Essay, 23 pages (6000 words)

Pre-marital sex

Pre-Marital Sex INTRODUCTION Pre-marital sex is sexual activity practiced by persons who are unmarried. Historically considered taboo by many cultures and considered a sin by numerous religions, it has become more commonly accepted in the last few decades. Until the 1950s, the term ” pre-marital sex” referred to sexual relations between two people prior to marrying each other.  During that period, Western societies expected that men and women marry by the age of 21 or 22; as such, there were no considerations that one who had sex would not marry. The term was used instead of fornication, due to the negative connotations of the latter. The meaning has since shifted, referring to all sexual relations a person has prior to marriage; this removes emphasis on which the relations are with.  The definition has a degree of ambiguity. It is not clear whether sex between individuals legally forbidden from marrying, or the sexual relations of one uninterested in marrying could be considered premarital. Alternative terms for pre-marital sex have been suggested, including non-marital sex,  youthful sex,  adolescent sex, and young-adult sex. These terms also suffer from a degree of ambiguity, as the definition of having sex differs from person to person. Premarital Sex – ” Is it acceptable to have premarital sex?” That is a common question among teens and engaged couples. Perhaps you are in a relationship that is progressing in that direction, but you’re not sure what to do. In your mind, you are probably weighing the pros and cons of premarital sex. On the positive side of the scale, there is acceptance from your peers, hope for pleasure, and the fulfillment of sexual desires. The negative side of the scale carries the weights of morals, fear of pregnancy or disease, and guilt. How do these scales balance? What is the right decision? Let’s take a look at some of the facts. Premarital Sex – Is it Moral? Morality is a factor for many people when deciding whether or not to have premarital sex. Is it a factor for you? After all, the messages we receive from most TV shows and movies these days tells us ” everyone is doing it.” In light of today’s permissive attitude, your peers may think you’re weird to even question it. But maybe there is something inside you, like a voice in your head, which is making you uncertain about whether or not sex before marriage is a right or wrong action. Many people refer to this voice as their conscience. How can you know if your ” conscience” is right? People all around the world look to the Bible as a moral or religious book, so let’s see what it says about premarital sex. The Bible refers to premarital sex as fornication. That’s a word we don’t hear much these days, so what does it mean? Fornication is sexual intercourse between people who are not married to each other. The only distinction the Bible makes between premarital sex and adultery is that adultery involves married persons while fornication involves those who are unmarried. Premarital sex is just as much of a sin as adultery and all other forms of sexual immorality. They all involve having sexual relations with someone you are not married to. STATEMENT OF THE PROBLEM The researcher aimed to know what pre-marital sex can bring into a person. Generally, the researcher aims to answer the question: 1. What are the advantages and disadvantages of premarital sex? 2. What are the risk factors for premarital sex? 3. Is it physically and emotionally safe? 4. How many youth of today engages in premarital sex? 5. Is premarital sex acceptable to God? 6. What are the side effects of premarital sex besides pregnancy? 7. Is sex harmful before marriage? Can sex help to shape figure? 8. Why is premarital sex wrong? SCOPE AND LIMITATION This research study examines the idea of teenage sexuality before marriage, asking whether it is necessarily a bad thing for teenagers to engage in sex or if in some circumstances it is a good thing. It looks at how when the talk of the problems of teenage sexuality come up today in the mass media and in the world of popular culture. Also this study tackles the risk factors involving premarital sex. The scopes of this research are the random teenager since they are the one related with the study. This study was conducted during the second semester for the academic year 2011-2012. METHODOLOGY The researcher carefully understood the assigned topic. The researcher has thought about what he already know and what does he need to know. The researcher went to the library to gather primary data since this is the best place to find factual information regarding the study. For secondary data, the researcher also searched the Internet for further information. After which, the researcher prepared questions to be answered by random respondents to validate the primary data. The research instruments included were: (a) an interview guide with open-ended questions, (b) and comparison of the primary and secondary data. The questions in the interview sheet were formulated based on the primary research. SIGNIFICANCE OF STUDY The study of the knowledge, attitude and practice on premarital sex of teens in the Philippines can serve as a learning paradigm to local officials, teachers, guidance counselors, school administrators, health educators, parents and the students themselves to enhance their insight and for their ceaseless quest for knowledge. Being among the teens, the teachers and guidance counselors can benefit to the findings of this study. The findings of this research may serve as a guide to deal with problems, controversies and topics related to sexuality. Equipped with this information, they will be able to understand, educate and give advice in order to breed respected and responsible members of the community. Parents and school administrators, being the ones to discipline the teenagers and students, will gain advantage to the findings of this study since this will provide them additional awareness on the sexual attitude and practices of teenagers and students. These may enable them to formulate policies and plan of actions that can help increase consciousness on pre marital sex in their schools and at home and prevent sexually related problems amongst the young ones. The insight health educators and service providers will gain from the results of the study, will hasten their interest to propagate more ideas and facts or basis essential to the practice of their profession. The information provided by the study is important for them to plan interventions, prevention programs and dissemination of vital information addressed to the needs and problems of adolescents. The high school students and all teenagers will be the most benefited by the results of this study. They will have a criterion as to whether their knowledge is adequate, their attitude and practices on premarital sex conform to the standards of the community. The findings will guide them in terms of their limitations or boundaries. OBJECTIVES The primary objective of this research study it is to educate students and youngsters about the consequences that can lead and bring them when engaging to sexual activities specifically pre marital sex. Also, this research study aims to follow and practice the principles as spelt out in our religion. BACKGROUND Premarital sex, an act that is practiced excessively in the world today, is not all that it is caught up to be. It definitely has more side effects than benefits. Premarital sex is an action that causes one’s emotional, social, spiritual and physical being to become corrupted. The regretful effects are widespread and can alter one’s life forever. The emotional results of premarital sex can lead to psychological damage. This includes confusion that can cause one to question his own self worth. A person may also become depressed and regretful. Premarital sex is not something that happens and is quickly forgotten but can be something that haunts a person forever. Virginity is a gift from God and once it is given away, it can never be returned. The realization of this fact alone can bring emotional damage. Sex before marriage can also cause social problems. Many times these acts are not kept silent, therefore; reputations are degraded. When the news gets around, the outcome usually consists of others gossiping and judging. This can ruin a person’s reputation and cause others to lose respect for that person. Our reputations are usually very important to us, and premarital sex is only going to result in the injury of that reputation. Other prominent disadvantages of premarital sex, are those that affect the physical body. Pregnancy is an unfavorable, physical consequence of sex before marriage. Internet statistics show that ten percent of all fifteen to nineteen year old females become pregnant each year. Sexually transmitted diseases are another physical effect of premarital sex. Approximately three million cases of STD’s are reported among teens every year. Becoming pregnant before marriage and contracting sexually transmitted diseases are disturbing to the physical well being of a person. Obviously premarital sex does more damage than good because of its negative effects on such a large part of our lives. It can alter our emotional, social, spiritual, and physical lives forever. It may seem right at the time but it obviously does more harm than good in the long run. SURVEY Respondents were asked about their pre- marital sexual experience at three differ- ent points in the survey questionnaire. In the context of a sequence of questions about dating, men and women were asked if they had ever been on a date, either in a group or as a couple. Those who reportedhaving been on a date as a couple were asked a series of questions about their dating experience culminating in a ques- tion about sexual intercourse on their first date. In a separate section of the question- naire, respondents who reported that they currently had a boyfriend/girlfriend, or had ever had one, were asked a similar series of questions. In still another sec- tion of the questionnaire, all single re- spondents were asked, “ Have you ever had sexual intercourse? ” All married re- spondents were asked “ Did you have sexual intercourse before you were mar- ried? ” Those who answered in the affir- mative were asked several more questions about their first and their most recent sexual experience. Men were also asked whether they had ever had sex with a commercial sex worker. Reports of sex on a first date were rare (Table 1). Reports of sex with the current or most recent boyfriend/girl- friend were more frequent but still un- common. A much larger number of re- spondents answered the general ques- tion on premarital sex in the affirma- tive. A few responded inconsistently, giving a positive answer to one of the first two questions but a negative an- swer to the general question. The sur- vey team defined a respondent as having had premarital sex if he or she gave a posi- tive answer to any of the three questions. Responses to these questions revealed two striking patterns. Men were much more likely than women to report pre- marital sexual experience, and respon- dents who were married were much more likely to report premarital sex than those who were unmarried. How can so many more men have had premarital sex than women? Although it is possible that the men exaggerated their sexual experience, the survey provided no clear evidence of such exaggeration. Some—but clearly not all—of the differ- ence in reported levels of premarital sex could be attributed to men’s experience with commercial sex workers. Among ———— Data obtained from a research done in 1994 showed 18% of the respondents both male and female engage in the said act (Laguna, 2001). Moreover, the 1998 National Demographic and Health Survey reported that 3. 6 million teenagers got pregnant and this is only a small fraction of those who had premarital sex and were unfortunate enough to get pregnant. Additionally, it was also shown in the 2002 Young Adult Fertility and Sexuality Study of the UPPI and Demographic Research and Development Foundation that nearly one-fourth of the population aging fifteen to twenty-five already had sex experience. And in 2008 another research showed that this alarming case rose to almost 30% of the population of the same age group. This goes to show that indeed everyone needs to be aware of what is happening nowadays, not only of the big political scandals and other obvious societal issues but more importantly on social issues which may be the breeding ground for other problems of the community. One out of four Filipinos aged 15-24 are engaging in premarital sex. Also, according to a study by the UP Population Institute, this year’s study says that close to 4 million youngsters are engaging in premarital sex with 30% of the respondents doing it in their own homes while 18% were doing it inside motels and hotels. The change in the 20th century of American society in the scope of premarital sex is the dramatically increasing of premarital sex behavior. According to the survey data, in the past, premarital sex rate was low, and premarital sex will often lead to marriage. Women born in the 1900’s, only 8% had premarital sex before the age of 20; women born from 1910 to 1919, the rate of premarital sex increased to 23 %. According to the 1974 National Survey data, adults, 25 years of age, 97% of men and 81% of women had premarital sex. France in 1972, the survey indicates that 29 years of age, 75% of men and 55% of women have had sexual relations before marriage. The most extreme figures from Sweden, the ratio of men and women that have premarital sex experience is as high as 99%. In other words, in Sweden, people enjoy the high degree of sexual freedom and gender equality. HISTORY OF YOUR TOPIC The 19th century is considered the beginnings of sexual repression in Western societies. However, the bourgeois model was only an ideal of what sexuality should be.   Although the middle-class model was the dominant during that time, was not the only one. This ideal contrasted with others such as the working-class model, much less restricted. Many new ways of seeing sexuality appeared at this time, despite the silencing of sexual matters during Victorian times. Gender roles were biologically defined: passivity was identified with femininity and activity with masculinity. It was considered men have greater sexual instinct than women, therefore everything outside this pattern was considered as pathological. There was during this period an increase of cases of hysteria. Nevertheless, hysteria is not more then the normal sexual response in women. During the end of 19th Century, feminist movements gave women the social rights obtained by men during liberalism. However, did not bring sexual equality for men and women. The posterior decades are characterized by the appearance of marriage manuals. Despite this manuals stressed the importance of the clitoris for women, maintained the idea of coitus as the proper sexual practice.  Freud pointed out the importance of masturbation in the psychosexual development, even for women. However, he considered the vaginal penetration as the normal way for women to obtain orgasms. Kinsey understood the importance of the clitoris for female pleasure, and posteriorly, Masters and Johnson, stress the importance of orgasms for both men and women and the effectiveness of masturbation to obtain them. After 1960s, feminist researches took a different perspective. Instead of being focused on   biological explanations of sexuality, understood the importance of culture and history. Researches, as the Hite Report, gave women the opportunity to discuss about their own sexuality, and demonstrated for example how important is clitoral stimulation and masturbation for women. Nevertheless, the sexual revolution did not bring all the expected results. It is undeniable, that attitudes have changed in the last decades. Pre-marital sex Abortion, co-habitation, divorce, homosexuality, along with others are more accepted today. However, this have led to the appearance of new movements that claim for the back to the traditional values. Particularly, from 1960 repression and misunderstanding about sexuality have led to freedom and new forms of pleasure. This assessment may be true, especially for men. However, are women sexually free? Domestic violence’s rates are still important, as well as rape rates. The double standards still enforce women to be sexually active whereas condemn for practices that are permitted for men.   OVERVIEW Teenagers who feel incomplete, inadequate and unappreciated are more likely to seek comfort in a sexual relationship. But those with a life rich in relationships, family traditions, activities, interests and most of all consistent love and affirmation are less likely to embark on a desperate search for fulfillment that could lead to unwise sexual decisions. Those who have a healthy, productive faith in God are more likely to have deeply rooted reasons to respect and preserve the gift of sex and to respect rather than exploit others. Consider this, is driving a car wrong? No. Is driving a car for a 13-year-old wrong? Yes. It’s fun and exciting for the 13-year-old, but it puts his life and other lives in jeopardy. Is sex, which is fun, between a husband and wife wrong? No. Is sex wrong if it’s with someone else’s spouse? Yes. It may be fun and exciting, but it often brings tremendous heartache to that person’s spouse and the children involved. A loving God has made his wisdom on life known to us. He says that sin is pleasurable for the moment. There probably isn’t any sin which is not at the moment pleasurable. But pleasure can’t be our only standard for making decisions. Think how fun it would have been to really severely smack a younger brother or sister at times. Pleasurable for the moment, but fortunately we hold back because pleasure isn’t our only guide. Marriage, whatever the country, tribe, religion or even custom, is agreeably considered as one of the holiest things owned by mankind. Having marriage once in life, without divorce, is their absolute dream, whereas allowing teenagers to have sex before marriage can degrade the holy values of marriage and such dream as it leads teenagers to be sex addicts and construct a wrong, misleading perception of marriage. Firstly, sex before marriage for teenagers constructs habits of being sex addicts. Indeed, sex education should be given in the early age to provide a comprehensive understanding of sex, including the bad, good effects for teenagers. However, that is not the best way to do that. At first time somebody has sex; he/she will be addicted to search another chance to have it with anyone else. Additionally, in the long term goal, marriage unites a couple of man and woman to build a peacefully harmonious family regardless all the differences, such as family background, education, hobbies, that they have. Sex is not only about having intercourse, but, more, about living happily with children, educating them, and regenerating to balance our life. Sadly enough, sex before marriage prompts teenagers to construct a wrong, misleading perception of marriage. For instance, a boy who has already had sex before marriage will think that marriage is only for having intercourse and he can get it without getting married. In the long term effects, free sex and abortion among teenagers will flourish well and be the next problems. To summarize, premarital sex should not be allowed among teenagers. Clear explanations about the essence of marriage and roles of being parents can be prioritized to be taught to teenagers. As a result, a paradigm of marriage among teenagers will be broader and deeper which is not only about having sex but having harmonious family. VIEWPOINTS OF OTHER DISCIPLINE MEDICAL What if you get pregnant? What about sexually transmitted disease? In regard to the physiological side of things, it is dangerous for a young single woman to be sexually active. Because a teenage girl’s reproductive system is still immature, she is very susceptible to sexually transmitted diseases (STDs). In fact, early sexual activity is the number one risk factor for cervical cancer, and the second is multiple sexual partners. A girl’s body, like her heart, is not designed to handle multiple sexual partners. 50% of people who currently have HIV (also known as AIDS) are between the ages of 15 and 24 and that using a condom only reduces your risk of contracting HIV by 85%. Having AIDs is like having a death sentence over your head for the rest of your life. AIDs is not the only STD that can be caught. There are around 60 types of STDs altogether. Pregnancy is another physical affect that you should consider. As much as I love children I most definitely want to wait to have mine until I’m married, graduated from high school and college and settled down. Raising a child is a big responsibility. LEGAL Premarital sex laws have traditionally been tied to religion and the legal and political traditions within the particular jurisdiction. Laws differ greatly from country to country. Most Western countries and some secular Muslim countries like Turkey and Azerbaijan have no laws against premarital sex if both parties are above the age of consent. Premarital sex has no moral grounds, it is against God, and it is unsafe physically and emotionally. Although sex is pleasurable, it is designed by God to be enjoyed by two married people. Morality is a factor for many people when deciding whether or not to have premarital sex. Is it a factor for you? After all, the messages we receive from most TV shows and movies these days tells us ” everyone is doing it.” In light of today’s permissive attitude, your peers may think you’re weird to even question it.   Today, RH bill in the Philippines is one of the solutions being raised to make teenagers do away from pre marital sex, though RH Bill is still under debate. PSYCHOLOGICAL In essence, our souls, hearts/minds, bodies, and relationships are not made for premarital sex as we were made for strong, enduring love- much like the love God has taught us. As soon as we commit the sin of premarital sex we defeat the purpose of being alive which is wholeness. We lose balance in the 5 most important aspects of our lives which distances us from God, the people we love, and worst of all from ourselves and the beautiful body and creation God lovingly, carefully crafted.   When we respect our minds and bodies by waiting for that special someone to wed and share our temple with, building the excitement and speciality of the event, we become closer to God as he praises and blesses those who are pure in heart and intimacy. One of my favourite quotes that I heard when I was about 8 was “ True Love Waits” and that is what God wants for us, true, blissful, honest love that is attained over time and is destroyed through premarital sex. “ Do you not know that your body is a temple of the Holy Spirit within you, which you have from God, and that you are not your own? ” ~ 1 Corinthians 6. 19 SOCIOLOGICAL Pre-marital sex deeply affects one’s social aspects of life mainly their relationships. One study showed that the average high school relationship will last only twenty-one days once the couple has sex; couples who want what’s best for their relationship or future marriage will wait. Having premarital sex will often make the one who instigated it interested in frequently being sexually active. If the person on the other end disagrees the relationship and friendship will become awkward, tense, and full of arguments usually having an unhappy ending and leaving the two uninterested in one another. Away from a couple’s own relationship, premarital sex frequently causes tension within families because of the dishonesty accompanying the hidden intimacies and distancing the parents from their children. Relationships with friends are often filled with miscommunication, frustration, and strained, awkward conversations because of the gossip, rumours, and labels one is faced with which often become excruciating. As others find out about premarital sex, even though it’s praised on TV and everyone is drawn to it, people will judge and label you. Some will lose respect for one as an individual, and have a hard time seeing beyond or not associating one as the high-schooler who made a stupid mistake.   Awful names get thrown around to make one feel more shame and to punish them for their sin though it’s not their place to judge rather God’s place and He’s always open to forgiveness. The sin cuts one off from interaction and honesty with other people, as that is what sin does and from there on you need God’s help to redeem and see who you are. EFFECTS (An application of the different ethical principles to pre marital sex and what is the implication of the result survey with regard to ethical principles) There is no longer any stigma attached to pre-marital sex in our society. Pop stars do it, sports stars do it, politicians do it. Hormone levels are raised by advertising, television, cinema, music and magazines. What is discussed is not so much pre-marital sex, as non-marital sex, or even non- “ heterosexual monogamous life-long relationship sex” such is the confusion and need for definition. Pressure continues to be brought to bear upon the church to accept non-marital sexual relationships as a normal and acceptable part of modern life, especially in the context of cohabitation as opposed to marriage. Sex isn’t essential. You’re not less than human if you are a virgin. You’re not repressed if you wait until you’re married before sleeping with someone: you’re sensible! Jesus was born of a virgin, but he was also a virgin himself, while remaining a completely fulfilled and perfect human being. And sex is not just another experience to add to one’s collection. It’s not like going mountain climbing or sky-diving or bungee jumping — just another exciting way to spend a few hours, and nothing more. And sex is too important to just be an experiment. You don’t need to go “ all the way” to know you’re sexually compatible with someone — if you’re a boy and they are a girl, and you’ve both got everything you’re supposed to have, then you’re compatible! It’s not exactly complicated. Any Christian argument against pre-marital sex ought to start from the Bible and not from pragmatic concerns. Pragmatic considerations can, however, play a part in the persuasive presentation of the case. PASTORAL PREACHING AND TEACHING We cannot assume that the biblical and theological understanding of sex, and of the body generally, is properly understood by everyone. In the pulpit, and in marriage preparation, such teaching must be positive as well as negative. Sex is a good thing, created by God to be enjoyed in its proper context – it is not intrinsically evil or “ un-spiritual. ” This is a prophylactic against a wrong view or use of sex. It is also vital that our teaching is sensitive to human frailty and weakness. Christians are not spiritual superheroes who can rise above any and all temptations in the blink of an eye. We must be careful not to foster the notion that we are beyond temptation or that we do not sin. SELF-JUSTIFICATION The in-built capacity we all have for self-justification is particularly evident in the area of sexuality. The counsellor must be aware of several self-justification techniques often used by Christians, and develop ways of addressing them: FORGIVENESS It is important to teach the doctrine of justification clearly, so that a Christian who sins in this area is aware of the offer of forgiveness. We must help people to avoid superstitious notions about God ” punishing” Christians who sin sexually. Christians must know how to repent, and be assured that there is real forgiveness. New Christians need to be aware that they have been given a completely fresh start and that their slate has been truly wiped clean. WISDOM Some Christian groups have rather tight rules and regulations for dating couples, which can become legalistic. While wanting to avoid the burden of asceticism (which can be counter-productive), there are various ways in which dating couples can be advised to ” flee fornication.” Specifics will depend to some extent on cultural norms (chaperones are unusual nowadays). It is always good to encourage the development of elements in a relationship other than physical. Discipline What can a pastor do to discourage immorality? Church discipline is a difficult practice, which must be handled very carefully. Temporary excommunication of the unrepentant can backfire. Church discipline cannot be exercised in isolation from good biblical teaching, sensitive pastoral care and the possibility of complete restoration to fellowship. That being said, however, to implicitly sanction ongoing pre-marital sexual relationships (e. g. by accepting cohabitees into full membership or even leadership within the local church) would be a serious error, likely to lead in the medium to long-term to the liberalisation of sexual standards throughout the fellowship. VIEWPOINTS OF THE CHURCH God blesses purity. ” Blessed are the pure in heart, for they shall see God” (Matthew 5: 8). ” Watch your heart with all diligence, for from it spring the issues of life” (Proverbs 4: 23). We are to be ” wise in what is good and innocent in what is evil” (Romans 16: 19). ” Abstain from sexual immorality … God has called us for purity” (I Thessalonians 4: 3-5, 7). Clearly God’s word forbids any type of sex outside of marriage. There are spiritual consequences any time we disobey God. ” God will judge fornicators and adulterers” (Hebrews 13: 4). Despite our permissive society that suggests that everyone should be sexually active, God considers premarital sex to be sin. In the Bible, the word “ fornication” (Greek, PORNIEA) is used to describe premarital sex and other acts of sexual impurity. According to the Bible, God created sex to be a blessing of the union between a husband and wife, but He clearly and absolutely disapproves of all other sexual activity, including premarital sex. “ Marriage is honorable among all, and the bed undefiled; but fornicators and adulterers God will judge” (Heb. 13: 4). In this age of worry about sexually transmitted diseases, there is something better than a condom that can be worn to prevent AIDS: It’s called a wedding ring! The Bible says, “… because of sexual immorality, let each man have his own wife, and let each woman have her own husband” (1 Cor. 7: 2). The Bible warns that those who continue a life-style of fornication and adultery will not inherit God’s Kingdom. “ Now the works of the flesh are evident, which are: adultery, fornication, uncleanness, lewdness, idolatry, sorcery, hatred, contentions, jealousies, outbursts of wrath, selfish ambitions, dissensions, heresies, envy, murders, drunkenness, revelries, and the like; of which I tell you beforehand, just as I also told you in time past, that those who practice such things will not inherit the kingdom of God” (Gal. 5: 19-21). Sex isn’t essential. You’re not less than human if you are a virgin. You’re not repressed if you wait until you’re married before sleeping with someone: you’re sensible! Jesus was born of a virgin, but he was also a virgin himself, while remaining a completely fulfilled and perfect human being. And sex is not just another experience to add to one’s collection. It’s not like going mountain climbing or sky-diving or bungee jumping — just another exciting way to spend a few hours, and nothing more. And sex is too important to just be an experiment. You don’t need to go “ all the way” to know you’re sexually compatible with someone — if you’re a boy and they are a girl, and you’ve both got everything you’re supposed to have, then you’re compatible! It’s not exactly complicated. Theological arguments revolve around the covenant of marriage as the proper context for sexual activity and the parallel of marriage with the relationship between God and his people. Pre-marital sex is wrong, as Ortlund says, because ” it toys with the biblical mystery” and violates it. (R. C. Ortlund, Whoredom, page 173). Roman Catholic arguments from natural law state that it is contrary to the purpose of sex (procreation, and education of resulting child). SUMMARY AND CONCLUSION Premarital sex is the sexual contact between two opposite sex normally between lovers outside or before the blessing of marriage. It gives you a guilty feelings for having violated the ordinance in the Holy Scriptures. You become unfair with your future life partner because of the absence of purity that you could have offer him or her. There is a possible danger of unwanted or unplanned pregnancy. Incompatibility of marriage partnership could arise since it could happen that the relationship was motivated by the physical attraction and lust for sex only. Imperfect timing of marriage might happen due to unwanted pregnancy or if not, an abortion might the alternative which is sinful. By following what the Holy Scriptures says about morality, that is, sexual intercourse should always be between husband and wife only. It is wise and beneficial for you if your choice of boyfriend or girlfriend be limited to those who has fear of our Creator and is following the Holy Scriptures. During dating, choose a public place or any place that will not be conducive or that will not tempt you for intercourse. ♦ The increase in the number of people cohabiting and the permissive attitude towards cohabitation. Those who are permissive towards premarital sex are 67. 9% more likely to be permissive towards cohabitation than those that are non-permissive towards premarital sex. ♦ The rise in the number of sexual partners, following the delaying of marriage and the increase in the number of years of ” exposure” to premarital sex. Those who are permissive towards premarital sex are twice more likely to have two or more sex partners than those that consider premarital sex non-permissive. ♦ Increase in extramarital sex through its link to the attitude towards premarital sex, showing a weaker marriage bond. Those who consider premarital sex permissive were twice as likely to have had sex with another while married as those who did not. ♦ As the value of marriage fell, we saw that the attitude towards divorce became more permissive and the divorce rate went up. Those who consider premarital sex permissive was 7. 3% more likely to be divorced than those that considered premarital sex nonpermissive. ♦ Those who are permissive towards cohabitation, which is caused by permissiveness towards premarital sex, were almost 10% more likely to be divorced than those who considered cohabitation non-permissive. RECOMMENDATION There are better ways to express your love for someone you’re not married to. After all, it’s not very loving to have an unwanted pregnancy or a sexually transmitted disease or to make someone feel as if you just want them for their body. It is not loving to engage in any activity that displeases God. And sex is not entertainment. If you’re bored go to the cinema or play a computer game or go for a run — don’t misuse something as important as sex just for a bit of mindless fun. That would be like hiring a Rolls Royce car just to pick up some shopping — a waste, a misuse of something precious, something that is far more important if used properly. Other people’s bodies are not just toys for us to play with and then discard. REFERENCE PAGE 1. http://www. everystudent. com/forum/sex. html 2. www. wikipedia. com/premaritalsex 3. Premarital Sex in America: How Young Americans Meet, Mate, and Think about Marrying by Mark Regnerus and Jeremy Uecker (Jan 10, 2011) 4. The Holy Bible Romans 14: 23, John 1: 17, Titus 2: 11-13, Ephesians 5: 31, 1 Corinthians 6: 16, 1 Corinthians 6: 18 5. http://en. wikipedia. org/wiki/Sexuality_in_the_Philippines 6. Florante, Jose J. Demographics and a Historical Perspective, The Philippines, www. 2hu-berlin. de 7. A Filipino’s view on Beautiful Nude Women, The Voice of a Filipino, tingog. com, November 7, 2006. 8. Sex and Filipino Youth, Mongster’s Nest, mongplatino. motime. com, November 21, 2007 9. Irala, Jokin de, Alfonso Osorio, Cristina López del Burgo, Vina A. Belen, Filipinas O. de Guzman, María del Carmen Calatrava, and Antonio N Torralba. Relationships, Love and Sexuality: What the Filipino Teens Think and Feel, biomedcentral. com 10. http://www. usatoday. com/news/health/2006-12-19-premarital-sex_x. htm 11. http://www. mukamo. com/premarital-sex-high-among-filipino-youth/ 12. Sex vs God in the Philippines By Jennee Grace U Rubrico 13. Widmer, E. D., Treas, J., & Newcomb, R. (1998). Attitudes toward nonmarital sex in 24 countries. The Journal of Sex Research, 35, 349-358. 14. Crabtree, Susan. ” Facts of Life vs. facts of Love.” Newsbank: Premarital Sex. 8 September. 1997. Newsbank: Premarital Sex v 13, p116. Everybody’s Doing It 15. Sprecher, S. (2002). Sexual satisfaction in premarital relationships: Associations with satisfaction, love, commitment, and stability. Journal of Sex Research, 39(3), 190-197.

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Pre-marital sex. Page 2
Pre-marital sex. Page 3
Pre-marital sex. Page 4
Pre-marital sex. Page 5
Pre-marital sex. Page 6
Pre-marital sex. Page 7
Pre-marital sex. Page 8
Pre-marital sex. Page 9

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AssignBuster. (2021) 'Pre-marital sex'. 15 November.


AssignBuster. (2021, November 15). Pre-marital sex. Retrieved from https://assignbuster.com/pre-marital-sex-2/


AssignBuster. 2021. "Pre-marital sex." November 15, 2021. https://assignbuster.com/pre-marital-sex-2/.

1. AssignBuster. "Pre-marital sex." November 15, 2021. https://assignbuster.com/pre-marital-sex-2/.


AssignBuster. "Pre-marital sex." November 15, 2021. https://assignbuster.com/pre-marital-sex-2/.

Work Cited

"Pre-marital sex." AssignBuster, 15 Nov. 2021, assignbuster.com/pre-marital-sex-2/.

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