Annotated Bibliography, 3 pages (750 words)

So mexicans are taking jobs from americans

Annotated Bibliography: So Mexicans are Taking Jobs from Americans Chomsky, Aviva. The Take Our Jobs And 20 other Myths about Immigration. Harrisburg: Beacon Press, 2007. Print.
As the title suggest, Chomsky appraise the depth and breadth of issues surrounding Mexican immigrants into United States. The writer acknowledges the fact that there are numerous myths and convicted notions held by Americans about Mexicans in their country. Chomsky believes that such notions are mythical in nature, and threatens to eat away the social fabric of American communities. In the 20 myths, the writer irons out certain misinformation about the immigrants. As opposed to being accused of taking away jobs, Chomsky argues that Mexican Americans even create more jobs by opening up businesses. In conclusion, the writer asks those behind racial discrimination of Mexicans to dismantle their unfounded assumptions and focus in strengthening the deteriorating social fabric. This source argues from a positive and a protagonist perspective. Therefore, it offers opinions and insights on the productive role played by Mexican immigrants in US economy.
Federation for American Immigration Reform (FAIR). Illegal Aliens Taking U. S. Jobs (2013). FAIR. ORG. Web http://www. fairus. org/issue/illegal-aliens-taking-u-s-jobs
FAIR advocates against the surging number of immigrants or “ aliens” in US soil. According to reports from this immigration authority, most people who sneak into the US across unpatrolled borders are Mexicans. These Mexicans are favored by employers because they accept lower wages compared to US employees. In certain instances, human rights activists say that these immigrants are crucial because they perform menial jobs which could not be performed by US citizens. However, the federation maintains that Mexican Immigrants are employed in construction sectors and service provision industry, which are populated by US workers. As a recommendation, FAIR assert that relevant authorities should strictly implement immigration laws in the labor market in order to deter the influence of Mexicans in taking jobs from American workers. This source offers an antagonistic perspective to the topic, and thus will serve the purpose of supplementing opposing opinion to protagonist view. Such conflict in opinion will ensure development of an objective argumentative essay.
Margo, Gutierrez and Meier, Matt. The Mexican American Experience: An Encyclopedia. New York: Cengage Learning, 2010. Print
Historically, American news channels and other public communication media have played a substantial role in stereotyping Mexican immigrants. After the Mexican-American war in 1855, Mexicans were allowed to settle in the US state of Texas, after which they started moving to other parts of United States. Even after being granted rights to live in the US, Mexicans continued experiencing discrimination in schools and workplaces. After the World War 2, Mexican Americans staged a demonstration against widespread stereotyping by the American white population. The whites accused Mexicans of immigrating into the US for the purpose of snatching job opportunities from Americans. In addition, Mexicans were accused of being attracted by social welfare programs like payment of social benefits provided by the United States federal government. Protests after the Second World War yielded considerable success and led to decline in negative stereotyping. In respect to developing the argumentative essay, Gutierrez and Meier’s book is instrumental in supplementing historical information on experience of Mexican immigrants in the US.
Service Employees International Union (SEIU). “ They take our jobs” – Debunking Immigration Myths. SEIU. ORG. Web http://www. seiu. org/a/immigration/they-take-our-jobs-debunking-immigration-myths. php
This source offers critical information about Mexican immigrants into the US. Unlike other sources that label Mexicans as criminals, this article acknowledges the fact that Mexican Americans posts the lowest crime rate as compared to other demographic groups in the US. In addition, this source asserts that Mexican immigrants are interested in improving the US economy as opposed to the common myth that these immigrants want to benefit from social welfare programs. Actually, the main goal of Mexicans is to work hard, conduct their businesses in a free market economy and to raise the American economy. SEIU’s article is appropriate in seconding the theoretical myths proposed by Chomsky in his book. With respect to the argumentative essay, it will provide factual information and statistics in support of the immigrants, thus clearing out misconceptions surrounding the issue.
Works Cited
Chomsky, Aviva. The Take Our Jobs!: And 20 other Myths about Immigration. Harrisburg: Beacon Press, 2007. Print.
Federation for American Immigration Reform (FAIR). Illegal Aliens Taking U. S. Jobs (2013). FAIR. ORG. Web http://www. fairus. org/issue/illegal-aliens-taking-u-s-jobs
Margo, Gutierrez and Meier, Matt. The Mexican American Experience: An Encyclopedia. New York: Cengage Learning, 2010. Print.
Service Employees International Union. “ They take our jobs” – Debunking Immigration Myths. SEIU. ORG. Web http://www. seiu. org/a/immigration/they-take-our-jobs-debunking-immigration-myths. php

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AssignBuster. (2021) 'So mexicans are taking jobs from americans'. 24 December.


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AssignBuster. 2021. "So mexicans are taking jobs from americans." December 24, 2021. https://assignbuster.com/so-mexicans-are-taking-jobs-from-americans/.

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AssignBuster. "So mexicans are taking jobs from americans." December 24, 2021. https://assignbuster.com/so-mexicans-are-taking-jobs-from-americans/.

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"So mexicans are taking jobs from americans." AssignBuster, 24 Dec. 2021, assignbuster.com/so-mexicans-are-taking-jobs-from-americans/.

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