900 Words Essay Samples

Computer architecture cleous mccalla biology essay

February 4, 2014Assessment # 4Derive write both sum of products and product of sums Boolean expressions describing the Output: Sum of products : A B C OUTPUT EXPRESSION 0001 A' B' C' 00100101 A' B C' 011010001011 A B' C 1101 →

Discussion luminary

Munro says that humans do not belong in the jungle and despite Elliot's initial enthusiasm his later feeling of " oppression" puts him closer to Munro. But Elliot also thinks that the rain forest is where life comes from, including humans, a place free from the " technology of mechanized warfare" that →

Dna fingerprinting essay sample

Measure the distance from the bottom of the well to the center of each DNA band and record your numbers in the table below. The data in the table will be used to construct a standard curve and to estimate the sizes of the crime scene and suspect restriction fragments. From the gel sketch, →

Dove: evolution of a brand

Dove needs to continue with its bold strategy which goes completely against the grain. The strategy of portraying the messages/point of view of the consumers as opposed to the message of the brand/company. Regarding the internet, it is thanks to the internet that Dove's brand image and message can spread like →

How the artist can combine the elements of many cultures and traditions research paper

The thesis statement will be about how the artist can combine the elements of many cultures and traditions. - Research objectives The main objectives for doing this research are so that I can be able to understand the real reasons why the Artist combines the elements of many cultures and →

Movie review about the descendants

The movie is a perfect blend of talent and script where the character of the father Matt King is displayed in a different manner, how a transition occurs in his nature to establish harmonious relationship with his daughters, Alexandra, a teenager of 17 years and Scottie, younger of 10 years →

Are the colder months in which the

For romantic getaways, you can, take a MegaQuest tour on the challengingroped walkways in the cavern; try the zip line in the underground parts of thecavern as never experienced before; or take a Jeep-drawn ride on the magnificenthalls and caves in the MegaTram tour. The top of the hill is accessiblethroughout the year and this →

Free for all by art blakely & the jazz messengers: an album review

This album is arguably one of Art Blakey's greatest albums, and this is the first album I am reviewing in which the drummer is the feature artist. Now that I am comfortable with Jazz music, I decided to pick an album that focused on the drummer because it's very interesting to observe the style of →

Computer science

Because I grew up in a small town in Vietnam, a place where computers were not introduced to the fullest at the time of its inception and were considered wholly as a luxury instead of a necessity, it was curiosity plus a self-driven need to learn about this new technology. My interest in computer sciences →

Apply design guidelines to human-computer interaction methods

The main purpose of the web design aims at meeting or solving the need in the front end the client side; thus, the main feature in this web design is the writing make up that will update the websites accessibility guidelines. User login area; the user will use the slot to access the designed web →

Software lability

Software developers also attach a disclaimer warrant on their products as proof of their liability and protection of the user according to Harris. Liability also ensures that software companies improve on their products to avoid incidences of damages which cost a lot to the company.

Internet privacy

At the other end, last year, fraudsters emptied the bank account of a close friend of mine because one of the firms with which he had to share his personal information online to obtain services had passed it to the fraudsters. The Republicans in Congress valued the freedom of big companies to share their clients' →

Logical entity relationship diagram of soundmission company

The logical data model is developed without considering the database tools to be used for the creation and implementation of the database. The logical ER data model facilitates identifying and specify additional data entities include but not limited to the Transactional and Operational data entities. In the beginning, it is required to identify the relationships →

Discussing end to end encryption that caused changes in encryption standards

Understanding the fundamental security situation, a system must be put in place to obtain backdoors in case data needs to be examined by a third party because it is ethical to do so. The heart of the argument comes from accessibility relating to crimes. Now, that is not to say that it is alright to →

Information technology and business

IT refers to the processing, storage as well as treatment of global information and it supersedes a business because opportunities are much larger in the global commercial aspect that the world has turned into today.e-Commerce and e-Business are the main areas of interest today because they help to attract a lot more customers from various →

It – business intelligence

Business Intelligence Business Intelligence Understanding business intelligence and the role it plays in the running and management of a business is the subject of this study. Reporting is the other aspect of Business intelligence, where it utilizes the information stored in a business warehouse to generate information relevant for strategic management of the business, normally →

Youth political engagement

The dynamics in the education system require the application of the current affairs in the political field to create a firm understanding of the structure of government and democracy process. This will increase the interest of the youth to participate in fulfilling their civic duties and connect with the political class.

Hans rosling’s paradox – despite access to numerous sources of information, people tend to prejudice on many issues

In warning policymakers about the dangers of using ' averaged' data as opposed to a contextualized understanding, Rosling also demonstrates that even within countries, there are differences in, for example, child survival rates : the outliers within the country, the 20% richest and the 20% poorest, in Niger, Uganda, and South Africa have markedly →

A teacher

At first, I was just planning to finish the first semester and then I would shift to another course but I never had the chance because they did not allow me to. I became friends to the parents and to the students and I started to love the job.

Accounting’s positivistic tendencies

These set of tutorial activities extending till the end of the session, are intended to take you through a learning journey of exploration and development. They have been specifically designed to incorporate not only a real-life perspective to your university learning but also to further enhance graduate capabilities such as your ability to engage in →

Decarbonizing electricity

The viability of using wind power as a clean source of energy is that it involves the conversion of wind energy into electricity without intermittent conversion of energy into states that pollute the environment with green house gasses. The wind energy or power is available in the central plains of US which has the most →

Initiatives hotel owners can focus to prevent environmental impacts

That is why we believe it's important to turn to every aspect of a business and establish how it can be greener". There are the things which can be done to reduce the effects and become sustainable in housekeeping department they are listed below: Need to apply upgrade energy saving technology: In the current context →

Hooks law – lab report example

We will determine the spring constant, k , (K which is the stiffness of the spring), for an individual spring using both Hookes Law and the properties of an oscillating spring system. Apparatus 2 Extension Springs Compression spring Load to be used for long springs 2 Long Screws 2 →

The history of the atomic model by charlie ehinger

The plum modelThe Plum model was invented or made up soon after the discovery of the electron but before the discovery of the nucleus and proton, which rendered John Dalton's model obsolete (Dalton's model did not have electrons, protons or neutrons). Bohr's model is very good at showing and predicting the energy levels of one →

The cold war essay

While the 'why' or ' what happened' is still being argued out over time the 'what' is very clear. One of the main reasons of the Cold War was that there were huge differences in the way that the East and West were led and as many know disagreements usually lead to conflict. The Truman →

Politics in the military essay examples

Politics influence military decisions in the floor of the parliament; this occurs in making and amending laws. As a matter of fact, we cannot dispute the influence of politics in military decisions.

Mpo – a firm can only function well

C may want to use Tannenbaum and Schmidt'scontinuum theory has simple scales that a leader can use to give a " thumbin the wind" assessment of what leadership style to use. It's alsoimportant to have an understanding of these theories as what you do in one leadershipsituation will not always work in another situation, eg →

Capital punishment california death penalty essay

The purpose of this paper is to firstly respond to the question of how two specific court cases impacted capital punishment in this country and in particular in California, and secondly, to review the evidence for and against the effectiveness of the death penalty being a crime deterrent in the U.S.

How does geographical circumstance affect the outcome of the outsider?

The setting of the story, Algeria is part of the reason that leads to the punishment that Meursault receives. Due to the location of the colony and the colonial power that governs it, there are several religious influences on the trial.

Justice for juveniles

It is important that we continue to make capital punishment for juveniles under 18 illegal because it has been proven to be inhumane due to a juvenile's incomplete biological structures and ultimately these juveniles should be held liable to the Juvenile Justice System and should be offered pro-social opportunities to get away from and learn →

Strategic operation management

In a business entity like Guineas Ghana limited the use of operations management is very necessary in every fabric of the company's activities. The measures of effectiveness and efficiency in Guinness Ghana leads to labour productivity, yield, capacity fill working capital utilization and the efficiency of production systems. Guinness Ghana Limited also makes good use →

Dissolved oxygen content and fish populations in water

Examine the data in Table 4 showing the amount of dissolved oxygen present and the number of fish observed in the body of water the sample was taken from; finally, answer the questions below. QUESTIONS 1. Make an observation Based on the data in Table 4, discuss what patterns you observe in regards to →

Company analysis: jwt critical thinking example

Over the recent years, JWT Singapore has been through a process of transformation both in the structural and the talent domains and this innovative device developed by the agency demonstrates what has made it one of the leading names of global advertising. This device has moved away from the conventional concept of advertising and is →

The apple watch biblography

It also gives the marketing models and shows how the features of products affect the market of a product. International Journals of Operations & Production Management, 21 , 1404- 1416 The authors of this article elaborate the efficiency and effectiveness of the production of goods and services.

A summary of dissertation

Research methodology The main intention of this research is investigating the progress of export of the Italian wine to China. Critical analysis of the Italian wine in China and forecasting measures for the implementation of future growth of this sector.

Free high speed trading essay example

The practice affects the natural laws of demand and supply that are supposed to dictate the prices of shares and stock. The knowledge of future trends sets an unfair playing field for the persons trading and in some instances causes some of them to exit the market. Most of them tend to believe that if →

Samsung marketing mix essay sample

The Samsung galaxy series is one of the brand builders for Samsung and hence we will discussing the marketing mix of Samsung Galaxy. It presently has a strong hold on the market owing to its trusted performance in the last decade. The reason Samsung has shot up in brand equity is the Samsung galaxy →

Exporting to asia country essay

When a specific supplier is located, the next thing a marketing manager would do is to look for prospective buyers of his products or some locally-produced materials for export. Choosing an Export Country Before getting his feet wet, it is vital that he conducts a background checking of the country he wishes to export the →

Overseas market

Little Sheep uses the traditional method, but in Little Lamb, waiters use a controlling wireless equipment system to help customer order their food, and the information will be directly passed to the kitchen. They were impressed by the quality and the taste of food, and they saw that Chinese hot pot will introduce a new →

Steve jobs

He is perhaps one of the many people who are not actually experts in human nature when it comes to education and research but he is very well-informed about them, observing their needs as well as their wants and using the information in his innovations. Still, his ability to look for the people needed for →

Situation analysis for heineken beer company

A beer produced in Europe can be consumed in America at its freshness. Beer brewing industry is the second oldest industry in the world and the third largest in contribution to the world's economic growth. Heineken Beer Company is the 5th largest brewing company in the world and the official sponsor of the European Champions →

Arguments foreign aid

A lot of people arguing about foreign aid to the developing countries, and most of them are disagrees with the help that gotten by foreign country. There are a lot of developing countries that not accept the aid from foreign countries, because the reason above.

Systematic review literature review examples

The study also sought to evaluate the effectiveness of targeting various determinants of behavior change. - The hypothesis of the authors of the systematic review was hand hygiene improvement strategies targeting most of the various determinants of behavior change would be more effective in enhancing hand hygiene compliance than hand hygiene improvement strategies targeting less of →

Designing a group therapy exercise critical thinking examples

The exercise can only work if they are happy to carry out the dramatic exercises with one another and are comfortable with receiving constructive criticism as well as learning from one another's mistakes. The Purpose of the Exercise The purpose of the dramatic exercise is to aid the patients' progress in social situations but →

Why college education is important to me essay

THE VALUE OF AN EDUCATION AND WHAT IT MEANS TO MEAn education, how often we hear this throughout every stage in life. An education can mean power to some, can be life affirming for others, and overall priceless to everyone, it's so much more than earning a degree or an award that shows you have →

Objective toward somali immigrants in the healthcare setting

Health is one important component of culture that define the structure and development of particular people. The Somali are a group of people from the Somalia origin and belong to the Islam religion. I believe that in as much as it aims to maintain their cultural heritage, the Somali should give up some of their →

Cerebral palsy: symptoms, study the issue

A large portion of those affected get cerebral palsy during or after birth following any sort of event that could possibly damage the child's brain, impeding their ability to control the cerebral cortex, the part of the brain in charge of muscle function. Today there is a great deal of medical structure helping children with →

Vertebrates and invertebrates worksheet essay sample

PART 1: Compare vertebrates and invertebrates. Directions: In the graphic below, compare vertebrates and invertebrates by: Create a list of 5 characteristics that make vertebrate and invertebrates different Create a list of 5 characteristics that make vertebrate and invertebrates similar differences similarities The notochord in vertabrates became a →

Good example of report on electrophoresis of gfp

The proteins are separated on the basis of their molecular weight in the resolving gel. The electrophoresis box is then plugged to a power supply, and the gel is run for the maximum separation of proteins.

Research paper on wasps do not build their nests in the open sky

The number of nests in the four test rooms and porches were summed up together and an average calculated; which was the actual number of nests built by the wasps. They debate that, wasps actually build their nests in places where there is shelter to protect their colonies from the harmful effects of rain and →

Bradford method for determining unknown protein concentration biology essay

1 Aim: The aim of the experiment is to determine the unknown concentration of a protein by using the Bradford method for protein quantification. 1. 1The Bradford method is a fast and fairly accurate method of determining the concentration of an unknown protein, 2 but it is influenced by the purity of the protein.

Summery of collapse

A major focus of the book is the response of past societies to these threats, and the suitability of these responses. He states that the Soviet Union serves as a good modern example of a nation that collapsed due to negative political and economic factors in contrast to environmental factors.

Secret knowledge by david hockneys

Using examples of artworks, the author proves that the competitive market of the Renaissance period demanded new and innovative appropriates, and the artist found them in optics. The facts and examples proposed by Hockneys portray the Renaissance as a period of great changes and scientific innovations applied to art and painting. The Renaissance art put →

Drones and self-driven cars: benefits and hindrances

The announcement came in to shine light to a rather grey area in technology advancement. I am writing this letter to the department to indicate the importance of clearly outlined legal requirements for automated cars, the vital role the department plays in the process, the benefits of automated cars and to also dismiss any false →

Nuclear power

After mining, the Uranium is then enriched with isotope 235 and is then processed into pellets which are loaded into the nuclear reactor. Other uses of Nuclear Technology In addition to the production of electricity, nuclear technology is used in many their fields.

Intriguing phenomenons of black holes

Stellar black holes are medium-sized black holes that can have a mass up to 20 times the mass of the sun and many of these can be found in the Milky Way galaxy. Supermassive black holes are the largest kind of black holes and they have a mass that is at least equal to one →

Pros and cons of nuclear power in usa

Regulations The Regulations for Nuclear Energy Power Plants are many and cumbersome due to the massive risks of afailureof a nuclear reactor. This greatly increases the costs of generating nuclear power. The more nuclear power plants (and nuclear waste storage shelters) are built, the higher is the probability of a disastrous failure →

4 of the study for online shoppers it

3 Implicationsof the study for online retailers Online shopping is appealing tothose consumers who seek price advantage, convenience and perceive greateradvantages in online shopping over shopping in traditional stores. Marketersmust communicate consumers that online shopping can be convenient, safe andsimple to use and also saves money. It was found that one of the mainreasons for →

Comparision of ‘suicide in the trenches’ and ‘charge of the light brigade’ essay sample

Sassoon was an official war poet who had experienced war and had seen people die, and this obviously had a long-term effect upon him. Both of the poems, ' Suicide in the Trenches' and ' Charge of The Light Brigade depict death throughout their poems. Although Tennyson is almost saying death is a good →

Gray, burns, and blake: the transitional poets

Gray, Burns, and Blake: The Transitional Poets It was the mid-eighteenth century and poets were tiring of the neoclassical ideals of reason and wit. Theirs was an age of rationalism, wit, and satire".This contrasts greatly with the ideal of Romanticism, which was " an artistic revolt against the conventions of the fashionable formal, civilised, →

War poetry

Hodgson : " Before Action" Wilfred Gibson " Back" Link to Collected Poems [At Columbia] Philip Larkin : " MCMXIV" Link to Poems [At Hooked.net] Siegfried Sassoon " How to Die" Dark clouds are smouldering into red While down the craters morning burns. The dying soldier →

Draw detailed contrast between two accounts of darwin’s killing of the fox, which you have read

Another clue to suggest that it is meant for scientists is the use of the in parenthesis of " Canis fulvipes" which is the Latin term for a fox. Darwin's work was very important to him so in his journal he uses litotes like " knock" to make the killing of the fox sound less →

Nalytical analysis of anti-depressants in human plasma using liquid-liquid chromatography

Measuring of the serum concentrations of antidepressants is therefore important to ensure that physicians are able to administer the correct dosage for the treatment of depression. The process involves the extraction of the drugs in neutral forms to ensure that the pH does not alter the chemical composition and structure of the drugs.

Carolina perez

In order for sickle cell anemia to occur is when a sickle cell gene have, been inherited from both the mother and the father, so that the child has two sickle cell gene. Pain is cause by the lack of oxygen to the organs and the sickle cells that eventually block blood vessels due to →

Example of argumentative essay on goal and argument of singer

In response to such a case, Singer emphasized the utility of helping people suffering from poverty does not change with distance, given that the end result still leads to the alleviation of the plight of the chosen beneficiary. Singer notes that a person does not become less morally sound in committing an act of morality →

How does charles dickens portray the cratchit family in ”a christmas carol” essay sample

Instead they were to go to the workhouse, they would be separated from their families and got fed the poorest food. At thirteen years old Charles Dickens's father's business went bankrupt and he had to go and work in a blacking factory, he learnt of the terrible conditions that children were working in but →

Chris reina essay

Lastly, high adaptability as a strength will improve my productivity at ASU because with the use of my innovation skills, I will not just take ideas in their face value but will improve on them in order to explore the advanced side of the same. - How will this strength impact your ability to gain a →

Case review

On 16 June 1997, the plaintiffs applied to the High Court of Kuala Lumpur by way of petition for a grant of probate of the said will. The defendant who was the wife of the deceased however then entered a caveat with the Registry on 10 July 1997 in order to prevent →

Cango analysis assignment

However, they still need to create a mission statement to show what the company is trying to accomplish as well as what they are about. CanGo has identified a growing trend within the gaming industry that they want to use to bring them success, which is online gaming. They only problem is that they have →

Aspects of e-marketing that facilitate customer relationship management

Companies are finding that sometimes certain customers are just too expensive to try and keep because they will order an item but then for some reason they do not want it anymore so the company pays for them to return the item which ultimately results in a loss because the company →

Good essay on consumer

It is therefore advisable for the leaders in the organization to take numerous steps to enlighten the employees on the nature of sexual harassment and the consequences. Employees come from different cultures and it is upon the management to ensure that this diversity works to the advantage of the organization. These core workplace values should →

Business law – case study assignment

Assuming that it is an offer, it can either be a counter offer or a mere request for more information.2. She will argue that John's response over the phone is assumed to be an acceptance to the new offer.

Hofstedes ross-ultural dimensions in construction projects

Organizational outline requires not to descend from the top yet might develop through, from the endeavors of individuals all around the organization who are the part of the organizational culture and the change. Culture of the organization is dependent on the values of the firm.

Marketing and starbucks assignment

The aim of this report is to analyze the Cataracts' marketing strategy and the effect of promotional tools on their consumer purchase behavior. They feel recognized by Cataracts and also feel more appreciated by the quality of service that Cataracts is providing to them.

Analysis of peter pan

Barrie uses the character of Peter Pan to show the imagination ofchildhood, uncertainty and emotional complexity of adolescence, and the effect of mother/child relationship on the journey to maturity. Petr pan represents the spirit of a child and the imagination of childhood. When Wendy askes Peter if he can →

The curious ncident of the dog in the night time

Mark Haddon's novel The Curious incident of the Dog in the Night-time which is written from the view of a fifteen year old boy Christopher who has Asperger's syndrome, not only does this book demonstrate how challenging life is for the disabled, but also for everyone. Having the main character Christopher narrate →

Macbeth soliloquy

Macbeth's rhetorical questions share his lack of clarity and conviction to kill Duncan while the allusions represent his decision forming and becoming clear to him. At the beginning of Macbeth's soliloquy Shakespeare uses rhetorical questions to represent Macbeth's feelings about killing Duncan. Macbeth wonders if it is his fate to kill Duncan →

A story of of socrates in the apology by plato

Socrates continues to search for someone who can contend with his wit and discuss more intellectual ideas. As Socrates continues talking with the citizens of Athens, he pesters many people and is eventually charged by the court saying that " Socrates is a doer of evil and corrupter of the youth, and he does not →

Chapter 1

The fast phased of technology attributed a lot to the improvement of the library system. To implement the system efficiency to the student SCOPE AND LIMITATIONS OF THE STUDY The study was about the Computerized Library System for the Holy Infant Academy.

Literary analysis of a doll’s house by henrik ibsen

Lindke, he will be sure to tell Nora's secret to herfamily. Realizing what this would do to the wonderful life to come after the New Year, she begs Torvald to find a place for Mr. I must try and educate myself- you are not the man to help me in that.

A modest proposal: cannibalism

They also did not have the amount of import and export trade that we have on our side. Swift constantly throughout his story states that selling the children to the rich is the only solution to the countries hard economic times. He proclaims that children at the age of one can be sold to meat →

The difficulty of defining (based on sister carrie by dreiser)

I would say, as many eyes, so many opinions, so no wonder there are different approaches and interpretations towards the novel which is influenced not just by the readers reading or personal experience, but also by their particular philosophy of life as well as knowledge about the historical background. Sister Carrie can be read as →

Development of characters in lamb to the slaughter, the monkey’s paw and the interlopers

The authors of " Lamb to the Slaughter," " The Monkey's Paw," and " The Interlopers" develop their characters in various ways in order to create realistic people who draw the reader into each story. Mary Maloney in " Lamb to the Slaughter" is a devoted wife, whose life orbits around the husband, which is →

”mayflower” by nathaniel philbrick essay sample

In fact The Mayflower was a ship to freedom for the English settlers for freedom of religion. Some people thought that the Mayflower was a slave ship but it was a ship to freedom.

Questions about justice in a jury of her peers

The transformation of the real case into fiction is really interesting, the way she liberally supplies the missing evidence and motive in the story, and as a result, it with the characters, the search for evidence, the crime and the judgement gives a different way of viewing the situation. For instance, the idea of women →

Diary of a wimpy kid the getaway 

Manny is Greg's younger brother, and Frank and Susan Heffley's youngest son, and he just wants to play in the sand, and collect jellyfish, crabs, and snails. Susan Heffley is the mother of Rodrick, Greg, and Manny, and the wife of Frank Heffley, she is stuck wanting to be the cool mom, wanting her family →

The cast of amontillado vs the tell tale heart by edgar alan poe

He knew that he had to be careful with Fortunato's power, and he had to take advantage of his sky high vanity of knowing a lot of wines. On the other hand, in the Tell Tale Heart the Narrator had trouble defining why exactly he wanted to kill the old man. The →

Book: dead aid by dambisa moyo book review example

She contends that involving African elected leaders in deciding how the aid will be spent is a key strategy for appropriate use of that aid. Question six Moyo seems to be an admirer of china and devout an entire chapter of the book to discuss the benefits of the Chinese investments. According to her, →

Betrayal in hamlet

From the beginning of the play to the end, Hamlet experiences a development of character through the betrayals of Gertrude, Aphelia, Reactants and Glistering. When the play opens, Hamlet's relationship with his mother was very close. These incestuous actions by Hamlet's mother, the most important woman in his life, added the distrust of →

Example of essay on self assessment

Whereas when I read for information and a similar situation arises I do try to first decode the meaning of challenging words but then I do try to check it through a dictionary to make sure I am accurate otherwise I will be collecting wrong information. When I read my main objective is to understand →

Example of research proposal on patient falls in inpatient settings

Patient falls in inpatient settings This paper will focus on the following components of the study, data collection and measurement, expected outcomes of the study, implementation of change, and evaluation of the impact of the change. Data collection and measurement Data will be collected via a semi structured interview. The findings of →

Similar themes in the movie “king lear” and “about schmidt” essay

It is clear that both the film directors have used these themes in order to develop the plot of the respective movies and, at the same time, be in a position of expressing the ethical teachings to the respective viewers. The theme of power is directly explored in the film About Schmidt when the main →

Fictional account of macbeth’s trial

He was still at this stage fresh from the battle, and weariness makes all such men fanciful and overconfident; he was also fighting an internal battle against the evil spirits that the weird sisters have planted in him, the idea of murder which he recognised as a foreign thought that had been planted in him →

The novel chronicle of a death foretold english literature essay

In the Latin American society men of the house dominated and the woman's status increased if she got married to a man of high respect. The books Chronicle of a death foretold uses tradition, customs and beliefs to convey its message.

Qualities of good leader

In the novel " Animal Farm", the author George Orwell shows the consequences when a leader (Napoleon and his assistant Squealer) has absolute power and only cares for himself, and how many of his followers (the rest of the animals on the farm) suffered under his control. At the beginning of the story, Napoleon and →

An analysis of repeated allusions in shakespeare’s hamlet

He wanted them to infer that Claudius is not as great as he seems. For Hamlet and the trifling of his favor, " Hold it a fashion and a toy in blood, A violent in the youth of primary nature, Forward, not permanent, sweet, not lasting, The perfume and suppliance of a minute. No more".This →