950 Words Essay Samples

Leadership and management

When comparing and contrasting leadership and management it is important to first have a clear understanding of their definitions. According to Business Dictionary.com , the definition of management and leadership are: * Management- The organization and coordination of the activities of a business in order to achieve defined objectives.* Leadership- Establishing β†’

Discussion questions for week 3

Faust, in offering insight shared the perspective of what happened when another colleague dressed down to work in a grease-stained shirt while on the manufacturing floor. I have never had an experience similar to Stanley's in this tale nor have I attempted to create a persona at work or school. The man in the grease-stained β†’

Land productive farm lands at lower slope areas

Soil erosion by water is the critical problems and processes of land degradation(Woldeamlak and Sterk, 2002; Wagayehu, 2003). The onsite effects of soil erosion is washing out of important soilnutrients, reduction of soil depth, decreasingwater holding capacity of the soil and finally leads to lower agriculturalproductivity (Aklilu, 2006; Gebreegziabher et al. , 2006).

Explain the importance of groups essay sample

Each individual in the group puts in his own expertise, knowledge for the attainment of the group objectives this means pooling in of lot of ideas and this helps in simplifying the procedure of performing the task which intern will lead to achieving the objectives on time and efficiently. Teamwork In today's β†’

Laboratory management- general functions of a laboratory manager

They must promote the continuing professional development of staff and oversee the training of trainees. A lab manager must therefore make risk assessments for the laboratory and ensure that the company'sHealth & Safety policy is observed. The lab manager may also be involved in the development of new products and service to β†’

Agencies helping businesses and how to regulate them research paper examples

They help businesses to have strategic and tactical sales options to compete favorably with their competitors (FitzRoy, Hulbert, & Ghobadian, 2012). Regulation of businesses by agencies and fiduciary duties Agencies have an obligation to act in the best interest of, and for the benefit of the businesses that they are representing and offering professional β†’

System analyst report

The management is to identify the requirements of a system analyst and ensure that all the staff involved in system analysis process posses all the required characteristics and skills needed in any design modeling process. The purpose of this letter is take into identify the skills which a system analyst must develop in order β†’

Case study on armco, inc.: midwestern steel division

Part of the plan to stave competition was to produce higher quality goods and raise employee performance with incentives programs based on employee responsibility and historical performance. The old method of performance evaluation was based on ' Cost Above' system, a plan that summed up the costs that were added β†’

Huck finn: father figures in hucks life essay samples

Jim and Huck Relationship In the Adventures of Huckleberry Finn, the character Jim who was a slave of Miss Watson played a vital role in the life of Huck as he accompanies Huck in all his adventures. There is no doubt that Jim has taken up the role of the father or even β†’

Environmental toxicology

However, most people today probably do not know the magnitude of the effects of these accidents and the horrifying side-effects that it has had and continues to cause. Understanding the side-effects of exposures, the lingering effects of this radiation exposure, and the relationships of the exposure to diseases that are prevalent in the areas studied, β†’

Science & nature in frankenstein & blade runner essay

Thus, the ethical concern about relations between nature and science was the core idea of many literary works at all times. A novel Frankenstein by Mary Shelley is a romantic work that reflects the consequences of " blind science" and human ambition, and Blade Runner by Ridley Scott depicts the industrialized β†’

Strongbow advert

This advert is a humorous advert because it is set in the mouth of a blue whale that has its mouth open in the middle of the ocean without water coming into the mouth. This humour is put into make the advert more appealing to people who what to buy this beer and therefore this β†’

Technology evaluation different time, different place

Lotus Live Technology Assessment Questions Assessing the Cultural Practice For the technology selected, answer the questions below: Does the technology: Allow for collaboration between individuals in the organization? Yes No Do not know Allow for collaboration between teams in the organization? Yes No Do not know Allow for collaboration β†’

Effective parenting styles

Authoritarian Parenting In the authoritarian style of parenting, the parents set strict rules for children to follow and set high demands that these rules are to be obeyed or they be punished end of story. The most common aspect of this authoritarian style of parenting, is the parent neglects to give the β†’

Plot summary and analysis of mice and men by john steinbeck

At their new job in a ranch, they meet old Candy and his dog, as well as Curley, the boss's son, Slim another coworker who gives a puppy to Lennie and Crooks who has to sleep in the barn because of his skin color. Consequently, due to the way Lennie was excluded and mistreated because β†’

Research paper on budget checklist – clinical research operations

Below is a brief overview of some of these factors. Factors to Consider while Preparing Budgets for Clinical Research Operations The research team: It is important for the researcher to determine the number of staff who will be required during the clinical trial, their qualification and the duration of time they will be working β†’

The secret history essay sample

Through the three books he created: " History of the Wars", " The Buildings of Justinian", and " The Secret History", he is our primary source of information about the reign of Emperor Justinian. Procopius had a great dislike for the Emperor Justinian and the Empress Theodora, and wanted his audience, which would have been β†’

Journalistic interview paper

The high of being a part time is that one brings a real life experience to the classroom while the low side is that some students will complain that the part time lecture is not effective in the classroom. It is important for the journalist to have basic knowledge about the interviewee and the topic β†’

Main points of the thin red line movie

Despite their diverse backgrounds, the soldiers form a tight-knit group as they face the war horrors on the island. The movie is a fictional depiction of the Battle of Mount Austen, part of a string of battles fought on the South Pacific island of Guadalcanal. Unlike in the movie, where the Americans are attempting to β†’

Essay on death and life after death essay sample

This is because muslims believe that it is important to be in contact with the earth. However, if the body is buried in a non Muslim country and a coffin is used, the lid is usually left off. Muslims do not believe in cremation and therefore the body is not cremated because muslims believe that β†’

Plot analysis for a rose for emily

Even though it is in vain, the protagonist'smotivationbehind everything she does is to make time stand still, thus trying to avoid the other human certainty, death. As a result of the story beginning with Emily's funeral, readers are introduced to Miss Emily's struggle with her antagonist, time, through the setting she lives β†’

The elements of mary shelley’s autobiography in frankenstein

As a professor of psychology and the author of a host of books that examine various psychological elements at play in some of the most recognized pop culture mainstays within the science fiction genre, Sherri Ginn seems more than qualified to offer an insightful analysis of both the science fact and the science fiction β†’

Uv radiation – environment health

UV rays also predispose to the cataract formation, which is the opacification of the crystalline lens of the eye. The environmental sources of exposure to UV radiation (Including the role of the ozone layer): Sunlight is the major source of Ultra violet radiation.

Helping epileptic children: a case for the legalization of marijuana essay samples

Seizures in particular are harmful to and common among children as they can cause serious brain damage and other physical damage, and in serious cases they can have a harmful effect on a child's growth and development. The family will be able to move back to their hometown when the bill passes. Arguments against marijuana β†’

Treatment modalities for inmates research paper example

This is more complicated where inmates may have a mental or medical condition, such as those brought about by the use of addictive substances, and call for special treatment modalities in working towards reform and re-integration of the offender. It is in response to this that a number of modalities β†’

The creator and the creation: one identity

The Creator and the Creation: One Identity In the dark, gothic novel Frankenstein a young Victor Frankenstein, out of a desire for knowledge, creates a monster out of a combination of corpses out of his years of work. The monster is drawn in by the life of the village, but the villages attack him β†’

A view of how nathaniel hawthorne portrays the use of falseness as illustrated in his novel, the scarlet letter

Through the juxtaposition of Hester's and Dimmesdale's hypocritical nature with Pearl's pureness, Hawthorne reveals the true harming effects of the Puritan society on its individuals and the benefits of unorthodoxy in the prevailing community. Hester has caused only further problem to herself and her neighbors through her hypocritical actions which eventually led to the damnation β†’

Assignment: critical analysis of a film raging bull by martin scorsese essay sample

Ironically at the time it was made, Scorsese was as bewildered as it is possible, without actually climbing in the ring, having barely survived a distressing and violent period with cocaine and having being criticised heavily for his former New York, New York. However, his near to death experience changed it all, and he was β†’

Examples of loyalty in the kite runner [essay]

In our paper, we will aim to explore the nature of loyalty in The Kite Runner. For the first time, the theme of loyalty comes to its prominence in the novel's scene when, while trying to defend Amir, Hassan aims his slingshot at Assef: " I turned and came face to face with Hassan's slingshot... β†’

Classification of dog owners

Show dog owners are the next class of dog owners but it is not one that is really all by itself but kind of a sub-class of the obsessed dog owners. This group of dog owners treat their dog as a family member and see to it that they are educated to be good β†’

Good example of sewage disposal in america research paper

The sewage is then taken to a sewage treatment factory for treatment purposes. The sewer systems can be powered by gravity to enable the flow of sewage. The primary treatment is a stage that involves screening of the sewage, and allowing the sewage to sit in ponds so as to let the solids settle.


Everyone in the family had to play his or her own part and had a specific role or purpose to fulfill in order to be a successful family. Whether you were the head of the family, a wife, or a daughter or son, everyone had their own role and duties to execute. β†’

Contemporary social issues as portrayed in othello research paper examples

In the full title of his tragedy, Othello, The Moor of Venice, Shakespeare announces the place of origin and race of the titular character. This prejudice and the notions of their savagery rendered them an abhorred race of villains. The title character is a noble Moor who commands a Venetian army in Cyprus, a β†’

Life lessons in the kite runner

Kite runner is a story that can easily be related to every generation and enjoyed by all types of readers. The powerful story engages the reader by reminding them of freedom and the fight to achieve it. The closeness that can be applied to the events in the novel allow for a deeper connection to β†’

Minimum wage should be raised and should automatically increase with inflation

The other notable contribution of an increase in minimum wage is that it results to reduced turnover. The other negative aspect of increasing minimum wage proportionately with inflation level is that it could result to layoffs by the companies in a bid to accommodate the new-hiked minimum wage.

Foodborne illness short answer questions

In this occurrence, the witnessed illnesses amounted to 2, 000 people from months of May to July. Food cooking should be thorough such that no traces of salmonella bacteria are in the already cooked food meant for people to eat.

Roderigo’s jealousy in othello

He gives in to Iago at the beginning of the play. At the end of the play, after Othello smothers Desdemona to death, it is brought to his attention that he was set up by Iago.

Motherhood in everyday use and i stand here ironing

Although both stories have similarities it Continues throughout both stories the theme of the sibling differences and sibling rivalries. In " I Stand Here Ironing" Olsen illustrated the meaning of the iron, which can be compared to Walkers quilt in " Everyday Use". In " I Stand Here Ironing," The meaning of the creases means β†’

Alignment of hrm and business strategies research paper

I would have the HR analyze their resource base and any areas found wanting will be addressed through training and development. I would ensure that the human capital in the Marriott is effectively aligned with the organizations strategy and objectives. To align their strategy with that of the business they β†’

The character iago in william shakespeare’s play

The superego's goal is to apply moral values to obtain one's wishes. The superego imposes guilt, shame, self-doubt, and anxiety to control one's actions. The ego is the section of your mind you are most aware of. Therefore Iago's id and ego are operating as they should and it is his superego β†’

Cadbury schweppes: competitive advantage and business level choice essay sample

Managing for value is the process that supports the achievement of the strategy by providing the overall strategic direction. Scope and Diversity: Cadbury Schweppes competes in confectionery and soft drinks markets, the logic behind this is so that it can develop specialist skills and remain one of the key players in these markets. All products, β†’

Assignment #2: tragedy of the commons

In addition, this practice is detrimental to the environment, and despite the fact that only the illegal loggers benefit from this, the larger human population is exposed to the environmental risks this practice brings. In relation to the tragedy of the commons, oil drilling is not classified as a tragedy to the commons because of β†’

Mexico summary essay sample

The increased level of corruption in the Mexico government during the early part of the 20th century was attributed to the One Party Rule. Increase in the use of marijuana can be noted in its increased used in the medical practice, in the 19th century.

Bicycle thieves

The movie is based on a novel written by Luigi Bartoni and was adopted for screenplay by Cesare Zavattini The movie is regarded as one of the best films of Italian neo-realism, a movement which began in 1945 to give a new degree to realism in Italian cinematography. The movie ends when Antonio β†’

Globalization suggested the need to recognize that

Hargreaves and Shirley submitsthe participating in the interconnected global world of education is one way toimprove the future of public education, internationally. The role of technology, in atraditional school setting, is to facilitate, through increased efficiency andeffectiveness, the education of knowledge and skills.

Good example of essay on the legalization of marijuana: why the world can agree on this issue

On the other hand, as in the states where marijuana is legal, in many of the European Union countries, religion is not a major issue preventing legalization. Consequently, it is no wonder that, in countries where religion is a major aspect of culture or of daily life, such as in many of the Islamic countries, β†’

Cafe yumm

You estimate the probability of the approval of the project by the city is 75%. For both the I-JO and the downtown locations, you have the following estimates of the expenses to become a part of the Caf Yumm! : Franchise fee: $35, 000.

Fahrenheit 451: contrasts between the novel and movie

There are numerous differences between the novel Fahrenheit 451 and the movie of the same name, including changes in characters, depiction of details, and plot structure. The characters in the movie versus the book play an important role in the difference between the two. It may have also been changed to cause a different perspective β†’

Communication behavior report

I also ensured that I used good and polite choice of words that helped me to respond clearly to the questions I was being asked. I used various signals and gestures to ensure that presented my argument clearly in the conversation.

Leon: the professional film analysis essay sample

She arouses the same feeling of love he felt when he was young and Leon decides to keep her safe, risking his life in the process. And it is a spectacle to watch her perfectly embrace this role and pour it to the screen, considering her age at the time.

Fahrenheit 451- the journey to a new montag

Montag needs Faber to teach him how to read and find the meaning of books." I need you to teach me" he said,. Montag is starting to change; he is starting to feel that books are a very good thing and it is all because of Faber.

Compare and contrast two magazine advertisements essay sample

The Gandalf advertisements secondary purpose is to inform the audience of the product. Whereas, the Peugeot 206 advertisements secondary purpose is to inform the reader about the product whilst it entertains the reader as the reader participates in the advertisement. Research into how the human eye looks influences the choices made by the designers. For β†’

A passage to india essay 3

This comparison draws attention to itself when the narrator begins his description of the sky: " Some kites hovered overhead, impartial,...and with an impartiality exceeding all, the sky" The chauvinism that is expressed in this scene is in direct contrast to the meaningless and unimportant conversations being held by the attendants of The Bridge β†’

Free case study on information systems at the national level

For example, in Florida among other member states, the use of data collected at the regional level does not rhyme with that which is at the ground. There is the problem of ownership and relevance of data in the information system.

Opening chapter of mice and men

Steinbeck emphasis his writing skills by revealing a Blvd description of the place and atmosphere 'A few miles south, On the sandy bank under the trees, shade climbed up the hills towards the top'. This type of writing method is effective because it's so detailed that it becomes vivid and lifelike in our β†’

The marxist view of education essay sample

Marxists believe that the ruling class dominates society, they also believe that society is based on conflict between classes (the working class and the ruling class) they believe that the ruling class exploit the working class unlike the consensus view who believe in meritocracy.(Everyone gets equal opportunities) Althusser β†’

Impacts of alternative energy sources on the environment in jamaica

Impacts of Alternative energy sources on the Environment in Jamaica Impacts of Alternative energy sources on the Environment in Jamaica Over centuries, ensuring environmental sustainability has been a major concern to all. Stimulation and implementation of the use of alternative energy sources in the country necessitates more viability and profitability.

The invisible man:a quest for recognition and politics in disguise and ambiguity

The novel " The Invisible Man" by Ralph Ellison almost attains the stature of Bible in figuring out the saga of politics pertaining to recognition in the paradigm of existential discourse in the history of American politics and its democratic life. The entire novel stands out to bear the long drawn history of Black Nationalism β†’

Human health and the environment

In fact according to Canadian sources, only 4% of mercury deposits in Canada are emitted in Canada and the remaining 96% is from foreign sources in the year 20062. Scientific studies have provided a list of diseases caused due to mercury and its play in the environment at different levels.1.

Benefits and costs of children joining the spelling bee essay

Indeed, the tremendous demands of the competition palpably manifests for these children and their families, because a one-letter mistake can immediately dissolve their quest of winning this prestigious contest. Although the children work unnaturally hard and undergo fierce familial and personal pressure in the competition, these problems are overshadowed by the benefits of competition- the β†’

Computer forensics laboratory

The exact physical copy of the evidence is called bit-stream image, forensic duplicate or forensic image and is done by removing the hard disk from the source computer and attaching it to the investigator's forensic machine with the following security measures: using a write-blocker to ensure that no data is written to it in the β†’

Technology in our day to day life essay sample

So it is better to stay up-to-date with modern technology and learn how to embrace and use them in your day to day life because without it we are helpless. To begin with, technology in the field of communication has the most important consideration in my day to day life. And that is why β†’

Othello as shakespeare’s tragic hero essays example

So the husband decides his wife has to die, because he does not want her to be with another man. Othello is a very insecure man. He was a victim of racism people did not approve his marriage with Desdemona, because she was of a noble family, and Othello was just a Moorish general.

Ecological footprint

Having participated in the footprint quiz, I can define ecological footprint as the collective measure of human demand on the ecosystem, that is, the interdependence of both the living and the nonliving component consisting of natural resources like air, water and the earth's crust. Ecological footprint seeks to critically evaluate how the interactions β†’

Good example of essay on poem

But when I brought it home and opened up the cover (the moon must have been in retrograde because there's no reason why would willingly choose to read a book on a Saturday as a child) the book never left my hands until I finished it. I was not excited about the idea and I β†’

Violence in the kite runner

And while at a first glance most would assume that the book is just showing how violent Afghanistan was, it was actually Hosseni trying to show something entirely different. If we look at the after effect of every violent act, we see that it does more than just hurt another person, it shapes the lives β†’

Transvestism in modern world

According to American history, charity girls were young females who had sex with men who were mostly soldiers in exchange for food or money (Smith: " In a Teenager's Plight, the Forgotten History of the " Charity Girls'). As a whole, the pursuit of prostitution of the charity girls and yellow cabs are relatable; however, β†’

Free article review on job analysis, recruitment, and selection

This will translate to an organization having an efficient work force that will steer the day-to-day operations of the organization. The article observes that for any organization to meet its stated goals and objectives, it must put in place policies and procedures that will attract and vet in the best of β†’

Invictus summary & analysis by william ernest henley

The movie is set in South Africa during the election of President Nelson Mandela and the emergence of 1995 Rugby World Cup victors. The movie uses rugby as its referenced sport and Springboks team as a central element; however, it does not address the tactical or technical part of the sport. Mandela's vision and change β†’

In aware of the conflict, the outcome

Negotiation is a process where each party involved in communicating back and forth and tries to gain an advantage for themselves by the end of the process. In summary, planning is a process of setting goals, developing strategies and schedule the process to accomplish the goal.

Life insurance

As this research studying based on the Indian market, the research is proceeding in Bangalore, which is one of the main city in India. Research mythology is proceeding under collecting data of the current status of the both company and from the people to know the brand awareness and the purchasing behaviour when buying life β†’

Stp of micromax essay sample

Micromax based its value proposition out there, with extensive features vis-a-vis the big brands, of course with a low-price point with a target audience catering to the low-income groups and the rural households. Specifically, deciding on a positioning requires: determining a frame of reference by identifying the target market and relevant competition, β†’

Farmers union iced coffee, advertisement

I do believe that the ad does have a negative side to it. Some of the scenes in the advertisement could be offensive to some viewers, for example, the Apollo 1 disaster in which all three of the crew aboard were killed in the fire, the feminist push in the 1970s where a man is β†’

Vitasoy anaylsis essay sample

For this marketing strategy I will be concentrating on expanding Sanitarium So Good Chilled Soy Milk's target market to influence dairy milk drinkers to begin drinking soy milk and to further increase the market of health concerned customers. I believe that trying to convince customers to try and continue drinking soy milk is a β†’

Disadvantaged groups access to the labor markets blocked research proposal examples

The study will concentrate only and only on the background reasons of the barriers for the Romani People to access to the labor markets. From this information collected in the interviews, we can develop a theoretical model how the Romani People's access to the labor market is blocked. The study will also be on developing β†’

Report type assignment based of swatch case study

SWATCH CASE STUDY By The of the The of the School The and where it is located The Date REPORT TYPE ASSIGNMENT BASED OF SWATCH CASE STUDY Introduction Swatch has a unique way of running its business that is very different from that used by others. Such a work environment makes β†’

Nfl revenue sharing – america’s greatest sports league

The success of the NFL is something to marvel at. Is it fair for the Jacksonville Jaguars to be given the same share of profits from the TV revenue as the Dallas Cowboys?

Retail management essay sample

In 1998, Baleno overtook Giordano in terms of sales revenue and brand awareness, making it the leader in China's fashion market. 1. Internet retailing has experienced explosive growth in China and it is the most effectively way to proving a quality experience in recent retailing environment. Thought e-commerce, we believe Baleno can easier to reach β†’

Marketing planning & strategy – nestle

In terms of revenues, Nestle is the largest food company of the world. Brief Description of Company: The industry analysis of food and beverages suggests that there will be significant growth in future.

Food advertising to children

Business contributes to the economic wealth of a nation with jobs and taxes but the costs of healthcare to deal with the impacts of poor nutrition are borne by the government on behalf of the taxpayer. Business also has a moral obligation to repay society for the public resources it utilizes for its' β†’

Surf lifesaving memorial

1 is a rendered image of the front end of my design in a perspective view. 1 is a rendered image of the front end of my design in a perspective view.

Taiwan tea milk and other desserts demand estimation report examples

Multiplying the resulting figure with the selling price would yield monetary value of the demand. The weights obtained in Table 2 were applied to the Taiwan annual demand to obtain the maximum potential demand in the two countries. This assumes that the conditions in the three countries are the same. It is unlikely though that β†’

Chanel marketing plan

Chanel's vision is' o be the ultimate house of luxury'. Chanel is an established brand and specializes in haute couture, luxury goods, accessories and ready to wear cloths. These emply different leather and locks in order to be adjustable to individuals One of the famous unisex wristwatches line by Chanel is J12.

Researcher assignment

Its purpose is to establish a study design that will either test the hypotheses of interest and/or determine possible answers to set research questions, and ultimately provide the information needed for decision making. At this stage the researcher would have to decide the kind of data type that will support the research. The quality of β†’

Marketing strategy of nestle vs cadbury

Marketing strategy includes all basic and long-term activities in the field of marketing that deal tit the analysis of the strategic initial situation of a company and the formulation, evaluation and selection of market-oriented strategies and therefore contributes to the goals of the company and its marketing objectives. Nestle defines marketing as: β†’

Reflection essay on marketing case study

7-UP then repositioned itself in the market by introducing the slogan, " 7-UP, the uncola". 7-UP Gold was designed as a spiced version of 7-UP, similar in taste to the ginger ale soft drink.

Factors influencing demand and supply of food essay examples

This essay seeks to explore some of the factors that have been influencing the demand and supply for food in recent years. Food is the single most important commodities in the world. Consequently, the demand for the new foodstuff embraced increases while the demand for the foodstuff abandoned tends to β†’

Example of finance report

The underlying assumptions of both the models are: - Every investor has an aversion to risk and given a choice with the same amount of returns, every investor will choose the less risky investment. - Risk is taken in proportion to the risk premium but in inverse proportion to the variance of returns and the investor's

Marketing mix

The first and the foremost steps are to decide on the target market. Marketers must understand the needs and expectations of the individuals to create its target market.

Ifrs essay examples

The application of the international financial reporting standards helps in reducing various business risks depending on the specific activity that they perform. The application of the IFRSs is essential in the specific areas of business helps in reducing risks that are associated with failures in different sectors of business if β†’

Example of research paper on social enterprise proposal

In addition, the institution acknowledges the importance of health care in ensuring the wellbeing of the refugees. With the increasing number of refugees in the country, the institution recognizes the increasing demand for the services.

Market study marketing

The Tang and Ore are supplied by the best available resources that the Kraft could gather with Its firm company that's been proven through the years of expertise and experience of the worlds best food people.L. The Target Market Potential Market The potential markets for our products during our study are the people living wealth β†’

Nternational marketing and marketing research

An important goal of advertising is to influence customers' choices and buying decisions, which will lead to accomplishment of marketing plans of the firm. Advertising has to be visible, clear, and easy to take in. Price and non-price competition should be used at this point to keep the product at the market.

Interactive marketing

Is e-marketing coming of Age An examination of the Penetration of e-marketing And firm performance. About the Nature and Future of Interactive Marketing.

The use of pathos to form an emotional appeal for the audiences in the “choose one” ad campaign

The emotions you are experiencing are exactly what the ad campaign created by Moms Demand Action attempts to evoke. The use of rhetoric in the images to bring forth these emotions is a classic use of pathos to promote a product or in this case a movement. The clear answer is the rifle, right? The β†’

International marketing plan for bike assignment

The extent of the market determines a business's ability to make sales. The strength of the competition is a key constraint on bike business success.