Personal Essay, 4 pages (850 words)

Results of dressing style: a true revelation of the personality

Paper Prewriting Results of Dressing Style: A True Revelation of the Personality Introduction The idea of good dressing is quite prevalent in humans and this essay is being written in order to highlight and clarify the importance of professional dressing in the corporate world (Costello pp. 154). The leaders have a profound likeness for those professionals and students who have a habit of maintaining good to excellent outlook to say the least. The professional suiting includes a jacket with a necktie and well pressed pants. In general, professionals of corporate world like to wear dark colored suits and most common themes include black and dark gray. The most commonly wore shirts are of white, cream and sometimes black color. The width and length of the neckties vary according to the timing of the event such as in an evening party males are known to wear slim ties while in morning and office parties they like to sport broader and more elegantly designed ones. The colors of suits and shirts remain dark and light in both sorts of events respectively. The men dressed in black look like federal agents whereas their edged heal shoes create the environment of dignity and respect. In addition their perfumes are of mild nature and grab just enough attention of females so that they gaze back and take a look at gorgeous men walking the corridors to participate in the party. Furthermore the professional dresses in corporate parties are made out of silk and therefore they convey soft personalities of their wearers (Downey, Freitas and Michaelis pp 548). The professional dressing is my weakness and people admire me for this because it helps in becoming prominent in the public gathering. Moreover I have observed females to grow very fond of me but only in short term because my rudeness and unwelcoming behavior drive them away very quickly and rapidly. However in professional circle I am bound to be noted and with the help of that I have developed and maintained quite a few productive relations with powerful women and men (Lyubomirsky, King and Dienerpp. 805). Nevertheless good outlook helps me in managing my health as I had to clean myself regularly in order to avoid any unpleasant situation due to underlying dirt and humidity that has the power and influence of destroying whole dressing experience. The professionally dressed individuals are famous for gathering support from the society as people of all societies have a habit of evaluating the outlook of a person before giving him the chance of representing his thoughts and internal talent (Machin pp. 336). Thus in the light of above argument it can be established that good dressing is a tool for grabbing attention both in professional and personal life. The marriages involving both well dressers are anticipated to last longer because husband and wife both manage to keep each other interested while prolonging their relationships (Downey, Freitas and Michaelis). General public on the other hand wants to develop into an acquaintance with well dressed man because he may be a wealthy or powerful individual and therefore it is considered fortunate to have these kinds of friends who have the ability of doing something about one’s trouble. Nonetheless in a long run prospective humans have been notorious for using dresses as a means of disguising people whereas politicians are identified as leaders in this regard. In more than one occasions political leadership has managed to pull the elections off with the help of well dressed and vocal representatives. Yet in corporate arena need to dress well is a necessity because one can pass the initial outlook test with flying colors and it will therefore become very easy to communicate the ideas and concepts in a friendly environment. Conversely good dressing and outlook will not help in gaining an advantage if one does not have a real talent that can be useful in the corporate world and due to this reason I have always focused on my professional capabilities before paying attentions towards my outward look. I believe that a filthily dressed genius will do much better than a well dressed fool because at the end of the day talent, skill and ability stand alone and well and proper dressing sense is just a tool of highlighting one’s internal and intrinsic talent and competitive advantage. Conclusion The corporate trainees are trained to adopt professional dressing and I am thankful to my teachers and institution that engraved likeness and dedication towards professional outfit within my psychological profile. I am reaping the early fruits of my love for corporate uniforms in the form of increased attention from corporate leaders and top guns. References Downey, G, Freitas, A and Michaelis. B. ” The Self-Fulfilling Prophecy in Close Relationships: Rejection Sensitivity and Rejection by Romantic Partners.” Journal of Personality and Social Psychology 25, 2 (1998): 545-560 Online. Lyubomirsky, S, King, L and Diener, E. ” The Benefits of Frequent Positive Affect: Does Happiness Lead to Success?” Psychological Bulletin 131, 6 (2005): 803– 855 Online. Machin, D. ” Building the world’s visual language: the increasing global importance of image banks in corporate media.” Visual Communication 3, 3 (2004): 316-336 Online. Myers, J. ” Fancy Dress: Concealment and Ideology in South Africa .” Transformation 30, 1 (1996): 30-46 Online.

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AssignBuster. 2021. "Results of dressing style: a true revelation of the personality." November 17, 2021. https://assignbuster.com/results-of-dressing-style-a-true-revelation-of-the-personality/.

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"Results of dressing style: a true revelation of the personality." AssignBuster, 17 Nov. 2021, assignbuster.com/results-of-dressing-style-a-true-revelation-of-the-personality/.

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