Research Paper, 4 pages (900 words)

Research paper on strategic planning

Vemma Nutrition Company

Most firms are often set up with the main aim of profit realization. However, in the contemporary business world, it is becoming increasingly important for firms to integrate corporate social responsibility and ethical responsibility into their strategic planning. This is because modern day customers are becoming increasingly concerned about the impact of business operations on their daily lives. People care to know whether a business is giving back to the society through corporate social responsibility and is upholding ethical standards in its operations. Vemma Nutrition Company is a family-owned and managed business that aims at meeting the nutritional needs of the people living in the society. Just like for any other company, its success significantly determined by the ability of its management team to incorporate corporate social responsibility and ethical responsibility in its strategic plan.

Vemma Nutritional Company aims to expand its business across the globe. It blends some of the best aspects of direct sales based upon the experience of its founders in the industry. Such experience has been accumulated over the years. This entails using the power of networking by providing its customers with opportunities to become sales agents for the company. The Company believes that a satisfied customer is the best marketing agent for its product because he or she has a real-life experience with the results of the product. Its networking marketing strategy involves establishing contact and relationships with existing customers who in turn share information about its products with potential customers. People who are willing to act as sales agents are able to convert such information into sales revenue for the Company. By so doing, they earn income thus attaining financial soundness. Therefore, the strategic plan of the Company involves expanding its customer base by integrating the customers of the Company into the marketing and selling of the products. In addition, the culture of corporate social responsibility and ethical responsibility is also upheld to ensure good image of the Company in the eyes of the people in the society.

Corporate social responsibility

Vemma Nutrition Company conducts its business in a social set up. The employees, suppliers and customers of the business are all part of the general society. It is therefore essential for the management of the Company to realize the importance of acknowledging the fact that without society, there would be no business. As a result, the Company derives its business from the existence of society. This is the canon behind corporate social responsibility; that companies have to give back to the society for making business for them. There are several ways through which the Company may contribute to improving of the general welfare of members in the society.
The Company engages in benevolent activities to better the lives of many children. In order to fulfill this essential value, Vemma has initiated charitable projects that are meant to directly and significantly improve on the health and general wellbeing of the children they assist. In order to achieve this, Vemma partners with committed nonprofit organizations to ensure the good health of all children around the globe. This commitment is inspired by the urge to contribute positively towards the lives of children. By aiding communities to meet the proper nutritional needs of their children, the quality of life for the children is greatly improved. This has a long term effect on the health and development of the children. In addition, this safeguards the future generation of the community.

Ethical responsibility

It is the moral obligation of the Company to conduct business in a way that is socially acceptable by the people. The society often values certain codes of conduct that any business ought to adhere to in order to maintain a good image in the eye of the people. In other words, ethical responsibility requires that the Company conducts its activities in a manner that is acceptable to the society that it does business. The company has adopted a networking marketing strategy that incorporates members of the society. It cultivates long term mutually beneficial relationships with its affiliates that are intended to simultaneously improve their health and financial needs. The Company provides an opening for customers to supplement on the quality of their lives by making use of Vemma products.
The Company also offers equal access to financial empowerment opportunities for any Vemma Brand Partner who is committed to work properly within the program. The Vemma opportunity is free for all people of majority age, in spite of their gender, nationality, race, political affiliations, or religious beliefs. In order to uphold the integrity of its programs, the Company ensures strict compliance with regional, national and local laws and regulations.


In summation, the success of the Company is as a result of good strategic planning, corporate social responsibility and ethical assertiveness. However, the concerns of the society continue to change over time and this affects various aspects of the business. The management of the Company needs to be aware about the complexity and dynamics of the contemporary business world. Most importantly, the interest of people in the society should be highly considered. This will ensure continued growth and profitability for the Company.


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"Research paper on strategic planning." AssignBuster, 1 Apr. 2022, assignbuster.com/research-paper-on-strategic-planning/.

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