Research Paper, 3 pages (800 words)

Recruitment and selection os a sales and marketing manager

Company has around 15 Vacancies at any given time and 80% of new hires are leaving within probation period. Further he has recruited a former owner of a catering service in UK as the “ Sales and Marketing Manager” of ABC Biscuit Company promising that Mr. Benjamin will bring at least 10 new foreign customers within the first 6 months, and Mr. Benjamin has not introduced any of customers to the company he has only given total cost of exceeding Rs. 250, 000/= per month to the company. Possible alternatives were given like Do Post Mortems, Help the problematic employee to get back on track, Offer an internal transfer and Termination etc.

This project report discusses the importance of good recruitment at technical and managerial levels and the implications that are encountered as a result of ad hoc recruitment processes. Recruitment is aresponsibilityof every manager in the Organization. The Project report is divided into five sections namely: Problem Identification; Right number of people at right jobs at right times; Handling Mr. Benjamin’s situation; Conclusion; Recommended Recruitment and Selection Procedure for ABC Biscuit Company. 2. Problem Identification Managing people is a definite challenge both at strategic or even organizational levels.

Thus, human resources are well managed and developed in alignment with the organizationalgoalsand strategies. It has been observed that for any organization to achieve its stated objectives and goals there is the need for management to put in place policies or strategies that will help attract the best of employees to strive towards the achievement of organizational objectives. It has also been observed that the performance output of employees of ABC Biscuit Company is of prime concern to management of ABC Biscuit Company as it affects pproduactivity and the development of the company.

Following are some major issues that have been found in ABC Biscuit Company; 2. 1 Poor HR Planning and Management An incompetent and poorly functioning human resources department reflects the overall state of affairs of an organization and its possible uncompetitive position in the marketplace. According to ABC Biscuit Companycase study, company has around 15 vacancies at any given time which proof that company has bad HR planning. Bad HR planning ensures that the HR assets of the organization are not aligned to organizational goals and objectives. . 2 High turn over It has also been observed that the performance output of employees of ABC Biscuit Company is of prime concern to management of ABC Biscuit Company as it affects pproduactivity and the development of the bank. Importantly, some of the new employees who are not able to improve and adjust to their new workingenvironmentresign within first 6 months of their job leading to employee turnover of 80% and this affects the organization in terms of cost and pproduactivity. 2. 3Financemanager handling all recruitments

Not having a proper Human Resource Management is a disaster for any company. As we can see from ABC Biscuit Company, Higher Management has appointed Finance Manager (Mr. De Silva) to handle all recruitment of the company which is a wrong decision. When Finance manager perform multiple roles, according to case study give Mr. De Silva has to handle all recruitment apart from finance management, HR processes unlikely to become a priority unless a crisis occurs. Most of the employees whom he has recruited were his relatives and once who are known to him.

Clearly we can understand that Mr. De Silva has lack of Human Resource Management knowledge. Without having a proper sound recruitment and selection procedure, he has simply recruited relatives and friends for his own personal benefits. 2. 4 Poor recruitment As a consequence of appointing Finance manager to handle all recruitments, Mr. De Silva has recruited Mr. Benjamin, former owner of a Catering Service in UK as the Sales and Marketing Manager of ABC Biscuit Company. This wrong decision has led to a massive issue for the company.

There is no hiring strategy in ABC Biscuit Company, without a hiring strategy we unconsciously gravitate to hiring people who share ourpersonalitytraits, which can lead to clash of personality and a division of expectations. 3. Right number of people at right jobs at right times Selecting the right person for the job has never been more important than it is today. Hiring the right people for the right positions at the right time is a key ingredient in creating a successful company. This is not easy to do, and most companies falter in this area.

In order to ensure ABC Biscuit Company place right number of people at right jobs at right times following can be taken it to action; 3. 1 Build and nurture relationships with every business unit Managers and executives of ABC Biscuit Company need to be connected to other business units and departments so they know when activities in those areas of the business are likely to create products.

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AssignBuster. (2021) 'Recruitment and selection os a sales and marketing manager'. 17 November.


AssignBuster. (2021, November 17). Recruitment and selection os a sales and marketing manager. Retrieved from https://assignbuster.com/recruitment-and-selection-os-a-sales-and-marketing-manager/


AssignBuster. 2021. "Recruitment and selection os a sales and marketing manager." November 17, 2021. https://assignbuster.com/recruitment-and-selection-os-a-sales-and-marketing-manager/.

1. AssignBuster. "Recruitment and selection os a sales and marketing manager." November 17, 2021. https://assignbuster.com/recruitment-and-selection-os-a-sales-and-marketing-manager/.


AssignBuster. "Recruitment and selection os a sales and marketing manager." November 17, 2021. https://assignbuster.com/recruitment-and-selection-os-a-sales-and-marketing-manager/.

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"Recruitment and selection os a sales and marketing manager." AssignBuster, 17 Nov. 2021, assignbuster.com/recruitment-and-selection-os-a-sales-and-marketing-manager/.

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