750 Words Essay Samples

Microeconomics assignment

No economies of scale: increase in output has not effect on the AC, so the curve is flat and AC is constant Economies of scale: property of a cost function whereby the average cost of production falls as output expands Discomposes of scale: property of cost function whereby there are cost of production rises β†’

Microeconomics articles

The largest carmakers - Marti Suzuki, Hounded and Data Motors - which comprise 80 per cent of the Indian passenger vehicles market, were the most affected and preliminary sales data furnished by different carmakers reveals that the decline could be in the range of 20-21 per cent in February, steeper than January's 12 per cent β†’

Free essay about hinduism versus buddhism

From his background, the differences and similarities arise. The differences and similarities between Hinduism and Buddhism are manifest in their practices and origins. Hindus believe in Atman, roughly the individual soul, and Brahman, who is the creator of all, while Buddhists believe in finding the " Anatman", the not soul thus they do not believe β†’

Example of military logistics and supply chain management report

Military logistics refers to the exercises that involve planning and executing the movement and maintenance from one stage to another of the military forces and their weaponry. The army however prefers wholesale acquisition for stability in supply as opposed to retail acquisition in which subcontracting and sub-subcontracting can disrupt the supply chain process with far β†’

Impact of video games in society

Regardless of which video game is being used, it has made a huge impact in life's of many children, as well as adults today. In the beginning, the games were user friendly and parents did not have much to worry about if they purchased a video game for their child. For today's β†’

The effects of video games

As a basketball player, I personally play a lot of video games to keep my mind " in the game" and still having a ay to practice while I am resting. Video games are a great entertainment source to me, it helps me learn and develop different skills. They develop notably a better β†’

ο»Ώfetal abnormality essay sample

Aside from the relationship of Jessica and her fetus which may prevent her from terminating, this theory is also applicable in this case to Marco and Jessica, as he is going to support any decision that she makes based on their relationship. Because there are several theories of moral status when it comes to evaluating β†’

Communicable disease

Scarlet Fever: * Cause: Group A beta Hemolytic Streptococcus * Spread via direct contact/droplet * May lead to RF * Uvula/pharynx beefy red; tonsils have white exudate, pinpoint lesions on palate * Sandpaper rash * Pastina Sign: hyperpigmentation at joints * TONGUE (white furry white strawberry strawberry ) * So throat culture if they have β†’

Causes and effects of divorce

Abstract The purpose of this paper is to view the causes and effects of the divorce. The subject of divorce as a social phenomenon is an important research topic in sociology.Causes of divorce According to a survey conducted amongst UK matrimonial lawyers by Grant Thornton's Forensic practice that extra-marital affairs are the main causes β†’

Reading response essay on divorce

I am also a child of divorced parents; however I only lived with my mother. My father seemed to be only concerned with his life and not of my brothers and me.

Ethical issues in psychology

An important step in becoming a mental health professional or consumer of psychological services is to be aware of the ethical issues faced by psychologists. Any practitioner should be willing to discuss their competencies with any consumer of services and be ready to make referrals to others when an administration of tests like the MMPI β†’

Integratron and giant rock, mojave desert, california

If you stand directly under the hole in the center of the room and say something the sound reverberates through your head and body and sounds like peaking to a large outdoor or indoor audience with lots of echoes and large speakers. There was a presentation that covered some of the history β†’

Psychology at work

In contrast to the diseases that were most often the causes of illness and death in the early 1900's, the most common causes of death and illness today are strongly related to the behaviors in which a person chooses to engage. Research, teaching and vocational counseling are just a few of the possible alternatives to β†’

Anti – discriminatory practice

It is non- directive In order for a effective relationship between the counsellor and Jane Rogers believed the 6 conditions needs to be present 1- two persons are in psychological contact 2- the first which will be referred to as the client is in a state of incongruence 3- second person the counsellor is congruent β†’

Bibliology: inspiration and inerrancy of the bible

Out of the three, the strongest will be The Biblical Argument and the weakest being the Epistemological Argument. Again, it is the autographs that are inspired and inerrant, not the copies.

Great talkers are little doers essay sample

In order to fortify the view that ' great talkers are great doers', it is appropriate to refer to a contemporary of Hitler. So, there is no justification to conclude that great talkers are little doers in view of the fact that great doers are also great talkers.

Analysis of my childhood experience and its impact on changes in my life

Initially, I noticed that being biracial was a source of curiosity and fascination to my peers and teachers. However, in this new environment, the interest in my race made me feel self-conscious and I begin to be dismissive when asked about my race.

Middle and southern colonies

The difference in the geography affects the way the Middle and Northern Colonies were able to thrive economically and socially, and the way they governed their people. The Middle Colonies' social aspects revolved around vast farmlands, ideal for farming. This is due to the fact that the Middle Colonies attracted various groups of β†’

The age of imperialism essay sample

The role geopolitics played in the outbreak of the Crimean War involved Russia launching a war on the Ottomans to gain the area on the Black Sea. The Crimean War broke out and Britain, France and the Ottomans joined forces to prevent anymore loss of land from the empire.

Good essay on comparison-contrast

It is not a coincindence that some people would say that men are from Mars and women are from Venus although we belong to the same species, there is a lot of discrepancy in our physiology, psychology, sensual perceptions as well as often in social functions. Of course there are β†’

An explanation of factors influencing growth in jails, state prisons, and federal prisons

Most of these offenses come with a sentence of a year or less and anyone with over a year sentence is usually sent to a prison facility." As a result of this was the creation of the first penitentiaries the predecessors to the prison system we have today were built with the view to behavior β†’

Every success story is also a story of great failure essay sample

This was a man who failed in business at the age of 21 ; was defeated in a legislative race at age 22; failed again in business at age 24; overcame the death of his sweetheart at age 26; had a nervous breakdown at age 27; lost a congressional race at age 34; lost a β†’

Sample essay on religious crusades

Soon an additional goal of recapturing the sacred city of Jerusalem and the Holy Land became the primary objective of the crusaders, who alongside also wanted to liberate the Eastern Christians from the bondage of the Muslim rulers. It was the lack of communication between the two kings, which primarily attributed to the failure of β†’

What is the meaning of responsibility

It is a moral belief that as individuals we must behave ethical and be accountable for our actions, and be conscious of our decisions and the impact it has on society. As soon as you stop taking responsibility for what you do in life, it is almost certain you will be doing things that will β†’

Taking responsibility

Parents should be held responsible for their children's crimes because parents should teach their children what is right from wrong at a young age and they should be more involved in their children's lives and be concerned with the people and places that he or she is associated with. On the other hand, some people β†’

The family life cycle in sexuality

When it comes to maturity, though an individual may still be in the process of growing and learning, having children is a big step up because one might feel that they have little ones looking up to them. A woman going through menopause may have a decline in sexual activity that could be because of β†’

American diabetes association essay sample

Public Health Service stated in 2002 that African-Americans and people of Hispanic origin are more likely than Caucasians to develop diabetes and are at greater risk for many of the complications and higher death rates due to diabetes than Caucasians. The objective of this paper is the education of the general public especially the β†’

5 ways to win followers and customers with your responses to instagram comments

Simply remove the tag and block the user. But what do you do if someone tagged you with the best intentions, but you do not want this image to be visible on your profile? This will not remove the tag and offend anyone, but it will keep your profile clean and only with images you β†’

Term paper on solar power

Furthermore, the Solar Energy is the most powerful yet rather easy to control source of energy. For example, different temperature of the air masses creates the wind, solar energy contributes to the growth of flora and fauna that are used for biomass energy, but the most important thing is that it plays essential β†’

Free report on hypothesis

It can be differentiated from the Renilla reniformis by the shape of the frond, which in the R.reniformis is not conspicuously wider that long and the sclerites of the stalk, which are shorter than those in R.mulleri. The ability of the Renilli mulleri to habituate itself is one of the β†’

Effect of wireless power transfer using research paper

Transfer of wireless power using strongly coupled electromagnetic resonators is a newly discovered technology.even though this technology is capable of transmitting electrical energy over a long distance than most of the traditional field methods, its effective distance is not sufficient in some appliances. This approach considerably perks up the performance of the current two-resonator system β†’

Hawks vs. doves

I think it was a perfect way to sum up the situation of the hawks versus the doves and the whole concept of war and justice. Is it for the common good that the U.S.suffers in order to benefit another?

The paris peace conference and the treaty of versailles

Hitler famously remarked, ' the existence and increase of our race and nation, the sustenance of its children and the purity of its blood, the freedom and independence of the Fatherland, and the nation's ability to fulfill the mission appointed to it by the Creator of the universe.'A clear emphasis on this mans cruelty and β†’

Suntrust bank, inc

While the first terminology highlights the roles if hardware or infrastructure in communications, the second term reveals that contents and applications play important in enriching the features of the hardware. When computers have not been mandatory in banking, employees used to enter and maintain this information in books then the employee had to look up β†’

A call- centre of lombard bank

Due to financial service law 'scripts' are highly relied upon for the calls which sets the boundary and does not allow flexibility to play resulting in loss of identifying customers needs and offering other products too. Sean Guilliam, Head of the call centre is not very pleased with the controllingcultureand wants to make every attempt β†’

Race in their eyes were watching god novel

Turner's racist ideology as a god, it is revealed that Mrs. Tea Cake's direct reference to the Christian God reveals that there is a disparity between Mrs.

Pregnancy satire

Wyatt February 9, 2012 Sixteen and Pregnant " The United States has the highest rates of teen pregnancy and births in the western industrialized world. Solving world hunger is a major advantage to my scheme, but teen pregnancy is the issue that will be ultimately resolved.

Annie leibovitz biography and image sample analysis

Indirectly she also means that we should love what we take pictures of because what's the point of making others like a photograph you do not like. Photograph One " Where Romance is Celebrated" This is a photograph featuring Zac Efron as Prince Philip and Vanessa Hudgens as Princess Aurora in the Disney β†’

Remember the titans movie essay

Boone and Yoast are the two main coaches in Remember the Titans. Boone is the new african-american coach and his coaching style is a firm, aggressive one, with high expectations and tough way of reaching these expectations. The scene is the movie when Boone takes the boys to the cemetery at 3: β†’

Skill related fitness project

The last person standing is the winner of the challenge.Event 3: Dive In You will be on a beach running through the sand and then you will dive in to ocean to retrieve bags that are tied down. You will do this 3 times. n Once you have all the bags you will β†’

Descriptive essay essay sample

The smell of hot dogs and hamburgers fills the air along with the sound of rowdy music, neither can be escaped from, even in the small blue portable potties located in a mere corner of the tailgating grounds. It's game time, and patrons pour into the stadium with hurried walks, and eager eyes. Watching over the β†’

Football and sociology

Originally football was primarily a sport of the Midwestern industrial towns in the United State. In 1902, the American Professional Football Association was formed and two years later the National Football League. According to the Scarborough Research data, the NFL fans mirror the general United States population in many areas including age, race and income. There are β†’

Illustration essay on chelsea football club

The Blues and the Pensioners both are names attributed to the London-based football club, because of obviously the color and the traditional name. n n n The club is easily one of the best teams in the world, brushing shoulders with the likes of Manchester United β†’

Puritans and cherokees: shaping today’s perception of the american dream essay sample

The Puritans during the 1600s wanted change, they wanted to leave the ways of the Old World and set sail to a land of new beginnings and new ideals. Winthrop believed that individuals who worked hard, had a strong sense of community and shared a sense of differed gratification would prosper to heaven.

Frederick douglas: american dream essay sample

He was beat down by the white supremacists for standing up for his beliefs, but he was also encouraged by others to achieve his dream. When Frederick Douglass was separated from his mother when he was a mere infant, to hinder the affection he might have for his mother. He was getting that much β†’

Consequences of child abuse essay examples

Extreme cases of physical abuse and neglect may lead to death, which is the saddest consequence of physical abuse. Cognitive development of children and their educational and academic success also suffer the consequences of child abuse. Child Abuse, Domestic Violence, and Animal Abuse: Linking the Circles of Compassion for Prevention and Intervention.

How can spanking lead to child abuse essay samples

I agree that spanking leads to child abuse because; spanking is only a short-term disciplinary action, a children develop resilience to spanking and with time the parent feel the need to hit harder which leads to physical abuse, children who get spanked are also likely to grow up to be β†’

Salemwitchcrafthysteria essay

This and other works by the likes of Cotton Mather, a minister at the Boston North Church, raised the fears of the population that demons roamed and were active on Earth. This was a stage set for the craze of 1692 known as the Salem Witch Trials. The Salem Witch β†’

Court visit report

The difference between the two courts is that the appellant jurisdiction was already heard in a lower court whereas the criminal jurisdiction was heard for the first time in the lower court. The atmosphere and the surrounding of the courts were nearly the same as both had magistrate seat and desk, advocate β†’

Justice, euthanasia and capital punishment in plato’s republic

That's why he became known as the ' mathematicians maker.' Justice Plato's meaning of Justice is essentially natural law subsequently he concurs with the possibility of natural law and that it tends to become by explanation. In Plato's Republic, Plato gives a significant spot to the idea of justice.

Personal hygiene

Vendors polish the brinjals & apples with engine oil to give a shinning look, so soak & scrub them thoroughly).* Cruciferous vegetables should be soaked in boiled water to remove worms.* Raw Vegetable/Fruits for Salads should be washed thoroughly in running water before cutting.* Do not consume cut fruits from the street vendors.* Clean the β†’

Persuasive essay on the blood donation

If your thinking " I wish I knew of a way to help" well there is a way. With the simple donation of blood, platelets or plasma, you could save the life of a loved one or a complete stranger. There are some who oppose the donation and receiving of blood from others.

Central nervous system &metaphors

It is this department that maintains the flow of information to and from the " brain" of the organization. The metaphor of the organization as a body with the corporate officers as the brain can be further understood withrespectto what happens when there are breakdowns in any one of the parts composing β†’

Cardiac arrest

This is to see if was related to the cardiac arrest. Coronary imaging was another test the doctors ran and did not show any abnormalities. Unfortunately you cannot control everything but just be cautious. Finally with all the tests and medications out there to help diagnose why this person had a sudden cardiac arrest there β†’

Antidiuretic hormone

The hormone is made in the hypothalamus and is transported by axons to be stored in the posterior lobe of the pituitary gland. Another ADH disorder is the syndrome of inappropriate antidiuretic hormone, or SIADH.

The effects of traffic congestion essay sample

This essay will discuss the causes of traffic congestion and then look at some effects on health and economics at the end will review some possible solution. There are number of cases to cause traffic congestion such as increasing cars on the road, poor public transport and traditional working hours routines. It is very obvious β†’

Brechtian techniques

Finally, an important element of Brechtian drama is its increased convention, for instance the action can be interrupted by speaking stage directions aloud and or via usage of placards and signs. The drama " Zoot Suit" by Luis Valdez' efficiently uses the Brechtian principles and techniques. For instance, the drop β†’

Fraud invalidates a contract

Week Four Assignment As our textbook explains fraud invalidates a contract." The presence of fraud affects the authenticity of the innocent party's consent to a contract. Normally, the innocent party can either cancel the contract and be restored to her or his original position or enforce the contract and seek damages for harms resulting from β†’

Informative essay on business law

Frank's participation in Acme's bribery could come back to him in the form of a reputation in his industry, which could impede his future employability. This could be a future problem for Frank in that he will not develop he necessary skills he needs for ethical sales, which will mean that he will most likely β†’

The story about my first car

My brother who was driving the car pulled in to the driveway. Initially, I thought my brother bought a new car. I mean I enjoyed the exercised of it, but it was grueling. After driving this vehicle for a month, and even told my friends and family about my new car.

Good essay about understanding the trivial pursuits of socrates

This methodology is focused at developing with the student an appreciation and capacity to think critically, rationalize, reason and be logical especially in their approach over a theory that is presented to them during the discourse. The dynamic interaction among students allows for the unrestricted flow of knowledge that is polished and eventually structured as β†’

Free dissertation chapter on the giver

Since the government has set rules to every facet of life in this community, it is likely that they will concoct a way in which Luke will lose. BC Journal 5 Jonas is the main character in the book; as such his relationships are fundamental to the plot of the story. Thus, he will β†’

Course work on investigative procedures

When the in-house technique is employed, its applicability will depend on the breadth and duration of the problem and the available skills regarding in-house investigation. In-house investigation will be of much success because the director will get to know more about the activities that are taking place in the audit β†’

Journalism essay examples

Prepping for an Interview June Housie Media Relations Executive The Spokesperson On November 11th 2014, June Housie, as the new spokesperson of our organization, will be sitting down to a one-to-one interview with ANC News' David Muir. Please keep in mind that the network that will be conducting the interview β†’

Violence in “slaughterhouse five” by kurt vonnegut essay sample

There were sections in the novel that depicted humans as being cold and unremorseful especially when they dealt with dead bodies as Vonnegut describes the terrible conditions of the Americans who were loaded into the boxcars and the pathetically weak and ridiculous bodies of the prisoners of war and Billy "...seeing little logs lying around. β†’

3d printers

After each cross-section is scanned, the powder bed is lowered by one layer thickness, a new layer of material is applied on top, and the process is repeated until the part is completed. Cubic Technologies is now the successor organization of Helisys) In it, layers of adhesive-coated paper, plastic, or metal laminates are successively glued β†’

Essay on growing up with death on the horizon a lesson in loving life

Until he could get a transplant, he would have to be on dialysis, which meant he would be hooked up to a machine that would circulate and clean his blood, doing the job of the kidneys. Elizabeth and I were happy to hear that our grandparents, our Mom's parents, would be moving in with us.

Death penalty synthesis

Some may argue that capital punishment should be used to remove the criminal because they are dangerous and they deserve to be executed but " the deed is done and taking another life cannot change" the fact that one life is already gone. Capital punishment is not only the most " cruel and β†’

American pride

The day when the south and north towers of the World Trade Center came crashing down making a distinct organization marker to describe our country's history as " before 9/11" to " after 9/11." After this Americans were questioning their own individual identity, national identity andpatriotismtowards their country. Americans needed guidance, encouragement and strength and β†’

Lester b pearson and the suez canal

Pearson prevented the war from occurring by his overallpersonality, his achievements before the Suez Crisis, and him forming the United Nation Peacekeeping Force. When the Suez Crisis preparation got out of control, all Pearson did was tell a joke or even smile to change the moods of everyone." Politics is the skill use of a β†’

Example of case study on “a tale of two cities”

The Incidence of the Terror during the French Revolution: A Statistical Interpretation. The University Of Michigan. Jack R.

Great expectations by charles dickens book review examples

In analyzing Pip's character, I have elected to portray his true colors as blue and gold and perhaps his true blue color was more evident in the first few chapters, followed by the gold color emerging as he broke away from the harshness of his childhood. Pip's true blue colors are expressed in the manner β†’

The magilligan foreland

The Magilligan Foreland is situated in the North West of Northern Ireland and comprises a triangular beach ridge plain that stretches from Downhill in the North East to Magilligan Point, which is the northernmost spit of the Foreland. Over the past fifty years extensive research has been undertaken and published on the archaeological, ecological, β†’

Lost in translation – spatial analysis essay sample

Charlotte's boredom and feelings of alienation is what lead to her expeditions into the city. This may be why Bob reaches out to Charlotte in turn as he seeks familiarity in the environment. Coppola explains that Lost in Translation is about " being disconnected and looking for moments of connection.

A historical importance of the battle of yorktown

During this battle, the Americans and the French worked together to gain victory over the British army, which began negotiations with the British to end the War. The British did not think that the French and American army would be able to defeat them, even though they had the advantage of some soldiers being on β†’

The press and its functions essay sample

The press is the most powerful of all the organs for the expression of the news and views about men and things. With the growth of literacy and the development of the means of communication they are playing a very important of the means of communication they are playing a very important role in society.

Social media responsibilities

Known tasks of journalists in the entertainment media are In the social responsibility theory of the press, the media is driven to benefit the public. A rule of thumb is to remember that the ROLE of the media is not to shape the opinion of citizens on politics; however they state the facts and let β†’

Theatre arts terms and definitions essay sample

This includes, but is not limited to, coordinating the work of the stage crew and overseeing the entire show each time it is performed. Technical Director: The individual responsible for the overall organization of the technical process which includes maintaining safety of technical equipment and coordinating schedules for the technical crew. Stage Crew/Hands: β†’

History vietnam war

It is also known as the waragainst the Americans to save the Nation, from the point of view of the people of Vietnam. But to challenge and contain the spread of Communism was the main goal of the US, as part of its international policy.

Touring the beautiful scenery of arayishama

The highlight of this festival will be the reenactment of the nobles cruise down the Oi River in small boats in which will form a spectacular sight. The main focus of this tour will be to be able to recreate the traditions and atmosphere of the ancient Kyoto Heian court with traditional events and performances β†’

Hurricane katrina- a natural disaster

There was, however, a dome built to house the Katrina victims: the Astrodome. Even though the Katrina victims had so many places to go, some were forced to stay behind because of hospitalization, they were abandoned by their caretakers, a lack of transportation, e.t.c. It caused the construction of of innovation funds.

My deepest fear

For as I rest to rest each night, I toss and turn for hours on end, bothered by the events of every day, overwhelmed by the mistakes I have actually undeniably made, and haunted by the errors I will unquestionably make tomorrow. It cannot be...that my complexion has become so obvious that I am constantly β†’

Mary kay product analysis essay sample

They need to proof their chemical hair care is better than the traditional one. In terms of packaging, Mary Kay already conduct a study and found the sale of existing hair care product in market are depending on the size of the product. This is to assure the type of their hair care product β†’

Organic meadow essay

Organic farming can be the solution, and it is possible to feed a booming population through this type of farming if three simple things are to happen. Secondly, if organic farming is to feed our growing population, there needs to be a rise in the number of people who are wishing to become organic farmers.

Substance abuse clinical assessment; treatment plan essay

Name of Client: David J. General Information: 18yo male.presently seeking therapy @ community mental wellness centre following a traumatic accident that ended any possibility for a football calling. Medical / PhysicalHealthStatus: household Dr.stated David perchance hasdepressionas a consequence of the accident ; still retrieving from hurt. Employment/Work History and Financial jobs and Support Status: β†’

Gang developement

Gang members typically come from low income areas and may even be considered to have been " forced" into gang life in order to survive. The gang provides a sense of belonging in a world where members may lack positive role models and the ability to attain status in a way considered β†’

Multicultural competency paper

It is important to understand how to deal with conflict within a diverse workplace, collaborating, and acceptance of different approach to achieve a successful outcome. I do not limit myself in the workplace to interacting exclusively with a particular group, and my selection of friends is not limited to individuals who look like me.

Personal philosophy: my teaching experience

This collaboration of theories results in my philosophy on the purpose of education, how children learn, how children should be taught, and how to be a successful Christian leader in the classroom. According to the essentialist theory, the primary purpose of education is to transmit " essential knowledge and skills " to students. Furthermore, β†’

Evaluation and reflection for visual arts lesson plan

They can decide for them self about what to use amongst the choice given and then they can manipulate the shapes given to them until they are satisfied with their work or arrangement. Our intention is that the children can feel so comfortable and confident with the materials provided to them and that they are β†’

A healthier lifestyle for busy people

We do not think about it because our body and mind are so used to the size our plates look and the amount our stomach can hold. The only thing the gym has that most do not is metal weights and sorry to say but you are not going to become a bodybuilder, your time β†’

Healthy lifestyle final research report

Recently, we conducted a survey among the National University of Singapore undergraduates to explore their knowledge of healthy lifestyle and sleeping habits (see Appendix AInterviewQuestions). The research mainly covered the concept of a healthy lifestyle, the sleeping hours and rituals. The aim of this paper is to reveal the general β†’

Trends in interior design

Furnishings were largely utilitarian and functional and little or no attention was paid to detail. The 80's and 90's This period saw a marked improvement from the previous decade. Literary every surface in the house was covered including the wooden transistor radios and TVs. The walls of living rooms resembled art galleries with row upon β†’

Adams vs. jefferson and liberty, equality and power

A large section of the book portrays the Election of 1800 as the culmination of a political movement which witnesses the obliteration of the Revolutionary consensus, increase in activity of prepared ideologically guided parties. This approach not only elaborates the effects of the ideas of liberty and equality but also describes how the toppling balance β†’

Psy 240 week 6 sleeping disorders

I felt as my energy level was compensated from the lack of sleep and the intervals of sleep that I did get. I suppose that sleeping in a van was not the most comfortable place to sleep and it seemed I tossed and moved every ten minutes during that time.

Thinking critically : education for self-reliance, not estrangement

I was member of an adjudication commission measuring the virtues of the doctorial work of a Norse bookman who had investigated facets of the cognitive booby traps of utilizing former colonial linguistic communications that were foreign to the bulk as the medium of direction in Africa. While in Norway. The deputy schoolmaster of that school.who β†’

Mao zedong: man, not god

They love him so much, and the main aim of author of the book is to show to reader hidden situations of his life. The book is divided into 20 chapters by their theme. He was not indifferent to destiny of people in China. Author keeps very detailed, he β†’