Essay, 3 pages (600 words)

San diego mba application admission essay examples

Throughout my life experiences, I have come to realize that to fit in the modern world, one has to be equipped in cultural dynamics, technology, and being social. So far, I credit my academic success to being social, and ready to embrace any change affecting my objectives. My zeal and passion to join San Diego for an MBA program accrues to different recommendations received from my previous and current academic background. Currently, I’m a student in Arizona University where I attained a Degree in Business Administration specializing in accounting, last year. Currently, I’m undertaking the American English and Culture Program.
The extent to which I can work collaboratively in a team was measured during the various creative projects that I have taken part. In Jubail University College, I collaborated with my team members in identifying the necessary details for a project. I also worked with different people in the Krispy Kreme/Marketing Research project in presentation of findings. I have also worked on an accounting project in the same college. These projects worked as a platform in measuring the level of my involvement in teamwork. I realized that my collaborative strengths are based on being social and diverse in matters of culture and change.
In the Krispy Kreme/ Marketing Research Project, my role involved conducting a survey and coming up with the needs and wants of customers. Coming up with the findings in this project meant being aggressive, and using every chance to obtain the information I required from the surveyed customers. Most of the research was conducted through the internet, communities, and customers to obtain information regarding their wants and needs. The challenge was approaching different people with diverse views and beliefs, and compiling such views in a 50 page report. The success in this project was achieved through being social and going transparent with my team members, as well as respondents. This enabled sharing of ideas, feedback, and views regarding the needs and wants of customers who came from different backgrounds.
Appreciating diversity has also been the strength in my collaborative success in, team work. Appreciating that team members come from different backgrounds with diverse values, views and feelings enables me to work and associate with people from different walks of life. I try to learn as much as I can from my fellow team members, and appreciate the differences in the views of team members (Power-deFur and Fred 2010, pp. 136). I also evaluate new ideas based on their merits, and withdraw or avoid remarks that may draw any negative attention from members.
An individual assessment of strengths reveals that I can effectively collaborate with team members by being appreciative to diversity in culture, values, and beliefs of my counterparts. To my awareness, success in San Diego is founded on being collaborative and team based. To achieve my MBA in this institution, I will accommodate diversity from my team members, and appreciate the differences in opinions that may arise during group work. This will allow the use of a common purpose in prioritizing team’s actions, and ensure focus on the goals and objectives of the teams.
Communication will be crucial in achieving positive results; communication will allow understanding among team members, clear any misunderstanding, and act as reinforcement in recognizing the team’s efforts. Communication will also enhance, and assist in embracing change, which takes a crucial part in accommodation and appreciation of diversity (Haneberg 2008, pp 87). I intend to pursue my MBA by being diversified in thoughts and opinions.


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Haneberg, Lisa. Developing Great Managers: 20 ” power Hour” Conversations That Build Skill Fast. Alexandria, Va: ASTD Press, 2008. Print.
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Power-deFur, Lissa A, and Fred P. Orelove. Inclusive Education: Practical Implementation of the Least Restrictive Environment. Gaithersburg, Md: Aspen Publishers, 2010. Print.
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AssignBuster. 2021. "San diego mba application admission essay examples." November 14, 2021. https://assignbuster.com/san-diego-mba-application-admission-essay-examples/.

1. AssignBuster. "San diego mba application admission essay examples." November 14, 2021. https://assignbuster.com/san-diego-mba-application-admission-essay-examples/.


AssignBuster. "San diego mba application admission essay examples." November 14, 2021. https://assignbuster.com/san-diego-mba-application-admission-essay-examples/.

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"San diego mba application admission essay examples." AssignBuster, 14 Nov. 2021, assignbuster.com/san-diego-mba-application-admission-essay-examples/.

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