Personal Essay, 2 pages (500 words)

Somali pirates

The word used to define a robbery carried out at sea is piracy. Somali pirates in particular make their own laws and are after more than just a smallamount of money. They are getting advanced day by day as they are getting sophisticated in their mode of operations. The fact is that when they hijack entire ships for ransom, it not only tells us that they do not operate only through a mother ship but that they can also definitely afford to take risks. Somali pirates have a close-knit organization and are connected through land also; they are proud of themselves as they found a way to stabilize themselves when their country’s government faced destruction at the hands of a war.
They possess automatic weapons along with loads of AK-47s, tracking equipments, advanced communication devices. They have different levels of attack and methods of dealing within each level. In my line of thinking, they are the true masters of deception and entrapment although this includes physical attack; their camouflaging is better than the chameleons themselves.
One aspect of piracy which surprises me a great deal is the inability to sustain security onboard and on the seaways. In other words, world’s massive trade is moved through these very seas estimated to be at more than 90% of the world’s economy is most prone to attacks and loss of billions of money through piracy! The only explanation I can think of is a refusal to attend to the indifference. But then in my opinion these areas have the largest amount of poverty and are, one way or the other, entitled to the world’s money. And the corporations suffering the loss deserve it because poverty began when the world denied people the right to have money. Although several corporations are involved in helping the Somali pirates buy the latest technology; getting their hands on such technology is something that they cannot accomplish by themselves.
It is a known fact that the waters of Somalia cannot be regulated at all much less 24/7, the reason being as simple as the government being unable to impose further responsibility on their already strained assets. Although in my opinion is it is not entirely impossible because if a huge force is to arrive on the scene, piracy can be lessened. NATO and other such organizations are patrolling the area though without guarantees of any sort.
Piracy has become socially acceptable in Somalia; after all what is one supposed to do after almost two decades of unending conflict. Somalia’s need for food aid is estimated to be at about 50 % of the total population of one million people. The pirates are as young as 20-year-olds fighters needing control of their country one way or the other. They are able to protect themselves and their clans in high-capacities.
Although, piracy is considered a crime in many ways, it has become a way of life for a vast number of people. Somali pirates need to survive on this planet and their survival instinct leads them to kill and win their rights. To me, they are justified in their ways of making their ends meet.
Corbett, Peter (2009). A Modern Plague of Pirates. Location: United Kingdom. Publisher: Captain Peter Corbett.

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AssignBuster. (2022) 'Somali pirates'. 6 January.


AssignBuster. (2022, January 6). Somali pirates. Retrieved from https://assignbuster.com/somali-pirates/


AssignBuster. 2022. "Somali pirates." January 6, 2022. https://assignbuster.com/somali-pirates/.

1. AssignBuster. "Somali pirates." January 6, 2022. https://assignbuster.com/somali-pirates/.


AssignBuster. "Somali pirates." January 6, 2022. https://assignbuster.com/somali-pirates/.

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"Somali pirates." AssignBuster, 6 Jan. 2022, assignbuster.com/somali-pirates/.

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