950 Words Essay Samples

How the social context may influence the ability of health essay sample

A negative aspect of this campaign would be that once families have used these vouchers as a ' one off' they will then go back to normal habits as they will again, not be able to afford the healthier options when it comes to food.another issue which contributes to how the social context may influence β†’

Investigating travel and tourism analysis

In this unit I will look at the reasons for the rapid growth of travel and tourism since the end of the Second World War. Conference in different area then you work.* Visiting Family and FriendsPost-War development of travel and tourismTravel and tourism has existed for a long time but it is only since the β†’

Sensitive period essay

In the essay I will define the term sensitive period and explain how the teacher's knowledge and understanding of these periods determines his/her preparation and custodianship of the prepared environment. The understanding of the sensitive period plays a vital role to the significant of a child's development at the early age of his environment.

College isn’t worth it-here’s why

Now all that to say, I am also aware of the many negative aspects of higher education in this modern day; I have discouraged many of my peers from applying to college because they " feel like they have to". The gargantuan amount of debt that inevitably ensues for most college attendees is ridiculous and β†’

Caucasus and armenia essay sample

It is bordered by Turkey to the west, Georgia to the north, the de facto independent Nagorno-Karabakh Republic and Azerbaijan to the east, and Iran and the Azerbaijani exclave of Nakhchivan to the south. Culture The culture of Armenia is composed of elements that are based on the geography, literature, architecture, dance, and music of β†’

Ethical that are put in place from

These guidelines and regulations explain howorganizations are held accountable to the information they report based on thepunishment and sentencing that can occur from false information, as well as theneed to have compliance officers to ensure the public is receiving accurateinformation. Having it more visible and understanding whatthe true meaning of their standards are will help β†’

Theories and models of memory

Short-term memory refers to just the temporary storage of information within the memory whereas working memory refers to the processes that are used to temporarily organise, manipulate and store information. It is responsible for controlling and monitoring the operation of the slave systems known as the phonological loop and visuo-spatial sketch pad that have limited β†’

The importance of good human resource management

The development of people, their competences, and the procedure development of the entire organisation are the chief concerns of human resource direction. Human resource direction is the tactical and articulate attack to the direction of an organisation 's most valued assets - the people working there who separately and jointly lend to the accomplishment of β†’

Challenges to developing a positive cohesive culture

This paper will explains the challenges of positive cohesive culture which are included developing an ethical culture by modelling the clearly ethical norm, developing a global organizational culture and developing a culture of empowerment and quality.. The managers should be establish the ethical model of behaviours and organizational code, so that their employees can follow β†’

Apush chapter 11 (the peculiar institution)

The " peculiar institution" Slavery was an institution unique to only southern society The Mason-Dixon Line separated slavery and freedom; the North and the South. Lords of the Loom and Lords of the LashLords of the loom were New England's early factory owners, and Lords of the Lash were the southern slave owners.

Sustainable development and globalization are two popular concept with respect to present context. is globalization is a threat for sustainable development ? assignment

The area where the circles overlap is the area of sustainability, the area of livability? the area where all the threads of quality of life come together. The report states: " The world's ecological capacity is simply insufficient to satisfy the ambitions of China, India, Japan, Europe and the United States as well as the β†’

Acid and shoe

The investigators chose this study because of curiosity and that the investigators are looking for other alternatives in making a shoe polish which is convenient and safe to use. How effective is the presence of the glycerin, charcoal, citric acid in the making of the shoe polish?

Thematic analysis of a long way gone and sold

In essence, the theme of learning to adapt is necessary for survival during times of violence and abuse fits in for Lakshmi because she had to adapt to the abuses at the Happiness House. Sold and A Long Way Gone both articulate the theme that in order to survive, adaptation is required during times of β†’

The launch of banyan tree hotels marketing essay

Costly-to-imitate: It is almost impossible to emulate BTHR's brand as numerous capabilities across the value chain contributed to its success its first-mover advantage, strategic brand image/positioning, innovative and exclusive service by Banyan staff, and extensive marketing. Besides, the fusion of Banyan staff experience and BTHR culture adds on to its exclusivity.

Morality of genetic engineering

Therefore It may not be absolutely correct to say whether or not genetic engineering Is morally permissible, given the varying values of our society; however, I will continue to argue that genetic engineering should not be considered morally permissible. Just as the best medicines and treatments are expensive today, it is fair to say that β†’

The ddm and peg methods of equity valuation, the risk premium, the best investment opportunity according to the peg ratio, working capital management

The DDM includes the following: Estimates of a company's growth rate, as measured by the growth in dividend, or a substitute Risk premium - likelihood of achieving the growth rate Risk-free rate According to the DDM, two companies with comparable risk profiles should have approximately the same risk-free rate. Calculate the risk premium of each β†’

Case study of indian ocean tsunami

Case Study of the Indian Ocean Tsunami On December 26, 2004, the Indian Ocean earthquake, or the Sumatra-Andaman earthquake, caused a tsunami that killed 230, 000 people and was recorded as the deadliest tsunami in known history. The earthquake was at a depth of 30km and caused a huge rupture that triggered waves of up β†’

Chemical analysis determination of sugar content biology essay

3 or 4 pieces of granulated Zn and 100 milliliter of 40 % acerb sodium carbonate were being an add-on and the flask was connected with the splash caputs of the distillment setup. The extraction was replaced thrice utilizing a mixture of 5 milliliters crude oil quintessence and adding the extraction to the distillment flask.

Customs and no political support (bti, 2016). the

Nevertheless, the medialandscape is described as one of the most vibrant and diverse on the Africancontinent. Epileptic powersupply is a significant routine in Nigeria and government have not doneanything about it even when the significance of adequate power supply inBusiness cannot be overemphasized.

Cerebral cortex and phineas gage

Frontal is for reasoning, parts of speech, movement, planning, problem-solving, and emotions Phineas Gage Phineas Gage is a good example to use when explaining what happens to a person who receives brain damage and how the damage can affect ones cognitive functions. To this day " the role of the frontal cortex is involved in β†’

Quantum meruit assignment

The law implies a promise from the employer to the workman that he will pay him for his services, as much as he may deserve or merit.idence of the value of the improvements or services, but the court is NOT required to use the contract's terms when calculating a quantum meruit award.II. However, if there β†’

To increase our knowledge on sleep, sleep disorders, and chronobiology in the neuroscience field during the next decade

The Grand Challenge for Sleep and Chronobiology in the Neurology/Neuroscience domains for the twenty-first century is to improve our understanding of the complex relationships between sleep, wake, and chronobiology in healthy subjects and in patients with neurological disorders. Indeed, one-third of the population is affected by sleep disorders, as defined by the revised International Classification β†’

Dupont model analysis assignment

In analyzing the records in accordance to the first level of the DuPont Method, it could be mistakenly agreed upon that the sporting goods company is in good financial shape because its return on equity and capital are both significantly higher than that of industry standards. With further analysis of the sporting goods company with β†’

Kinship system in foraging and horticultural

You could also feel safer in the event a family member is hurt or was to become ill and could not provide their part of the food for a while. Of course, we have the welfare system and food pantries that do make it easier for those who do not have to get food.

A critical appreciation of dover beach

He calls the moonlit beach " blanched" and refers to the sound of the sea waves flinging the pebbles on the beach as " grating roar"-as if it's a harsh sound that disturbs the serene landscape. The monotonous movement of the sea which takes the pebbles from the beach and flings them back creates a β†’

‘the stoning of soraya m.’

Affiliation Movie Review: Stoning of Soraya The The film stoning of soraya M.is from the book, The stoning of Soraya M. This is demonstrated by the zeal with which Soraya's aunt, Zahra, fights the local authorities and other opposing forces to ensure that the story of her nieces stoning is told to the rest of β†’

Hobbes thinks that sovereign power is both absolute and indivisible. what reasons does hobbes give for his theory of sovereignty and what are its implications

To a considerable extent, he attempted to explain the nature of a government and its implication in society and to the people. This is because the people give up all their power to such an individual and trusts that such a contract eliminates the state of war that naturally exists between the people.

Commentary: baseline adiponectin concentration and clinical outcomes among patients with diabetes and recent acute coronary syndrome in the examine trial

The paper analyses the plasma levels of adiponectin in acute coronary syndrome type 2 diabetes patients enrolled in the study EXAMINE where they were monitored for CV outcomes for a period of 18 months. In the introduction and the discussion, the authors mention that the relation between the adiponectin level and CV outcomes has been β†’

Analysis of alfred hitchcock’s north by northwest essay sample

North by Northwest Synopsis Borrowing heavily from the spy era of the cold war, the main theme of the movie is mistaken identity. Roger Thornhill, the protagonist of the movie is a sophisticated and successful advertising executive with a weakness of pleasing women and submitting to his mother's will.

Mobilizing anglophone children in ww ii

The main points articulated in the article The period during World War II was time when Montreal faced a ' youth problem' of children seemingly lacking in discipline due to significantly less supervision from their absent fathers who were busy fighting the war and their working mothers who had to work for a living in β†’

Cheryl’s case

For the tort of negligence to be actionable in the court of law, the following three elements or ingredients must be proved before the court: duty of care, breach of the duty of care, and the injury to the plaintiff. Cheryl has a legal right to sue her doctor as a plaintiff and the doctor β†’

Globalization: local cultures assignment

Some says that globalization makes the world healthier, but some others insist that the world is worse because of globalization, and it could destroy the tradition values and cultures of other countries. In conclusion, it is possible to say that globalization makes the world better because countries in the world can borrow new ideas from β†’

Can creative productivity be both positively and negatively correlated with psychopathology? yes!

Given this skewed distribution, the risk rate can easily increase as a linear function of creative productivity even though the overall risk rate is strikingly lower than in the general population. In fact, the creativity-psychopathology relation in the literary and visual arts may be accurately described in this manner, and even the function for philosophers β†’

Things no one likes to talk about

If I had the opportunity to do anything within a free afternoon, I would organize a conference with females from different age groups, ethnicity and cultural backgrounds around the world to show the diversity of the different women that face similar types of internal issues of confidence and dependency. The name of the conference would β†’

What similarities do you see between jack and julia compared to lydia and faulkland essay

Captain Absolute is in Bath to see his lover Lydia using the identity of Ensign Beverly; he unexpectedly meets his father who is curious to why he is there. Lydia is not quite as bad but her and Faulkland are very similar in that they need to be loved and need reassurance.

Loyalty is just a tattoo

To me this was the hardest news to swallow, to think the person you trusted with everything, who was your backbone and your shelter In midst ofthe stormwas not only thinking about you and saying, " l love you" to only you but to someone else as well. I thought he would be different from β†’

Counter terrorism measures for global safety

Due to the pain that it inflicts on people indiscriminately, the United Nations has taken the threat of terrorism seriously and is actively engaging all member nations to participate in counterterrorism efforts. Different models and approaches to counterterrorism have been applied by the United States and members of the United Nations.

Mount pleasant

The language is odd and all the way trough it is this childish humorous slang and nickname terms and it is used in a way that it is easy to almost hear the childish way of talking when the story is being read. Mary-Louise Buxton uses a lot of different words that underline that it β†’

Edgar allan poe: writing techniques

In Poe's many poems and short stories, including The Cask of Amontillado, The Black Cat, the sonnet Silence, and many more, expresses a dark side and twisted thinking to show new moods and tones. Throughout his stories A Cask of Amontillado and The Black Cat, readers see imagery and suspense repeated many times.

Adultery: takes a sympathetic and charitable view of

Union of India, 2, and the Supreme Court took the opportunity to examine the position afresh particularly in the light of the alleged social transformation in the behavioural pattern of women in matters of sex. In the case of State v.

Intentional fallacy essay

The author introduces to us the concept of " The intentional fallacy" which describes the error of interpreting a work of art by second-guessing the intention of its author in creating it. Wimsatt says " The poem is not the critic's own and not the author's.[...] It is embodied in language, the peculiar possession of β†’

Anne sexton’s cinderella essay sample

Sexton's uses sarcasm in the refrain to influence the reader's predictions of the fairy tale by using the previous knowledge of the story Cinderella." That Story" is used as the refrain in the poem." That story" is a clue for the reader to rethink the previous told stories of Cinderella and other fairy tales that β†’

The sisters brothers essay sample

In the selected passage Eli attempt to make Charlie aware of the possibility of a normal life, free of the earthly dangers and horrors of the trade. Charlie's response to Eli is one of disregard and indifference, but Eli is aware that this is only a facade and knows that his brother shows remorse for β†’

The crush: a psychoanalytical look at “araby”

The image of her accompanies him " even in places the most hostile to romance": the market and the streets, among the " drunken men and bargaining women," amid " the curses of labourers, the shrill litanies of shop-boys". Though he is obsessed with the girl and is compelled to watch her and think of β†’

Chinese market priorities

They would treat Busty store as a " Display Centre", where the customers come and try the new products, if the price is not acceptable, they will turn out buy it in a local store to look for the cheapest price. For international marketing, one of the major difficulties in running the same business In β†’

Teaching immunology as a science and field of medicine

In addition, the middle section of the book leads with a chapter on clinical immunomodulation that describes general and specific approaches to boosting or reining in immune responses via the use of immunopotentiators or immunosuppressants, respectively. It is a great textbook and the inclusion of clinical cases in each chapter should keep the reader highly β†’

Frito lay inc. case study

Following off of this, deciding whether to launch the Sun Chips product line, or let the line continue to say In the test-market stage to gain more Insight on he product and the market Is another factor the company Is faced with. The other alternative Frito Lay can consider is leaving Sun Chips in the β†’

An overview of the digital divide

The digital divide is the technology gap between people with access to digital and information technology and those with limited or no access. The digital divide is often referred to as the technology gap between the haves and the have-nots.

2001 nobel prize in medicine contributions

Cyclins, named in part due to Hunt's love of cycling, help control the progression of cells through the cell cycle by forming and degrading periodically during every cycle.[1] Following his discoveries in sea urchins, Hunt was able to extend his findings to other species.[6] Sir Paul M. In fact, the findings made by Hartwell, Hunt, β†’

Marzano protocols: dq2 elements 10-13

What is a teacher evidence for Element #11 - Elaborating on New Information? Teacher asks students to explain and defend their inferencesWhat is a teacher evidence for Element #11 - Elaborating on New Information?

Global pattern of direct foreign investment

Every business has targets and objectives, and at the end of the financial year, the management of that business prepares a report to show the progress and achievements the business has made. When the environment is good enough for the business activity, with the presence of the required materials, it attracts the Foreign Direct Investment.

Exile and the kingdom

The first exile Camus writes is the physical exile of a diseased town from the world, and consequently, the exile of the town's people from the kingdom of everyday. The exile and the kingdom of which Father Paneloux preaches is the exile of man from the Garden.

Good teacher

A teacher who is constantly looking for the best possible work from the child will force the child to try his or her hardest in order to please the teacher. If the students know that the subject they are studying is something that greatly interests the teacher, they will be motivated to try their hardest β†’

Grievance procedure

These steps are: Step 1: In the first step the grievance is to be submitted to departmental representative, who is a representative of management. The final decision of the management on the report of Grievance Committee must be communicated to the aggrieved employee within three days of the receipt of report.

Relation between education and atheism

The scientific success of theories of faith part hinges on the degree to that they with success predict and explain the distribution of belief and disbelief. Nielsen explained the term of atheism that typically refers to the idea that no God exist, or that there's meagre proof to justify belief in God.

An analysis of fly away peter by david malouf

The three share a close bond, tied by their love of birds; Ashley attempts to understand them as Jim names the birds, recording them in The Book, and Imagine tries to preserve the birds through her camera lens. Jims innocence allows him to see the world in an abstract way; and as he loses his β†’

Motif of sexuality in angela’s ashes essay

This motif shifts rapidly throughout the novels; briefly mentioned at the beginning as the characters themselves start to mature and develop, until the very end of the novel, which to Frank, sexuality becomes a force that eventually allows him to understand the deaths of immortal souls and learn to confess and relieve his sins and β†’

Hatfied and sperecher

Moreover as this study is concerned with female perceptions of attractiveness and social competence in males it is important to note the findings that exist. From the literature presented it is clear that a range of evidence exists in the context of facial attractiveness and social competence.

Synthesizing social justice and restorative justice assignment

Three major themes that we have talked about so far are where can we find/see God, the beneficial effects of restorative Justice, and helping a cause not only for the effects of charity, but also for the effects of Justice. For example, we can see God's grace and goodness in the Gospel in the parable β†’

It is not ethically justifiable for researchers essay

Through the patent system, the scientists and inventors who are associated with the specific gene and genetic test control the use and employment of these genetic tests and therefore, not all healthcare facilities and other clinical research centers could provide the specific genetic test unless they pay for propriety fees for the use of the β†’

Gender theories

According to Biologically-oriented theories, gender differences arising from the disparity biological roles played by males and females in reproduction bring about gender-role maturity and differentiation. The ancestral origin of differences ingender rolesis analyzed in terms of mate preferences, reproductive strategies, parental investment in offspring, and the aggressive nature of males.

Analyze the methods used by the one single-party

Hitler used a wide array of propaganda in his coming to power that appealed to all social groups that had been In Germany at the time of his rule. However, Hitler had trouble controlling the AS, which led to the murder of Ernst Room, which in turn shows Hitter's weakness in being able to control β†’

Dombey’s lack of compassion

In the excerpt, the author displays his disapproval of Dombey's self-centered nature as well as his pity towards Dombey's son and wife through a variety of figurative devices. The passage begins with the a description of the setting in which Dombey, the son, and the Mrs.

Difference between flow shops and job shops

A) Inputs are fixed for continuous shops and the flow of work is mutinous for flow shops b) In flow shops, there is a discrete product or service instead of products not naturally divisible c) Degree of automation is higher for flow shops d) Continuous shops tend to be very small while flow shops tend β†’

School readiness and later achievement review essay

Purpose of the Study and Hypotheses The researchers of this study wanted to estimate links between key elements of school readiness-school-entry academic, attention, and socioemotional skills-and later school reading and math achievement. Data that was used was collected from direct achievement tests and surveys of parents, teachers, and school administrators The Children of the National β†’

As upon the nuclear powers to stop the

Jawaharlal Nehru, the first Prime Minister of India called upon the nuclear powers to stop the tesljag.of nuclear weapons.U.S.A, U.S.S.R.and U. The Cubah missile nuclear war in order to reduce the chances of nuclear war, U.S.

The civil engineer

He made his triumphant entry into the engineering field when he supervised the construction of the canal between the Schuylkill and the Susquehanna Rivers. In this capacity, he became the chief engineer of Chesapeake and Ohio canals of 1828 to 1831.

A sticky proposal

If you swallow gum, it can stick in your throat which can cause you to choke. In conclusion, gum can help you relax and concentrate.

A battle that never ends?what is necessary to fight injustice as a reuslt of class oppression

For Luis, Chente is the influential mentor who offers him a better life, one without the drugs or violence typical of the streets, and is the inspiration that allows him to engage in conformist resistance in his personal life." Students today often identify transformational role models and mentors as influential people who inspire and socialize β†’

A proposal to freeze illegal immigration

The flow of illegal Canadian immigrants into America must be stopped: it's time we deport them all to the North Pole. Instead of merely patrolling the border and sending the Canadians back to their squalor, we need to eliminate the problem permanently by sending them someplace even colder and more depressing than Canada itself.

Comperative study of antony cleapetra and all for love essay

Notable authors: Ann Radcliffe, Bram Stoker Lake Poets A group of Romantic poets from the English Lake District who wrote about nature and the sublime.oNotable authors: William Wordsworth, Samuel Taylor Coleridge American Romanticism Distinct from European Romanticism, the American form emerged somewhat later, was based more in fiction than in poetry, and incorporated a awareness β†’

Social justice: glory fields assignment

Their second mistake was assuming he was involved in drugs because he was in the military and he was previously arrested for the possession of weapons and drugs. What happened to Tom Robinson does not support what Caldwell writes because Tom Robinson was in the wrong when he was shot and had nothing to do β†’

Hrm240 week8 checkpoint

The second is, the company may choose to hire native locals from the host country to manage an international site, and these employees are called host-country nationals. The last or third is, a company may decide to hire people from other countries outside the home country or the host country, these employees are called third-country β†’

Belief and culture

The framework of psychology presented by Schneier dictates that security managers must realize that the response to risk of security by users and management in stead of them could be extremely irrational. Open source in my opinion can be a great way of offering security, although there has been criticism in that open source renders β†’

The glass making and rubber industry. both sphalerite

In addition the probable and possible recoverable reserves of lead and zinc in the district have been estimated at 69. In the district of Darjeeling 2.

Speech for formal ambassadors meeting

Indeed, I am very confident to mention that the new initiative of TIF in each of the country members of our Federation will strengthen the impact and the value of its work. Massive threats to the stability of the social systems and public health care and to the general access to healthcare services come in β†’

The rights to speak up in a new society

Given the evidence, some conclude that freedom of economy is important, and, therefore, needs to be the priority for the new society. Nevertheless, this argument fails to consider the fact that while freedom of economy is important, it's a step to be taken after the priorities.

With 5 sources

The focus of the book is narrowed to the work of Wilson making it concise and important in the evaluation of the various characters in the play. The works of Wilson focus on the impact of society and perception in the changing the attitude of the people.

Common employment traps

If you find that the job involves hierarchical sharing of commission and the prices of the goods are higher than the market prices; or participants have to pay a large sum of money to join the scheme and make profit through recruiting scheme members as your lower-tiered staff rather than selling products, you should decline β†’

Analysis of fuji xerox co joint venture

Fuji Xerox Co, Ltd.is a joint venture between the Japanese photographic firm Fuji Photo Film Company which holds approximately 75% of the stake and the American document management company Xerox 25% to develop, produce and sell xerographic and document-related goods and services in the Asia-Pacific region. 1 Document Printing and Copying Company in the country β†’

Issues in sports 2

and Number of the Teacher's ISSUES IN SPORTS PERFORMANCE-ENHANCING DRUGS An issue in sports is performance-enhancing drugs, related to medicine and sports. The ways in which the above management action will affect the sport and society at large is an important aspect of the issue of performance-enhancing drugs.

Things fall apart essay

The novel depicts the rise and fall of the Umuofia tribes, culture and society, as it conforms to the onset of White Europeans descending upon the continent. The death of tribal life is foreshadowed by the Okonkwo's multiple homicides, the locusts that annihilate the tribes crops, and his banishment for beating his wife during the β†’

Marshall mcluhan and his ideas

Another interesting claim in the book is the concept of " hot and cold media". This is due to the wide and varied methods and modes of transmission that is manifest in the medium.

Consequences of consumer spending falls

According to Griffiths one of the factors that determine the economy is the decline in consumer spending. One of the most important determinants of consumer spending is the amount of disposable income of the household.

Angle of repose – summary

Next, when Oliver and Susan moved to Leadville, Oliver informed Susan that he would be gone a great deal of the time at the mine. Ward recalled a time when he had to write a report on Mexico for an assignment, and his grandmother, Susan, told of her time in Michoacan.

Permanent vegetative state: the case of terri schiavo essay

In the case of Schiavo, surgical insertion of a feeding tube is not natural; a feeding pump which is an electrically operated machine is also needed to get the nutrition and hydration through the tube. In case of Schiavo she has lost autonomy in every sense of the term, if that is the case, there β†’

Marketing and logistics flashcard

First of all, one of the major objectives of both logistics and marketing is to maintain or strive for the lowest cost. In 1998, warehousing is defined as the part of a firm's logistics system that stores products at and between point of origin and point of consumption, and provides information to management on the β†’

Components of frito-lay’s plans that need review

One component executive summary which details the scope the size and scope of the organization's market potentials as well as the way the strategic positioning of the of the organizational management is uniquely poised to implement the organizational plans. This component describes a strategic perspective of the organization in terms of the way in which β†’

Pollution and main body section assignment

The reasons behind all this are the consumption of goods at a higher rate; the economy is being criticized for the methods of production and selling of goods. The gross national product is the sum total of goods and services produced for a specific period at a specific mime, the most purchased goods are eventually β†’

Bp management

Some of the board's oversight activities include both the SEEAC and the audit committee to have a meeting together to help the board assess the company's risk management and internal control risks. BP's system of internal control The board delegates the maintaining of internal control, management and establishment of the BP system to the chief β†’

Ancient greek love magic by christopher a. faraone: erotic magic representation

In the modern world where lesbianism is more accepted and common, it would not be out of the ordinary to see more and more love spells cast by women to be directed towards other women. Furthermore, since it is possible for many women to achieve a higher social status than men, it also would not β†’

Proverbs as the collection of national and international features

The proverbs are the " code" of the people, expressing the individual way of life of each nation. At the same time, it is also important that the population of the nation and the size of a social group in the society.

Asl challenge paper

It is challenging to master the correct sign etiquette in the culture and also you must have a positive attitude about sign language because a negative attitude is easy to spot. It is definitely hard to gain the confidence to communicate roudly in a brand new language instead of a native language.