Essay, 2 pages (450 words)

Pollution: water and ultra violet rays assignment

Dictionary defines that the process of making Air, Water, Soil, etc. Dangerously dirty and not suitable for use! Pollution plays havoc in man’s life. Pollution can be classified into many groups. Air Pollution: When fresh air gets mixed up with any one of these, like smoke emitted by vehicles, Industrial smoke, Fires, Dust storm, explosions, burning of waste, bombs and crackers, it kills the oxygen content in the air and become dangerous to inhale. It amounts to sickness like Lung cancer, Asthma and many others. At times, it may be fatal too.

One may recall the leakage in the poisonous gas cylinder in the Union Carbide company in Opal that killed some hundreds of people and the cattle. Similarly, the twin atomic bombs dropped on Hiroshima and Nagasaki by the SAFE during the World War II had killed lakes of people and wounded almost equal number of it, besides making thousands cripple even by birth. Thus the fresh air is polluted. Water Pollution: Olden day’s people fetched the drinking water from the rivers and drank them without even boiling. Such waters never did any harm to anybody.

On he contrary, the river water that rail through the natural herbs brought medicinal effect too, with it. But now? Even the Ganges water cannot be taken as it is! The reason to this fateful situation is that, the river water is contaminated! The industrialization may have its own advantages, but then the most hazardous wastage from the industries is let out carelessly and they get mixed up with the fresh river water and pollute it. Thus, pollution spreads its wings to water too! Soil: Soil plays an important role to mankind. It is the good, unpolluted soil that alps the farmers.

If the soil is spoilt again, due to the letting out of the industrial waste water, the soil becomes barren lands. Once it is affected, it can never be fit for cultivation. Similarly, it is die rigid soil that can withstand die structures. This way, soil helps us in abundant measure. Further more, soil indirectly helps to get more rains. The trees that grow over them fetch rain. When the soil becomes unfit, it would be almost like a desert. That’s why desert, with no trees gets no rain and always remains a drought, a barren land.

While these three attribute to the major cause, there are many other things that amount to pollution. For example, when the rain water gets flooded, it gets mixed up with the drainage water and remains stagnant in many dwelling areas and thereby it becomes a breeding ground for mosquitoes, besides polluting the ground water. Caution: Life on the earth depends on the layer of Ozone gas in die air.

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AssignBuster. (2021) 'Pollution: water and ultra violet rays assignment'. 31 December.


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AssignBuster. 2021. "Pollution: water and ultra violet rays assignment." December 31, 2021. https://assignbuster.com/pollution-water-and-ultra-violet-rays-assignment/.

1. AssignBuster. "Pollution: water and ultra violet rays assignment." December 31, 2021. https://assignbuster.com/pollution-water-and-ultra-violet-rays-assignment/.


AssignBuster. "Pollution: water and ultra violet rays assignment." December 31, 2021. https://assignbuster.com/pollution-water-and-ultra-violet-rays-assignment/.

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"Pollution: water and ultra violet rays assignment." AssignBuster, 31 Dec. 2021, assignbuster.com/pollution-water-and-ultra-violet-rays-assignment/.

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