Research Paper, 4 pages (950 words)

Project management software research project research papers example

Project management software has the ability to help in the management of resource pools, help in planning, help in the organization and develop resource estimates. Relying on the refinement of the product, it can oversee planning and estimation, collaboration software, scheduling, expense control and budget management, resource allocation, decision-making, communication quality management and documentation. Today, various PC & program based project management software subsist and they are discovering their path into practically every kind of business. Therefore, this paper will examine SAS (Statistical Analysis System) as useful project management software for QPM Company. This paper will also provide a brief description of the company and the reasons why this company requires this software. The software is important for QPM. It will enable the company perform graphics and presentation, undertake econometrics and time series analysis, undertake basic procedures and data management, perform quality control, undertake clinical trial analysis for their projects, and lastly ensure that all the applications facilities are working(Ferreira, 2011).
QPM gives unrivaled infrastructure and real estate project management services that sustain world class standards in the business. QPM’s international proficiency is grounded in a full scope of expert venture administration administrations including achievability studies, program improvement and administration, claim administration and determination, undertaking control, wellbeing and security administration, cost administration, and natural administration. The organization additionally has practical experience in the field of danger administration. QPM’s operations guarantee user’s effectiveness and supreme accuracy for common foundation, business, recreation, land, and private activities inside the advancing worldwide commercial center. QPM is at present overseeing super ventures in different areas as far and wide as possible while developing potential markets and assuming a basic part in the advancement of worldwide groups. QPM is as of now putting resources into condition of-the-craftsmanship venture administration advances that bring the task to life by articulating issue zones, maintaining a strategic distance from development conflicts, and decreasing costs. QPM’s innovations are upgraded by a worldwide group who has worldwide involvement with super undertakings (Marasinghe & Kennedy, 2008).
Statistical Analysis System (SAS) is a product suite created by SAS Institute for cutting advanced analytics, business knowledge, predictive analytics and data management. SAS programming’s undertaking administration and asset booking abilities offer many adaptabilities to oversee, organize, and track venture and asset plans through a solitary coordinated framework. Venture administration is accomplished through administration of timetables, asset necessities, asset availabilities, and logbooks. Each of these undertaking characterizing segments is spoken to in SAS information set. The information sets can be examined and utilized by different methods to timetable the task and cover plans, asset accessibility, and asset use. SAS is a product suite that can mine, adjust, oversee and recover information from a mixture of sources and perform statistical dissection on it. SAS gives a graphical point-and-click client interface for non-specialized clients and more progressive alternatives through the SAS programming dialect. SAS projects have a DATA step, which recovers and controls information, typically making SAS information set, and a PROC step, which investigates the information.
Each stage comprises of a series of commands. The DATA step has executable explanations that bring about the product making a move, and decisive articulations that give directions to peruse information set or change the information’s appearance. The DATA step has two stages, accumulation and execution. In the accumulation stage, decisive explanations are handled and language structure mistakes are distinguished. Thereafter, the execution stage forms every executable explanation consecutively. Information sets are composed into tables with segments called “ variables” and lines called “ observations.” Also, each one bit of information has a descriptor and a worth.
The PROC step comprises of PROC explanations that call upon named systems. Methodology performs investigation and covering information sets to create details, examines and design. There are more than 300 techniques, and every one contains a generous assortment of programming and factual work. PROC proclamations can likewise show results, sort information or perform different operations. SAS Macros are bits of variables or code that are coded once and referenced to complete redundant undertakings. SAS information can be distributed in HTML, Excel, PDF, and different formats utilizing the Output Delivery System, which was initially presented in 2007. The SAS Enterprise Guide is SAS’ point-and-click user interface. The SAS Enterprise Guide creates code to control information or perform dissection naturally and does not oblige SAS programming background to utilize. Additionally, the SAS software comprises of more than two hundred components. However, some of the relevant components for QPM include; SAS/GRAPH – Graphics and presentation, SAS/ETS – Econometrics and Time Series Analysis, Base SAS – Basic procedures and data management, SAS/QC – Quality control, SAS/PH – Clinical trial analysis, and SAS/AF – Applications facility(Marasinghe & Kennedy, 2008).
In conclusion, the process of managing projects and getting all the projects done on the proposed budget and on time is not easy. However, this software allows QPM integrate all the project management platforms with all other programs. In any circumstance that the users want to integrate word processing documents, spreadsheets and emails with their work, the software makes this possible. Additionally, this software allows mobility. This is whereby is does have a mobile platform where some of its components can work on mobile operating systems. Notably, this will enable the company employees, and the clients access their projects through a mobile device. This will enable the employees and the clients report on the project and update the projects using a mobile device. The software meets all the requirements of the company making is very crucial (Ferreira, 2011).


Ferreira, D. F. (2011). Sisvar: a computer statistical analysis system. Ciência e Agrotecnologia, 35(6), 1039-1042.
Marasinghe, M. G., & Kennedy, W. J. (2008). SAS for data analysis: Intermediate statisticalmethods ; with 100 SAS programs. (SAS for Data Analysis.) New York, NY: Springer.
Schlotzhauer, S. D., & Littell, R. C. (2005). SAS system for elementary statistical analysis. Cary, NC: SAS Press.

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"Project management software research project research papers example." AssignBuster, 14 Nov. 2021, assignbuster.com/project-management-software-research-project-research-papers-example/.

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