benefits Marriage is a partnership, and when one partner has tried to control the other, this weighs heavily on the mind and causes a considerable amount of damage. If the person is not willing to change, the damage to the marriage is irreparable. One of the benefits of getting a divorce is newfound freedom. Those getting a divorce are no longer questioned regarding their every move and every decision. They have no one to account to other than themselves. A great weight is lifted and life will eventually present many new and exciting opportunities. It might feel like the end of the world at first, but everything will work out for the best when the marriage is definitely over. The Benefits of Life Without Hatred If hatred was a part of the marriage, and counseling is not an option, why stay in that marriage? No one in the family will be happy if one person is continually hateful. Getting a divorce will not magically make life perfect, but when the source of the negativity leaves, another great weight will be lifted. This is one of the best benefits of getting a divorce. Life is too short to live with continual hatred and turmoil. All Benefits and No More One-Sided Sacrifices No longer having to share with someone that did not know how to share in the first place is another one of the greatest benefits of getting a divorce. Marriage is supposed to be equal, but when one person continually takes and rarely gives, life is not happy for the other person or the rest of the family. Those unable to fully share should never get married in the first place, but they want it all and it happens. When the marriage is over, more than likely the selfish former spouse will move on to another unsuspecting individual until that person has had enough. They will never find contentment or anyone that will put up with their bad behavior for long. Source: http://www. totaldivorce. com/after-divorce/parenting/divorce-benefits-for-children. aspx Ways Children may Benefit in Divorce Issues of child custody and child support often play a prominent role in divorce cases and the divorce court’s decisions determine how and when parents get to see their children. Even the most conscientious divorcing parents consider how divorce is unhealthy for children and will cause them to be angry and sad. However, a divorce study found divorce may not affect children as negatively as was once believed. Children whose parents are filing for divorce may actually have opportunities that kids with married parents miss out on. Benefits of Divorce for Children An article in East Valley Living described how one divorced mom created a schedule book for her daughter that allowed the girl and both her parents to keep track of her many activities. With the number of extracurricular activities many kids are involved in these days, school-aged children may possibly be exposed to what some consider divorce benefits. * Communication skills:  Kids whose parents live in two homes have to let two families know about deadlines and schedules. Children must learn to effectively communicate when projects are due, practice starts, cookies are needed for a bake sale and more. Divorce may help children keep many groups of people updated about their lives and needs. * Organization skills:  Knowing which books and supplies need to be at which house requires a child to be on top of homework assignments. Even knowing which bus to take home any given day means that a child with divorced parents must be on top of the family schedule. Divorce may encourage children to keep track of where they’re going and what they need to complete their assignments. * Time management skills:  Children with divorced parents have to plan ahead to make sure they have the necessary research notes, construction materials and resources to complete a big assignment. Divorce may give children an opportunity to think ahead, plan and act accordingly. * Relationship building skills:  Many kids with divorced parents have experience with meeting and learning to live with new people – an important skill most people don’t have to learn until college or their first job. Divorce teaches children to adapt to challenging living situations. If the parents are arguing a lot it’s not a nice environment to be in. It’s an old cliché but it’s best to have 2 happy parents who live apart than 2 that are ‘sticking it out’ and are both miserable.

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AssignBuster. (2022) 'Benefits Of Divorce'. 5 October.


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AssignBuster. 2022. "Benefits Of Divorce." October 5, 2022. https://assignbuster.com/source-httpbenefitofnetbenefits-of-divorce/.

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AssignBuster. "Benefits Of Divorce." October 5, 2022. https://assignbuster.com/source-httpbenefitofnetbenefits-of-divorce/.

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"Benefits Of Divorce." AssignBuster, 5 Oct. 2022, assignbuster.com/source-httpbenefitofnetbenefits-of-divorce/.

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