800 Words Essay Samples

Animal farm

This represents the overthrowing of the Russian monarchs and the establishment of the Soviet Union. From this point on the expectations were high for the prosperity of both the animals in Animal Farm and the people of the Soviet Union.

Analysis of antigone essay

After Antigone heard of the orders of Creon, regarding her brother Polynices, she knew that something had to be done for the proper burial of Polynices. As for Antigone, her first sign of becoming a heroine began with deciding to bury her brother regardless of Creon's orders with the knowledge that death was the penalty.

Theorist of choice c. wright mills

In other words, sociological imagination provides the insight and enables the individual to comprehend the larger and potent forces, which are at work within the society and also tells how they interact cohesively with each other and last but not the least, impacts the life of the individual. This kind of sociological imagination frees the →

Determinant of the corporate identity

Organization identity separates an organization and thus making it unique with the qualities of carrying out its functions in the way that align with the organization strategy. Thus, in bid of respecting the regulations set out by government in the country of operation, an organization tends to build up its corporate identity to reflect and →

How christopher nolan utilises multiple narrative structure & sound design

Since the film is based on the war in Dunkirk involving the British forces, the audience is aware that attacks will take place whilst watching the movie however due to Nolan recounting the events, the characters within the film are unaware of what they will experience whereas the audience do. The diegetic sounds are the →

The volume of it all. i hated that

It was a wonderful education in food, but by the end of each day I felt jaded with eating, overwhelmed by the volume of it all. 3 Fill one of the tins one and a half times with hot water from the kettle and add it to the pan.

Fuel prices

Assignment on Fuel Prices Executive Summary- This report analyses the recent prices of unleaded regular gasoline, unleaded premium gasoline and diesel in all states across the US. Part 1- The state by state average fuel prices for regular unleaded gasoline in the US as of 28/02/2009, along with the corresponding histogram, are as follows- Mean →

Letters of appreciation to caregivers

Fortunately, they were able to escape the storm itself, but have been emotionally and economically devastated by the event As to the purpose of this letter: I am currently a graduate student and have been instructed to send a letter of thanks to a prominent caregiver. I am very proud to have you in the →

Three gorges dam project(pros: include energy impact)

There has been an extensive power transmission of the electricity from the project to the rest of the country; the power is sold to the national grid hence the entire country and economy can enjoy it. With the onset of the project there has been an increased reliability in terms of transportation of persons and →

3 ways to manage your time and boost productivity

Many people believe that all they need to do to remain productive is schedule blocks of time to work on given tasks. For a maker, a meeting in the middle of the day is a nuisance.

Research methods & analysis in psychology

Since the constant remains the same for all, it is more important to define the variables since they are the things being investigated in the research. The commonest way to design a psychology experiment for the effects of classical music on memory is via the division of the participants into two groups.

The effect of effect of early marriage essay

What is the role of education in preventing early and forced marriage? Even where education is available, the cost, quantity, quality and content of schooling has an impact on whether girls are forced to drop out and marry early.

Hamilton wong case essay

The practice of underreporting your hours or " eating time" as Wong called it, is highly unethical and can lead to many future problems in the workplace. By underreporting hours, managers will not know the true hours worked to complete the audit, thus budgeting less time in the future making it harder on everyone on →

The truth behind mockingbirds

The title To Kill A Mockingbird had very little literal meaning in relationship to the plot of the novel; however, it carries a great deal of symbolical weight in the story, The " mockingbird" comes to represent the idea of innocence; thus the phrase " to kill a mockingbird" translate to being the equivalent of →

In nathaniel hawthorne’s

The act of sacrifice is evident in Hester Prynne with her endurance of public shamings and being a societal outcast to defend the integrity of Arthur Dimmesdale. The townspeople cannot agree of what they saw that day, but Dimmesdale and his sacrifice allows the townspeople to realize that anyone can be sinful, later sharing a →

Evolution vs. creationism

Why would you believe in one side of an argument when the majority of the evidence points to the other? What is the theory of creationism, intelligent design, and evolution.

Musculoskeletal, nervous, respiratory, and circulatory systems in ergonomics

These body parts offer a framework for the body, dictate the level of flexibility, and create movement and force exertion, in addition to sustaining the body weight. Development of the nervous system.

Thiazole antibiotics siomycin a and thiostrepton inhibit the transcriptional activity of foxm1

In numerous publications we showed that indeed siomycin A and thiostrepton inhibit the transcriptional activity and the expression of FOXM1, and they also act as proteasome inhibitors. According to this model, siomycin A, thiostrepton, and other proteasome inhibitors hinder the proteasomal degradation of a negative regulator of FOXM1, which in return directly or indirectly inhibits →

I chose this passage because it is a

This passage is key to life it teaches you to not be greedy because the Samaritan had to spend money to take care of the man. At first, he says he asked God why he does not do anything but later god said that he made us, to change and make a difference in the →

Metaphors/similes (test 2)

While with a feeling skill I paint my hell" Not at first sight.metaphor feelings are being compared to a paintbrush- as the narrator uses them to describe his hell like a painter would use his brush to make the picture" Come not between the dragon and his wrath" King Lear metaphor Lear is comparing himself →


The New York Times business segments The New York Times operates in two divisions: The New York Times Media Group and the New England Media Group. The New York Times Media Group: The New York Times Media Group comprises of the New comprises of the New York Times which is a daily and Sunday newspaper →

Book review: “epigenetics”

Having covered this, the reader is then brought into the second section of the book which deals with how epigenetics controls cellular functions, with five specific chapters on issues such as cell-specific gene expression, the role of epigenetics in the regulation of the mitotic cell cycle, the basis of genomic imprinting, through the role of →

Tacit codes essay

Professor Generating of the Practice of Human Right at Harvard University Interpreted that " to belong Is to understand the tacit codes of the people you live with", meaning that in order to be suitably linked to a specific crowd, you must understand their implicit codes and know to abide by them. Every group has →

Jake barnes of ‘the sun also rises’ essay

Jake Barnes is the typical Hemingway Code Hero in this novel.but he does neglect to run into certain facets of the codification. First.he is non a adult male in the traditional sense of the word.

The metamorphosis by kafka

This made me feel like I was part of the play, so I think the way in which the set design had been designed and the techniques used for the set was good as it created a lot of feelings and kept me interested in the play. This was a creative method the actors used, →

National museum of the american indian (the smithsonian institution, washington, d.c.)

The National Museum of the American Indian The much celebrated building of the National Museum of the American Indian was established by an Act of Congress in 1989 and is the sixteenth in the world famous Smithsonian museum series. The stream was honoured with the creation of a fountain and a wetland area and the →

The needs of war veterans in the usa. personal perspective

Others believe there is more the Government could be doing to supply the Veterans with the things they need. Perspective two states that the Government supplies the Veterans with some of the things they need, but there is more to be done to make their transition back to civilian life better.

Racial biases in a gas station

In the short story The Lone Ranger and Tonto Fistfight in Heaven, the Native American narrator encounters racist behavior from the cashier at the gas station he visits at three in the morning. The tension is diffused when the narrator reveals that he was never a threat to the cashier by making a joke about →

Emerging trends in global recruiting to act on now

This is a level of sophistication and agility that recruiting has never had to rise to in the past. Leaders in recruiting have to start weaving a bigger picture for how tools can change and improve the way we approach recruiting.

What is social power essay example

Concepts of Social Power and Inequality Wealth accumulated by a few people in the society attracts rebellion and theft in the society because of inequality issues. Conclusion Social power and inequality affect the ways of life and ability to manage resources properly in the society.

Global warming is an ethical issue assignment

Ethical issues are often precisely the ones we prefer to avoid, because they force us to confront the sometimes muddy difference between doing right and doing wrong or because we know that in confronting ethical issues generally, we must sometimes confront the ethical deficiencies in our own behavior. In the field of sustainable development, the →

A life story that happened once in paris

Discouraged over an ongoing separation and the loss of a large portion of his novel, that had been blown into the lanes of Paris the day preceding, Fabian winds up attracted to Nell when he recognizes her crying close to one of the canvases in the show. Toward the beginning of the day, Fabian attempts →

Wycherley’s presentation of lady fidget as a 17th century woman

Lady Fidget is a prime example because on the surface she is presented as being the embodiment of the subordinate female; she is a wife who is loyal, supportive and obedient to her husband, however, covertly, she is a cunning, devious cheat who uses her sexuality to cover all that she is and to do →

Transportation industry

I am of the opinion that in United States industrial growth began in the states in the early 1800's, and it steadily continued to and through the civil war. With the construction of Railway forth came the transformation of the west and downfall of the frontier.

Creative writing – the lake

I did not reply because it would encourage more of her pointless words of sympathy, adding to the awkwardness of the situation." Would you like to hear about our experience at the lake in the summer of 1965? " Jenna exclaimed. Just the sight was enough to send shivers through my bones, and not the →

Home depot case study

That means the store is supposed to be designed the way that the customer should feel good about entering the store, consulting to the assistants, paying the low price and visiting the store again in a while. It is the goal of the company to create the relaxed atmosphere among its workers and keep the →

Green roof technology

The Green Grid Company has been claimed that green roofs are a statement of care to the society. This has thus been one of the reasons why businesses and institutions have foregone their immediate economic gain so as to incorporate the green wall technology.

Changing drinking age to 18 essay

The alcoholic drinking age should be lowered to age eighteen because at that age you are responsible, mature, and it will help send the right message. That is not the case at all because today 71 % of eighth graders say it is pretty easy for them to get a hold alcohol so therefore it →

Effective questioning in teaching essay

Effective questioning serves a range of purposes, it involves the learners in the lesson, it all allows the teacher to know if the students possess specific knowledge, to make students think deeply and to inspire creativity and imagination therefore contributes significantly in learning. Regarding incorrect answers there are a number of responses a teacher can →

The world shrimp production

China is the biggest shrimp producer since 1988 until 1992 and contributed about a million metric ton of the world shrimp production in 2000. In 1990s, Asia produced approximately 78% of world shrimp and the rest were produced by western countries.

Why did a campaign for women’s suffrage

A fourth reason was that in the years after 1870, women were given the right to vote in Local Elections in 1889 and for Council and Borough Councils in 1888. A fifth reason for a campaign developing was that women in other countries had been given the vote.

Sebi guidelines for issue of bonus shares essay

A Company may issue bonus shares without obtaining prior approval but only after a period of 12 months after a public/rights issue and after safeguarding the rights of fully convertible and partly convertible debentures falling due for conversion within 12 months from the date of bonus issue. The capital reserve appearing in the Balance Sheet →

Christina’s character motivation and struggles

Each character in Henrik Ibsen's play A Doll's House is greatly influenced and swayed by society, one of the main ones being Christina Linden, because she must fulfill her duties and hastily marry a man for his money instead of being with someone she genuinely loves.Ms. Christina passed herself off as being self-reliant and proud →

Discourse analysis analysis

Another issue in turn-taking is the use of overlap and interruption, especially when the utterances are produced between the lecturer and Tillie. Kylie and the lecturer also used interruption to take turns to speak.

League of governors essay sample

The first to report was the Governor of the College of Education, Gov. The Governor of the College of Engineering, Gov.

The endless steppe essay

For the rest, you leave the rubles to me." That is how Reisa illustrated the theme of the book by maintaining her appearance and by caring for her family. That is how Esther illustrated the theme of the book by her ability to accept change, her love for her family and held them together.

Makin a saint sacrifice: euryalus’s mother

This speech said much about the heightened importance of sacrifice and self sacrifice found in The Aeneid, versus either the Iliad or the Odyssey, through the sacrifices made for Euryalus by his mother and the other people in his life and death. His mother's love brought her to care so deeply for Euryalus and to →

Inspection to the hand; increased pressure will

Inspection & Palpation of the Apical Impulse on CardiacExaminationByNatalie Hoyte Technique: Setup: The clinician should stand on the patient's right side; the head of the bed may be elevated for patient comfort. Palpation of the heart.

How does shakespeare present difficulties in relationships in “much ado about nothing”

This lets the audience know that Benedick and Beatrice have had a relationship in the past and Benedick gave cause for it to end. During the wedding scene we see how Beatrice's temper can get the better of her and how the patriarchal society can get in the way of what she sees as justice".

Guerrilla marketing assignment

The concept of Buzz and Viral marketing is a move to accomplish the WHOM effect. Viral racketing is a way to encourage the users of a product or service to spread the message to family and friends.

Partition of india and pakistan

These clashes, riots and discrimination against Hindus in Pakistan and Bangladesh and Muslims in India are obviously a result of the partition. The major impact of the partition was the relations between Hindus and Muslims in South Asia.

Organizational dimensions

Although there are numerous studies and dimensions of job satisfaction, only a few models and adjoining measurement instruments are available to measure the dimensions of job satisfaction, such as the Job Descriptive Index, which is one of the most widely used instruments. Proposition 3a The more formalization in hospitals, the less satisfaction with interaction, task →

Editorial: fractional calculus and its applications in physics

The authors proved that the dynamics of the individual is obtained by using the theory of subordination to be a tempered fractional differential equation. The authors reported the exact solution of fractional differential equation in the form of Mittag Leffler function and computed the numerical results.

Cheat sheet for biological oceanography midterm assignment

Microbial loop is: DOM-; bacteria-; virus-; DOM 4 ways material is transferred? dissolved organic material; Grazing food chain; Microbial Loop and POC ) When we talk about biological pump, we mean CO2 pump: -All CO2 is used up by phytoplankton-unused dissolved organic material sinks to the bottom and there is a decrease in CO2 in →

Tom-boyish lesbian seldom date

In addition, girls have penis envy, so girls may tends to admire the power that fathers have and through pretend like a boy to offset the penis envy. Reference Coon, D, & Mitterer, J.O.

Mike rose’s i just wanna be average

The French commission stated that the youth of America were offered the same curriculum in the hopes to form a united, equal society. They could see the errors of the future and grasp to what made the system work in the past.

Critical lens for the odyssey essay

In the epic poem, " The Odyssey" by Homer, the characters of Odysseus and Telemeters both prove t e quote is true as they possess characteristics readers would see as heroic. This shows he is a hero to the reader as they idealize his choices and traits.

Principles of law enforcement

The Blue of Silence The Blue of Silence is the notion that police officers do not report violations of the law or police procedure when these occur involving police officers. According to Robert Reiner in the book, The Politics of Police, police have to understand that the strength of the police culture is based upon →

Statement and mounting challenges that require innovative

I have successfully completed the BTech in Computer Science Program with and overall score of 73% till 3year and hope to secure even higher scores during my graduate studies. The academic knowledge and practical internship experience that I have acquired during my undergraduate studies has given me a strong foundation to pursue higher studies in →

The jacksonian character

In the second chapter in it entitled Jacksonian Character: A Contemporary Portrait of American Personality, Traits, and Values, Pessen has described Andrew Jackson's personal traits and values briefly and cast them across the contemporary American society. In this essay, I will summarize Pessen's article, examine its strengths and weaknesses, offer my own opinions about the →

Dominican republic beaches assignment

Beyond the door was this beached themed room, on the wall where pictures of the scenery of the island, the bed was queen size and as I laid on it you I could feel it molding to my body. Across the room I drew back the curtains to see a view of the one of →

Cry the beloved country characters/places/plot

Stephan Kumalo-main character -priest in search of his son -discovers his son has been in trouble and is trying to help himJohn Kumalo" the voice"-Stephan's brother -has the power of influence over the people -government is afraid of him -only goes so far when he is influencing people-is passionate about what he says but he →

Narrative report assignment

Our entire instructor also deserves our sincerest thanks for patiently imparting to us the knowledge we need and for honing our skills necessary in our chosen field of work. We believed this will be the good for us to be able to achieve our goals, reams and aspirations someday.

The ugly side of sports: how do you deal with injuries?

However, our bodies do not give a damn about our wishes, so injuries happen all the time, especially in the professional sports, when athletes push their bodies to the limits without too much consideration about their health in the future. Now he knows it was stupid, but at the time he was young and could →


Running Head: IMMIGRATION IN THE UNITED S OF AMERICA Immigration in the United s of America of the of the Immigration in the United States of America There are millions of people out of work in the United States due to the current economic conditions. Effects of illegal immigration on the wage rate and the →

Capstone paper

Loud have to say that the most important traits of a good leader are a passion for the work and the people, self-confidence and trustworthiness. It is understandable that feedback is necessary in order for managers to make an accurate assessment of the employee's performance and behavior.

”the door in the wall” by h. g. wells essay sample

To conclude, I believe Wallace was just a lost, lonely little boy throughout all of his life and that he never recovered from the love lacking and cold home he lived in. He did not get affection when he was a child and that feeling of rejection followed him all his life.

Explain how the twenties were and were not so roaring

In 1921, President Harding signed the Emergency Tariff of 1921 which was aimed at reducing the tax rates, reducing the national debt and protecting the interests of the farmers. Overconfidence in the boom economy contributed to stock price speculation and excessive credit in the economy which led to the stock market crash and the Great →

Facebook & myspace

Personalization and Customization As far as comparing the essential features of both the websites, MySpace has got a hand over FaceBook in terms of personalization and customization of user profiles. On the other hand, MySpace is much of design-oriented and you would find that there are a lot of videos, music, and pictures on many →

Action plan proposal: lack of teacher training on multiethnic education

She hoped for the school to provide her with training on how to educate the diverse youth and tips on incorporating multiethnic education into her classroom, however this was not the case. Miretzky and Stevens mentioned that millions of black male and female students go to low-performing schools around the country that have teachers who →

Kane and abel by jeffrey archer essay sample

Kane and Abel is a story of two men and their desire to be the best in their field. There he worked hard from a waiter in a Hotel to a manager and then to the owner of a Hotel.

The five bases of power assignment

Five Bases of Power Maria Mayorga BCom230 November 28, 2011 Jay Johnson Five Bases of Power Power is said to be ability of one person, group, or organization to control another person, group, or organization. The expert power is one of the best methods of leadership and can be useful to become a successful leader.

New york’s ban on smoking in bars and restaurants assignment

According to the American Cancer Society Secondhand smoke, also known as environmental tobacco smoke, is a mixture of 2 forms of smoke that come from burning tobacco: the smoke that comes from the end of the burning cigarette, and smoke that is exhaled by a smoker. It is hard for me to think that smokers →

Africa in the world

An Idea of African History The past of Africa is a challenging topic because it is associated with physical immensity as well as diversity in the past. Many historians from inside and outside African continent are debating on the issues of African history.

Reflection of five minds for the future

Reflection of Five Minds for the Future The concepts and arguments about Gardner's five minds enriched me a lot, and made me think further about the capabilities and skills people should equipped with to handle the new world in the future individually and cooperatively. The subjects in commerce provide opportunities for me to do further →


This paper will analyze the issue of crime and sociological factors associated with this issue, mainly focusing on the correlation between crime and its depiction and relationship to sociological factors. Crimes are divided into various categories which revolve around the age of the offender, severity of the crime committed, and probable punishment.

My box and valentine

The very first line 'My Box is made of golden oak' signifies that the box is strong and sturdy and is very special to the person who has received it. However, the structure and mood of 'My Box' is a lot more positive and philosophical.

The 4th crusade

Cause of ConflictThe cause of the conflict and anger which felled the Fourth Crusade to act against the will of Pope Innocent III was because of political and financial failures. Through Pope Innocent III reign in the papacy the major aspect reports on the crusading effort of retrieving the holy city Jerusalem from the control →

Kotler marketing management solutions to chapter assignment

Another way to get the word out and extend the reach Of a brand is to reward customers Who bring their friends to Nordstrom. They have the chance to talk about it at home and feel as a part of the company.

Cysticercosis in some cases trembling, twitching, mouth and

Thelodgment and development of cysts in muscles and various visceral organs of pigproduces a series of inflammatory pathology. Materials and MethodsCollection of Taenia solium cysts A total of 1000 pigs comprising of 843 from Mumbai and 157 fromNagpur region of Maharashtra, India were examined after slaughter for presenceof metacestodesof Taenia solium.

“in cold blood” by truman capote essay (book review)

In addition, Clutter is known by the neighbors in the surroundings to be a kind boss who ensured that his employees were responsible; hence, they served a good example to the Americans. Dick was never induced by a conception of God, and regardless of Smith being temporarily influenced by the religious Willie- Jay, he could →

This i believe: the key to happiness

But even when I find myself in that position, I think, I have absolutely nothing to lose and everything to gain. I had woken up so late that my family and I had to run out the door as quick as we could and somehow, I had managed to be on time.

Internal rate of return

The management of the AIR must be just when the project generates no Interim cash flows - or when those Interim cash flows really can be invested in real AIR otherwise would not be realistically analyzing the viability of the project, and this is not what you want if you really are expecting to thrive →

Hemp and the environment

It is obviously cheaper to avoid the use of pesticides, and it is much better for the environment, since pesticides can harm wildlife and pollute the soil and the water system for generations. Hemp, on the other hand, is a renewable source of fuel and this makes it an exciting prospect for the future.

Batman analysis

Through observation, viewers can see how Tim Burton uses imagery in lighting, framing, camera angles, and music and sound to control and offer the overall mood and tone of the scene found in the 1989 superhero blockbuster, Batman. Director Tim Burton, uses the works of lighting to create fear and suspense in the viewers during →

Sat vocab questions essay sample

The simple and direct images in Dorothea Lange's photographs provide - reflection of a bygone social milieu.an intricate a candid an ostentatious a fictional a convoluted 2. Evidence that the universe is expanding - our perception of the cosmos and thus caused a - in astronomical thinking.advanced.setback altered.revolution contradicted.truce reinforced.crisis halted.breakthrough 10.

Tourism in belize

In 2007 alone, the sector contributed to about 20% of the country's GDP and over 26% of the country's jobs. The government of Belize controls most of the tourism industry in the country through the ministry of tourism.

Teaching is no longer a vocation essay

The offer of 6, 000 for each person completing a post-graduate certificate of education is certainly one reason, as is the virtual guarantee of being able to find a job at the end of it. The lack of commitment to teaching today relates to the way the profession is associated as just a career among →

Current trends in adaptive hardware/software for handicapped students:

It is in this direction that laws have been in place for such physically and mentally challenged students This essay is to briefly describe the various aspects of the needs of such handicapped students and the laws to assist them Identifying the particular needs of ESE students and the electronic tools available to address these →

Ap world history sugar trade dbq flashcard

The sugar trade was driven by its easy accessibility of slaves, land, and the sugar itself. All in all, the sugar trade was able to flourish because of the easy accessibility of slaves, land, and demand from people.

Technology in education

In response to this, a growing number of stakeholders now call for teachers to use technology In the classroom, an idea that teachers should embrace. While research shows that technology can play a ITIL role in the classroom, the teacher must take advantage of the technology in appropriate ways.

Paul’s case critical paper

In ' Paul's Case' yellow refers to the ugliness, lies and fears in his life, blue indicates his dream world, red represents his desire to see himself differently, and purple pulses with luxury, royalty and prosperity in Paul's new life. Basically he only lies to impress his peers, to escape to and from the theater, →

How my positive outlook benefits my community

My positive outlook can be instilled into those of my peers and benefit my community mentally. My sheer presence, leadership, and determination to have a more emotionally involved community will not only benefit our own lives, but also the lives of others.

A parts, known by different names—states in the

The powers so distributed between the two sets of government, central and regional, are protected by the Constitution and neither of the two can encroach upon the jurisdiction of the other or destroy its existence by itself. Whatever be the method of its coming into existence and whatever the system of division of powers be, →

And and forcing him experience life alongside

and Style Grapes Wrath essaysLanguage and Style in The Grapes of Wrath In his novel, The Grapes of Wrath, Steinbeck creates a clear image of how life was for the migrants by describing the physical, mental, and emotional suffering they faced as they were forced to leave their homes. The reader can easily imagine themselves →

Analysis of an introduction to new testament theology by dunn james

Therefore, drafting of the biblical theology based on the teachings of the New Testament is easy as compared to the use of the work of other theologians to develop another theology. This part of the book communicates to the reader that a theology of the New Testament cannot be purely based on the New Testament →