Personal Essay, 2 pages (500 words)

Pre optometry

Pre Optometry My decision for becoming an Optometrist has been inspired by my interest in Optometry and my desire to help people with eyes problems. Since my childhood, I have always dreamt of examining eyes and other parts of the visual system and therefore becoming an Optometrist is like a dream come true for me. I was also inspired by cousins career at a local hospital where she worked as a pediatrician, and I have always respected her job as it gave her position to selflessly help the community. I have always desired this kind of primary care, and this has been my inspiration behind being an Optometrist. This is because Optometry would provide me with an opportunity of being part of a community and to interact with other people as I offer them services. In the preparation for training in this profession, I engaged myself in different activities. For example, I was a member of the Phi Theta Kappa- International Honor Society of the Two-Year College —05/13/2012. My participation here provided me with the opportunity for the development of leadership and service, and this stimulated my interest to become an Optometrist in order to exercise the leadership and services skills obtain from my participation.
I have several qualities and experiences in Optometry. I have a 2-year experience in the Optometrist field which has increased my aptitude and motivation. I practiced at Steven Lowinger EyeCare, where I worked with three optometrists who graduated from NOVA, with two of them having more than 10 years experience in the field. This made me learn a lot and acquire a lot of knowledge in the field. I am also part of the VOSH Southeast Organization team that went to Chiapas, Mexico to provide eye treatment to over 2000 people in the region on July 2014. The eye exams we did for free increased my skills and knowledge on eye and visual examination services. My previous achievements have also motivated me into the Optometrist field. For example, I received a gold medal from The President” s Volunteer Service Award (Gold Level) on 07/09/2013 for achieving over the required number of hours in service over a period of 12 months. This quite inspired me to become an optometrist in order to be of service to people with eye problems.
My future career goals is to offer eye examination services to different people from different locations, and this is after I graduate as an Optometrist. I would also like to provide lectures to other Optometrist students and help them acquire the necessary knowledge and skills. I would also like to operate an Optometric Clinic in the future. I am always happy seeing clients develop in life following eye examination and care and I would want to know that I am truly improving the standard of living of patients and maintaining a relationship with them, and this will be through operating an Optometry clinic. I hope that the Optometry clinic will enable me provide eye care to the deserving and underserved communities.

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AssignBuster. 2022. "Pre optometry." October 11, 2022. https://assignbuster.com/pre-optometry/.

1. AssignBuster. "Pre optometry." October 11, 2022. https://assignbuster.com/pre-optometry/.


AssignBuster. "Pre optometry." October 11, 2022. https://assignbuster.com/pre-optometry/.

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"Pre optometry." AssignBuster, 11 Oct. 2022, assignbuster.com/pre-optometry/.

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