900 Words Essay Samples

“riders to the sea” by j.m synge essay sample

The theme of the poem " Riders To The Sea" is sadness. The reason I am saying it is sadness is because the mom looses six sons and a husband to the sea.

Beowulf essay example

The thematic core of this epic poem is the heroic actions and performance of the main leading male figure of the poem. The aim of this essay is to demonstrate the truth lying in the following statement: ' Beowulf demonstrates that the relationship between a lord and his retainer was perhaps the most important →

The iliad’s ending

Most stories of war conclude with the triumphant victory of good over evil, but in the Iliad, the final thoughts are inclined to the mourning of the defeated Hektor, which accentuates the fact that good has not triumphed over evil, but simply Achilleus triumphed over Hektor. Ending with the mourning of Hektor also brings to →

The issue of immortality in “the epic of gilgamesh” and the “beowulf”

In The Epic of Gilgamesh, the character Gilgamesh exemplifies the value of immortality in the Babylonian culture. Gilgamesh and Beowulf are very different heroes from different cultures. In the beginning of The Epic of Gilgamesh, Gilgamesh is a power-hungry and arrogant tyrant.

Lessons from homer’s “the iliad” essay sample

Lessons from Homer's " The Iliad" Essay Sample Understanding the theme: The Great War, Foreshadowed Although most today refer to the great battles between 1914 and 1917 as " World War One" , those who lived through the turmoil referred to it as " The Great War"." The Great →

Poetry analysis essay examples

The author has beautifully used vowel sound in the rhymes ' touch' and ' much' which again has been repeated into the words ' enough, ' and ' rough'. After analyzing the poem " To Earthward" one aspect that comes into the mind of readers is →

Discovery in ernesto ‘che’ guevara’s “the motorcycle diaries” and “invictus” by william ernest henley

Both these texts demonstrate this process of discovery are confronting and aggressive, leaving a major impact on an individual, resulting in a change of their perspective on the world surrounding them, through perspectives of self-discovery, geographical discovery and physical discovery. Discoveries involve a process of transformation which can result in healing, reconciliation and renewal ideologies. →

The huawei p smart

You will spare a considerable measure of cash over a 2-year contract with a Huawei P Smart. See all Huawei P Smart arrangements Huawei has figured out how to mix the correct level of specs with an eye-getting sticker price, which makes the P Smart a luring spending purchase. Huawei P Smart cost and →

The arts: renaissance and reformation, enlightenment and revolution

The reformation of the church occurred during the Renaissance period. The cause of the Reformation was the excessive power that the church wielded on the people. The cause of the Enlightenment was to educate the human race about what was real about life. The revolution was as a result of the Renaissance and the Enlightenment.

Good the mexican revolution critical thinking example

Revolutionary groups that made up the competing factions of the Mexican Revolution answered Madero's call for an armed reaction to Diaz. The nature of the Mexican economy, an export driven, and rapidly industrialized nation dislocated Mexico's poor and cause dissension amongst the wealthy. In 1915, Salvador Alvarado took all the land →

Revolutionary movement

This was closely followed by the Declaratory Act that allowed the taxing of the colonies and the Intolerable Acts made by the British. Nevertheless, the damage to the economy of New England was done, and the wealth of the country was declining rapidly, angering the colonists.

Revolutionary technologies and their impact essay sample

This invention is a revolution one, and I truly agree with it. Second important invention which came out after the invention of electric light I think was the transistor. I can combine both: the use of technologies and regular communication as well.

A continuous metaphor: theater in revolutionary road

The theatrical production of the opening chapter becomes an enduring metaphor that starts in the author's decision to begin the novel with a production of The Petrified Forest, and is fulfilled through the performances of both Frank and April as they strive to act in a way that lines up with their suburban lifestyle. The →

Dbq- scientific revolution

DBQ - The Scientific Revolution The Scientific Revolution of the sixteen and seventeenth century were affected greatly from the contributions of the opposing voice and ideas of the Church and their disagreement with the uprising of scientific studies. Another document that poses the same suggestion as Bacon as to improving the community of scientific →

The american revolution essay examples

This marked the recognition of American independence. What was the role of the Tories in the last phase of the war ? By making peace concessions with Britain and ensuring that diplomatic relations with France were intact, America was able to get the Spanish to let go of their claims.

The role of che guevara in the cuban revolution essay sample

Guevara's impact on the success of the Cuban revolution was a result of his tactical genius, experience in guerrilla warfare, leadership and training of the guerrilla force and his socialist ideologies. Guevara's ideologies and tactical genius in the art of the guerrilla warfare played a vital role in the revolutions seizure of power in →

Good example of literature review on the birthmark through girards lens

This essay deals with the mimetic rivalry and scapegoat motif in " The Birthmark" and how these two theories can be enriched and clarified by Girard's concept and how it relates to its central story of love and aversion for the birthmark between the characters Aylmer and Georgiana. It was a period where the love →

Sexual assault against women

Alice Walker's The Color Purple is an excellent account of the life of a woman who must suffer not only social ostracism due to gender and skin color but also women who suffer greatly at the hands of men. This is true in terms of infidelity, physical and verbal abuse, and sexual →

Free research paper on race indifference

Kate Chopin in the book, " Desiree's Baby", paints a picture of the issues that face the women in a racial society. This piece of work, " Desiree' s Baby" by Choplin, paints a picture of the relationship that men have with the women in a racially imbalanced society. The story →

Puritan women

Puritan women had little to no rights back then; however, they did play an important role in the Puritan society through their everyday duties/ oleos, marriage, and religion. The duties and roles of the Puritan women differed from that of their husband's. In the patriarchal lifestyle, where men were the head of the →

Mari evans’ “i am a black woman”

Yet she also portrays that " losses summon from us the courage to struggle, to continue in the face ofadversityand pain".' I Am a Black Woman' whose title poem first appeared in Negro Digest, links the themes of black enslavement and impoverishment with the global oppression of the wretched"." The volume [" I Am a →

Example of critical thinking on the things they carried and cathedral

The narrator is, in one sense, another type of emotional cuckold as he allows his scantily-clad wife to fall asleep between himself and the blind man. However, this man also loses his preconceived idea of masculinity as he allows the blind man to guide his hand in the drawing of a cathedral, as he envisions →

Objectification of women on tv and in movies

The main female character, the sorceress, has been used her entire life by King Memnon. He's kept her prisoner since she was a child to use her visions to give him the upper hand in battle. According to Gloria Steinem, " A female child is left to believe that, even when her →

Women in greek tragedy. analyze phaedra in the hippolytus and clytaemnestra in the agamemnon.

The change of this character through the play is for the worst as she goes from being an independent character reflected through her somewhat casual relationship to her husband to one of total reactive dependence. The character of Clytaemnestra seems quite removed from that of Phaedra. Additionally, the character commitment of an act of murder →

Stereotypes you encountered argumentative essay

However even from the definition we can see that this is just an attitude towards some occurrence that is based on the social conditions and the preceding experience. But how do they come to our life? And the most interesting thing is that both procedures depend on people and time. Another source of stereotypes is →

Example of essay on literary analysis of the story medea

These are some of the things that she has forgone to be with Jason that is why the betrayal is more painful. The author also offers the slaves such as nurse and Tutor to illustrate to the audience of how they feel about Medea. Medea's style of speech is a soliloquy meaning that she was →

Good example of essay on trifles

As the murder is investigated, the Sheriff notes: " Nothing here but kitchen things" , which suggests the minimization of the feminine existence in the eyes of the men. The stillness of the marriage and the acknowledgement that her husband is still alive kills Mrs.

Project 1 – creation and analysis of a data set research paper sample

The age is taken in terms of years and will be used to explore various descriptive statistics with the dependent variables. The primary independent variable is reason for attending the show. For the age of the respondent, the mean is 39 years. The male gender has a mean of 40year while that of the female →

Report on information sheet

It is a country that has come a long way in terms of its existence and of has a very interesting profile as the only country in the region that is British dependency. Even if this is the case, its economic system evolved through time and space and as of now, it is a capitalist →

Good looking for work term paper example

Soto maintains excellent character of determination for the boy from the beginning of the story to the end. The narrator uses a cast of supporting characters in this narrative who have been contributive to the meaning of family within the story following the influence of his family in various ways. The character of determination is →


My fascination for the human mind and the desire to have a greater understanding on how it works gave me the motivation to pursue, step by step, a broader knowledge on Psychology, bringing me to this decision to apply for a higher degree in the my field of choice. Having an extreme desire and life →

Good mattei v. hopper essay example

Defendant failed to tender the deed and the plaintiff sued the defendant for damages resulting from the contract breach. Issue The issue in the following case is whether the satisfaction clause contained in the deposit receipt is an illusory promise which results in the lack of mutual obligation thus making the contract unenforceable. Rule →

On-line purchasing research paper examples

However, this is not the case and several factors have contributed into a decrease in on-line purchasing methods by consumers. First, most people believe that cases of fraud and theft of credit cards comes from online shopping. Lack of confidence on the sites that suppliers use for online shopping has decreased consumers' use of online →

Disruptive technologies: catching the wave essay sample

It is typical responsive from established companies to the emergence of disruptive technologies which is to enter the market only if it can satisfy financial needs and also when the customers need this new technology. There are some methods to spot and cultivate disruptive technologies. Fear of a technology " eating" their business will →

“a&p” and “gryphon” essay sample

Sammy, in " A&P" shows how embarrassing it is to confrontcustomers in public when they flout company policy, whiles Tommy in " Gryphon" prevails upon his classmates to be loyal to authority figures by projecting the good imageof their substitute teacher. Sammy's struggle against rules is seen in the way he viewed the company's →

Example of essay on family and consumer science

This field of study goes further to include practices like the human development, textiles and interior design techniques. Family and consumer science education is mainly focussed on different individuals living in the society throughout their entire lifespan. This process has however advanced to include various aspects in the recent past →

Example of essay on wind energy

This study looks at how wind energy is generated through the turbine, the collection system, interconnecting to the grid, transmission, and distribution and all the way to the consumer for domestic use. Wind power Process The process begins when the wind turbine collates and collects the blowing wind into the system. As the intensity →

Customer service processes at orbitz essay sample

What challenges might organizations encounter in designing quality customer service processes? Understanding the definitions of customer services. Customer Service is the commitment to providing customers value services, including attitude knowledge, technical support and quality of service. In other words, good customer service is a source of competitive advantage. What aspects of Orbitz's →

The little prince essay sample

He showed the little prince his drawing of a boa constrictor devouring an elephant and was amazed that the he was able to get the point of his drawing. The story of the little prince ends in a mystery, however, it insists that relationships are worth the trouble.

Good example of electronic cigarettes help people quit smoking research paper

It is worth noting that after a certain period of using e-cigarettes, people notice an aversion to smoking and the motivation of rejecting cigarette smoke. They affirmed that smoking e-cigarettes alleviated the desire to smoke.

Robert has affected it more than my

It was a cold winter day when I was in visiting him. That night I awoke to the sound of a phone ringing. Although I had some regrets about not being able to spend more time with my grandfather, I think I was able to learn that life goes on even after the death of →

Whose reality essay

John had repainted the local church a hideous green, Peter had mowed all of the lawns in Hamilton and I would experienced the wealth of insults that come with manning a Coles cash register. John, the looker of the group, would go over to her stall later in the day and would chat her up. →

Example of report on sex roles

However, he was sensitive and seemed to be cross to his mother-in-law because of the mischief that she always caused. However, she was too cheerful and taught Greg how to have a more positive outlook in life.

Vietnamese and australian education essay sample

Despite the similarities, the two educations have some very important differences in system division, kinds of school, school-time and studying. The first major difference between Vietnamese and Australian education is the system division. The following year, a year called prep is done and then primary school goes from grade 1 to 6 and secondary →

Effective ways to learn

Everyone can be a better person to their job because learning your work will help you to be a good employee, to school because you learned everything you need and help you to be a good student, and in our society because you learned what is right and bad thing that you can do to →

How do i measure success critical thinking

Further, recognizing and rewarding the efforts of the employees is important as a part of determining the success of the organization. Performance Indicators One of the key performance indicators will be profitability. The organizational culture is also another critical performance indicator that will be used in assessing the success of the organization and as →

Good example of essay on the great firewall gets bigger

Internet restrictions by the government are ways that the government is trying to maximise its control over the mass and reduce the effects that the media and the internet have on the people. This article has been successful in conveying to the audience the effects that these restrictions have on →

Essay on citizen influence on local policy

The ability to influence policies and the politics will depend on the intensity, duration and number of people that will engage the local governors. In turn, the locals influence heavily the policies and politics at the local level. However, in some cases, the interest of the local residents can be held hostage by the interest →

Chinas exchange-traded fund (etf) essay examples

The share exchange value of the currency in terms of dollar gives a clear indication of potential that the economy have in support for investments. Having understood the China ETF, it would be wise for an investor is to consider the type of shares that the ETF is suitable to hold. To the government this →

Repositioning ranbaxy

The growth in the foreign markets was primarily led by bulk drugs and intermediates, which constituted 80% of the foreign sales in 1995. Driven by the vision of CEO Parvinder Singh, Ranbaxy had consciously started moving up the value curve into branded generics in the emerging markets and commodity generics and bulk drugs in the →

Ethical dilemma assignment

There are so many situation that occur in medical profession there is no way to have a protocol for all, instead the code of ethics have provision that guide nurses on how to act in accordance. The provisions that apply to the current nurse patient situation are 2.1, 2. Related principles Of ANA →

Cross cultural ethical perspectives

Consequently, these organizations have to consider cultural perspectives of the country in which that plan to operate. McDonald's, established in 1954 by Ray Kroc in conjunction with the McDonalds brothers and with over 30, 000 restaurants in more than 120 countries, is one of the world's biggestfast foodrestaurant chains employing 1. This →

Administrative thought and ethics

The realities of these things are inaccessible to us. According to Plato, what are the " Forms?" How does Plato's doctrine of the forms tie in with the Allegory of the Cave? The " Forms" for Plato is a unified theory of reality, knowledge, and value. What we see →

Fabulism vs realism essay examples

Harris's stories contribute to an infantilization of African American culture; Chesnutt's story is much more subtle in its effects, despite the fact that African American superstition plays a major part in the substance of his story. A key difference between the two writers is that Harris is clearly writing for children. Apart from Uncle Remus →

Example of zoos are internment camps for animals argumentative essay

Opponents of zoos claim that zoos should be banned because zoos are not animals' natural homes and captivity upsets animals physically as well as mentally. This paper discusses that zoos are internment camps for animals and should be shut down. Animals do not belong to zoos and keeping them in →

Wild animals trade in the united states

According to HSUS, the human society of the United States, wild animal trade is a multi-billion business, following to drugs and weaponries on the black market. Some owners are afraid to bring their wild pet to the vet because it is often banned to have them in the first place.

Observing animals and documenting specific animal behavior patterns

The null hypothesis is that squirrels apply the snake skin scent randomly to parts of their body. My prediction of my hypothesis was that squirrels apply the snake skin scent to body parts that they find prove to be advantageous when trying to escape their predators. My partner and I chose to →

Thesis on the effects of latrunculin b, methyl viologen and antimycin a treatments on plant

Latrunculin B, methyl viologen and Antimycin A treatments on plant mitochondria which is the powerhouse of the cell. Treating Mitochondria with Lantruculins caused disruption of actin filaments which resulted in irreversible opening of mPTP leading to the release of calcium ions into the cytoplasm. Antimycin is a potent mitochondrial and electron transport inhibitor in →

Bullfrog essay

The process begins with the frog doing a lot of twisting, bending, and stretching to loosen the old skin. Then the frog pulls the skin over its head like a sweater and usually eats it. The positioning of the eyes, on top of the head, allows a frog to sit in the →

Literary on hamlet essay examples

They all end up dies by the same sword. Disney's movie " The Lion King" is a tailored version of the Shakespeare's " Hamlet". In the ' The Lion King', Scar who is a little bit strange from the rest of the lion family conspires with the hyenas to kill king Mufasa.

Example of research paper on wildlife photography

Some of the best schools include: the rocky Mountain school of photography , an ideal institution for all students learning digital technology, the New York institute of photography , and the Art institute of Chicago. These schools are well equipped with the modern camera equipment and students enjoy the benefit of the expertise →

The horse dealers daughter essay sample

The inherent romanticism of this kind of a plot is subdued by presenting the story through the lens of a third person omniscient narrator, animalization of the characters and the archetypal conveyance of the water element. The point of view Lawrence utilizes is third person omniscient, which slips into third person limited, because the readers →

The importance of agriculture and animal husbandry essay examples

Global consumption of milk and meat continues to grow and, especially, in developing countries. For the world's poorest nations, the key to transitioning to a faster growing and more diversified economy is being able to reduce poverty. Farmers would wish to have access to credit, agricultural implements, extension services, fertilizers, seeds and steady markets for →

Good survival and success essay example

The author gives his family's life and, the language and images used are effective in describing how people strive to survive and succeed through luck, in areas where inequality and injustice exist. Masks have been used in the pictures as symbols. This is also used to show the absurdity of →

Online reviews are the new social proof

The more your business is reviewed, the likelier you are to receive higher ratings. Apart from providing social proof for customers looking to make a purchase decision, reviews also provide social proof in other ways. And reviews also influence what people think they should say, when it's time to add their own voice to the →

What is microaggression and how to avoid it

The impact this has on the life of each human being, especially the minority population and the importance of each health professional to know what is involved and how to avoid using this type of aggression. What is microaggression Microaggressions are derogatory slights or insults directed at a target person or persons who are →

Anti-competitive behavior: the case of allcare ipa

The FTC was originally created to prevent unfair methods of competition in commerce, but through the years, its role has widened to cover consumer protection in broad terms. It must be noted that FTC's Bureau of Competition promotes and protects vigorous competition by seeking out and challenging →

Productive and counterproductive behavior

It is up to the organization to make an attempt to identify what the causes of their employees' counterproductive behavior and attempt to find a workable solution. Sometimes the reason an employee is counterproductive are out of the employees' control. For situations that are within the employees' control, the organization must clearly outline their expectations →

Good example of cultural anthropology: maasai moranism research paper

That is the image that comes to the minds of many people when the word Maasai is mentioned. Moranism is an important institution among the Maasai because it symbolizes and offers actual security as well as continuity of the Maasai people. Morans are the physical guardians of the Maasai society.

Social media in our life

Some people support that and find it very useful in exchanging cultures between nations, but others find it wrong. Nicholas Carr argues that the lack of privacy between individuals is not a good thing, and I agree with that because it increases the conflicts between people, changes their behaviors to the worst and leads to →

Essay on the radical idea of marrying for love

The parameters and line of thought that Stephanie adopts while proving that marriage during the past centuries was not singularly a consequence of love, does not effectively disprove the role love in marriage. Therefore, one ought to approach the issue of marriage more factually. Stephanie applies an opportunistic interpretation of →

Good essay on leadership

Leadership, essentially, is a rare quality that combines every necessary trait it takes to inspire those around you. As I took the assessments, I was surprised to find that I am quite fit to lead a group. I have always believed, when placed in a leadership position, that if I make decisions for myself, I →

Hiv in older adults: medical solutions and dilemmas essay

In this respect, this paper will delve on the medical steps being undertaken to learn more on the said age group, their relation to recently-realized advantages of certain medications, and HIV's effects on the psychological health of older-generation carriers of the said virus. In professional medical practice, the median age of people positive with the →

What makes a true community

Catholicism and Community Presentation T: According to the secular definition of community; Is It a group of people living In the same area with particular characteristics In common. G: A community is a gathering of a group of people that come together in solidarity to shape the world through the common good.

How did the beatles influence society essay

The Beatles were the definitive musical equivalent of such films' working class protagonists. The popularity of the Beatles became central to many debates. 10 March.2011.http://www.beatlebay.com/The_Beatles.htm " The Beatles' Musical Footprint".

Free essay on cryptography

This is used to find the unique values of q and r. One of the fundamental techniques of the number theory is the Euclidean algorithm. A positive number c can be said to be the greatest common divisor of both a and b if it is a divisor of both and any divisor of a →

Meisner and stanislavski research paper examples

Both the Meisner and Stanislavski methods of acting employ psychology to help actor's break down the acting process into manageable and relatable step. The actor is encouraged to identify with the character by looking at the character's objective and their method of obtaining this objective.

Discrimination in virtual organizations

Gender Discrimination Though the prohibition against sex discrimination is applicable to both men and women, a majority of the sex discrimination cases are brought by women (Henry R. The role of a manager is critical in ensuring that there is no discrimination occurring inside the organization. His legal and ethical duties pertaining →

Racism as a major problem in today’s world

The librarian affirms that the author's books are characterized by racist ideologies and propaganda. The reaction of the librarian was somewhat unexpected since the first lady claims to be using her affluence as a platform to reach out to as many children as possible. Surprisingly, the librarian attaches a list of books that she feels →

Gender inequality in “to kill a mockingbird”

In the late 1920s and early 1930s many women began to make a strong effort to gain rights in The United States of America. Because of the efforts of these women, during the 1930s women began to receive more rights. The rights that women had in the 1930s are shown in Harper →

Legalizing gay marriage argumentative essay examples

The 14th Amendment of the US Constitution clarified the rights of the citizens, under the Bill of Rights. In the light of these provisions, the issue of gay marriage has become hotly debated in line with the law.

Good research proposal on youth crime

Now her parents are suing the boys who are said to have distributed a photo of the attack" - - " A California judge today found a 12-year-old boy guilty of second-degree murder in the killing of his father, who was a leader in the neo-Nazi movement. After a chat →

Realisation of the existence of evil in montana 1948

This realization of the existence of evil was the pivotal point in the plot that has thrust the twelve year old David Haden into the complex and perplexing world of adults. Late summer 148 was a happy and carefree time for young David. This was David's pivotal experience in understanding adults and realising the concept →

Health care utilization

Qualifies for Medicaid but lives in a rural community with no public transportation to travel to access his benefits due to provider office hours and the distance he must travel to the location. 2011)," blood pressure is when blood is forced against the artery walls to disperse oxygen and turbines carried in the blood to →

Leaf water repellency

The author's hypothesis that cloud forest zones are characterized by higher leaf water repellency failed to be proved as leaf water repellency appeared to be higher in tropical dry forests and temperate foothills- grassland zone. Water repellency is defined as adaptation on the surface of the leaf in habitants which are constantly subjected to daily →

Determining the percent copper and zinc in pennies essay sample

To find the volume of the pennies, subtract the final volume from the initial, record the data. To find the volume of the pennies, subtract the final volume from the initial, record the data. Repeat this procedure twice more.

Lab 1: introduction to science essay examples

It appears from the data that as soon as there is 6 ppm of dissolved oxygen in the water, it supports an average of 12 fish. - Develop a hypothesis relating to the amount of dissolved oxygen measured in the water sample and the number of fish observed in the body of water? Hypothesis: A minimum →

Good example of essay on how drinking water changed me

I increased rate of water intake and reduces amount of soft drinks I drunk every day. At the beginning of my wellness project, I had planned to be going to the gym three times a week. However, in the course of the program, I noticed that going to the gym for exercise was very effective →

Flow measuring devices essay sample

Measure the height of the water in the reservoir. Record the change in the height of the water in the reservoir.

Free essay about titanic

With a budget of $200, 000, 000 as the most expensive movie to be filmed in the 20th century, all the work and endless underwater shots of the real ship had surely paid off. The film starts in modern times and shows an expedition crew diving where the sink sunk in 1912. After this, the →

Gender equality

The points of Pharr and Kessler-Harris are valued to question if women will ever escape the indecency of this injustice. Kessler-Harris and Pharr prove that this discrimination towards women in the workplace is only the beginning of many inequalities occurring inside the social category of women.

Short essat on marriage & divorce

Another thing I believe has to take place in the couples life is they need to understand that " marriage is for those who have grown up." By this, relative maturity is what is being implied. The word pornography is derived from this Greek word and it is the sexual immorality that would →

Middle east conflict from a palestinian perspective

However, as it was mentioned above the core of the conflict is the land possession and Palestinians rejected the equal land division. The surrounding Arab states supported the Palestinian Arabs in rejecting both the Partition Plan and the establishment of Israel, and the armies of six Arab nations attacked the newly formed →

Shakespeare’s early life

In the sixteenth century, the town was an important agricultural center and market place." It is safe to assume that Shakespeare attended the local grammar school that was built and maintained expressly for the purpose of educating the sons of prominent citizens with the sons of burgesses attending free. " The King's New School was staffed →

Themes in shakespeare

Falstaff however does display being honest to himself but not to others this is evident when Hal and Points repeatedly insult Falstaff by saying " fat as butter you are Falstaff now to the common person they would deny these Insults but to Falstaff he accepts these insults, cops It on the chin, and accepts →

The play “macbeth” by william shakespeare essay sample

He is brave and well loved and trusted by the King, who calls him " worthy gentleman, valiant cousin!" He is also a good husband, the first thing he does when he gets the chance, is write to his wife and share the news of the witches prophesy. Throughout the play, despite →