Evaluation Essay, 3 pages (700 words)

Program planning and evaluation essay sample

The purpose of this program is to help the population we serve become more aware of domestic abuse in the communities. The program will help develop a joint understanding of what constitutes of abuse and why it is important to get help that is affecting each individual in the home and outside of the home. The program is intended to assist in developing and spreading awareness; however it is not intended to serve as a complete resource to aid a person back to normal living without the help of the individual that is involved in the crisis.

Program Planning
Program planning is an organized process through which a set of coordinated activities of interventions is developed to address and facilitate change in some or all of the identified problems (Yuen and Terao, 2003).

Program Evaluation
Program evaluation provides useful information for improving the programs and the service delivery system (Yuen and Terao, 2003). Methods used to help evaluate the program as things such as literature survey and documentary study (Yuen and Terao, 2003) Program Planning v. Program Evaluation

Both are steps in the larger process of program development. In the beginning program evaluation develops from a measurable realistic, achievable, and time-defined plan (SMART), which typical can appropriate learning experiences geared towards a particular audience under conditions such as research and practice that result in specific outcomes. The effective evaluation process and results can make sense depending on its deliberate plan. For program planning, use a logic model from right to left, starting with outcomes and moving toward inputs and so on (Yuen and Terao, 2003). For program evaluation use the logic model from left to right starting at inputs, moving towards outcomes, and then outputs (Yuen and Terao, 2003).

Chosen Scenario (PEACE Domestic Violence Agency)
The organization plans to reduce the violence within the community and will revisit its program by planning and evaluating the program’s needs to be successful at doing so. Within the planning the program has looked at several ways to get additional funds. The will start by promoting the well-being of young men, women and children that are affected by the violence in the community. In doing this they have planned to help families improved their quality of life in and out of prison with a provision service. Within the organization the program has developed a rehab program that helps with skills, confidence, and personal support which will help fulfil one with a successful life style.

Technical and Political Aspects
In human service the technology that is used involved the service delivery model. Within this model information is translated from input, output, and outcomes. The issues that I may be encountered in within the scenario I choose would be people not come forward admitting the abuse because they are afraid of what may happen to them. The program would also experience domestic abuse trying to remove those who are affected by the program.

The political aspect of the program is that because this is a family program the organization may have more legislators that will support what we do and will represent what we stand for by helping the organization get government funding to continue spreading awareness to young men, women and children in target populations of America.


The program is designed to help young men, women, and children understand that they are human being and no matter how much they have been repeatedly abuse they are still human and deserve better. The program will help each individual feel as if they can trust without being afraid of the situation because they have lost their dignity in their life. Being in the program helps to rebuild and restructure their life so that each individual will gain the confidence in what is required of them to live in society. The program helps them get back into the work environment giving them a new start helping them to understand the choices they made are clearly just a mistake and they too deserve better. Each individual will commitment to helping someone else who is in the same situation to give back to society as a positive impact of leadership.


Yuen, F. & Terao, K. (2003). Practical grant writing & program evaluation

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AssignBuster. 2021. "Program planning and evaluation essay sample." November 14, 2021. https://assignbuster.com/program-planning-and-evaluation-essay-sample/.

1. AssignBuster. "Program planning and evaluation essay sample." November 14, 2021. https://assignbuster.com/program-planning-and-evaluation-essay-sample/.


AssignBuster. "Program planning and evaluation essay sample." November 14, 2021. https://assignbuster.com/program-planning-and-evaluation-essay-sample/.

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"Program planning and evaluation essay sample." AssignBuster, 14 Nov. 2021, assignbuster.com/program-planning-and-evaluation-essay-sample/.

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