Essay, 2 pages (500 words)

Pierson and the secret service scandal

Pierson And The Secret Service Previous Secret Service Issues Relevant To The Scandal Ms. Julia Pierson finally resigned from her position of Director of United States Secret Service, a position which made her responsible for the security of the President and the first family. A couple of security breaches had occurred which eventually led Ms. Julia Pierson to quit from her position.
It was not far away, 19 Sep ’14 to be precise, when a man who was equipped with a knife climbed over the fence of the President’s residence, The White House. The armed man made his entrance from the Pennsylvania Avenue and went pretty much inside the gardens before being ultimately stopped by security personnel. During this entire incident neither the President, nor his family were inside the White House. However, this act was viewed as a significant attempt to trick the security of the President and shed light on work of Ms. Pierson, who was responsible to look after the President’s security detail at all times.
Another event which turned out to be a final blow to Julia Pierson’s Position came in the face of an incident where in Atlanta an armed guard was using the same elevator as President Barrack Obama. Interestingly enough, the guard was not authorized to be near the President, and this could have possibly led to disastrous consequences (Plate and Sterman, 2014).
How The Situation Could Have Been Handled Differently From An Ethical Standpoint
I personally believe that Ms. Julia Pierson’s case could have been handled in a much different manner as compared to the way it was currently resolved. What needs to be understood is that Ms. Julia, like all civil servants, has served at various key positions and undergone rigorous training prior to being appointed to lead the President’s Security Detail. Anyone can have a bad day at work, and making a judgment on someone based on a couple of events is essentially not the right thing to do.
I believe Ms. Julia should have been first asked to explain if she has been undergoing any issues which are keeping her attention from her work. Accordingly, she should have been counseled. If the interaction determined that Ms. Julia needs a break from work, then she could have been sent for vacations to cool her mind and later on join in with a fresh attitude. Asking her to resign like in this case is no resolution. It is totally unjust and ruthless to end a person’s service straight away without giving them any chance.
What could have been rather more appropriate, would be to not make Ms. Julia resign from her position, but rather to move her to another office and assign her with another responsibility instead of simply sabotaging her career.
The State needs to make sure not to penalize its servants with extreme measures like a resignation, and needs to come up with new ways to handle such situations.
Plater, R., & Sterman, J. (2014, October 2). Secret Service Director Julia Pierson resigns over White House security breaches. Retrieved November 15, 2014, from http://www. wjla. com/articles/2014/10/secret-service-director-julia-pierson-resigns-amid-recent-white-house-security-breach-107691. html

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AssignBuster. (2021) 'Pierson and the secret service scandal'. 17 November.


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AssignBuster. 2021. "Pierson and the secret service scandal." November 17, 2021. https://assignbuster.com/pierson-and-the-secret-service-scandal/.

1. AssignBuster. "Pierson and the secret service scandal." November 17, 2021. https://assignbuster.com/pierson-and-the-secret-service-scandal/.


AssignBuster. "Pierson and the secret service scandal." November 17, 2021. https://assignbuster.com/pierson-and-the-secret-service-scandal/.

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"Pierson and the secret service scandal." AssignBuster, 17 Nov. 2021, assignbuster.com/pierson-and-the-secret-service-scandal/.

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