700 Words Essay Samples

The issue of gender inequality in the work place

From the very start of the hiring process women have had to face animosity and repression in the corporate world. Women had to have more experience and better credentials than equivalent male applicants if they hoped to even get a second glance. Women used to have to fight much harder to prove →

Equality and diversity

NCFE Level 2 Certificate in Equality and Diversity Unit 1: Exploring Equality and Diversity Assessment You should use this file to complete your Assessment.- The first thing you need to do is save a copy of this document, either onto your computer or a disk - Then work through your Assessment, remembering to save →

Facility planning part i

The planner must evaluate the community to find out what type of community the facility is located in and if the facility is serving the needs of the community. This paper will take a look at a community in on the south side of Chicago and the new development of a long-term care facility in →

Analysis of alo yoga marketing strategies and the conflicts company had to face

Because the brand transcends yoga and is applicable to a variety of exercise genres, fans of the brand are found beyond the yoga mat. After examining the brand's Instagram account last week, I tried to approach this week as an objective observer with social movements and behavior, influencing audiences and engagement in mind. The first →


Some aldehydes are used as intermediaries in the manufacture of pharmaceuticals and dye. 026215 Da ChemSpider ID of ethanol: 172 Uses of C2H4O The main use of acetaldehyde/ ethanol is as an intermediate in the manufacture of other chemicals. Acetaldehyde/ ethanol are used in the process of production/ manufacture of perfumes, basic →

Finding the ratio of moles of reactants in a chemical reaction

Finding the Ratio of Moles of Reactants in a Chemical Reaction Purpose: The goal of the lab is to determine the mole ratio of two reactants in a chemical reaction. The optimum ratio, which is the ratio of the reactants in the balanced chemical reaction, will form the greatest amount of product, or generate →

Measuring the concentration of carbon monoxide using gas detection tube – lab report example

Measuring the Concentration of Carbon Monoxide Using Gas Detection Tube The paper " Measuring the Concentration of Carbon Monoxide Using Gas Detection Tube" is a perfect example of a lab report on chemistry. The main objective of this experiment was to use a gas detection tube which is a portable CO →


Rationale The researchers chose this issue because of the increasing incidents of dengue fever cases in the region & in the country. Significance Of The Study The researchers believe that this study is greatly significant in the lives of the Filipinos especially those who belong to the middle and lower classes.

Human impacts on the sustainability of groundwater essay sample

Based on what you have learned and written about in the Introduction, state what you expect to be the results of the lab procedures. I learned a lot in this lab about how the water gets recycled.

Racism and stereotypes in invisible man

Another use of imagery in the book is in chapter 11 when the invisible man wakes up in the hospital and notices how he is sitting in a white chair with white overalls. In the book, the invisible man goes through a series of events that affect the tone of the story and also the →

Good example of health belief model essay

Using the Grand theory a nurse is able to understand how treatment works and the best time that a patient should be discharged. Question 2 Implementing education and nursing theories is a key approach towards delivery of quality health care. Nursing is a practice that requires continuous learning, implementation of the learning theories is →

Cigarette smoking essay sample

Elimination of these would result in a fire safe cigarette, This subject has never been addressed by the cigarette manufacturers.substances trigger chemical reactions in nerve endings, which heighten heart rate, alertness,[10] and reaction time.[11] Dopamine and endorphins are released, which are often associated with pleasure.[12] As of 2008 to 2010, tobacco is used by about →

Dakota bair

Was Hamlet's doings for the love of his father or the hatred of his uncle? This is the focus of the play and the central theme of justice is best seen as Hamlet seeks revenge for his father's death.

About the tempest

Prospero either does not have the courage to kill or he may just want them to suffer for as long as he wants. It was at the end of the play when Prospero truly changes his motives. Rather than continuing with his plan, Prospero sets them free and forgives them. By the end of the →

”king lear” by william shakespeare essay sample

As different characters are seen to be talking to themselves and show various sides of their characters, I chose King Lear as one who reveals to me the most surprising and unexpected in the scenes through soliloquies and monologues. This act truly surprises me for I have always seen the king as a respectful and →

Disorder and hatred in ”romeo and juliet” essay sample

The consequences of these actions both lead to the deaths of Romeo and Juliet. Hatred is a main factor between the Montagues and the Capulets. His hatred for himself was not a main effect, but his actions led to disorder. The consequences of hatred obviously led to death, especially those of Romeo and →

Twelfth night theme – love as the cause of suffering essay sample

Examples include Malvolio's love for Olivia, the love triangle between Olivia, Duke Orsino, and Viola as Cesario, and Antonio's crush on Sebastian. But because of his pompous attitude Olivia is definitely not in love with him, and the rest of the house finds him quite annoying.

Assignment on the tempest

Both characters seem to be that of a noble and honest type throughout the beginning of the book, and then at the chance of further power and wealth, they are lowered to an evil and greed ridden stature. He then realizes that it is his good friend Stephano although when Stephano first hears the voice →

Why law enforcements are despised for just doing their job

Many people revolted against the police force which made all of the, officers looked at as horrible people who are all racist and abuse their power. Another example of a cop screwing up causing the rest of the law enforcement to look lousy took place in New York on July 17, 2014. People are taking →

Deviance and crime (sociology)

These bonds that are presented by Hirschi are meant to represent that they control our behaviour through social contraventions and are not necessarily laws that are within our society. Basically, this theory best describes the reasons in which deviance is theorized because it takes into effect all of the reasons in which →

The green mile

He then proceeds to talk about the amazing things that started happening in and around Death Row Block " E" like his bladder infection getting cured, a mouse coming back to life, a cure for a tumor, and finally the " insanity" punishment that one of the guards and a certain inmate so rightly deserved.

Prison term policy recommendation essay sample

I am a criminologist hired by the state legislature to consider bill to double the prison sentence for the commission of a larceny. The inauguration of the person or another person present, perforce or threat of avail of force, but with a perilous terms in the definition of larceny to weapon.

Yakuza or the “japanese mafia”

This meeting led to the organization of the influential nationalist group of the interwar era: The Greater Japan National Essence Association." This collaborative moment in October 1919 was but part of a larger story about the close relationship between yakuza and the state the Home Ministry and to a lesser extent the military and the →

Neonatal nursing

I would like to be a nursery/neonatal nurse because I love working with newborns, I want to be challenged in mycareer, and I want to have a rewarding/successful profession. I would love to become a Nursery/neonatal nurse. I love newborns, they are little bundles of joy and I can be trusted to →

Theft and burglary arrest critical analysis

In Washington, DC, the government must prove that the defendant entered the dwelling, building, or room of another used for sleeping and that the defendant intended to commit a crime at the ime of entry. In Virginia, the government must prove the defendant broke and entered the dwelling house of another, the defendant →

Margaret thatcher essays examples

Her expertise and enthusiasm created influence, and this uplifted her in the conservative party. Thatcher did not allow the opposition or her enemies to thwart her, and she did not make compromises that she was not prepared to make.

Defining formalization and mentioning its advantages and disadvantages for leaders and followers

Such formalization techniques are part of the organizationalcultureand those who happen to be in leadership have to abide by the known standards of management. Formalization results in conflict of leadership strategies and professional values. Employees' activities are governed through laws and procedures and leaders may not be able to exercise their leadership →

Primal leadership essay

The word paradigm came from the Greek for pattern, and the new paradigm was just that: a new pattern of behaviour that stemmed from a new way of looking at the world. This instils in the employee a sense of pride and motivates them to achieve goals.

High eq attributes yield a more successful work environment

The ability to build relationships, display sensitivity to the needs of others and manage your emotions would all qualify as EQ attributes. Great leaders share many of the traits of high EQ individuals. Some leadership traits can be at odds with EQ, specifically competition and results orientation. There is →

What is a great leader and how to be a leader

Simon stated that in order to become a leader, one should first understand what makes a leader. In the introductory part of the article, Simon cited the definition of leadership given by Dr Stephen Covey, a world renowned expert on personal development: communicating to people their worth and potential so clearly that →

Increasing power in the 17th century essay sample

Louis has been hailed as the extreme absolutist; he epitomized the ideal of kingship." Seventeenth-century France, in contrast to England, saw both discontent among the nobility and religious pluralism smothered by the absolute monarchy and the closed Catholic state of Louis XIV. France and England were destined to have contrasting forms of government in the →

Example of essay on name

The Age of discovery was seen by the Catholic Church as an immense opportunity to spread Christianity around the globe and their religious aim and the European colonization went in hand by hand. In the year 1493, Pope Alexander VI, granted a bull giving Spain the right to acquire new →

Free historical systems of power, governance, and authority essay example

Britain left India in 1947, and the independence movement was, for the most part, peaceful. Violent American Revolution The American Revolution was won on the field of battle. It was only when it was absolutely clear the King would not budge that the colonists decided to violently rebel, the goal of the American Revolution →

Good george washington as a soldier essay example

In addition, there were challenges in balancing the interests of the different regions and isolating matters of the army from the politics that dominated the Congress. Washington embraced the spirit of cooperation as a soldier. As the head of the Confederation Army, he worked together with the French army in an attempt to capture New →

Paper analyzing why the framers of the u.s. constitution were torn between creating essay examples

This paper analyzes why the framers of the United States Constitution were torn between creating a governmental system with a strong central government, and building a system where most of the power would be positioned in the individual states. At the time when the constitution was being drafted, the framers →

Justice scalia and competencies of social workers

The focus should strategically focus on improving their performance level as well as environment that is key in highlighting the success of human service workers. The overall environment under which human service operate from is vital in developing a significant focus under which it would be possible to have a positive engagement resulting into a →

Wal-mart and labor unions

By the years 2002 the company had established major stores in majority of the American States and outside making it to be ranked the largest public corporation in American and the world in the year 2005 with revenues totaling to $ 219. To add to that, it is the largest private employer and the third →

Free research paper about sexual harassment at colleges and universities

Furthermore, rape and physical touching are also regarded as sexual harassment. The second aspect in the guideline of academic institutions deals with the procedure to be followed in the event sexual harassment. In cases where employees are involved, the matter may be reported to the associate dean. The appropriate way to handle allegations of sexual →

Benefits of studying at university

As a result, parents are ideal people to educate their children. One reason is that teachers are trained for teaching, with their knowledge and teaching methods, they can help to educate children more effectively.

Narration: university and time

You never want to be unorganized when you are trying to balance work, school, and family demands. If you work weekends, try to negotiate with your boss about letting you have the weekends off, so you can have time to study.

The federal trade commission

The antitrust community and all of the its followers can argue and disagree with how competitiveness plays out in the market and the laws that govern how competitiveness is executed, but they do agree that competition is good or the economy and consumers. The Federal Trade Commission also agrees that competitiveness is good for the →

Physiotherapist for recently postpartum mothers

It can lead to a weakening of the muscles, and even affect the functioning of those organs that assist in fecal and urinary continence. The focal point of a physiotherapy session is to strengthen and retrain your muscles to work as they did prior to carrying a child and giving birth.

Symptoms of amyotrophic lateral sclerosis

Some are easily treatable and others can be terminal, but some of the worst are those that still remain without a cure; one such disease is amyotrophic lateral sclerosis. Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis, or ALS, is a degenerative disease affecting the human nervous system. These patients have no family history of disease, and the cause of →


AIDS was later identified in 1982. There are four main stages that compose HIV infection: " primary infection, clinically asymptomatic stage, symptomatic HIV infection, and progression from HIV to AIDS". Primary infection is similar to the flu, with symptoms that are characteristic of the flu virus. During this time, →

Torrent syndrome

Some patients in the childhood has problem with suppressing their ticks in the school and when they came home he will go to his room lock the door and let the ticks goes out single gene mutation. There is no real medication that works and all of them had side effects and →

Central cogenital hypoventilation syndrome

Neuroblastoma is a malignant tumor composed of neuroblasts, most commonly in the adrenal gland Treatment: If an infant is suspected to have CCHS a sleep study is ordered and performed to determine how server the breathing difficulty is. Some infants may have a surgical implant in the diaphragm muscle can allow electrical →

The black death: the greatest catastrophe ever

The black death began in Europe in 1348 to 1351 but It started much earlier in Asia in the later 1200's and made its way to Europe on trade and cargo ships on the back of rats. The black plague was caused by a bacterium Yersinia that circulates onto rodents. The rats were the carrier →

Psychological causes of depression

One theory for the cause of depression is the bio-psycho-social model of causation and is the most commonly recognized theory for the cause of disorders such as depression by professionals. With that said, major depression seems to be present generation after generation, in some families, but not with a frequency that suggests clear biological causes.

Review on indian financial system

The financial system of a country is concerned with: Allocation and Mobilization of savings Provision of funds Facilitating the Financial Transactions Developing financial markets Provision of legal financial framework Provision of financial and advisory services There are various advantages of investing in financial system of India by the foreigners, →

Essay on my life in my art studio

Art is the field that gives me the freedom to do what my heart sees what I feel about my environment, the people or the government. The beauty of painting is presenting a natural environment with a message in it.

Challenges in order to implement values among younger generation in malaysia

History of Malaysia upholds that the struggle to set free their homeland is due to the strong practice of values and the spirit to be a good citizen themselves. The history of the rise of the nation from colonialism in order to build a free and independent country with the spirit of building a nation →

Dissemination of evidence into practice essays examples

This is in addition to a million plus injuries, all of which are attributed to the prevailing rates of mistakes and medical errors. There is thus the need for key stakeholders in the medical field, to understand not only the prevalence of medical errors and accompanying adverse events, but also preventative procedures present.

Essay on texas judiciary

The dissents, however, argued that such evidence could not be credited because its veracity could not be ascertained. If I were a justice on the Texas Supreme Court, I would overrule and reverse the decision made by the lower court. The State of Texas, No.

Essay on dawkins and the principle of gradualism

The principle of gradualism becomes central to Dawkins' argument by not only providing proof of intermediate stages in order to refute the argument from personal incredulity but also by explaining the river of DNA. The principle of gradualism ultimately applies then to both speciation and the development of favorable traits →

Example of cwv-101: finding scripture: humanity and ethics worksheet and journal #4 essay

In addition, it talks about the creation of mankind in God's own image. Genesis 2: 7 This passage speaks of the creation of man from dust by God to a living being. Psalm 139: 14 In this passage, the author praises God for creating him in a wonderful way. Matthew 5: 3-16 This passage is →

”the devil and tom walker” and “the man in the black suit” essay sample

" The Devil and Tom Walker" and " The Man in the Black Suit" Essay Sample The Devil has been the subject of many stories, always represented as an evil being, a cursed creature that preys on the souls of humans. Both suggest that the Devil always pursue the human weaknesses, however, Irving →

5 minute eulogy on ophelia performed by gertrude essay sample

As you lie to rest, know that Hamlet loved you with all his heart and he showed his love with all the heart he knew how to show, his intentions were honest and he never would have hurt you. I look at Ophelia and wished that at her age I had been as pure →

To what extent is faustus a humanist? essay sample

Although you do not have to be an atheist to be a humanist, Santayana's point implies that Faustus' Christianity supports the idea that he is incapable of humanist thought. Faustus' belief in God is proved in the text as he quarrels with himself over his decision to sell his soul to Lucifer: Ay, →

Analysis of everyman as a medieval morality play and an allegory essay sample

The play effectively carries out the assumption that people are to be judged at the end of their lives through plot, teaches the lesson that a persons life must be devoted to God and good deeds in order to save his or her soul, and shows that Eveyman truly deserved to be saved due to →

Bring god to the negro, bring the negro to god.

The Archbishop being at the centre of growth of the Catholic Church in Alabama, particularly along the gulf coast in the twentieth century was instrumental in bringing the gospel to the African-Americans. The author entirely focuses on the works of the Archbishop in trying to resolve this seemingly sarcastic conflict. The author →

Materialism as a providing theme in stuff is not salvation and dumpster diving novels

The difference in the essays is that the authors come from different economic situations. In both essays, both authors write about how many people disregard things that are still valuable, supporting the point that individuals do not appreciate things that can still be usable. Both statements from the authors, support that people put more importance →

Example of ann moody biography book review

The memories of the atrocities suffered by Blacks in America over the last 200 years going right back to the founding fathers of America. The African Americans, " the south" live in a state of perpetual fear of the whites like they had done for the past 200 years.

Trade and poverty in china

Accordingly, China must seriously examine the impact of its social policy restructuring efforts in order to minimize the effects of trade liberalization and the privatization of social services on the poor. Works Cited: Adornino, Giovanni and Wilcox, Russel G." China: Between Social Stability and Market Integration." China & World Economy 14. Fujita, Masahisa and Hu, →

Research paper on crime rates in the u.s

The issue of the increase in the crime rates has brought about debates on the causes and how to reduce it and very little has been found on the factors that influence crime. There are social and environmental factors that influences crime rates in the U.S. Poverty and social economic →

Good example of should people in need of a kidney transplant be allowed to pay someone to donate argumentative essay

One of the most interesting and debated topics in the field of medicine is the commercialization of organs. Although, commercialization is the order of the day, organ transplantation should never be commercialized. Organ transplant is the surgical extraction of a vigorous organ from a healthy person and transferred to a person whose organ has →

Modernism and symbolic-interpretivism theory & organizational effectiveness essay sample

The advances in information and communication technologies, the artifact technology, and the knowledge society have highlighted the importance of knowledge and the need for knowledge management. However, it is important to explore the mediating role of knowledge management in the relationship between technology and organizational effectiveness (Tung-Sheng Kuo & Dorjgotov, 2011).

What is the difference among strategic, long-term, and short-term objectives? essay sample

Strategic goals are the carefully studies goals that the organization expects to achieve in the long term through the process of strategic planning. Both short term and long term goals can be part of the strategic planning process. The goals are the outcomes that the organization expects to achieve.

Free letter to the editor essay sample

The writer is reacting to a supposed decline in exploitation of the countries resources, for the call of environmentalism. Despite the fact that he/she has the right to opinion, he/she should note that environmentalists are concerned with the well-being of the environment and he/she should label them as extremists as →

Essay on a dialogue between larry king and neitzsche

Well, what did you think of the gold medal winners? NEITZSCHE: While I normally attribute my philosophy to not placing real objective value in anything, I do appreciate the search for the Ubermensch. LARRY: Expand on that. NEITZSCHE: The Ubermensch is what I call the ' overman,' ' supreme being,' what have you. While Olympic →

Natural selection lab

The predators will prey upon the population, with the surviving members reproducing and passing along the genes for color. Problem: How does a population change as a result of natural selection? Materials: 5 different colors of paper cut into 1 cm ? 1 cm →

Nui for illiterate thesis example

Most of this research concurs that the integration of audio and graphic features in UIs for illiterate people is beneficial but differs on recommendations in alignment with current design conventions. Controversial user interface works included those of Wiedenbeck in exception of Shakeel et al and Medhi et al text →

Free movie review on film viewing guide: oceans (2010)

What is the title of the film, what is it about ? The film that I chose to watch is Disney's Oceans, which was released in 2010. The purpose of this documentary was to educate and entertain the audience.

Effect of the nature of different substrates on the rate

In alcohol fermentation, pyruvate (product of glucose in glycolysis) is converted to 2 molecules of ethanol and 2 molecules of carbon dioxide while in lactic acid fermentation, pyruvate is reduced directly into lactic acid. A good example of organism which produces ethyl alcohol and carbon dioxide through the →

Can hybrid cars reduce the dependency on fossil fuels

Toyota and Honda introduced hybrid cars to the American markets in the beginning of 1999. Hybrid car are a combination of gasoline and electric powered car. This development of lithium-ion batteries on hybrid cars allows the capability of the cars to be plug in hybrids.

The beautiful sunset at an indonesian beach

The day is drawing to a close. Birds have vanished to take rest in their homes until the start of a new day.

Pandora’s box

The term originated from this Greek story: there was this guy named Oedipus who, at birth, was destined by fate to kill his father (who also happened to be the King of Thebes) and marry his mother. His heel was left untouched by the water, and so that remained the only part of him that →

Much ado about nothing act 4, scene 1 essay sample

He wants Hero wed to a noble and loyal knight to Don Pedro. Claudio, the bridegroom, normally adored Hero and calls her his " jewel". He is playing the victim to the congregation at the wedding. Through his words he shows that he feels hurt and betrayed.

Summary the environmental issue from hell

McKibben wisely chooses these disputes to represent his main concerns: the ways in which consumerism affects the global ecosystem, and the impact of humans on theenvironment. McKibben presents a solution on how to handle each of these environmental issues, utilizing both the people and the government. Due to the outcomes, Mckibben expresses, →

Bronfenbrenner’s ecological systems theory on child development essay sample

The ways in which a child is treated within the microsystem and also the ways in which the child reacts are also important factors in the microsystem. The second system is the mesosystem, which is a system that is comprised by the linkages between the microsystems. More specifically, the connection with a child's school →

Envinronment essay sample

The next generation comes and the cycle goes on; and the human race flourishes on earth. The physical environment on the earth provides favorable conditions for the existence and growth of different life forms, including man. Following such small activities in our day to day lives we can ensure that we do our bit →

Automobiles and the environment

Jasper argues that one of the main reasons why American are restless and moves more than any other people in the world is presence of automobiles and cheap gas in the country. Since the starting of the auto industry in the beginning of the 20th →

Bankruptcy, companies and individuals alike. sadly enough there

Consequently, if a bankruptcy discharge is invoked, under the strictness of Jewish law, one is still required to pay back the money no matter how long it may take him. According to Bais Din the debtor must hand over his property, with a few exclusions, to the creditor, and if this does not cover what →

Why women and men refuse to get married

Marriage, one of the most sacred ceremony in the universe of human being, is not regarded as a key part of adulthood anymore. The reasons are many, varying from the high cost for married, new lifestyle of cohabitation to changes in gender roles and may growing more.

Analysis of the various definitions of the american voice in american literature

Yes the American Voice can be defined in many ways; but the direction I will go in are dealing with the voices of knowledge and understanding. The authors of the books I will be referring to all have " written with the voice of knowledge and understanding." The help-Kathryn Stockett, The Things They Carried- Tim →

When his ethics were more concentrated on

Ithink that best summary of this would be a quote from Machiavelli himself " How we live is so different fromhow we ought to live that he who studies what ought to be donerather than what is done will learn the way to his downfall ratherthan to his preservation". We may not like what we →

Heroes representation in greek mythology

Some of the heroes are known as who are able to cross the boundary of life and death easily and able to go back to home. Odysseus is one of the famous examples of hero who come across to the boundary of life and death. In killing the Cacus in the Palatine Hill shows that →

Life with tecnology, means losing touch

Now another unbelievable and extra ordinary invention of technology is computer, but this " computer" is actually a main source of losing touch with people. His mind becomes unconscious of the time and people with whom he is at that time.

Stage design and cooling not provided’voids what

Because of the mistakes and ignorance of the Soviet Union, they are to be blamed for the damages of the Chernobyl Nuclear Power Plant catastrophe. This is because the engineer's poor design of the reactor and did not provide satisfactory cooling, the accident was held a secret for too long and poor steps taken after →

Dissociative disorder case study

According to the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders 5e , Elwood suffers from Dissociative Identity Disorder. Characterized by a lack of consistency in sense of self and sense of agency, the patient exhibits disruption in consciousness, memory, perception, cognition, normal behavior as well as their sensory-motor functioning. →

Research strategies for high blood pressure

The purpose of this paper is to describe a research strategy toward finding a solution for the researcher's high blood pressure. Research has shown that the most essential requirements for the reduction of high blood pressure is to exercise and establish good eating habits.

Example of essay on ukraine conflict and its impact on the west

European Union, USA, Canada and Japan imposed the sanctions, which had targeted businesses and people: froze the assets and put the travel bans on the close to Russian President, Vladimir Putin, individuals, and some Ukrainian politics (including the ex President of Ukraine, Victor Yanukovych) involved in the tragic events in Ukraine. The crucial situation in →

Free protestant reformation in europe in the sixteenth century essay example

The most revolutionary event in this century was the Protestant Reformation that forced people to make a choice between being a Catholic and being a Protestant. A number of visible signs of disorder within the church pointed to the need for moral or administrative reform. Martin Luther, a protestant reformer →

This room and love after love comparison

Walcott uses the phrase 'peel your own images from the mirror'; here Walcott emphasizes that you are past, 'all your life, whom you ignored' has value and helps for you to realise the importance of being comfortable and happy with who you are, accepting who you are. In 'This Room', the 1st person is not →

Compare/contrast on gilbert and tan essay sample

After giving young girl directions to a train station and feeling like she was missing out on a great travel; she realized that she too was a traveler. Gilbert felt like she was a civilian in Rome because she paid bills there but she was, in actuality, just traveling. People may not be →

The narrator in araby literature review examples

It is however pretty clear, that though this narration is of a little boy, the words are actually from someone who is a lot more mature. The boy seems to be infatuated with Mangan's sister. And it is exactly because on this childish infatuation, that he offers to bring something for her from the " →