Essay, 4 pages (950 words)

Question set 4

Question set 4 Topic Transformational Leadership: Bass’ Factors Transformational leadership focuses on improving the performance of each of the followers. It increases the level of awareness among the sub-ordinates regarding outcomes. It inspires the followers to put organizational interest ahead of individual interests. Such leadership encourages the team members to operate a higher level. Transformational leaders view the followers as humans rather than just followers or sub-ordinates. According to Bass and his other colleagues the key transformational leadership factors are: a. Charisma: Charismatic leaders are very strong role models. They high ethical standards. They are usually known to do the right thing when conflicted with ethical and moral choices. b. Inspirational: Such leaders push the followers to go that bit extra. They encourage the team members to go that it extra for the sake of the team than they would have tried to achieve their own self interests. c. Intellectual stimulation: Such leaders encourage the followers to be innovative and creative. d. Individual consideration: Transformational leaders look to take great care of the followers. They turn out to be very good listeners. They listen to the follower’s needs and help them toward the path of self actualization. Example of Transformational Leadership A very famous example of transformational leadership would be Sam Walton, the founder of the retail giant Walmart. He quite often visits the Walmart shops around the country to understand the needs or the problems of the employees. He also appreciates what they are doing for the business. Such instances are bound to increase the morale of the workforce. Difference between Transactional and Transformational Leaders In transactional leadership there is no individualization of the needs of the followers. There is very little focus on individual development. As discussed before the exact opposite happens in case of transformational leadership (Bass and Riggio, 2012). Topic -2 Role of Leadership The success or failure of a team depends so much on the leader of the pack. A leader is likely to play the following roles in a team: Setting specific, measurable, realistic, achievable goals; training and mentoring team members to improve their interpersonal skills; building an atmosphere of trust and support; managing conflicts if requires; enhancing team commitment; communicating external and internal information and most importantly the ability to lead from the front. The failure or success of a team depends upon whether a leader is able to do above things right or not. Example A perfect example of a great leader would most certainly be Mr. Ratan Tata, ex chairman of the Tata group. Some of the great qualities of his: a visionary, strategist, initiator, risk taker, an effective communicator and a man of integrity and honesty. Topic-3 Part – A Elements leading to Giuliani’s miraculous transformation After analyzing the case study of Sir, Rudolph Giuliani it can be summed up as a classic case of transformational leadership that lead to such a dramatic success. When Giuliani became the mayor he declared war against evil. He started to lock down the criminals behind bar. Initially it turned out to be success but then things started to go wrong. He tried to rule with an iron fist. He made a very fundamental mistake as a leader; he had a mindset that whatever he is doing is going to be the best for the people of Newark. We all have learnt about the care and kick theory. His leadership had a lot kick but had very little care. His campaigns against the street vendors were a classic example of that. As days grew so did his critics. His personal life also saw turmoil as he had to divorce his wife. But then things changed as he started to show respect, love and care for others. He started to understand the needs of the others. When he ran through the smoke fields with a gas mask on and told the young lady that it is going to be fine, people saw care in him. He was a perfect leader as was a combination of tough and soft. He showed toughness when he had to and was tender when he needed to be. Even his critics had nothing but praise for him. The way he dealt the 9/11 attack was nothing short of sensation. al. Giuliani’s drastic change is nothing but an example of transformational leadership. Lessons for companies with negative public reputation There is a lot to learn from this case study especially for companies with negative public relations. The most important thing would be find out the reason for the dislike and the best way to do so is to listen and understand and act accordingly. Part – B Significant Mistakes made by Chuck MacKinnon The most fundamental mistake made by Chuck MacKinnon tries to induce organizational change in a hurry. Before making the change the objective of the change must have been communicated properly. His ideas were right. But there were certain problems in the execution. Right Decisions taken by Chuck MacKinnon As mentioned before he had all the right ideas. When he sent the group members in courses it resulted in great success. It reduced the friction and increased the level of communication among the group members. Also appointing a team building instructor was a great idea by him. The Take away The take away of this case study would that organizational change is a long drawn process. Hence it should be executed in a step by step fashion. The members must be communicated about the need and objective of the change to reduce the friction against change. It also shows the importance of communication as a leader. Reference Bass, B. M. and Riggio, R. E. (2012). Transformational Leadership. US: Psychology Press.

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