Essay, 2 pages (500 words)

Sona books

Sona Books The of this piece of work emphasizes the need for an appropriate model of making the literary works reach many members of the community. The diverse socio-economic aspects of various literary works by different artists makes it important to come up with a better editing, publishing and distribution procedures. Jill Magi point out that the concept of producing better poetry is to bring in the expertise of a poet. In essence the author asserts that there are several factors to be considered in producing high quality literary works and ensuring the audience size is significant. It is common knowledge that literature is the mirror on which the society attempts to gauge itself. In this respect, Magi emphasize the need to ensure that a significant proportion of the community is captured. To achieve this, there are basically three important steps to be followed. The first step is the quality of the work itself as far as the literary skills are concerned. This is where the heights of the talent are to be tested and approved. In this regard, the author talks much about the need to specialize along a particular genre of literary work. The next step is editing which requires requisite knowledge of literary tools and outstanding command of a particular language. Sona books is at the fore front of adopting this critical aspect of literary works production as pointed out by the author. The next phase is publishing which is the point at which the work is ready for its stipulated audience. Sona books champion for in-depth analysis and evaluation of various publishing alternatives that would be appealing to the audience.
The writer is concerned about the dwindling size of audience for the literary works. The borne of contention in this case revolves around the quality aspects which includes, simplicity, diction and relevance of the tools to the audience. Another critical issue the author points out is distribution of the published works which need to reach many people. There seems to be an aspect of discrimination in terms of accessibility of the works by some members of the society. People at the fringe of the community i. e. the economically less empowered lack basic resources to access the works which limits the audience size and extent of diffusion of the messages in them. In light of such inadequacies, Sona books seeks to incorporate the ideas of the literary artists, the editorial experts, publishing professionals and generate an inclusive model that will boost the legitimacy of literary works and reach all members of the community.
According to Magi, Sona books is at the edge of adopting alternate editing, publishing and distribution that will improve the relationship between audience and artist in terms of ideological transfer. In an effort to achieve this, Sona books introduced chapbooks as an appropriate marketing strategy that will increase the size of the audience and boost the development of upcoming literary artists through increased publicity. It is worth to note from the argument of the author that best selling books should note be limited to the elite neither should the artists’ publicity be limited to the few that has already made it.

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AssignBuster. (2022) 'Sona books'. 20 January.


AssignBuster. (2022, January 20). Sona books. Retrieved from https://assignbuster.com/sona-books/


AssignBuster. 2022. "Sona books." January 20, 2022. https://assignbuster.com/sona-books/.

1. AssignBuster. "Sona books." January 20, 2022. https://assignbuster.com/sona-books/.


AssignBuster. "Sona books." January 20, 2022. https://assignbuster.com/sona-books/.

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"Sona books." AssignBuster, 20 Jan. 2022, assignbuster.com/sona-books/.

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