Essay, 20 pages (5000 words)

Romeo & juliet

Romeo & Juliet Grade 10 Unit Plan 30822027 Professor: Drew Meikle LLED 314 A December 6, 2002 University of British Columbia | R&J | OBJECTIVES | ACTIVITIES | MATERIALS | EVALUATION | | Unit GR 10 | | | | | | LESSON #1 | Students: | Into to Shakespeare |-over-head | Journal scale (3) | | |-make connections btw | |-books | | | | Shakespearean times and | |-CD player | Clarity (1) | | | now | |-Renaissance music | Thoughtfulness (1) | | |-start Relationship | |-Example of “ The Kiss” by | Creativity (1) | | | Journals | | Gustav Klimt | | | LESSON #2 | Students: | Insults & |-strip of paper with insults on| Journal scale (3) | | |-make Shakespearns | Social Offenses | them | | | | language fun | |-over-heads with social | Clarity (1) | | |-talk about social | | offenses | Thoughtfulness (1) | | | offenses | |-chalk | Creativity (1 | | | | |-journals | | | LESSON #3 | Students: | Language |- hand out for students | Assignment scale (5) | | |-creatively use | Extension | | Clarity (1) | | | Shakespearean language | | | Thoughtfulness (1) | | | with their own | | | Creativity (1) | | | | | | Content (1) | | | | | | Development (1) | | LESSON #4 | Students: | Character Web Posters |-overheads | Check Mark for completing | | |-to investigate different | |-synopsis of characters | task (1) | | | characters in R & J | |-R & J movie (new) | | | |-create character webs | |-R & J text | | | | posters | |-poster boards | | | | | |-pens/magazines etc | | | LESSON #5 | Students: | Role Plays & Major |-loose leaf paper | Role Play scale (25) | | |-elaborate on character | Themes |- R & J text | Engagement (5) | | | studies | | | Thoughtfulness (5) | | |-write role plays | | | Creativity (5) | | |-act out role plays | | | Content (5) | | |- do group work | | | Clarity(5) | | LESSON #6 | Students: | Music / Theme |-CD / Tape player | Check Mark for completing | | |-bring in personal music | Day |-personal music | task of bringing in music (1)| | | that illustrate themes in | |-chalk (or) pens | | | | R & J | | | | | LESSON #7 | Students: | Types of Love |-chalk (or) pens | In Class assignment marked | | |-use text to illustrate |(Project) |-give a hand out for | out of (10) | | | different types of love | | project*(not found in this | | | |-explore love theme in | | unit plan)* | Project scale (30) | | | artistic & expressive ways| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | OBJECTIVES | ACTIVITIES | MATERIALS | EVALUATION | | R&J | | | | | | Unit GR 10 | | | | | | LESSON #8 | Students: | Reading Soliloquies |-R & J text | Check Mark for completing | | |-become more comfortable | |-R & J movies | task of reciting soliloquy | | | using their voices | |(old & new) |(1) | | |-learn about soliloquies | | | | | LESSON #9 | Students: | New Endings |-R & J text | Self Evaluation (12) | | |-talk about the ending of | |-R & J movies | | | | R & J | |(old & new) | 1) I Learned | | |-write their own endings | |-self evaluation sheet | 2) I Enjoyed | | | to the play | | | 3) Still Wondering | | | | | | 4) Most Challenging | | LESSON #10 | Students: | Attitudes / Social |-Journals | 1on1 Peer Critiques | | |-discuss / ran k social | Offenses |-R & J text | | | | offenses | |-overhead for social offenses | Final Journal (5) | | |-compare findings to | | in R & J | Clarity (1) | | | offenses in Lesson 2 | | | Thoughtfulness (1) | | | | | | Creativity (1) | | | | | | Content (1) | | | | | | Development (1) | | LESSON #11 | Students: | Types of Love |-anything students need for | Project (30) | | |-learn from peers | Presentations / | presentations | | | | presentations | Watching Movie |-VCR | Presentation (5) | | |-combine learning while | |-R & J movie (new) | Clarity (1) | | | watching | | | Thoughtfulness (1) | | | R & J movie | | | Organized (1) Content (1) | | | | | | Personal Presence (1) | | LESSON #12 | Students: | Types of Love |-anything students need for | Project (30) | | |-learn from peers | Presentations / | presentations | | | | presentations | Watching Movie |-VCR | Presentation (5) | | |-combine learning while | |-R & J movie (new) | Clarity (1) | | | watching | | | Thoughtfulness (1) | | | R & J movie | | | Organized (1) Content (1) | | | | | | Personal Presence (1) | | | Allison Hepworth Romeo & Juliet Lesson 1 Title: Introduction to Shakespeare Subject: English Grade Level: 10 Lesson Rationale: To examine Shakespeare, the time period in which he lived and the way of life, the Globe Theater and the history of the Romeo & Juliet story I. R. P.: English Language Arts 8-10 Learning Outcomes / Lesson Objectives: The student will be able to: (Engagement) — identify & explain connections between what they read, hear and view, and their personal ideas and beliefs (Personal Awareness) — explain the influences of other’s ideas and contributions to the development of their personal thoughts and feelings Real World Application: For students to understand the why and how Shakespeare’s plays were written and how plays used to be performed, and relating this story with there own lives. Materials: Overheads, picture of “ The Kiss” by Gustav Klimt, Renaissance music CD Introduction: (10 min) Have students listen to Renaissance music as they walk into class Have “ The Kiss” by Gustav Klimt up on overhead Have questions on the board -What kind of music is this? -What are the instruments being used? -What kind of painting is this? -What does Romeo & Juliet have to do with these things? Lesson: (50 min) 1) Class discussion of the music and the painting and how it related to R& J (Teacher to writes themes down on the board while discussion develops) 2) Teacher introduce — Shakespeare / Globe Theatre / Explain lifestyle in 1600’s 3) Have students write (10 min ) — Have following questions on the board -What they think will happen in R & J -What would the play look like on stage – If you were to direct the play today — what would the stade look like? – The costumes? Type of language? Where would it take place? 4) As a class — discuss thoughts and ideas generated from the students Conclusion: (15 min) 4) Teacher to explain the homework: (see Assignment) Assignment / Project: – To purchase or make a Relationship Journal – It must have: 50 pages, sturdy front and back cover – Journal to stay in classroom (unless desire to work on it at home) – Journal will not be read by teacher — but daily checks will be made to see if writing has been done — each entry to be dated – Weekly – students to choose one entry to be read by teacher 5) Must bring this journal to next class with any pictures to adorn the journal (Next class student will have time to decorate their journals) 6) Student must add their thoughts from class on the first page of journal Assessment: Journal entry will be marked out of 3 Criteria: Clarity (1) Thoughtfulness (1) Creativity (1) For next class: Every student will receive a check mark for bringing in a Journal Must show teacher that first entry has been written and dated Key Questions: Did the students engage in the discussion on music / painting? Did the students write / ask questions about Shakespearean times? Did the students extend their preconceptions of Shakespeare? Adjustments: Possibly show a documentary on Shakespearean times Seating Arrangements: Have students sit in pairs facing the front (Theatre style) Resources: Art of the 20th Century. Volume 1. Ruhrberg et al. Taschen Books. Germany. 1998. (31) Allison Hepworth Romeo & Juliet Lesson 2 Title: Attitudes / Insults Subject: English Grade Level: 10 Lesson Rationale: To examine Romeo & Juliet and the attitudes the students have towards different events in the play and relating to the language through insults I. R. P.: English Language Arts 8-10 Learning Outcomes / Lesson Objectives: The student will be able to: (Engagement) — consistently consider more than one interpretation of the communications that they red, view and listen to (Critical Analysis) — demonstrate their awareness of how the artful use of language can affect and influence others Real World Application: For students to understand the social offenses in the play and how we have the same problems today; and to use Shakespearean language in a fun way Materials: R& J text, Shakespearean insults on slips of paper, Overhead sheet Introduction: (15 min) -Give students a slip of paper when they walk into class -Have them read it and sit down at there desks -On command have them walk about the room saying their line -Have them speak the line in ‘ nice’ and ‘ mean’ tones -Once students seated again — teacher asks a few students to recite their line Lesson: (50 min) 1) Ask students to show they have brought a journal to class (first entry complete) 2) Teacher introduce — Social Offeses (Class discussion on what this means) 3) Have students write (20min ) — Have following offenses on the board Students must rank them (1 = worst, 10 = least) (Displayed on overhead) Planning to trick someone Cursing Killing someone in self-defense Suicide Killing someone for revenge Crashing a party Advising someone to marry for money Picking a fight Two families having a feud Giving the finger Marrying against parents’ wishes Selling poison Killing someone by mistake while fighting Lying to parents 4) As a class — discuss thoughts and ideas generated from the assignment -Students must be prepared to defend their answers Conclusion: (10 min) 4) Teacher to explain the homework: (see Assignment) Assignment / Project: 5) Read / Skim over Act 1 Pick a scene 1-5 to write about in Journal -Talk about the relationship(s) between the characters found -How do you think this relationship will change later on? Assessment: This entry will be marked out of 3 Criteria: Clarity (1) Thoughtfulness (1) Creativity (1) Key Questions: Did the students engage in the insult activity? Did the students see the relevance of the social offense discussion? Did the students extend their learning into their journal entry? Adjustments: Possibly show clips of insults from different Shakespeare plays Seating Arrangements: Have students sit in pairs facing the front (Theatre style) Resources: Ideas for Teaching Shakespeare (handout from seminar) www. ns2. d20. co. edu/kadets/shakespeare/shaktch. html Allison Hepworth Romeo & Juliet Lesson 3 Title: Creative Writing Subject: English Grade Level: 10 Lesson Rationale: To examine Romeo & Juliet and write relationship scenes using Shakespearean language with modern day language I. R. P.: English Language Arts 8-10 Learning Outcomes / Lesson Objectives: The student will be able to: (Engagement) — demonstrate openness to divergent language, ideas, and opinions from a variety of cultural communities as expressed by mass media and in literature (Composing & Creating) — organize their ideas, and adjust their style, form and use of language to suit specific audiences and achieve specific purposes Real World Application: For students to understand that relationships are the same in both Shakespearean times and our own Materials: R& J text, R&J cartoons, and handout for class activity Introduction: (15 min) Give students R& J cartoons Have them read it and sit down at there desks Get students to choose their favorite scene — share findings Lesson: (50 min) 1) Ask students to hand in journal (2nd entry complete — dog eared or bookmark) 2) Teacher introduce — Creative Writing Assignment / Give Act 1&2 Synopsis 3) Have students write (30min ) — Use 20 vocab words to write a scene (See Handout — next page!) Conclusion: (10 min) 4) Teacher to explain the homework: (see Assignment) Assignment / Project: 5) Each student is to type / re-write scene (to be handed in next class) -must underline the 20 vocab words -must have 10 lines of dialogue Assessment: This assignment will be marked out of 5 Criteria: Clarity (1) Thoughtfulness (1) Creativity (1) Content (1) Development (1) Key Questions: Did the students enjoy / interact with the cartoons? Did the students work on / engage in scene activity? How will these scenes compare to the family relationship in R&J? Adjustments: Seating Arrangements: Have students sit in pairs facing the front (Theatre style) Resources: www. ns2. d20. co. edu/kadets/shakespeare/shaktch. html Allison Hepworth Romeo & Juliet Lesson 4 Title: Character Analysis Subject: English Grade Level: 10 Lesson Rationale: To learn about the different characters in the play and how they all relate to each other I. R. P.: English Language Arts 8-10 Learning Outcomes / Lesson Objectives: The student will be able to: (Comprehension) — use a variety of written or graphic forms to organize ideas acquired from what they have read, heard or viewed (Composing & Creating) — apply various strategies to generate and shape ideas Real World Application: How relationships affect us all Materials: R& J text, handout list of main characters, R& J movie (new), Poster board Pens, paper, magazines Introduction: (10 min) Have students watch new R&J movie — snapshots of all characters Lesson: (40 min) 1) Ask students to hand in written/ typed scenes from last class 2) Have students get in groups of 2 or 3 3) Each group assigned an important character from the play 4) Group to make character web with character in the center 5) Each group given a poster board / pens / magazines etc. Conclusion: (25 min) 6) Students must finish character web in class — will be hung on classroom wall 7) Students must come to the front of the class to present their web Assignment / Project: Teacher to assign homework: -To read — Act II, scene ii -Write thoughts about romantic love in journal ( will not be read — just checked ) Assessment: This journal entry will get one check mark in teacher’s book Key Questions: Did the movie do the characters justice? What did you think the characters should look like? Did the students work on / engage in the web activity? Adjustments: Possibly not show the movie clip — may jade their interpretation Seating Arrangements: Have students sit in pairs facing the front (Theatre style) If in groups of three — to sit in pods Resources: www. clicknotes. com/romeo/welcome. html Allison Hepworth Romeo & Juliet Lesson 5 Title: Role-Plays Subject: English Grade Level: 10 Lesson Rationale: Write role plays that use the story frame work of R & J but written by students to encompass this centuries perspectives I. R. P.: English Language Arts 8-10 Learning Outcomes / Lesson Objectives: The student will be able to: (Engagement) — develop imaginative or creative response to share their ideas (Working Together) — demonstrate their commitment to collective goals Real World Application: Understand family / romantic relationships and their intricacies Materials: R& J text, Overhead for activity, chalk/board Introduction: (15 min) Give students Act 3 synopsis Have them read it and sit down at there desks Get students to brainstorm individually -Write in journal — different themes found in play – Love / Feuds / Death / Parenthood etc. Lesson: (60 min) 1) Teacher introduce —Role Play Assignment 2) Have students write (30min ) — Instructions on overhead -Write a scene with 2 members from “ Smith” family 2 members from “ Jones” family 1 other person / bystander / friend -Both families — well to do, respected but feuding for years -They have had 2 major brawls in the street — people killed — has to stop -It’s lunch time, it’s hot and your downtown 3) Students to write in groups of 5 — each responsible for a part in the scene 4) (30 min) Groups to present their scenes — each group has 5 min Conclusion: (10 min) 5) Teacher to explain the homework: (see Assignment) — show overhead Assignment / Project: 6) Each student is to bring in a song that deals with one of themes in the play -Student to pick one or more themes from overhead and find a personal song that corresponds (must not contain swear words — bleep them out!) -Student must bring in the song — cued and ready to play -They must explain what theme it illustrates -Explain how symbolism / rhythm / melody add to the theme Assessment: This Role Play will be marked out of 25 Each group members receive same mark out of 25 Criteria: Engagement (5) Thoughtfulness (5) Creativity (5) Content (5) Clarity(5) Key Questions: Did the students enjoy / interact with the role plays? How well did the scene’s unfold? Was it easy to write? How did these scenes compare to the family feud in R&J? Adjustments: Seating Arrangements: Have students sit in pairs facing the front (Theatre style) Have students move desks to form groups of 5 — clear space to rehearse scenes Resources: www. clicknotes. com/romeo/welcome. html www. ns2. d20. co. edu/kadets/shakespeare/shaktch. html Allison Hepworth Romeo & Juliet Lesson 6 Title: Music & Themes in R & J Subject: English Grade Level: 10 Lesson Rationale: To compare music, humanity and different themes from today’s society and media and compare it to that found in R & J I. R. P.: English Language Arts 8-10 Learning Outcomes / Lesson Objectives: The student will be able to: (Engagement) — consistently consider more than one interpretations of the communications that they read, view and listen to (Knowledge of Language) — appraise communication forms critically, using accurate terminology and a knowledge of communication rules and conventions Real World Application: Have student understand that what is talked about in Shakespeare’s plays are still valuable themes and lesson in today’s society Materials: R& J text, CD/ Tape player, personal song(s) Introduction: (5 min) Teacher to bring in clips of songs that have the words “ Romeo” or “ Juliet” in the song — or a personal song that talks about issues seen in R & J Lesson: (50 min) 1) Have students play their songs to the class 2) After each is heard — teacher to write the theme on the board 3) After all of the songs are heard — class discussion — 4) What are the major themes — what does this say about Shakespeare as a writer? Conclusion: (10 min) 4) Teacher to explain the homework: (see Assignment) Assignment / Project: 5) Each student is to read / skim over Act 4 -Write in journal — (to be handed in for marks) What would it be / feel like to be Romeo or Juliet’s parents? Assessment: Each student will get (1) check mark for sharing music with class Key Questions: Did the students enjoy music presentations & engage in discussion? What common themes were found in music presented? Why? How is it that themes in Shakespeare are in music / mass media today? Adjustments: Link music and Romeo and Juliet more — maybe play soundtrack Seating Arrangements: Have students sit in pairs facing the front (Theatre style) Resources: www. teachers. net/lessons/posts/53. html Allison Hepworth Romeo & Juliet Lesson 7 Title: Types of Love in Romeo and Juliet (Selkirk) Subject: English Grade Level: 10 Lesson Rationale: To examine the characters and relationships in terms of the kinds of love that are represented and find textual examples that illustrate them in Romeo and Juliet I. R. P.: English Language Arts 8-10 Learning Outcomes / Lesson Objectives: The student will be able to: (Engagement) — develop imaginative or creative response to share ideas (Critical Analysis) — demonstrate their awareness of how the artful use of language can affect and influence others (Personal Awareness) — demonstrate commitment to increasing their proficiency in all aspects of communications (Working Together) — demonstrate their commitment to collective goals Real World Application: For students to relate the type of love presented in Romeo and Juliet and compare it to their own lives and relationships Materials: R & J text, Relationship Journals, and loose-leaf paper Introduction: (10min) Show students Act II, scene ii (Balcony scene) Lesson: (50 min) 1) Class discussion of types of love in Romeo and Juliet found in first two acts (Teacher to write them on the board while discussion develops) -Unrequited love: Romeo for Rosaline, Paris for Juliet -Romantic Love: Romeo and Juliet -Parental Love: Lord & Lady Capulet for Juliet, Nurse for Juliet Lord & Lady Montague for Romeo -Friendship: Romeo & Benvolio, Nurse & Juliet, etc -Love of Family Honour: Tybalt, Mercutio, and Romeo 2) Assign students to small groups / pairs -Direct them to the text, ask them to find and cite examples of love in text -Review proper citation form -They will hand in their findings as a group on one sheet of paper 3) After completing task 2) each group is to share their findings with the class Conclusion: (10 min) 4) Teacher to explain what is coming up in the play, that six characters in the play will all die because of love, and how powerful love can be 5) Introduce the Assignment / Project Assignment / Project: Students have a choice of three options for a project on the types of love 1) Writing — a compare and contrast essay on two types of love, and cite the lines found in the lesson just completed above 2) Performance — in pairs, students can improvise scenes and act out different love relationships from the play or their real lives 3) Visual Arts — to create collages or mobiles separately or in pairs of different characters and the different types of love (A hand out will be given with the three options and assessment criteria) Assessment: 1) In class assignment will be marked out of 10 marks (Due next class) Each member of the pair or groups will receive the same mark Each group must write: the types of love (2 marks), the relationship involved (2 marks), the speaker of the lines presented (2 marks) and citations for each type of love with proper form (4 marks) 2) Assignment/Project (Will be marked out of 30) Engagement /5 Creativity /5 (Due 1 week after being assigned) Content /5 Clarity /5 Organization /5 Examples / Details /5 Key Questions: Did the students list, define, apply characters to different kinds of love? Did the students find solid textural evidence and cite lines accordingly? Did the students extend the information into other media (The Project)? Adjustments: Seating Arrangements: Have students sit in pairs or groups of four facing each other to do group work Have students stay in groups but to face the front when sharing ideas to the class Have students return desks to normal arrangement after class discussion Resources: www. folger. edu/education/lesson. cfm? lessonid= 50 Allison Hepworth Romeo & Juliet Lesson 8 Title: Soliloquy’s Out Loud! Subject: English Grade Level: 10 Lesson Rationale: Student voices are used theatrically to make Shakespearean soliloquies come alive. To get students more comfortable with public speaking. I. R. P.: English Language Arts 8-10 Learning Outcomes / Lesson Objectives: The student will be able to: (Presenting & Valuing) — demonstrate pride and satisfaction in using language to formulate and express persona positions (Strategies & Skills) — describe how tone and mood affect the drama of a story, play or film Real World Application: That personal thoughts are important and that every voice needs to be heard Materials: R& J text, loose-leaf paper Introduction: (15 min) Show example of Friar Lawrence’s soliloquy from 2 movies Lesson: (50 min) 1) Ask students to hand in group assignment 2) Teacher introduce —Solioquy Assignment / Give Act 4 Synopsis 3) Teacher to read / recite Juliet’s solo (Act IV, iii) talk about meaning 3) Have students (30min ) — find a soliloquy they can passionately recite! — Students to recite findings in front of class Conclusion: (10 min) 4) Teacher to explain the homework: (see Assignment) Assignment / Project: 5) Each student to read / skim over Act 5 -Write in journal — (not to be handed in — but checked) Is love worth dying for? Assessment: Each student will get a check mark for reciting soliloquy Key Questions: What are soliloquies? What is their use? How are soliloquies used in R&J? Did the students show emotion when reciting soliloquy? How affective was this lesson — did the students value it? Adjustments: Seating Arrangements: Have students sit in pairs facing the front (Theatre style) Resources: Allison Hepworth Romeo & Juliet Lesson 9 Title: The New Ending Subject: English Grade Level: 10 Lesson Rationale: Have students be creative with the existing story of R & J. Have them question different endings to stories and the important decisions made in life. I. R. P.: English Language Arts 8-10 Learning Outcomes / Lesson Objectives: The student will be able to: (Engagement) — consistently consider more than one interpretation of the communications that they read, view and listen (Improving Communication) — defend their choices of organizational and communication forms, and formulate ways to improve their own and other’s work Real World Application: Not all stories have happy endings, however life / relationships are what you make them — you choose your destiny Materials: R& J text, class notes / projects to refer to, R & J movie (old) Introduction: (15 min) Have student watch Act 5 from old version of R & J -Class Discussion – How else could this story end? Lesson: (50 min) 1) Teacher introduce — Re-Writing Ending Assignment 2) Have students brainstorm (30min) -characters involved / setting / conclusion / dramatic effects etc. 3) Students to start using brainstorming to form an expository essay Conclusion: (10 min) 4) Teacher to explain the homework: (see Assignment) Assignment / Project: 5) Each student is to type new ending ( Due in two days) -Change the whole of Act 5 only -Write (1 page) ending – As if telling a friend about the story -Use expository writing (Review what expository writing is) Assessment: The New Endings will be marked out of 12 Students to fill out a self-evaluation sheet to hand back to teacher Each box must have 2 items or more of content | I LEARNED | I ENJOYED | | STILL WONDERING | MOST CHALLENGING | Key Questions: Did the students work on / engage in writing activity? How will these endings alter the focus of R&J? Do you think that this play should stay a tragedy or not? Adjustments: Assessment may not be fitting for this activity? Seating Arrangements: Have students sit in pairs facing the front (Theatre style) Resources: www. ns2. d20. co. edu/kadets/shakespeare/shaktch. html Allison Hepworth Romeo & Juliet Lesson 10 Title: Re-Visiting Social Offenses Subject: English Grade Level: 10 Lesson Rationale: Have students look back to Lesson 2 see how there opinions of social offenses have/ have not changed after reading R & J. I. R. P.: English Language Arts 8-10 Learning Outcomes / Lesson Objectives: The student will be able to: (Engagement) — consistently consider more than one interpretation of the communication that they read, view and listen to (Knowledge of Language) — monitor their own and others’ communications for correctness, recognizing the use of powerful misspellings or mispronunciations for stylistic effect Real World Application: How have social offenses affected you? Materials: R& J text, overhead for class activity, journals Introduction: (10 min) Have students write in journals —(Not to be handed in) -What is the best thing & worst thing someone has ever done (for / to) you Lesson: (50 min) 1) Ask students to pick one journal entry for teacher to mark (bookmark it) – (Marked out of 5) must be handed in before leaving class 2) Have students rank social offenses in R & J (1= worst, 10= best) Friar Laurence planned a trick Juliet lied to her parents Romeo killed Tybalt Nurse advised Juliet to marry Paris Capulets and Montagues feud Apothecary sold poison Tybalt killed Mercutio Mercutio cursed both families Romeo killed Paris Juliet killed herself Romeo crashed Capulet’s party Romeo and Juliet married against their parent’s wishes Sampson bit his thumb at Abraham Tybalt picked a fight with Rome 3) Have a few students share their answers with the class 4) Have a class discussion — look back to Lesson 2. Has your attitude changed? 5) Give students time to work on: -New Ending essays (or) -Types of Love project 6) Both assignments are due for next class 7) Students to share with a partner — critique / help peer with writing Conclusion: (10 min) 8) Teacher to explain the homework: (see Assignment) Assignment / Project: -Each student is to type / re-write — New Endings essay -Have Types of Love project complete – ready to present next class Assessment: 1) Final Journal entry will be marked out of 5 Criteria: Clarity (1) Thoughtfulness (1) Creativity (1) Content (1) Development (1) Key Questions: Did the students work on / engage in social offenses activity? How have students perceptions of offenses changed / not changed? How have the students maintained, worked on journals — effectively? Adjustments: Seating Arrangements: Have students sit in pairs facing the front (Theatre style) Teacher will pair students with new partners to critique works in progress Resources: www. ns2. d20. co. edu/kadets/shakespeare/shaktch. html Allison Hepworth Romeo & Juliet Lesson 11 Title: Presentations / Movie Subject: English Grade Level: 10 Lesson Rationale: Have student present their Types of Love project to their peers. To show them the first half of the new R & J movie version I. R. P.: English Language Arts 8-10 Learning Outcomes / Lesson Objectives: The student will be able to: (Comprehension) — interpret details and draw conclusion about the information presented in a variety of illustrations, maps, charts, graphs, and other graphic forms (Presenting & Valuing) — demonstrate pride and satisfaction in using language to formulate and express personal positions Real World Application: To have practice speaking and presenting in front of peers, adults and teachers Materials: VCR, R & J (new movie), anything students need for presentations Introduction: (5 min) Have students hand in their New Ending Essays Lesson: (30 min) 1)Have students present their Types of Love Projects (2 minutes each) Conclusion: (40 min) 2)Watch the first half of Romeo & Juliet movie Assignment / Project: Assessment: 1) Assignment/Project (Will be marked out of 30) Engagement /5 Creativity /5 Content /5 Clarity /5 Organization /5 Examples / Details /5 The presentation itself will be marked out of 5 Criteria: Clarity (1) Thoughtfulness (1) Organized (1) Content (1) Personal Presence (1) Key Questions: How well did the students present their projects? Did the students learn from their peers projects? What strengths were shown in the presentations today? Adjustments: Maybe have peer evaluations for presentations? Seating Arrangements: Have students sit in pairs facing the front (Theatre style) Resources: Romeo and Juliet. By Baz Luhrmann. (USA) 1996 Allison Hepworth Romeo & Juliet Lesson 12 Title: Presentations / Movie cont… Subject: English Grade Level: 10 Lesson Rationale: Have student present their Types of Love project to their peers. To show them the second half of the new R & J movie version I. R. P.: English Language Arts 8-10 Learning Outcomes / Lesson Objectives: The student will be able to: (Comprehension) — interpret details and draw conclusion about the information presented in a variety of illustrations, maps, charts, graphs, and other graphic forms (Presenting & Valuing) — demonstrate pride and satisfaction in using language to formulate and express personal positions Real World Application: To have practice speaking and presenting in front of peers, adults and teachers Materials: VCR, R & J (new movie), anything students need for presentations Introduction: (5 min) Teacher to hand back journals / New Endings Essays to students Lesson: (30 min) 1)Have students present their Types of Love Projects (2 minutes each) Conclusion: (40 min) 2)Watch the second half of Romeo & Juliet movie Assignment / Project: Assessment: 1) Assignment/Project (Will be marked out of 30) Engagement /5 Creativity /5 Content /5 Clarity /5 Organization /5 Examples / Details /5 The presentation itself will be marked out of 5 Criteria: Clarity (1) Thoughtfulness (1) Organized (1) Content (1) Personal Presence (1) Key Questions: How well did the students present their projects? Did the students learn from their peers projects? What strengths were shown in the presentations today? Adjustments: Maybe have peer evaluations for presentations? Seating Arrangements: Have students sit in pairs facing the front (Theatre style) Resources: Romeo and Juliet. By Baz Luhrmann. (USA) 1996

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AssignBuster. 2021. "Romeo & juliet." November 14, 2021. https://assignbuster.com/romeo-juliet/.

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AssignBuster. "Romeo & juliet." November 14, 2021. https://assignbuster.com/romeo-juliet/.

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"Romeo & juliet." AssignBuster, 14 Nov. 2021, assignbuster.com/romeo-juliet/.

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