Report, 5 pages (1300 words)

Sample report on terms of reference

Report on Setting up A Pizza and Pasta Restaurant in Oxford

A pizza and pasta restaurant in Oxford would thrive because of the lifestyle that the people in the city live and their expenditure patterns, which show preference for flashy foods like pizza. The report is about a company that wants to set up a pizza and pasta restaurant in Oxford. The report evaluates the nature of business in oxford and the purchasing trends among the residents in the area. The report also evaluates the realistic nature of pizza and pasta restaurant in Oxford in terms of the profitability and the market catch for a new business.
Data for the report is collected through many primary and secondary data sources. The primary sources utilized for this report include questionnaires, interviews, and a survey in Oxford. The secondary sources of data for the report include newspapers, magazines, international journals and publications, and the internet. The data aims at permitting informed decision making by the company on whether to invest in the pizza and pasta restaurant in Oxford. The information also aims at sensitizing the client on the threats that they should expect while choosing to invest in the business. It is recommended that the client invests in the pizza and pasta restaurant in Oxford because of the profitability of such a venture and the low risks involved in the investment.

Objectives of the report
Scope of the study
The study evaluates the possibility of success versus the failure chances of a pizza and pasta restaurant in Oxford. The study also analyzes the existing ventures in the business in order to determine the chances of success of a new venture.

Background Information

Pizza business in Oxford is a thriving business that develops and accumulates capital for the investors in a great way (Vaughan 29). Pizza business in the area thrives because of the lifestyles of the residents as they majorly consume the classy and flashy foods within the bracket of pizza and pasta, which the restaurant aims at setting up (Kivlehan 69). With the people living rich lifestyles in Oxford, a pizza and pasta restaurant in the area is a feasible business capable of attracting high incomes. The idea of setting up the business emanates from the high consumption of pizzas in the area, which overrides the restaurants that sell the pizzas. The report is provided on request for a study that would determine the feasibility of a pizza and pasta restaurant in Oxford.

Information Gathering Activities

Primary data sources
Primary data sources provided the first hand information on the feasibility of a pizza and pasta restaurant in Oxford. The methods applied in collection of the primary data included:


Ten residents from oxford selected were interviewed in order to determine how they prefer their pizzas to be prepared and whether they enjoyed the pizza selling in the area. The group was also interviewed on their attitude towards a new pizza and pasta restaurant being set up in Oxford.


A survey was also carried out to review the pizza consumption behaviors among the people. Through the survey, the researchers sought to analyze the practical consumption of surveys in oxford. They also aimed at determining the level of competition among the restaurants operating in pizzas and the supporting foods that these restaurants sell. Through the survey, the researchers also aimed at analyzing the attitude of the people towards new businesses in the area.

Secondary Data Sources

The internet
Newspapers and journals
The publications essentially provided the researcher with information about the trends in the pizza business in oxford. Furthermore, the publications provided information on the competition level, which will determine the entry strategy of the business.


The study exposed a number of opportunities available for investment in the pizza business. First, the people in the area have high consumption rates of pizza due to the rich lifestyles that they live and the proximity of the pizza shops (Sanson and Stoessel 44). However, people would welcome a new pizza restaurant because the existing restaurants are not sufficient for their needs. The people would also welcome a new pizza restaurant only if the restaurant sold quality pizzas to them. From the findings, most of the people love fresh pizzas in the area (Gvion and Trostler 960). As a restaurant dealing in pizzas, this is a good opportunity, as the pizzas will be consumed at the point of production or a few hours after production. Furthermore, the study highlights that most residents of the area consumed pizzas from shops that were congested and they would like a new idea in terms of a competitor or a restaurant offering the pizzas (Ward 113).
However, the research also exposed a number of threats to the development of pizza and pasta restaurant in Oxford. The consumption behavior is not stable as it lowers towards the last quarter of every month. The business will thus have to develop proper strategies to minimize the losses incurred on the low seasons. The people are also extremely selective on the pizzas that they consume. The main benchmark is the quality of pizzas produced in a business (Rivera and Amir 1049). The business must consider top class quality for the pizzas in order to capture the market effectively.
The marketing mix for pizza restaurants and their customers mainly involves the young people. The main consumers of the pizzas are young and middle-aged people hence the restaurant must consider setting up features that will attract the middle-aged people including discounts and fun activities. Most of the restaurants in Oxford are mixed businesses, which also deal in other foods especially fast foods like fries (Kalnins and Kyle 1720). The complimentary foods attract over 40% of the total consumer base for the restaurants. This means the business should consider the idea of selling other fast foods and drinks in order to attract more people to their business.
Other features that characterize the pizza business in oxford are the operational times. Most of the businesses operate throughout the week, and some operate until late hours to attract more customers and serve the market effectively.


The researchers recommend the following:
– Invest in the pizza and pasta restaurant in Oxford, as it proves highly profitable.
– Employ many people in order to serve the customers up to odd hours and even weekends.
– Serve the pizzas and sell other quick foods like fried beef, chicken, fries, and drinks.
– Locate the business in the Oxford’s central business district to attract more customers.
– Engage in community and fun events to popularize the business.


A pizza and pasta restaurant in Oxford is a viable business for the investors to venture into them. The consumption behavior of the residents permits the development of the business due to the flashy lives that the residents lead and the high gross expenditures among the people. However, the quality of the foods in the area is relatively high, and the investor must consider matching the quality in order to attract more customers.

Works Cited

Gvion, Liora, And Trostler, Naomi. ” From Spaghetti And Meatballs Through Hawaiian Pizza To Sushi: The Changing Nature Of Ethnicity In American Restaurants.” Journal of Popular Culture 41. 6 (2008): 950-974.
Vaughan, Tom. ” No Business Like Dough Business.” Caterer & Hotelkeeper 203. 4801 (2013): 26-29.
Kivlehan, Noella Pio. ” More Pizza Please!.” Estates Gazette 1329 (2013): 68-70. Business Source Complete. Web. 5 Feb. 2014.
Ward, Melanie M. ” Beat of Mississippi: dining out.(Restaurant review).” Mississippi Magazine 2013: 113. General OneFile. Web. 5 Feb. 2014.
Sanson, Michael, and Stoessel, Eric. ” The Coolest Multiconcept Companies In The Land.” Restaurant Hospitality 97. 8 (2013): 32-56.
Rivera, Manuel, and Amir Shani. ” Attitudes And Orientation Toward Vegetarian Food In The Restaurant Industryan Operator’s Perspective.” International Journal Of Contemporary Hospitality Management 25. 7 (2013): 1049.
Kalnins, Arturs, and Kyle J. Mayer. ” Franchising, Ownership, And Experience: A Study of Pizza Restaurant Survival.” Management Science 50. 12 (2004): 1716-1728.

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AssignBuster. (2021) 'Sample report on terms of reference'. 10 December.


AssignBuster. (2021, December 10). Sample report on terms of reference. Retrieved from https://assignbuster.com/sample-report-on-terms-of-reference/


AssignBuster. 2021. "Sample report on terms of reference." December 10, 2021. https://assignbuster.com/sample-report-on-terms-of-reference/.

1. AssignBuster. "Sample report on terms of reference." December 10, 2021. https://assignbuster.com/sample-report-on-terms-of-reference/.


AssignBuster. "Sample report on terms of reference." December 10, 2021. https://assignbuster.com/sample-report-on-terms-of-reference/.

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"Sample report on terms of reference." AssignBuster, 10 Dec. 2021, assignbuster.com/sample-report-on-terms-of-reference/.

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