950 Words Essay Samples

A most fortunate ship: a narrative history of old ironsides report

In informing the tale of the Structure, published in 1797 and most popular for its uses in the War of 1812, a stunning image comes out of lifestyle in the U.S. A happy situation happened and on 10 May United States at long last was free at the country's capital. In conclusion, to have instructed β†’

Final exam essay

How is the Principle of Sufficient Reason used by the advocate of the Cosmological Argument to justify the two premises of the argument? Make sure to clearly define dependent and self-existent beings, and also to explain the two parts of PSR and how each part is used to justify a different premise β†’

Antigone: development of resistance against creon

As if this were not already enough to make it clear she is appalled at Creon and his new law, she questions to Creon's face, " Dishonor the laws the gods hold in honor?" Even when Creon finally realizes that she might have a good point, he still stays firm with her punishment sentence β†’

Free essay about plagiarism and reference summary of articles

Apparently, most students do not understand academic cultures and values and hence, their lack of commitment to the same values and cultures. In order for these students to understand all that is expected of them as academicians, the need to gain the necessary information and skills. There are very high chances that students use modern β†’

The stages of child development essay

The beginning of motor skills development happen first, for example when a baby learns to hold its head up. This level of dexterity represents an important fine motor milestone. The correct workings of reflexes, motor and coordination skills are vital in a child's physical development.

In what ways did the ideals of romanticism infiltrate music criticism of the nineteenth essay sample

A great critic who analysed Beethoven's music to the letter was ETA Hoffmann whose description of the Fifth Symphony as a transition from darkness to light was one of the most important pieces of writing in the 19th century. Nothing is more romantic than the music of Hector Berlioz. The Milton Cross New Encyclopedia of β†’

Team strength report examples

Theskill to leverage this diversity and to achieve cohesion in the team leads to the creation of a genuinely strong and well-performing team. The ability of an organization to capitalize on the strengths and diversity of the team members have a number of advantages for the company. It is also β†’

In youthful ages presented to tremendous measures of

At its premise, web-based social networking is a site orapplication that empowers clients to make and offer substance or to take aninterest in long range interpersonal communication which is the type ofcorrespondence through web-based social networking. With web-based socialnetworking catching the web's consideration, upwards of 65% of Americangrown-ups utilize person to person communication locales. While β†’

Free critical thinking on play analysis three sisters

Single Topic Although the atmosphere that reveals from the play is a relaxed one, allowing engaging discussions and enabling funny, romantic or dramatic scenes, shared between the three sisters and their family or friends, the circularity of Chekov's mes en scene and the discourse filled with French expressions generates the impression β†’

Why news media is biased

News media is biased because it contributes to spreading fake news, create negative perception and encourages racism. The news in the media is biased because it spreading fake news among the readers. News media reconstruct based on the corporate interest, values of the news, ideologist from the professionals and format of the news in order β†’

Expository essay: reflect upon media’s role as the fourth estate

In this essay, I am going to write about the fourth estate, what a fourth estate is, why it's so relevant and the huge role it has to the common population. The fourth estate has been and is still to this day a significant part of a well-functioning democracy.

The effects of technology on formal writing essay examples

The use of phones and other technological devices affect the formality in writing, as I will discuss later in the writing. We only think of essays and emails whenever formal writing is mentioned. The findings indicates that most notably, the vast majority of teens " have eagerly embraced written communication with their peers as they β†’

Difference between raising boy and girl research paper example

One is that the boys are easier to be raised; the second one is that the girls are much easier to deal with. So in order to raise a real girl and the real boy the borders should be settled, or in other words the main difference between girl and boy β†’

Review of the article “the mystery of amy sherald’s portrait of michelle obama” from the new yorker

This portrait will have everyone think about Michelle Obama and she has done in the past for the people and that she was also one of the first people to not be afraid because she was drawn on a portrait. The article, in my opinion, is very strong because it shows that Michelle Obama was β†’

Example of related to the essay

There is no denying that technology has improved our quality of life and has benefitted us in numerous ways, but we have become very much dependent on it and it is almost impossible to imagine life without it. It is up to the user's discretion whether they extract benefit out of it or suffer its β†’

Cross cultural perspectives persuasive essay

Struck needs to learn how to adapt to the European cafe culture. Struck very modern look and dcore have not been keeping up with the elaborate dcore of the cafeg's in Europe. One major misconception of Struck in Europe is the iconic coffee cups and sleeves.

Factors affecting the speed of idea diffusion

Citizens of such societies might have to have a complete perspectival change and do away with customs that impede the process of development in order for behavioural change to occur. Another factor affecting the speed of idea diffusion is the economic competition policies in a nation. One of the key benefits of globalisation is that β†’

Communication in health care and children settings

Good working relationships are a crucial factor in any workingenvironmentCommunication is a vital relationship-building skill. In childcare settings, it is essential to establish and maintain goodrelationships with children, their families and colleagues as well as other professionals that may be involved in the children's care. If you can communicate well and maintain working relationships you β†’

Pros and cons of instant messaging

In the 21st century, people have been faced with problems from wide-spread diseases, to natural disasters changing the lives of people in an instant, now, people may be faced with a new and growing concern, the increased use of text messaging, instant messaging is having an adverse effect on the way we communicate. Instant Messaging β†’

Essay on types of communication

Supported very much by the Classical School theories, he sees staff as a means to facilitate those orders which is highlighted in the way he writes his e mails, structured and to the point and not considering the workers feelings; neither does he consider them when in a discussion. At one point he was placing β†’

Importance of communication and its role in our life essay examples

In her day to day life of living in a new city where she is still struggling to get acclimatized, she has a lot to share with her boyfriend whom she considered the only 'friend' in town. If her boyfriend refuses to give a patient ear to her emotional outpouring regarding it as something of β†’

Intake interview

She recalls herchildhoodas " normal" although she felt like her parent's attention was given primarily to her sisters. She says that she has a large group of friends, but tries to hide her emotional distress and anxiety from them as she does not want to be burdensome.Ms. She also says she is unhappy with her β†’

Communication skills

To's performance is ranked in the upper one-third of those who are on probation at the bank, and falls firmly within the " sustained" grade. To would be included in the group-leveled management of the bank. Mr.

The process of recruiting and selecting employees essay sample

The process of recruiting and selecting employees can be divided into five main steps which are considering the needs of the position and the business, building an applicant pool, evaluating the applicants, making a selection and then, hiring and training them. The first step in a recruitment process, and maybe the most important, is β†’

Tackling the fake news phenomenon – legislation and other factors

Singapore is known for its tough censorship laws, with the Republic ranked 151st in the World Press Freedom Index. As noted by human rights group, Maruah, in their written submission to the Select Committee, Singapore's existing laws such as the Telecommunications Act, the Defamation Act and the Sedition Act, had been and are effective and β†’

Reflect on the following aspects. 1. as you have developed through level 4 have essay examples

Overall, I have come to realize that it all comes down to the conduct of a professional both in communication and indeed. I have also read much on professionals, and this has altered my stand. Part 2: Consider the skills you need to develop such as communication and self-awareness, to be able to move forward β†’

Essay about verbal and nonverbal communication

It focuses on the nature of meaning and ways to maintain the integrity of meaning through the process of dissemination and reception of the message." Communication is not Just how well you give a message but also how well you can receive a message. It is where you have a group of people β†’

Similarities and differences between napoleon and snowball, the characters from animal farm.

Napoleon chooses the date of the meeting about the farm's new windmill to turn on Snowball and get control of the farm. While Napoleon gets the other animals to fight and die for the good of the farm, he himself is a coward and lazy as well, in contrast to Snowball, who is more concerned β†’

Romeo and juliet and love

Romeo and Juliet suggest many things about love, however, the three most important implications is the love is fake (based on looks; does not really like who they are), love is a cause of violence, and love is a passionate, romantic force that can overpower someone. Love is the source of the two most spiteful β†’

Foolishness in shakepeare’s king lear

Early on, the readers glean the foolishness of the king as he bequeaths his riches and his kingdom to his deceitful daughters. Thus, we see that only a foolish man would do such actions for naturally, his daughters, who want the material things will give him the accolades he so desperately wants to hear.

Esl e culminating activity

In many ways, since Friar Lawrence is the only one who knows everything and kept the secret relationship between Romeo and Juliet, he is most responsible for Romeo and Juliet's death. His bad choices such as secretly married the couple, made up the plan for Romeo and Juliet to escape, and arrived the tomb late β†’

Reflection essay on wuthering heights

He is currently visiting Yorkshire and is therefore staying at Thurshcross Grange his landlord is Mr Heathcliff who lives at Wuthering Heights. Mr Lockwood pays a visit to him and hisfamilywhere he comes across Joseph, the servant and Cathy whom is the daughter-in-law of Mr Healthcliff. We discover who Cathy actually is β†’

Spanish-american war essay

Petrie spoke these words after the destruction of the Maine, which is thought to be a key affect of the Spanish-American War. This war helped Cuba to win independence, and changed our role in foreign policy, made the " U.S.the dominant power in the Western Hemisphere" , and created the β†’

Good franklin d. roosevelt essay example

The President of the Administration decided to reduce the production of agriculture and to pay the compensation for it to the farmers. If Hoover sought to lift the economy, stimulating the production of private business, the government of Roosevelt revived the economic model of J.

United states and peru essay example

The United States of America and Peru are countries located at the east side of the globe. As a developing country, Peru's economy is not much stable and its education is among the worst in Latin America.

Death tax

The " Death Tax" or more formally known as the Estate Tax in the United States is a tax imposed on the transfer of the " taxable estate" of a deceased person. Under the Tax Reform Act of 1976, a major overhaul of the death tax system led to rates that β†’

Los vendidos essay examples

The purpose of sarcasm, ridicule, and humor in the play is to highlight the different marks and stereotypes of both White Americans and Mexican Americans. One of such characters is Johnny Pachuco. In Los Vendidos by Luiz Valdez, Johnny Pachuco is the stereotype of the Mexican society villain a menace to the society.

Mijn schatje modern artist essay sample

I think that the title of the piece, ' Blu' is the name of the doll in the work, but it could also represent the ' blue-ness' of the piece as there is a constant wash of blue, blue could also represent sadness and loneliness, which is also present in the piece through the dolls β†’

Kara walker: artist

MacArthur Foundation in 1997 wherein the record shows that she is the youngest recipient of the said genius grant at the age of 27; her representation in Sao Paolo Biennial in Brazil in 2002; and this year's inclusion of her name as one of the 100 Most Influential People in the World Entertainment and Artists β†’

Analysis of brokeback mountain

The adaptation of any story into a film is of a very difficult and challenging task and if the story is the masterpiece then it is a Herculean task for the entire team involved in the film making the process. Proulx in the entire story insists the readers accept this story as a love story β†’

Good example of art essay

Many a times the paintings are reminiscent of rural motifs involving the rural landscape, the rural home and the family or even the humble rural vegetables like the potatoes. The entire alley was the canvass of the artists who painted retro, fusion and amalgamated motifs all across the walls giving β†’

System construction and working principle information technology essay

The remote home security system sighted in this work associate the utility of WSN and GSM. By combinative of wireless sensor network and GSM technology, this work outlines a low-power utilization remote home guarding staging and intimation system that can detect the theft, leaking of raw gas and fire, and send alarm message to β†’

Scarlet letter light and dark motif

Hawthorne is utilizing this motif to say that Dimmesdale's transgressions are hidden in darkness and must be shown in the light of day for the townspeople to see. The light versus dark motif returns again in chapter twelve when Dimmesdale awakens in the night to walk to the scaffold. The whole chapter β†’

Heart of darkness essay

The story revolves around the life of a seaman, Marlow, who fresh from Europe goes on a journey up the Congo River to relieve Kurtz who is the most successful ivory trader working for the Belgian government. Prior to his personal encounter with Kurtz, Marlow admires Kurtz due to his writings about the civilization of β†’

Robert frost and edwin arlington robinson essay sample

In comparing the works of Robert Frost and Edwin Arlington Robinson the reader cannot overlook the contrast in character development and the ideas exhibited by the authors with respect to the plight of the character. How the characters fail or succeed in dealing with situations, unpleasant circumstances or the issues of life is β†’

Rat kiley in the things they carried

This shows just how much of a toll the Vietnam war can take on a man and the lengths he will go to in order to leave that hell. This is an example of Rat being unable to cope with his best friend's death and the pressures that war puts on you.

Good example of research paper on salman rushdie

He has also mentor many young novelists in the course of his life (British Council Literature, 2011). Main stories Midnight's Children Salman Rushdie breakthrough in the literate work came through this book and won the Booker prize in 1981. In 1993, it won the prize/award of bookers of bookers as the best β†’

The development of dunstan ramsay in fifth business

Ramsay, Diana Marfleet, and Liesl Vitzliputzli to help mold, change, and fortify Dunstan into the person he is at the end of the story. By applying the Jungian theory of individuation and the ideas of character by Perrine, we are able to follow the development of Dunstan as he goes through life. The first character β†’

The known world essay sample

As in any examination of a prewar civilization, it resounds with a shocking foreboding. The Known World intertwines the lives of freed and enslaved blacks, whites and Indians, and lets us in a deeper understanding of the continuing multidimensional world created by the institution of slavery. The story is basically centered on slavery. β†’

Free heart of darkness by joseph conrad book review example

The telling of the story is chronological in both the timing and the places. Another symbol used in the story is that of the fog to represent uncertainty or unclear circumstances.

Tom jones as a picaresque novel essay sample

Generally speaking, the picaresque novel as derived from the Spanish word for ' rogue', picaro, is concerned with the life story of a clever and musing adventures who proceeds by tricks and roguery through a series of adventures. The picaresque fiction which had its origin in Greek and Latin word literature as in the β†’

Death assistance in society essay

By allowing legalization of assisted death, it would be very difficult regulate the process, and would create a great deal of legal nightmares. So is there a legal right to die? Laws would also have to be in place to decide who has the right to decide it the person qualifies for assisted death.

Example of bus 174 and representing the body essay

After four hours of the experience, the police came in and in their attempt to shoot the young man, they short one of the hostages who was a woman. Indiana: Indiana University Press, 2010. Nichols, Bill.

Right to counsel paper

Ollila CJA/364 09/17/2012 Chris Bragg Right to Counsel Paper To analyze and understand the aspects of the right to counsel one must understand the Sixth Amendment of the Constitution of the United States which states that; any person that is a U.S.citizen accused of a crime will have the right to counsel during a Criminal β†’

Validity, benefits, and liabilities of criminal profiling essay example

In addition to that, the paper will mention issues that relate to the validity of information that will form the basis of criminal profiling. Criminal profiling identifies the perpetrator in crime using an analysis of the nature of the offense and the manner.

Good international commercial law thesis example

LAW International Commercial Law 2 The best evidence for the indispensability of a given phenomenon is its life through the years and its enclosure to appropriate situations. Lex Mercatoria as an aggregate of principles and rules created and established by merchants in the medieval ages aiming the regulation of their transactions. The β†’

Should juvenile criminals be tried as adults argumentative essay sample

When the juvenile offenders are tried as adults the development of the case is complete, judgments are mature, and deterrence of crime will be achieved. Therefore, for better execution of justice and correctional procedure to be effective juvenile offender should be tried as adults. On the other hand, other scholars and individuals assert that juvenile β†’

Victimless crime essay

This does not warrant the crime to be legal, but due to the fact that there is no victim or complainant, if falls into the category of victimless crime. Victimless crime rides on mutual consent from the parties involved; they are subject to ethical audit from the societal view and also the law. It is β†’

Case study on law: agency discretion

On the one hand, it could prove that the agency official was acting arbitrariness, or on the other that discretion was needed, especially due to the nature of potential future case hearings. SCUM's Civil Rights Violation claim is suitably expressed out of the unfavorable manner in which Ruth treats the entity. First is that Erhard β†’

The process of juvenile justice essay

Factors looked at this stage include; the proof of the crime, the gravity of the crime, the delinquent's preceding unlawful and court history and the success of rehabilitation appraisals of the juvenile. Once a determination is made, the juvenile might either remain in juvenile court or is moved to the criminal court.

Example of essay on how stereotypes are used to racially profile people

The main reason as to why Stereotype has been so rampant especially in the recent years is because people are ignorance of the reality around them. In the sports sector, Africans form part of the majority in the playing teams.

Cybersecurity and law enforcement essay example

Generally, the law enforcing stakeholders are not in a situation to implement and make effective the existing laws. Globally, there are various laws in areas of cyber exploitations, cyber stalking, and pornography. In the 2008, the Information Technology Act was enforced to punish cyber stalking, cyber exploitation, pornography, and other types of cyber β†’

Phillis wheatley’s “an hymn to the morning” essay

In " An Hymn to the Morning" we are introduced to a speaker who is in search of herself, a forceful nature, and what she means to " An Hymn in the Morning. " We are given a taste of Phillis Wheatley's amazing writing style as well as a sample to her state of mind and β†’

Louis armstrong: the jazzman

More than any of these, Louis Armstrong brought his music, and that of many other great artists, to every corner of America and around the globe. Two bars short of the phrase the clarinet becomes low and sensuous to lead into the piano solo on the third variation.

Math and music

The beauty of music, for him, was the same as that a mathematician experiences in the process of discovery. The intervals present in the scales are expressions of mathematical ratios. The process of writing music is mathematical at its heart.

The violence on television and video games essay

It is quite clear that TV and video games violence are the ones shaping the character and behavior of young people. The evidences that violence on television and video games causes violent behavior in children are overwhelming. Different studies on media violence point to the same findings that children with greater exposure to violence in β†’

Hair: the musical – play review

Their mission was to change people's perception of racism, environmental destruction, poverty, sexism and sexual repression, violence at home and the war in Vietnam, depersonalization from new technologies, and corruption in politics. The actor I chose to critique was the African American chorus boy, who played many different small roles.'Hair' was the first stage production β†’

Recipe for a perfect party

Choosing a date is the first step in planning a party. For example, if you are planning a Christmas party, chances are your guests will have other parties to attend this time of year and you will not want this to interfere with your party. You chose your date, created your menu, and decorated your β†’

Drawing one direction

Talk less of hiatus that brought to a halt one of the world's best music band and forget about Zayn exit, there is a lot in the offing right now. And if anything is to go by, there is no doubt green lights paint a picture of the most anticipated re-emergence of one the world's β†’

Ms. dohan essay

I made a commitment to the company and the government to abide by their laws, there fore, it is my moral obligation to honor that contract. It is my absolute duty to not serve people under age, which is outlined by the law, and not to serve a person who is visibly intoxicated, it is β†’

Free essay on understanding the computer system

The combination of the above three elements make up the architecture of the computer system. The architecture of a computer is always the same regardless of the use of the computer. The paper will discuss the three major architectural systems: peer-to-peer architecture, client/server architecture, and web-based computing. The peer-to-peer architecture, also P2P is one of β†’

A thesis statement on the novel candide by voltaire

The novel Candide by Voltaire delved into the miseries of men, politics and religion where every unfortunate event that happens to the individual is to be accepted since it is all for the best. Fatalism is the view that individuals are powerless to do anything other that what we actually do. It seems ironic that β†’

Women and the american dream

Ultimately, Daisy chooses a stable future with Tom over Gatsby's potential for love and wealth- her connection to Gatsby allows Daisy to avoid persecution and continue the stereotypical American dream with Tom. Although Daisy's status as an East Egger gives her more agency, Daisy's pursuance of her true American dream is hampered by her society's β†’

Report on typology in american writing

Typology, in a biblical sense is what you are looking at as different signs and different interpretations of symbols and readings in the Bible. Another example of antitype and type in Jonathan Edwards's writings is in his Doctrine when he explains that it's not the light that shows you are sinful, and it's not a β†’

Term paper on supreme court case: mapp v. ohio

It, therefore, calls for an analysis of the application of two essential principles to the search warrant, that is, the Exclusionary rule and the Fruits of Poisonous Tree Doctrine. In that doctrine evidence that is obtained in the search and currency of searching for evidence in an illegal or prohibited manner will not be admissible β†’

Female education in upper egypt

The USAID indicates that 800, 000 girls are out of school between the ages of 6 and 15 and 600, 000 are out of school between the age of 6 and ten. He explained that although education in Upper Egypt is sometimes important for the families and their children, the reason is not because of β†’

Action research: teacher burnout essay sample

This way, a total understanding of the actions and perceptions of the teachers will be gathered. Action Research: Analysis and Resolution A narrative of the actions and practices of the teachers will be prepared for this project. Those actions that contribute to the occurrence of burnout will be noted and highlighted.

Qualities of a good teacher

They should be sensitive to the needs and feelings of students. They should speak the language of the students when needed and should relate to their level of mental and physical abilities.

Why i became a teacher?

When I was unfulfilled, working in the profession of social work, I decided that I would need to help others for my job. Michelle Shearer said in her interview for teacher of the year, " what I love about teaching is at the end of every day I never have to wonder if what I β†’

Interclean-envirotech merger essay sample

The main purpose of merging with EnviroTech was to incorporate the best of both worlds and to maximize the strengths of both companies to become the leader in the industry. Rightsizing will take InterClean through a process of reorganizing or completely revamping the business overall, in order to accomplish the strategic business goal. There β†’

Focused low-cost strategy

However the old players of the different markets who already have achieved the economies of scale and have experience of production and selling of the similar products pose serious threats. The vertical and horizontal integration by different key industry players is one of the most important threats. The threat of copying the β†’

Nintendo business strategy

A strategy is the determination of the basic long termgoalsand objectives of an enterprise and adoption of courses of action and allocation of resources necessary for carrying out those goals. The difference Nintendo is establishing with the Revolution is a low-cost device with an accessible interface. The accessible interface will largely come β†’

Structure of protein essay

It based on the fact that the figure of new folded protein construction is non turning fast comparing to the figure of new protein sequences, which leads to the observation that any new predicted construction will be about folded to an bing construction in the database. Ab initio is a anticipation method that seeks to β†’

The world view of mother teresa essay sample

This, she believed is the beginning of world peace, which is a precursor of prosperity in any nation. The work of Mother Teresa, is a clear testimony of her conviction to the service to humanity. Just to emphasize on her commitment to helping mankind, Missionaries of Charity, which she founded had spread to over 133 β†’

Essay on doll’s house

Now, however, she starts to question whether she acted appropriately, and this affects her thoughts about whether she is fundamentally a good wife and mother as she had previously thought. In turmoil about the potential dishonour that is about to be bestowed upon her husband, Nora considers taking her own life. She realises that she β†’

Term paper on crisis intervention

After that, the cultural assessment takes place to figure out just how stressed and in crisis the patient is through investigating their environment and health. After that, the crisis intervention takes place, wherein the actual crisis is resolved as best as possible. With the help of the PLACE model and proper psychological first aid techniques, β†’

What is self essay sample

Therefore, it is not the perpetual assumptions perceived by people in me that defines me and provides the definition of who I am as a self. According to Locke, self-consciousness of our perceiving self is relevant in demonstrating personal identity or otherwise referred to as the person's knowledge of the self. In addition, the argument β†’

Family relationships in the illustrated man essay example

When the children go missing, though, the parents look for them; it is a trick to lock the parents inside the nursery. After all, the nursery was designed to catch " the telepathic emanations of the children's minds and [create] life to fill their every desire.

Free research paper on maintaining or reclaiming a good sex life after children

It is vital that the spouses establish a positive connection in an effort to rekindle their sexuality and sensuality. Some mothers agree that it is difficult to reclaim their sex lives after children. This ensures that they have more intimate relationships in the months following their childbirths. It is of β†’

Organization development- see description for topics

Implementing Change Powerfully and Successfully. This article covers the eight-step change model that John Kotter, a renowned change expert established including creating urgency, forming a powerful coalition, creating a vision for change, communicating the vision, eliminating the obstacles, creation of short term wins, building on the change and adopting the change in the corporate culture. β†’

Organizational behavior in the new york police department (nypd)

The four major elements of organizational behavior which greatly affects the effectiveness of security agencies such as the NYPD are the people, the structure, the technology and the environment. This step was an important facet in the revamp of the structure of the organization which greatly affects the behavior of the NYPD personnel.

An importance of diversity awareness project

Next, the core value of Social Justice is like a rally cry to promote change for everyone: spread that information far and wide. The Dignity and Worth of the Person, a very important core value, is a value that should be reminded to everyone daily, in order to consistently attempt to prompt people to treat β†’

Dealing with stress at workplace

The organizational factors include poor job coordination, poor communication, ineffective job design and descriptions, and unhealthy working environment such as authoritarian leadership Hour 2 Negative effects of stress The employees exhibit low job morale The employees feel insecure and uncertain about the future of their jobs The employees are overloaded β†’

What my parents told me essay examples

Further, it helps individuals to learn and understand the cultural and social rules that determine sexual behavior. The family is the initial and earliest educator and agent in the socialization ladder. In our family, the topic of sexuality was a preserve of the parents. My parents hated the sexuality topic.

Mgk vs the world essay

This led the FBI to investigate and come to the conclusion that Machine Gun Kelly was indeed responsible for the kidnapping of Charles F. Rescuer. The fingerprints of Rescuer put him in the house where Machine Gun Kelly held him and allowed the FBI to investigate and put the two men whose house it β†’

Your trusted friends analysis

Toys, Play place's, clowns and kid's club are only a few of the many marketing ploys which giant fast food companies have enacted to grab the youth demographic and capitalize on it. What we can do is hold them accountable and demand that they give a fraction of what they put into these giant marketing β†’