900 Words Essay Samples

Call centres in india

Specialized call center outsourcing services Call centers in India have experience in offering a number of call center outsourcing services, such as, inbound call center, telemarketing services, technical helpdesk services, CATI services, disaster recovery services, email support services and chat support services amongst others. Time Zone Advantages More and more global organizations have been outsourcing →

Transition expression is recognised as unique and

However, much of this TCK literature is anecdotal and not necessarily published in peer-reviewed journals. Lambiri draws attention to the fact, that while the authenticity of the TCKS actual experiences helps to clarify and explain significantly their experiences it is also important to recognize the role of meticulous research in advancing current knowledge →

Knoll to, whereas the mother figure is

This in many ways relates to the advertisement as the father figure is the superior figure who the boy goes to and tells him that he wants to make a spaceship out of the bottle. While this is taking place he describes the ocean, and how it would feel to dive into it.

Movie review on war dance in uganda

It is difficult to imagine that people can be so hurtles that they make innocent children to commit murder or expose them to images that are likely to haunt them the rest of their lives. Due to their economic conditions and the environment they live in, most of them have never been to the Ugandan →

Lagaan: the village he lives in which

Set during the Victorian period in British raj anddirected by Ashutosh Gowariker the movie combines cricket with political feud, romance with some heartbreaking , betrayal and musical numbers. This movie alsoshows some of the common division among the people of India from religiousdifference to social difference among the high classed people to the lowclassed people →

Okinawa of now okinawa is a part of

Okinawa was under the authority of Japan for the remainder of the time until the start of World War II, where the United States came into play. The Battle of Okinawa was one of the bloodiest battles in history between the United States and Japan.

The flaws of odysseus

If Odysseus had only ignored his need to boast and put aside his pride, neither the Cyclops nor Poseidon would have known of his daring escape, allowing him to return to his home of Ithaca much sooner than he did. All the blame cannot be placed upon Odysseus for the delay of his return to →

Ancient greeks and their astronomy essay

Out of Chaos, sprung Gaia known as Earth, Uranus known as Sky and Heavens as well as Tartarus who was the god of the region beneath earth. From Gaia, came the 12 titans, one of who was known the titan father and father of Zeus, Cronus. She is known as the most beautiful planet in →

Essay on are grades really necessary

The academic fraternity has placed so much importance on high grades and putting so much focus on grades, most of the students in various institutions are missing the purpose of education. Good education is often quoted as a major prerequisite to a good job and consequently a good life. The students view the grades as →

the consequence of social networking essay sample

Well ladies and gentlemen of East Barnet School, I am going to be talking to you for the rest of this assembly about why I, teachers and many parents are concerned for your education and your future. You have to be able to shrug off any distractions that lie in your way, do not listen →

Any old bag speech outline

This speech will give me a chance to give an overview of my personality traits and life experiences from the past, present, and future.4. This will show my hard work coming to fruitation.- Bag: Is a symbol of my current profession and hardships I am facing starting my own computer business.7.

Improving the quality of the healthcare system performance essay sample

One, the government and the stakeholders can increase the funding to the healthcare system and two, increase research in the field of medicine. That is why agencies, legislatures and institutions must be open to innovative solutions to meet the health needs of people.

Barack with obama and continued her education

Obama was born at a Hospital at1611 Bingham street named maternity and gynecological hospital. After Obama wasborn his father Barack Obama Sr.continued with his education at the Universityof Hawaii. In 1965 when Barack Obama's dadgraduated and he returned to Kenya. In 1967 Obama and his mother moved with hismom's new husband named Soetoro in Jakarta →

In negotiates treaties with other nations, negotiates agreements

Inthe United States, the President and the executive branch play a pivotal rolein foreign policy and the global interstate system. The President and theSecretary of State administer the foreign policy of the country, however, " lessformal foreign policy is also conducted through exchanges of citizens and othergovernment officials, through commerce and trade, or through →

Example of planning a family vacation research paper

Specific purpose: To give the audience an insight into some of the factors to consider when planning a family vacation. Central idea: Planning is core to the success of a family vacation and all important factors should be taken into consideration. Introduction There is a misconstrued concept that little or no planning is →

Criminal justice administration essay examples

The U.S.constitution guarantees rights, including the right to due process, for each and every citizen of the United States, and law enforcement officials are also ultimately the citizens of the country. In the criminal justice system, this type of a budget can be utilized in the criminal justice system to allocate funds to law enforcement →

In cent pa to 0.8 per cent

When Mugabe came to power in the newly independent Zimbabwe of 1980, he launched health and education focused programmes and policies, all in line with the marxist-leninist ideology he believed in. Mismanagement in the farming sector was a big contributor towards the downfall of Zimbabwe : the Fast Track Land Reform Programme enacted by the →

Diagnosis of case study: personality disorders essays example

Criteria for Schizoid PD are as follows : Neither desires nor enjoys close relationships, including being part of a family Almost always chooses solitary activities. Has little, if any, interest in having sexual experiences with another person. Takes pleasure in few, if any, activities. Lacks close friends or confidants other than first-degree relatives. →

Office as a powerful promoting device. having consistent

You might be wanting a letterhead that matches the all of your stationery. So, whether you hand out your clients your business cards or business organizers, they feel a similar brand design. Do not let your poor office stationery designsdown your business initiatives!

Entertainment and sports programming network essay sample

ESPN was the first sports networks to take advantage of HDTV with simulcast service for ESPN and ESPN 2 and is currently maintains the most HD programming content and highest level of HD viewership in sports. ESPN is providing the benefit for customers to know everything that is going on in sports, whenever they want →

A wall street journal article related to macroeconomics

The impact of the transaction extends ahead of its $101 billion charge and the termination of 183-year-old ABN Amro Holding NV of the Netherlands. Conditional on how the customers fee, it may possibly turn out to be either an indication of the enthusiasm exuberance observed in the →

Inflation in hungary

1990-1991 In 1990-1991 the main goal of economic policy was to avoid an external debt crisis in Hungary It was threatening to happen because if 3 reasons: the liquidation of CMEA/COMECON followed by rapid growth of oil prices the collapse of Eastern European Trade The stabilisation policy →

Intro to macro notes

Combinations outside the PPF are unattainable, given the available resources and current technology Combinations inside or on the PPF are attainable, given current shit. Inside the PPF is ineffificent, reosuces are not being used and possible for economy to produce more of one without making more of other Comibinations of the →

Multitasking article review

It is the opinion of the author that multitasking during simple, menial tasks such as folding clothes and speaking on the phone does not require a high order of mental capacity to execute; therefore, it is acceptable to multicast when engaging in these activities. On the flip side, the author argues that hen →

Good research paper on lethal injection: the least disturbing method of execution

During the movie, the fatal mistake of not dousing the head of the concerned person, to speed up conduction, led to the extension of massive surge of electricity. A History of the Death Penalty in Georgia : n.pag.Dcor.state.ga.us.

Business analysis of mystic monk coffee

Eventually, using thismoneyto support the expansion of the new monastery to build the hermitage of their dream. The Mission of the Carmelite Monks of Wyoming Mission statement differs to vision's, it concentrates on present. The mission of the Carmelite monks of Wyoming is continuing to live a solitude, silent and prayer life at Mont →

Persuasive speech outline (example)

Persuasive speech outline Topic: | Food and Health | Title: | Unhealthy food should not sell in school canteen.| General purpose: | To persuade | Specific purpose: | To persuade my audience that unhealthy food should not be sold in school canteen.| Central idea: | A speech about the factors students taken →

How is mauritius (island in the indian ocean) likely to be affected by climate change? essay sample

Buildings should be designed and built with strong materials in such a way that they are able to resist strong cyclones. The vast part of the sea that belongs to us is now creating problems to us. Fishermen will subsequently have problem in finding the fish and this will direct to a huge decrease →

The great global warming swindle essay sample

The honesty of climate research has been compromised by financial, ideological and political interests." Scientists assert that scientists seeking a research subsidy award have a much more likely chance of successfully obtaining funding, if the subsidy is linked to global warming research, because global warming is now one of the best funded areas of science".

Article review on senator asks justice department to investigate mortgage company

Timaraos.this is actually ethically wrong. The company's ethical duty could have been to provide the right information to the clients rather than exploiting them on the basis of providing them with the improper fee structure which resulted to double-billing their mortgage for legal services which is related to the processing of the foreclosures and the →

Sample case study on wal-marts mid life crisis

Wal-Mart's mid-life crisis. Retrieved from https://groups.yahoo.com/neo/groups/tvxuniversity/conversations/topics/57811 Wal-Mart.

Louis vuitton’s marketing mix report sample

Absolute quality of its products is the main emphasis of the company and it has invested a lot of resources to make sure that it produces products that are as close as possible to the imaginations of the consumers. The strategy also helps in ensuring that the company exercises a →

Wep essay examples

The security level and privacy of WEP is almost similar to that of a wired LAN. 11 standard that is used are increasing the number of layers as a way of enhancing the security in WEP.

Multidetector ct study of bowel pathologies – original article

The primary source comprised of a survey sent to the target market demographic to understand the customers' buying habits and their insights and perceptions about different fashion brands in the market. Therefore, this research work has provided the author the benefits of understanding the process of establishing a fashion company in Indian and how →

Point of sale systems argumentative essay samples

Clients can consider three iPad-based point of sale systems Square Register, Shopify and Bindo for small and medium businesses. Square Register The point of sale system from Square register consists of a tablet. Square can run on Android or iOS devices, and the Square register is designed for the iPad.

Factors affecting the success of a company

By the end of the 1960s Ace had established stores in Northern California and Georgia, and continues to grow. From 1973 to 1976 the company was transitioned into a retail cooperative giving Hesse $6 Million in hefty profit. But less than a year after Pay 'N Pak filed for bankruptcy, it liquidated its inventory and →

Evolution of international marketing management in companies essay

Kikkoman evolved based on the company's need to rebrand and establish its products as a necessity in both Japanese and American markets. BMW focused on building its brand as a means to reintroduce the company to the international market. By establishing BMW's reliability and quality of delivery of services, the company was able to establish →

Fedex corporation essay sample

Its airlines carry the largest freight compared to the others that provide the same service.up to 2008, it provided services from the US mainland to the Caribbean islands. This office department is further subdivided into FedEx Office and print centers, and FedEx Ship Centers. Internal changes made by FedEx. The internal changes made by FedEx →

The us financial institutions essay examples

They can either be local or even global in the provision of these products and services and their running. Financial Services Corporations Financial Services Corporations are large conglomerates that combine different financial institutions within a single Corporation. The global economic crisis is to blame as for the problems and financial crisis that financial services →

Aircraft diesel engines essay example

Aircraft diesel engines Aircraft diesel engines, commonly known as aero diesel engines, are a form of aircraft engine that began being built in the 1920s and 30s. The Soviet Union made the Charomskiy diesel engines used in their bombers and the French built the Clerget diesel engines used in the MB203 bomber prototype. →

Example of research paper on financial statements

This paper seeks to evaluate and compare the financial statements of two companies in the beverage industry; Coca cola Company and Dr Pepper Snapple Group Inc. Other assets comprised of pension and postretirement benefits, income taxes, risk management programs, revenue recognition and customer marketing incentive programs. Long Term Assets Held by the Companies In Common →

Managing information technology 2 essay examples

In addition, the company and the provider must determine a timeline that will be beneficial to both parties. - If the company is planning to use outsourcing services for a long time investing of relations would be beneficial as this will contribute to the project performance. In the Pre-purchase, it is the role of the vendor →

Example of unnecessary costs report

From there I intend to find the best solutions which will reduce these leaks in the future and take measures on how the company can save money from this problem. Informal Observation So as to succeed in my investigation, I observed the employees without their knowledge in order to get an idea of what →

Essay on sexual harassment or just being friendly

As the file of Jerrick reported a similar incident, what procedure would you follow as you made your decision? Despite the allegations against him in the past, I would follow a policy of persuasion and would recommend training sessions for better understanding of company's harassment policies, valuing diversity at the workplace and adhering to the →

The effects of enron crisis on audit firms research paper examples

The Enron Crisis reveled in October 2001 is one of the greatest auditing scandals in the history of the United States of America. As a result of this, they became autonomous and accountable for their decisions. In conclusion, Enron Crisis greatly impacted on the auditing firms in USA.

Air tran

AirTran Airways is a low-fare airline catering for leisure and business travelers alike. AirtTran Airways was originally founded by AirTran Corporation, which is the holding Company of Mesaba Airlines of Minneapolis and Detroit. However in 1994, AirTran Holdings acquired a start up 737 operator known at →

The function of accounting on our society and business essays example

The application of the balance sheet is fully embraced by the company since it balances the company assets against the obligations of the business. Additionally, statement of changes in equity helps the company to track the movement of capital in the organization.

Verizon’s expansion into australian market research proposal sample

Considering that Verizon is a service company, it is advisable for the company to adopt joint venture marketing strategy. Adopting a joint venture entry strategy means that the company has a management voice and equity positing in the foreign market. Additionally, joint venture marketing strategy will be used and a reasonable pricing adopted to integrate →

Free marketing mix (no! no! hair removal) research paper sample

The product is recommended by the doctors and is based on years of research and development to make sure that the product stands out in the market. Furthermore, the tool is developed with five treatment levels to increase the effectiveness in hard hair or even coarse hair. Price The company concentrates on the customer's →

Term paper on determinants of ethics in mass media broadcasting a case study of abc tv

This group was specifically chosen because they regularly engage in data collection, production and broadcasting of information in the form of news, ideas, entertainment and programs. They also report on behalf of the public and hence they are caught between the dilemma of carrying the company's image to the public and fair reporting. They are →

External audit on carnival corporation

One thing that companies must understand is that " scenarios are concerned with peering into the future, not predicting the future" Scenario planning is about considering factors that could affect the company for example if there was a terrorist attack in the future on one of the Carnival cruise liners. What steps could →

External and internal environmental analysis

Apple has services that improve the operations of the PC's, the company offers network solutions, and its main function consists of developing personal computers and related software." The United States in the main operating place for the company as the company offers its portfolio composed of the Mac computing system, iPods, iPhones, iPads, and the →

Riordan manufacturing strategic plan research paper examples

This concept suggests that company's activity and long-term decisions influence not only shareholders, but the society in general, therefore, company's responsibilities are way broader than making profits. While there have been many arguments whether CSR is a crucial point for being a profitable operation or a barrier for economic growth and prosperity, Carroll prioritized four →

Example of essay on marketing communications

The company is one of the biggest companies in the automotive industry. The strength of the Toyota brand provides necessary traction for the company's different advertisements. Promotion is a crucial element of the marketing mix for Toyota.

Good corporate compliance and ethics need improvement research paper example

At the organization level effective risk and compliance practices should be a function like any other and have a mass reach to every employee of the organization." Toward a Culture of Compliance: Eight Initiatives CCOs Can Lead " mentions eight initiatives that a Chief Compliance Officer lead with, to bring awareness on risk and →

Research paper on strategic planning

Therefore, the strategic plan of the Company involves expanding its customer base by integrating the customers of the Company into the marketing and selling of the products. In addition, the culture of corporate social responsibility and ethical responsibility is also upheld to ensure good image of the Company in the eyes of the people in →

Free essay about residual income model

Hence, the equation for finding the intrinsic value of the stock is : Vo= Bo+[ / Bo] In the equation above, while Bo, is the book value of the company, [ / ], represents additional value expected because of the ability of the company to generate additional returns in excess of its cost →

Corporate governance and firms performance literature review examples

Furthermore, both Aljifri and Moustafa and Stanwick and Stanwick stressed on the importance of agency theory in determining the impact of corporate governance, with both emphasizing on the agents the board of directors, as they act on behalf of the principals the company stakeholders. Firmly standing →

Heart failure case study example

Griffin's classification of heart failure according to the New York Heart Association Functional Classification. Ms. Explain how her weight loss is related to heart failure. Heart failure is a condition characterised by failure of the heart to pump blood sufficiently.

Good case study about software engineering

Both the software architecture and classical architecture are similar in phases of development for instance; There is the blueprint plan in the work phases of classical architecture whereas in the phases of software engineering there is the involvement of software architecture design. In classical architecture, there has to be implementation planning involved whereas in the →

Report on service experience

The report explains my personal experience of visiting the coffee shop and uses the three stage model of service consumption to analyze the quality of service. The report has used three stage model of service consumption along with the identifying the perceived risks and how I managed to reduce these risks.

Example of argumentative essay on corporate social responsibility

The groups influence policy and governance to be a part of the initial conversations and the other entities share the ownership of projects from the start. These strategies help to increase penetration and sales of the company's products.

John falstafp v revere furniture company essay examples

Falstaff case in that Mr.john Falstaff claimed that the nature of the work at the floor was strenuous to his back which probably caused his back ailment and further leading to his termination of work. This is because it is the nature of the job which had contributed to his ill health.

8 ways to reduce your company’s expenses

Second, you could reduce your expenses. Increasing sales requires a lot of planning, strategy and moving pieces to fall in line, but reducing your company's expenses is something you can do very easily - all it takes is a little bit of time. Not only can this help to absorb some of your lease expense, →

Good case study about marketing

The company started their strategy by first changing the leadership in the form of the new CEO. The aim was the completely reinvent the image of the company.

Evaluation essay

The Honda Accord is the best overall sedan when compared to the Toyota Camry. The price for a 2012 Honda Accord is $21, 680 and the Toyota Camry is $22, 055.

Good example of case study on mcdonalds organizational chart analysis

Lower organizational level, however, divides management responsibility by geographical region, creating four areas of delegation. With the above observations in mind it is possible to conclude that McDonald s Organizational Chart is a mix of functional and divisional chart types that reflects reasonably small amount of managers and larger organizational functions →

Investor ratio analysis

The ratio is given as follows: Dividend per share = Dividends pertaining to a period Number of shares in issue The ratio provides an indication of the cash return a shareholder receives from holding shares in a company. Although it is a useful measure, it must be remembered that the dividend received →

Teenagers prefer branded products essay examples

Teenagers want to become like their stars and in this course of affair they start using the products of same brand which is advertised and used by these cinema or sports personalities. Recognizing the value of teenagers, companies focus their marketing strategies on them and make every effort to draw the attentions of teenagers towards →

Essay on new media

It consists of two words like " invest" and " idea", which means that you are going to invest a certain amount of money to realize or make people's ideas possible. My platform offer users to have the opportunity to open a business from a start. Also creating idea of " live" interaction →

Expectancy theory of motivation

First is the effort-performance relationship, second is the performance-reward relationship, and finally the reward-personal goals relationship. When the organizational reward for high performance is meaningful to individual employees, the reward-personal goal relationship of expectancy is met.

Case study on marketing in lego

The intent of this thesis is to analyze various factors that play key roles in marketing. The company has set a target of becoming a world class brand, thus causing it to manufacture a diversified range of products such as video games, clothes, and watches and recently Lego has tried →

Essay on selling a security program

The measures include the ability to carry out a cost and benefit analysis and this will show the benefit of placing the camera and at the same time calculate the amount spent in the camera and the money getting lost. Going by the cost analysis, the cost of the camera only comes once and if →

Compensation and benefits report examples

It is a show of appreciation for their work as well as an encouragement and incentive for the employees to work and attain the company's targets. The organization can measure the performance levels of individual or group levels in different ways. The method is easy because it only involves checking the performance of all employees →

Continental carriers, inc.

The argument of the debt financing being a risky venture since the proposition was to pay out to a sinking fund does not make sense. Over the course of the next seven years, CCI had a historical growth in revenue of 9%. 72 and the use of debt would increase the earnings per share to →

Example of report on review of movement of company’s share price

While analyzing the share price of KFC Holdings Ltd, the movement of the share price can very well be evaluated. The share price recovers in the month of May and maintains the position reaching highest in the month of July.

Free essay on homework assignment one

This will reduce cases of cheating within the firm. The stakeholders in this project will include the sales manager, the project manager, the marketing directors, the brokers and finally the clients. This allows the project manager to monitor use of resources. b.

Free a test of leadership and knowledge in real world essay example

As I assessed my performance at the end of practicum, I asked myself to enumerate the learning I gained. Also, I have read and searched the company profile, my job description and the people I am going to work with before going to the practicum.

Google and apple know where you are essay sample

Location-based tracking services are growing faster and faster and many individuals are intrigued with the use of it and they are more advanced with the invention of more improved smartphones and digital devices. Parents are held responsible for knowing the whereabouts of their underage children and that is one way to assist them when they →

History & profile of sharekhan company

Sharekhan pioneered the online retail broking industry and leveraged on the first wave of digitization, when dematerialization of securities came into effect and electronic trading was introduced in the stock exchanges. 2009 -Company has signed an Agreement with Religare Securities Ltd -Company has signed a MOU with TCIL. Introduction Founded in 2000 →

Destination singapore: critical thinking examples

For this the timetable is as follows: - The human resource department should develop and strictly adhere to certain policies which follow and support ethical conduct in the organization. In fact the business establishment should be transparent and honest in its dealings.

Good essay on company website

Finally, technological specifications such as hardware and software requirements are included in this paper. Internet business model: The portfolio site. Various business models are available on the Internet to build websites, but the simplest and to the point model is a portfolio site. A small-scale business that is getting started must thing cost effectively and →

Tesco’s external enviorment

The company's Head Office is based in Hertfordshire, UK and operates mainly in the USA, Europe and Asia. PESTEL Analysis[2], analyses the vibrant and erratic environment in which company operates by identifying the forces that have the most impact on it's performance, Influences Company has, to achieve strategically success. The growth of Tesco's international business →

Example of essay on the organisation in strategic context

Although several studies have been carried out in favor, or against, the exclusive use of either o the two strategies, it is good to understand that each of the strategies has its own strengths and weaknesses; therefore, it is imperative to consider the conditions that provide the maximum benefits. One of the best examples that →

Good example of outsourcing labor: problems and solutions essay

In this regard, although outsourcing has resulted in shifting jobs to overseas countries, the problem can be solved by reducing taxes on salaries and reducing fuel prices in the US. Secondly, at firm level, outsourcing can result in reduced quality of production in a firm. In the Outsource2India, it has been noted that when a →

Good unethical issues in enron documentary essay example

Consequently, Enron's downfall commenced with some unethical practices featuring as the leading causes of the corporation's bankruptcy. The first unethical issue featured within the documentary film involved doctoring of Enron's balance sheet and other accounting statements. Unethical accounting practices enabled Enron's accounting department to misrepresent earnings and debts in a manner that portrays the company →

Free case study on mcdonalds strategy analysis

The core of its competitive strategy in this case is similar product portfolio at lower price and high quality. Starbucks Coffee Company Starbucks is the leading company in the industry that pursues its growth strategy through organic market acquisitions and franchising. As such, the company incorporated fresh tea and juices into the menu in →

Example of case study on online threats

0 stretches to the edges; it goes to the extension of the center and with the long tails. The Growth of Google Technologies and applications.

Debt policy at ust inc.: overview

Concerning the declining sales growth and gradual loss of the market share, UST Inc.is now considering recapitalizing by issuing debt amounts to $1 billion. By recapitalizing, it can create a total $380 million interest tax shield to add up firm value and, at the same time, make shareholders better off by using →

Survival and sanctity essay

Their motivations for wanting to establish settlements in the New World roughly follow a widening political divide that would burst asunder in the mid-1600s when the Puritan-led forces of Parliament rose against the monarchy, eventually defeating and overthrowing the power of the King in the person of Charles I. The →

Research paper on nestle and marketing

The firm may also seek out other marketing objectives such as survival of the firm, profit maximization, market share and product quality leadership. Marketing mix strategies: Pricing is one of the marketing mix elements that can be used by a firm to achieve its objectives. While sales persons may be allowed to negotiate prices with →

Federal government contracting procedures research paper example

Furthermore, the respondents will be required to have the capacity to train DHS staff on the maintenance and operation of the new system. The second part outlines the services expected of the respondent to this solicitation. It outlines all the details that the bidder is required to fill in the sf33. →

Example of ethics code for morinda corporation essay

Business ethics is a form of professional or applied ethics which examines morals and ethical principles surrounding the business environment; it is contained in a corporation's ethics code and covers all aspects of business conduct, from individual conduct to the entire organization. Since its establishment in 1996, Morinda Corporation has thus far become a →

Example of coca-cola company in the soft drinks industry research paper

Tab was the first soft drink to be manufactured by the company with the use of saccharin in place of sugar. Market Size of Coca-Cola in the Soft Drink Industry The coca-cola company is involved in the production and distribution of non-alcoholic products around the world. According to the →

Research paper on hudsons bay company: the competitive landscape

Introduction The major competitors of Hudson's Bay Company are the Nordstrom and the La Maison in the present but in the past, the closest competitor was the North West Company. The major competitors are therefore the la Maison and the prospected Nordstrom. Their major marketing strategies that they employ to compete with the →

Mcdonald’s corporate social responsibility in malaysia

The rainwater are channelled and collected from the drainage system installed on the rooftop of McDonalds' building. Net income of the company has increased $1959 million in 6 years.