900 Words Essay Samples

John steinbeck’s message

Through Ma Joad, he emphasizes that the poor and lower class should unite and continue to push for their American Dream and that this will create a better country and future. In The Grapes of Wrath, John Steinbeck uses Ma Joad to show that people should continue to strive for the American Dream through perseverance β†’

The title character of the great gatsby

And yet, Nick Carraway's description of the protagonist asserts that Gatsby seems curiously out of place among the ' whole damn bunch' which inhabits this lavish, showy world. Indeed, despite the aura of criminality surrounding his occupation, his love and loyalty to Daisy Buchanan and ultimately his capacity to dream, set him apart from the β†’

Jazz music in the great gatsby essay sample

Through the use of the lively, yet scandalous, jazz music from the 1920's, Fitzgerald reflects the attitudes of the characters in The Great Gatsby at the end of innocence and prevalence of carelessness within the elite of New York's society. Jazz music was created by African Americans during the turn of the century in β†’

Comparative analysis jenkins and aikman essay sample

He fears an acculturation of biblical principles and doctrines as it pertains to Jesus, the Bible and what many Christian practices signify. David Aikman's account of ' Jesus in Beijing' speculates the beginning of Christianity in China as a religious underground occurrence. With precision he points towards the political benefits of Christianity to China now β†’

Example of book review on creation of the sacred

Religion can be defined as set of rules and beliefs that govern a specific group of people based on the control of a deity of god. In the creation of a religion, the most important factor of consideration is the deity or the Supreme Being denoted by the religious group.

The three descartes essay

However, Descartes reasons that some individuals may not acknowledge that dreams are illusions, and therefore he presents the concept of the deceiving God to increase the depth of doubt that exists in people. The Evil Demon Hypotheses points to distrust of the existence of perception and beliefs. In addition, there is the possibility that every β†’

Essay on a reflection about christianity

Jesus Christ as the Messiah is a central idea in Christianity, and this is the belief of one third of the world's population. God the Father is the creator, God the Son is the Saviour, and God the Holy Spirit is the Sanctifier..

My visit to the synagogue essay

The outside of the synagogue is quite scenery and one cannot wait to get inside. Once inside, I was amazed at the orderliness of these Judaists. I got to learn so much about the messianic Judaism and the foundations of their faith.

Example of evaluating critical and creative thinking essay

The PBS affiliation, Frontline, published an article called " 76 of 79 Deceased NFL Players Found to Have Brain Disease" in which a conclusive study condemns the NFL's denial of the risks for players. Describe a method you could use to overcome the hindrances. One hindrance to critical thinking is β†’

Example of short story analysis essay

Her ability to apply grotesque is fantastic. It is difficult to distinguish between the most and the least sympathetic characters in the story written by Flannery O'Connor A Good Man Is Hard to Find. The Misfit is a criminal who killed the whole family at the end of the story.

Islamic law – concept of fatwa as applied to kafa’a essay examples

With this thinking in place, the Kafa'a treatment realizes that the vitality and consequently the authority held in the fatwa come from the capability of the fatwa to link and ensure progress of the self. According to Larson, self in this case is gauged in line with the practices and goals inherent in the Islamic β†’

What could a defender of the traditional analysis say in reply to gettier term paper sample

This definition of knowledge requires satisfaction of three conditions for a person A to know S. The Gettier's counter-examples led to the emergences of numerous responses, which either sought to defend the triplicate definition, to introduce new conditions, or to discard it in favor of a new theory of knowledge. According to Gettier, if grace β†’

Good how did kant answer the question, how are a priori synthetic judgments possible essay example

Henceforth, an outside principle is always pertinent in a bid to ensure the informative nature of the synthetic arguments. A priori, according to Kant, is one that is understandable in the event that it could be known autonomous of any experience other than the knowledge of taking in the dialect that the recommendation is communicated. β†’

Essay on non-verbal listening patterns

Presumably, this was because I respect my Mother and as my elder, her opinions and experience were worth being listened to before my own, although I did regularly interject with my own opinions of the situation and my experiences, given that it was my life that we were discussing. This is probably not to do β†’

Example of essay on civil war turning points

At this point, there was already incredible tension existing between the North and the South surrounding their different economies and the abolitionist movement; Lincoln's election seemed to be the final nail in the coffin before secession was to occur. While many of the other factors contributed to this eventual split, it was Lincoln's status as β†’

Refutation argumentative essay example

Introduction Sudden death in football is a scenario whereby there is a tie in the final score at fulltime, the teams then go ahead and plays in the overtime where the first team to score first team to score wins the game. The purpose of this paper is β†’

Good essay about tablet in schools

Tablets increase motivation and the level of enthusiasm in the classroom. Second, tablets play a key role in ensuring active learning in the classroom. Tablets can engage a number of teaching strategies and ensure the engagement of students in the learning process.

How to buy a computer 15309

I would like to take you through these four steps, in the correct order; learn a bit about computers, learn a bit about programs, select the type of programs you want, and how to choose a computer. A computer is different from other machines because it needs a program to tell it what to do. β†’

Year 2k, dangerous as they say? 1932

They malfunction or fail. " The looming prospect of disabled computer systems and paralyzed enterprises around the world makes the year 2000 one of the most critical and universal challenges to ever face the IT industry," the magazine Managing Office Technology reported in December 1997. Electric Library. " The Year 2000 Problem".

Bead bar network paper

It is required to create a network design and the appropriate topology which would be of good to the company for communicating the requirements and sharing information to keep in synchronization with the current state of the business. The network topology would be discussed which would make β†’

Computer literacy important in education

Most women believe they are risk free due to the lack of family history with the disease, but this is not the case. Statistics show that about 85% of breast cancers occur In women who have no family history of breast cancer. Including; Unexplained changes in the shape or size of the breast, β†’

Microprocessors 13917

Processors are mounted on the motherboard which is connected to all other components of the computer including its RAM , hard drive, and storage drives. The first microprocessor was founded by Intel during 1971 and it was called the 4004, which computed calculations at a speed of 750 kilohertz. This was due to the β†’

ο»Ώwhat’s rfid? essay sample

Attached electronic tags to identify objects by surface or internal storage of information of the object, when the electronic tag reader into a modest area, the reader with no way of contacting the electronic tag information according to certain rules within the transmission to the back of computer processing systems or electronic control systems, enabling β†’


They are assigned to all sections of the newspaper, gathering information about events and subjects that the newspaper editors choose to cover. One Publisher / Chief Editor The Publisher/Chief Editor is responsible for all the operations of the newspaper, both editorial and business. Given that the company is medium sized; the β†’

Negative and positive effect of using computers

The children should allow them to use it in the supervision of parents only. " Using a computer everyday can have more negative than positive effects on children. It is also worthy to galvanize the use of computer during children's leisure time. There are a galore of strategy related computer β†’

The advantages and disadvantages of computer use

Many, many public schools now computers available to their students; therefore, the underprivileged to have a chance to keep up with the upper to middleman's children and not feel so out of place. Advantages and Disadvantages of Computers Posted on December 13, 2011 by Waupun Advantages of using Computers Benefits from using computers β†’

Personal computers vs console

When a new technology is released gamers in the PC world are the first to experience it, as companies such as Sony, Xbox , and Nintendo, struggle to keep up with modern technology. Obviously, life is simplified by the advances that have been made to PC's and gaming consoles.

Introduction to meta tags

The tags are only visible to search engines and not to the user/client. There are 4 types of Meta tags: Meta Keywords Attribute These keywords are relevant to the information on the page. The cons of this is that one, they do not work anymore, and two, it allowed people to put random tags β†’

Computerized record keeping

Today, RMJ Laundry is starting to open another branch in Noveleta, Cavite. RMJ Laundry using only a logbook were they manually write the information of the customers. 1. To develop a system that can monitor all the transactions and information of the customers. β†’

Prague college assignment brief

2 evaluate the suitability of a system design specification - Warranties, quality of goods has been considered carefully, and appropriate solution has been quoted that is well thought out and researched.- Consideration has been taken to meet the clients needs within the budget - Research was thorough and in-depth, testing and compatibility issues have been β†’

Computer games addiction

The reason why technologies are invented is to help make people's life easier and to improve their way of life, especially the students. Many people become addicted to the internet especially students. And for you to know the effects of modern technologies in the fourth year of study students.

Explaining specification of a computer

This is way ahead of the requirements of present day hardware and software applications, and means that the devices connected to the system are not using memory that the operating system would ordinarily use. Essentially, 64-bit systems are faster than their 32-bit counterparts. 3MB cache memory So, what that 3MB does, is β†’

The power and benefit of using bath file essay sample

The time that is saved can be utilized to perform other operations which are necessary instead of using all the available time performing one particular function. Batch files are simple to create, can be modified easily and require no programming skills for it to be used. Batch files allow the decision of the user β†’

Margaret atwood- moral disorder

It gives insite to their failed marriage with the fact that OOna would give her total life's attention at her writing, and leave Tig to take care of the children and the house completely alone. Even though to the public eye Tig and Oona's relationship could only be described as perfect, it is obvious that β†’

The junior reserve officers training corps

Perceptions of School principals on the JROTC would provideacademicinput. The views of the 'nay sayers' such as Block who states that the JROTC discriminates against homosexuals, certain immigrant populations and children with disability would also be reviewed. The main purpose of the research β†’

The decline of moral education from the 1950s to today

However, if state schools try to take over thisresponsibilityand then train and educate them in a way to serve the governmentalgoals, though it might ruin their morals is a deteriorating condition in our education. States and school are not focusing on the moral behavior and attitudes. There are different leadership models and their qualities depend β†’

Values and morals through native american myths and tales

Right off the bat, we see in the first story " The Earth on Turtle's Back" the animals in the story see the women and instantly try to care for and make sure the women is safe, " We must do something to help her" this shows somewhat of a base for the love the β†’

Human morality in the lottery by shirley jackson

In the short story The Lottery Shirley Jackson uses imagery, irony, and symbolism in order to assert that human morality is heavily dependent on the desires and expectations of the individual and ultimately the society in which the individual is a part of. Jackson starts the narrative as any narrative should be started, by introducing β†’

The morality vs power: oroonoko representation

The complex social hierarchy implemented by the Europeans creates tension throughout Oroonoko, bringing a focus to the internal struggles of balancing power and morality especially in the lives of Trefry and Aphra Behn. From the onset of the narrative, Trefry walks a thin line between respecting and oppressing Oroonoko. By putting his dominance aside, Trefry β†’

Essay on big basin state park history and future

In this essay, the history of the park and the recent budget cuts, as well as their implications, will be explored. HISTORY OF PARK Before the existence of the park, California Indians of many tribes resided in the Big Basin it was a large resource for them, the old β†’

Information security overview for managers and policy makers case study sample

Information security also pertains to ensuring the integrity of the data on which decisions and transactions are made, its accessibility to the business processes and its confidentiality for the vendor as well as the customers alike. In a move to ensure that business information remains secure and confidential, Bruce Schneier β†’

Free essay about lone wolf terrorist attack

Jeffrey has a rich history in the study of terrorism, and he contends that lone wolf terror is a significantly dangerous threat that the world must address before it escalates. The main challenging attribute of this new form of terror is that it is much harder to identify loners or predict their intended attacks. The β†’

Technology evaluation plan case study examples

However, since this is an emerging technology, meaning not a lot of people are using it yet, or at least today, there are still a lot of things that have to be uncovered about autonomous cars and that would be the goal of the proposed case study. Research Question The research question for the β†’

Case study on lyft assignment

Being one of the users of the same, I can testify that to enjoy a safe ride and relaxed journey, lyft is the option to take. The car I got was comfortable and in my second journey that was longer while using the service I slept till I was alerted that I was there. Comparing β†’

Report on hipaa compliance

The legislation expects every hospital to safeguard the health information of a patient and uphold high standards to information privacy and confidentiality. The security engineer should put emphasis on the execution of physical safeguards to the manual health records. The manual records must be converted into a digital form and this will comply with the β†’

Simone de beauvoirs the ethics of ambiguity essay sample

The book revolves around the concepts relating to freedom and the importance of others in our personal quest for freedom. It also aims at clarifying that freedom is not the absence of insecurities but the self satisfaction and existence in the natural state of the world where everyone enjoys it and it is not reserved β†’

Free research paper about environmental regulations

Enacting HB 257 by the State of Georgia in addition to regulating tire disposal the State intended the vertical expansion of the existing municipality solid waste landfills with the goal for meeting federal requirements to expand landfills horizontally. Managing landfills underpins the federal Environmental Protection Agency protection of β†’

Research paper on political parties and electoral process

To the republicans it is the liberty that allows for money to dominate: allowing persons to use unlimited amount of money in their campaigns and lobby congressmen. For instance, The Green party centers on the need for the government to increase control of the environment while the Prohibition Party has for over hundred years pushed β†’

Case study on mattel case

The final products were not released to market until the regulatory authorities completed the safety measures. It was also understood that the recalls were a result of the faulty toy designs that had loose magnets in them and these were designed by the Mattel inhouse designers, and China was spared temporarily for the manufacturing process. β†’

Essay on cyber threats and their vulnerabilities

Cyber threats to Computers and Productivity The security of computer and information systems is a fundamental aspect in any organization because nearly all organizations, in the current information age, depend on computer networks and information systems to execute their daily operations. The ability of propagation and increased multiplication of viruses and worms can β†’

Good report on flu vaccine

Thus, this report gives information about the flu and the flu vaccine. The Flu Flu is a viral disease primarily caused by influenza viruses. However, the severity of the symptoms depend on the type influenza virus that caused the flu.

Physical design and implementation essay examples

The mechanism for database system security by ensuring that only authorized users are connected to the database. Security to data is enforced by also ensuring there are control access and usage of the database system.

Article review on the institutional affiliation

Information assurance focuses on integration of protection, detection and reaction to some unauthorized intrusions and guarantees protection. There is given a description of a wide variety of methods and measures for information security by means of information assurance. One of such articles is Information Security Threats and Information Assurance where authors discuss methods to be β†’

Employee privacy rights

The employer's e-mail, internet systems and the hardware used in handling them is the property of the employer. Employees currently have little or no privacy in their electronic mail communications. Employers feel the monitoring is important to avoid liabilities stemming from such abuses as economic espionage, harassment and β†’

Security of health records essay examples

Introduction One of the biggest challenges in health care is the maintenance of security of records. Some of these have been the use of patient data for personal gains by health care workers without the approval by the patients which has in most case sled to legal tussles between medical institutions and the β†’

Don johnson

They are trying to tell the public that everyone has to learn the same information, the same way, and in the same amount of time. These children should not be required to learn as much information, but they should be required to learn the information in a more involved way than memorization and regurgitation.

School enviornment and curriculum development

The decision makers are avoiding the truth and instead of making a stand for the good of the students and teachers they are bowing out and accepting the system at face value. Treating each school as an individual and tailoring the curriculum and the school environment to reflect the school body and community will enhance β†’

Work experience report: learning from ms. donoghue

I thought this was a really good practise as it enabled the kids to easily understand about the different subject they had to know, the kids were learning and having fun at the same time which I thought was really nice way of teaching.Ms. I picked stuck in the mud and the kids really enjoyed β†’

The concept of the theory of victim precipitation

This actuated the end that in any criminal show the difficulty is not absolutely chaste and guiltless and that the terrible conduct is a precipitation of the misfortune practices and the bastards response. Here the setback isnt perceptive or aware of the instigation he/she provides for the blameworthy party. The way of life theory declares β†’

The role of violence in beowulf

The events in Beowulf's life are strongly connected to combat: he saves the Kingdom of Denmark by defeating both Grendel and his mother; he serves as the King of Geatland's advisor and champion; he is elected King of Geatland after the former king and his son are killed in battle and successfully for fifty years; β†’

Rape culture and feminism

Rape Culture is anenvironment in which rape is prevalent and in which sexual violence againstwomen is normalized and excused in the media and popular culture.. A woman should be given the freedom to wear the kind of clothes thatshe is comfortable in; a woman should be allowed to identify and choose her ownsexuality, be it β†’

Violence in tv and society

The exposure to violence at such a young age alters values, and norms. Children begin to perceive violence as normal, and as a solution to everything. The " cool" factor of these shows is actually kids becoming more and more desensitized to violence.

Good descriptive epidemiology: homeless intravenous drug users research paper example

This research paper provides a descriptive epidemiology on homeless intravenous drug users and makes a case for the need to address this problem. The problem of intravenous drug use among homeless people may be examined in terms of person, place and time. This objective is related to that of combating infections in Hepatitis and HIV β†’

Movie review on fargo: the rise of american independent cinema:1984 to 2001

The characters depicted in the film comport themselves with an apathetic and careless attitudes towards the events that take place in the film. The plot of the film seems to revolve around the antagonist, Jerry Lundegaard's greed and its consequences. Throughout Fargo, no change seems to occur in the daily lives of the people, yet β†’

Domestic violence and children research paper samples

In a direct level, domestic child abuse would bring children vulnerable to physical, emotional and sexual abuse by the perpetrators while in an indirect level, children to experience physical, mental, emotional and social turmoil that can affect them through their lifetimes. Direct Impact of Domestic Violence to Children Children who have witnessed or were β†’

Movie review on multicultural perspectives

It startled me to see how the idea of respect can quickly disintegrate into violent actions of hatred. Some of the major issues brought up in the film include what society expects of homosexuals, what kind of behavior is appropriate for males and females, how homosexuality is a modern invention, religious issues concerning gays, and β†’

Violent films and their impact on children

According to Hittie, parents can view violent films with the company of their children in order to get them to think critically about the situations. 25 Oct.2010.Web.

Breaking the cycle of violence

It is becoming almost commonplace to hear of pre-teens who have committed acts of violence, and we now are beginning to hear of children as young as six and seven committing violent acts. It is a fact that violence begets violence, and our children are exposed to β†’

A study and investigation into people’s views on domestic violence based on victim’s age and gender

All participants are aged over 18 years and will be divided into 8 groups, each of which will consist of an equal number of male and female respondents. In order to better evaluate participants' perception of and views on domestic violence in relation to gender and age, the author will use eight audio clips which β†’

Battle of fallujah research paper examples

The fourth segment was the fall of 2004 in which the Marines returned to Fallujah. Fallujah was in anticipation of the Marines with thousands of fighters from every part of the world.

Good example of breach of confidentiality essay

First, the issue of mistrust, doctors will never be trusted again by the patient hence the patient can give biased information in case of any needed by the doctor. The doctor gives out information without the concern of the patient, this a big ethical issue. Ethical principles and theories give significant characteristics in decision making.

Sample essay on brain injury complications

The ramifications of a brain injury are that it affects specific and sensitive body organs with the inclusion of one's personality. The financial burden related to brain injuries is rather devastating from a personal, local and national level.

Biology interest among asasipintar students

This research paper discussed the relationship between the interest in biology and their total score, gender, and their study style and lastlythe relationship between scores: INTRODUCTION Overview Biology is one of the compulsory courses that have to be taken by ASASIpintar students. This project aims to study the β†’

Good deeds creative writings examples

I performed the following four good deeds in the past three months: volunteered as a tutor to provide after-school tutoring and homework assistance for a child diagnosed with Attention deficit-hyperactivity disorder , volunteered to provide weekend care for a 93-year-old dementia patient, volunteered at a hospital to spend time β†’

Thesis on why students should go for internships

The issue of payment should not come into the equation here since the experience gained by an intern is invaluable and serves to improve both life and work prospects. The conception of internship is based on medieval times when an apprentice was given board and lodging in return for his β†’

Students must not take part in politics

Infact , the students are the worst sufferers in the war of Power and there is only one reason for this-the financial benefit the so-called student leaders are receiving aims at promoting the mission and vision of the national political leader. This is why, despite the existence of several student unions since β†’

Good essay on rr – final draft on steven vogel- grades and money

A Response to Steven Vogel " Grades and Money" In the essay " Grades and Money," Steven Vogel presents to the reader, the relationship that exists between money and grades. Vogel successfully directs the value of education from the importance studying to that of the relationship that exists between good grades and making money.

Essay on after school delinquency prevention program

It is, therefore, incumbent upon all concerned stakeholders to ensure that the activities which they incorporate into the program are those that will be of interest to the youth who have just completed school. It is a force to reckon with negatively as far as delinquency among after school youth is concerned as it one β†’

Free quality of air surrounding americas schools essay example

Health risks stack up for students near industrial plants. Retrieved on March 5th from usatoday30.usatoday.com/news/nation/environment/school- air1.htm Part 11: Lakeview Elementary Identification of top chemical in the air surrounding the school and why they are harmful to public health, the sources of the chemical Dade County Lakeview Elementary school is located at β†’

Example of essay on the concept of education

The concept of education is an ongoing and endless process in the lives of individuals. Education is a form or process that promotes better understanding of the various things and processes of life. This, therefore, helps in expansion of the body of knowledge by promoting the aspects of technological innovation and inventions. The concept of β†’

Course work on external internal and construct validity

Threats to external validity include inferences that are wrongly inferred from sample data to these outside forces, often due to " the characteristics of individuals selected for the sample, the uniqueness of the setting, and the timing of the experiment". Internal validity, unlike external validity, involves the factors within an β†’

Some ways to produce a winning thesis for a scholarship

So if a student is not aware of the particular formatting style, or do not remember the instructions properly, thesis writing can be even more difficult than it appears. Fear of plagiarism: While there is a significant number of challenges in finding the right information for the thesis, a huge number of students struggle to β†’

Sample essay on challenges of family housing in campus

This paper aims at focusing on the challenges associated with family housing facilities and how these challenges weigh on the families housed in these units and the students in general. The target of the Family housing units in the university apartments is specifically the student parent and international students. Similarly, β†’

Example of admission essay on ma international education

Admission Essay: MA in International Education As a person who is already deeply and actively involved in many aspects of education, I believe that this program is a perfect fit for me, particularly as I will be entering the program with that existing wealth of experience. For example, I am able to relate β†’

Florian r 1997 inclusive education in the market place essay examples

When the special needs students are integrated into the regular system of education, they learn to mingle and collaborate with them thus a feeling of being appreciated occurs. They should also be provided with means of reaching out to all the students in their society.

Introduction: paper work including education institutions, government agencies

ANALYSISOF SUPPLY AND DEMAND FACTORS: Following diagram showed the processof analysis of demand and supply of teachers. Figure1 Process forforecasting teacher supply and demand ANALYSIS OF SUPPLY FACTORS: There are some key findings that haveimpact the supply of teachers which are given below-1. ANALYSIS OF DEMAND FACTORS: -Following are some key findings thatimpact the demand β†’

Under armour’s distribution strategy

In 2009, approximately 75% of our wholesale distribution was derived from large format national and regional retail chains. Additional wholesale distribution in 2009 was derived from independent and specialty retailers, institutional athletic departments, leagues and teams. Product Licensing In addition to generating revenues through wholesale β†’

Duke childrens hospital case study examples

This was required because there was a rift between the financial performance of the health care institutions and the quality of service it delivers in that both have a counter-intuitive effect on each other. The balanced scored card was implemented to gain traction on just what the physicians should do with the overall objectives of β†’

Swot for tip top up bread, a aussie bread brand essay

And the product itself is also good enough to make a profit, it can match it core competencies with the market opportunity, the trend of having health product. And the Omega 3 added bread, got no smell and the fishy aftertaste when comparing to the traditional fish oil capsules, which is also rich in Omega β†’

Free essay about the four domains in english language development

From this assignment, one will be in a position to understand when and where some of the learning strategies can be applied and the effectiveness of any of the domains on a strategy. Instructional strategies used to help English language development An English teacher charged with the responsibility of teaching learners in this language β†’

The brilliant healing facilities with the low

The Internet of Medical Things is fundamentally changing the delivery of healthcare by information exchange and unifying communications in unparalleled ways, and delivering the right information and resources at the right time to the point of care. Cost efficiency, reliability, and safety are the desired goals achieved with Internet of Things β†’

Free foreword essay sample

There is a need to connect the education sector to fasten the flow of information whose quality is high." The requirement for the learners to achieve high in innovative education makes ICT incorporation into the education sector eminent". Executive summary This document sets to establish the importance of ICT in UEM and to lay β†’

Road not taken robert frost

Therefore the uncertainty is the obsticle of hardship of his journey. Furthermore in the movie, The Wizard of Oz we distinguish Dorothy and Toto embarking on their journey. In relation to ' The Road Not Taken' and ' The Wizard of Oz' both texts, illustrate solitude, hardship, beyond the unknown and the uncertainty of choice. β†’

Metalinguistic awareness essays example

Therefore, Metalinguistic awareness is the recognition by an individual of their knowledge of a certain language. For the complete knowledge of a certain language, an individual must possess a grasp of certain facets of the language for their reference as individuals who are wholly conversant with the language. It is possible for one to identify β†’

The two poems by robert frost, nothing gold can stay and fire and ice

The poem is, on the surface, about nature and the changing of the seasons. The overall theme of the poem is that nothing lasts forever. In the poem Fire and Ice Robert Frost talks about the end of the world.