700 Words Essay Samples

Famous amus essay sample

For example, this segment should be the lovers of chocolate such as chocolate cookies, chocolate muffins and brownies, candies and gummies and so on. There are four basic market segmentation strategies: behaviour segmentation, demographic segmentation, geographic segmentation, and physiographic segmentation. Behaviour Segmentation Behaviour segmentation is market segmentation strategy whereby the division of →

Essay on contingent valuation is the process of determining the scientific determination

The market value of the resource can be estimated through indication of the prices that individuals will be willing to pay upon visit to the basin. Question two There are three techniques that may be used in non-market valuation of the ACE Basin; contingent valuation, benefits transfer, as well →

Zara social media

However, Zara does have some problems in the realm of earned media, as controversy surrounding the company is instantly apparent. Zara's website anchors its digital presence, and its expansive global reach is clearly apparent by the number of countries and languages that users can access the site in. Zara boasts an active Twitter handle, a →

Analysis of marketing techniques used by american express 9529

Analysis of Marketing Techniques used by American Express American Express continues to attempt to expand its customer base, while at the same time trying to keep its reputation as a card of status. With more consideration of the needs of merchants and consumers in each of these markets, American Express may be able →

Yves rocher : international marketing

The most important in the Yves Rocher's products is the plant. And this, is the marketing positioning of the brand Yves Rocher.

Post civil war industrialization essay examples

The introduction of vertical integration backed by technology eliminated intrusion of destructive costs into the production processes. The replacement of the " invisible hand" with the " visible hand" in the vertical organization of businesses made some assumptions about the nature of market forces. The adoption of technology to ease production and enhance vertical expansion →

Task 1

1 * The purchase of plant & machinery, office equipment etc.* Renting or buying premises and offices (e.g.the first 3 months' rent may need to be paid in advance) * Essential business services such as insurance * The purchase of stocks of raw materials and components to allow production to start * The wages and →

Regulating food advertising for children

For example: Tony the tiger, Toucan Sam, and The Captain from Captain Crunch. Children associate things being good for them when they see them presented to them in this way, especially when they hear for example Tony the tiger saying " their great! " This is why, " thirty years ago, the →

Products, brands & their distribution

In case of tinned tomatoes and auto repair, the customers do not have a relationship with its brand. He will not develop a relationship with a particular brand. Question 4: The distribution strategy for Hunts is to provide their product through many distributors and to as many grocery shops as possible.

Financial management essay sample

The NASDAQ is used to trade some of the stock that is traded on the NYSE. There are several differences and similarities between the NASDAQ and NYSE. Similarities between NASDAQ and NYSE The first similarity between NASDAQ and NYSE is that they are both markets where a large amount →

Research paper on weight loss drugs

The pills also saw the use of many unusual marketing schemes such as: the different colors they came in, giving them a more personal touch and its name " rainbow diet pills" and the physician-centered promotions. Despite many reports of serious adverse events beginning the 1940s, FDA was not able to →

Sigma marketing assignment

In spite of the good things that were occurring in the marketing of the calendar, and the fast increase of profit levels this began to concern Spit and the printing trend that caused the market to decrease and the competition to Increase within the commercial segment. This was mainly in the area of Sigma what →

Marketing case study of credit suisse

Importance of new product development method Due to rapid development of technology, it' quite necessary for businesses to introduce innovative products and services in market in order to attract the customers towards company products and services. Summary of Key Points To make this innovative service successful, it's necessary to use NDP methods for development and →

Marketing plan for xx soup maker

Mission Statement " We enable consumers to improve the quality and convenience of their lives by providing high-quality, innovative electronic solutions." The Product The XX Soup Maker is the elite of all small kitchen appliances. It is made from the highest quality steel and fine metal elements available on the market. The XX →

Marketing on women

Women have emerged as the main decision makers in buying a large number of products1. Factors: Many factors have acted as a catalyst for change and these include an increase in the number of women with jobs, rise in single women and single women with children and an increase in the number of women entrepreneurs →

Thomas jefferson essay example

Jefferson had always been on the national scene serving as delegate to the Virginia House of Delegates and also serving two years as the Governor of Virginia. One of his main goals after assuming the presidency was to reduce the national debt.

Research paper on marketing strategies for over-the-counter otc medicines

In the developing countries such as Kenya, the market for OTC drugs accounts for a higher percentage of the total medicine sales compared to the developed nations like the United States where the market share for OTC is 8% while a country like Kenya accounts for over 60% of the total sale

Why influencer marketing is great for your seo

Many marketers strive to align themselves with influencers because this kind of engagement has been proven to rapidly expand brand visibility for many businesses. With influencer marketing, a much larger audience is suddenly exposed to your brand, which often results in a significant spike in traffic that can lead to more subscribers, followers, and →

Free oracle products and services essay sample

The purpose of the product is to help the sales people to understand the patterns that are displayed by the customers. The Oracle cloud-based CRM also allows managers to understand the patterns that are needed to push the sales to further and greater heights (Oracle, 2014: Oracle Sales Cloud - Sales Force Automation). Another product →

Example of importance of communication research paper

It is ineffective as the content of the communication is lost in the reaction of the people. Aggressive communication may help an organization to win the moment, but causes it lose the situation and respect as a whole. The Passive-Aggressive Style: This is another style of communication essentially categorized as two faced.

Cemex and the low income construction market essay sample

They only buy the cement when they need it.* Service: do-it yourself homebuilders lack construction skills, and therefore often waste materials by failing to specify the exact quantities they require. The service to help customer to know the quantities and instructions of construction skills is the service output that customers require.* Price: Low-income customers →

The marketing mix in marketing strategy

Promotion: The activities that communicate the product's features and benefits and persuade customers to purchase the product Marketing tools Each of the four As has its own tools to contribute to the marketing mix: Product: variety, quality, design, features, brand name, packaging, services Price: list price, discounts, allowance. The 4 As of the marketing mix →

Essay about reaction paper for acle

The last time it was held, I was not able to attend one because I prefer just staying in my room and rest throughout of the day. I chose to attend the ACLE prepared by the UP Advertising Core because it is the organization that I am applying for." Hanggang →

Example of business plan on morning glory cafe-marketing strategies

Moreover, in the precincts of the restaurant, the marketing team can come up with pictures and videos of tasty new dishes to tempt hungry diners. Giving out flyers to potential customers and setting up posters are expected to commence a fortnight to the opening of the restaurant.

Love. company case

Company Case Affiliation: Meaning of ESPN Brand to Consumers Consumers regard the ESPN brand as a fundamental component of consumption bundles across the company's market share. This program is the company's first and at the same time the most popular. The SportsCenter program has successfully integrated and coordinated consumer welfare into the company.


The strong dialogue delivery by the actors and their performances has played a key role in making this movie an exceptional one. The purpose of this paper revolves around the discussion of those certain components that have contributed together in making this movie an excellent addition to the western cinema. Critical Analysis of the Movie: →

The question of obesity

Conclusion McDonald's: To Eat or Not to Eat, That is the Question to Obesity It is said that a healthy mind inhabits a healthy body. Their aim is to supply its consumers with quality food to balance busy lives. Now, the question of living a healthy life style is all about what to →

The four functions of myth: tao te ching

The second function is to explain to us the shape and design of the ' cosmos' and give it a meaningful existence for us to be able to comprehend it. The name that can be named is not the enduring and unchanging name. having no name, it is the Originator of heaven and earth; →

Summary for ‘the parable of sower’

They finally arrive at Bankole's farm and decide to stay there and form a community. Question #2: The destruction of the gated community where Lauren and her family live. The enlargement of the north bound group. Question #3: Lauren Olamina is the leader of the group offering guidance to the group , and the →

The commodities under advertisement and print media

One of the advertisements is more critical than a second photograph and thus why it is the magazine cover while the other photograph is just a page from a magazine. The reason for stating that this is the most preferred age group for the magazine is because of the explicit content contained in the magazine.

Smoking ban laws in public places

Indeed, intensive smoking that is associated with severe health consequences can be avoided if strict smoking laws are enforced. Smoke-free laws are also appropriate because they reduce the number of smokers in a country. Smoke-free laws are also important because they reduce the number of smokers within a country.

Nova callege

The Story of an Hour " The Story of an Hour" is a short read which eluci s the story of the presumed death of Mrs Mallard's husband. 04 Apr.2012.. The Lottery The plot of " The Lottery" is an intriguing narrative of an old village and their practice which captivates the reader and →

Two is somewhat similar to one in that it requires you to synthesize ideas from two sources to support your ideas; however it requires a more comprehensive argument in that you will also need to refute the points from the two sources you use t

If the cultural background of the learner is poor and education is not valuable, the learner develops a poor attitude towards learning. If the information given is inaccurate, the learner fails to apply it and lacks the drive to keep learning. In a bid to eliminate this, the government has an order that all learners →

Profissonal development and communication skills in english

In this formula; b is the peak induction, f is magnetsing frequency, A is the cross sectional area of the sample and n is the number of turns of the search coil around this sample. The solenoid current circuit was based around an amplifier with a gain of 10.

Part of a proposal

In addition to this, Willow Run Airport manages approximately above 70, 000 operations annually and about 200 million pounds of cargo are handled at the airport in every year. This thereby, makes it the 3rd largest airport in the entire Michigan State. To investigate these underlying factors that has led to the damaging of operations →

Fairy tales re-telling

He knew if he had to succeed he had to travel to the foreign lands to show his skills and talents to the world. He packed almost a 100 caps, picked up food supplies for the journey and took all the money he had saved from his previous sales and started the journey into the →

Government health care vs private health care

Government Health Care Vs Private Health Care Government Health Care Vs Private Health Care Over the years a debate has seen to be arisen with regard to the choice between government health care and private health care. Over the years people have argued for both the private health care sector and the public health care →


Rather, traditions should be well scrutinized whether they are helpful and relevant to the present and the culture. In " Mending Walls," the notion that " good fences make good neighbors," as indicated by Frost , is the belief that makes the characters build the walls every spring. The tradition presented in this case →

Friendship in julius caesar

For instances, Decius, who is one of the Caesar' s schemers, came to Caesar's house, and the first thing that he said was " Caesar, all hail! Decius perceives Caesar as " most mighty" and this made Caesar become even more comfortable with Decius. Conversely, it was through this that Caesar' s conspirators were able →

Sonnys blues or to build a fire

The narrator is the older brother who relates the struggles of his younger brother, Sonny, to overcome drug addiction and find his identity and place in the world. However, the story is not only about Sonny: the narrator also gives the reader a glimpse into his own struggle to come to terms with Sonny's drug →

Definition of morality

Your Full Your The 15 January Definition of Morality Lots of scientific definitions are given to the word " morality" but, speaking in general, it is well formulated by Adam Smith: "[Rules of morality] are ultimately founded upon experience of what, in particular instances, our moral faculties, our natural sense of merit and property, approve, →

Significance of the paper

Through the use of paper, his ideas which used to be foreign to others can now be documented and communicated and thus the learning exchange began for ideas not only to spread but also to grow. Through the use of paper, these differences and nuances that led to so many conflicts had been documented for →

Fahad young goodman brown question

Goodman Brown becomes " a stern, a sad, a darkly meditative, a distrustful, if not a desperate man" after his experience in the forest because he has lost his innocence when he learns that the devil runs his community, and after which, he gives up his trust in God and humanity. Goodman Brown becomes stern →

Research paper

Freud theory The Freud theory works on the basics of the unconscious mind and the conscious mind- the id and egorespectively. This paper will assess the basics of the Freud theory as described in the selected five articles and the contribution of the same to human consciousness. Freud theory Sigmund Freud played a crucial →

Capital punishment

The opponents of the death penalty believe that the right of living for all people, even convicts and killers, is the basic human right that should be respected and so the death penalty should be replaced by other forms of punishments, such as life imprisonment. Although the right of living for all people is the →

A business e-mail being sent to a ceo and cfo of a company

It is also imperative to note that employees who deal with clients should always make efforts of knowing and remembering the clients' names (Dale Carnegie training programs). When handling clients, it is necessary that our employees listen to them instead of the employees doing the talking.

Daphne du maurier, don’t look now

John begins the story by describing the trauma and distress her wife is going through, after the shocking tragedy, as it is driving her to the point of hysteria, John is feeling anxious and helpless, at her ordeal and finds very hard to see the unsettling state of mind of his beloved wife. What lies →

The outline of the term paper

This has greatly reduced the control of fashion houses and magazines , which coupled with a consumer generational shift that has seen a shift in the labour market has greatly increased the influence of fashion Bloggers. II. Although, the focus of the blogs is on the featured fashion products, the bloggers are able to →

The money

Every desire of mine was fulfilled, I never saw my father taking much hassle to earn money as it was inherited form my grandfather and I thought with money I would be in a position to acquire every happiness in the world. As I never witnessed any struggle for money, I thought money comes easily →

Gun control

In addition to that, all the soldiers, who are at the border defending their countries from invasions, have guns as well but they do not use it for the evil. So guns are not the only cause of crimes. Some people think that by banning guns crimes would be removed but this may not be →

Love is a theme long explored by poets whether it is love won or lost, unrequited love, erotic love or familial love. show how poets work within this classic theme in at least two poems

This jarring contrast between the artifice of rhyme and the immediacy of pain seems somewhat problematic in this poem. Yeats's poem, however, uses rhyme to much greater effect. While Auden is able to use rhyme to make a aurally compelling poem, the artifice of the rhyme creates a mentally jarring effect in the reader.

A mind at peace – turkish writing

A mind at peace A Mind at Peace, distributed in 1949 and set in 1938 and 1939, has in length been a foundation of Turkish writing, an image of the countrys clash between the modernizing strengths of the West and the accepted Ottoman and Turkish societies. The books accomplishment is a legitimate wellspring of national →

That day on the beach

As we opened the door the experience was not what I had been expecting. I tried not to act like the novice tourist I so obviously was.

Research proposal

This is a research proposal on how the use of Facebook by teenagers affects their education. Hypothesis As technology continues to advance one thing that can never be disputed is the fact that social networks affects more than just the social aspects of human beings. The questionnaires will seek information on the experiences that →


The Number 30 September Animals " The greatness of a nation and its moral progress can be judged by the way its animals are treated". Mahatma Gandhi It seems that a lot of people today do not fully realize the value of animals. The Endangered Species Coalition. EndangeredSpecie.Com.n.d.Web.

Compare and contrast the education systems of the uk and other country

We will try to find out if education system has universalities and if they have something in common. Stages of education in both countries. Education is significant to both countries so compulsory education is imposed to students with ages from 5 to 16 years, while higher education is not. In high school Heirarchy and peer →

Answering questions

Reflecting on the connection of games and culture, Huizinga notes, that culture is the child of game and has a character of game. In their essays Kofi Annan and Tim Bowling compare football and hockey to " serious" human activities, such as the UN and war. Kofi Annan, the Secretary General of the UN in →

Compare and contrast an alligator vs. crocodile

Comparison between Alligators and Crocodiles Introduction As a result of both crocodiles and alligators beingreptilian animals from the same Crocodylia animal order , they can at times tend to exhibit a number of similarities such as sharing a similar diet, an amazing swimming speed that can be as fast as 20 miles per hour →

Climate change and its effect on animals in the chesapeake bay

Following is an assessment of climate change and its effect on animals in the Chesapeake Bay. Impact of Climate Change in Chesapeake Bay Climate change has influenced the ecosystem balance of Chesapeake Bay. High variations in salinity as a result of increased rainfall, long periods of draught and unpredictable storm is also a factor →

The luck of roaring camp

The story revolves around a gold mining camp that consisted primarily of criminals and outlaws, who had been rightfully dubbed as " the roughs", which according to the narrator was " more of a distinction rather than a definition". The story is set in the 1850's where a band of men living in the foothills →

Journal # 2

What are your plans to meet these challenges and move forward? My preceptor oversees 6 different programs in the department, and she meets with each program leaders either on a weekly or alternate week basis. But I will also wait to meet with my faculty advisor and my preceptor on 2/6/14 to discuss and finalize →

Eng315 week5

Describe what you could to do overcome this. => I would feel most comfortable in extemporaneous speeches, because it will give me more leeway to add more ideas according to the current situation or audience, and at the same time will give me the structure of the best organization of ideas to present. Another skill I →

How to build a new world

How to Build a New World Identify Naomi Kleins main idea Klein is concerned with what is the initiative, which peopleshould take to make the world a better place. To her, this is not the right direction to take, since everyone should live to enjoy the resources of their nations or countries. 2.

The lady and her five suitors – a 1001 nights

The Lady and Her Five Suitors - A 1001 Nights The Lady And Her Five Suitors is a story from the collection " A 1001 Nights" that has a key character as a woman, a merchant's daughter and married to a husband who traveled quite a lot. She claims that the youth was →

The existence of homophobia or racism

The Existence of Racism Number: Introduction Racism is still a major problem in the modern world despite the numerousattempts by people of good will to exterminate it. Stereotype is very effective especially if introduced to young people where a child might be exposed to false allegations of a particular group made by his →

Requirements for airline cadet program candidates

To be specific, the professional knowledge in flying theories, planes and flightenvironmentandstressmanagement under pressure, management and control of multiple tasks and accuratecommunication. In other words, the airline selection is structured around its professional knowledge and skill needs and the criteria are to test how passionate and committed the candidates are, how much efforts the candidates →

When station. the people: processes are optimised

The Customer: Digital transformation will grow thedigital scope of the customer experience and continue to modify the buying andconsumption behaviours of customers. This means that MBSA will have to staycompetitive and produce at the best cost and quality available to the customer.

I very common and popular in the philippines

Ananas comosus.peel have many benefits that many people are not known well the peel have many positive effects in human health and industry according to many Research. Ananas comosus.peel can be used to produce Dresses, Papers and Vinegar. Ananas comosus.peel are having nutrients that is good for the soil and plant improvement.

Bskyb vs. the uk television industry

Introduction In this report our aim is to identify BSkyB's position within the television industry platform. The report will navigate through a series of facts and figures and we will be applying strategic tools such as PEST and Porter's 5 forces to establish key issues about the industry. In terms of Public Service Broadcasting the →

History of company essay

Nordstrom Inc. has long been hailed as a top-tier fashion-retail company in the United States, and wishes to apply their same business model in their interaction with global consumers.(Powerpoint Chapter 5: Retail Market Strategy, " Growth Opportunities") Additionally, Nordstrom Inc.aims to open more Nordstrom and Nordstrom Rack stores throughout the United States. 2) Market expansion →

A button allows you to inhale vapor. the

Basic purpose behindthe transformation of vape pen into vape mod was to provide a customized vapingexperience where vapers can mount replaceable batteries in the vape mod and trydifferent refilling methods. Starter kits forbeginners are also available in the market but normally many people startvaping with vape pen and by the passage of time they shift →

Mp3 player industry analysis

Since everyone seems to likemusica lot, this little electronic device easily captured the hearts of many people around the world. Apple was the company that had big risks yet big hopes in this market when it released its own version of MP3 player called the Apple iPod in 2001. According to CEA , " →

Computers towards understanding and realization of the principles

As a student of Computer Science andEngineering the desire to improve my technical skills and to become a worthy professionalinspires me. I developed an interest incomputers from a young age from gaming as a young boy to assembling my first PCand have sustained my interest in computers with the same zest and vigor whilepursuing my →

Dbq india vs japanese workers cotton industry

The vast amount of production in the cotton industry had employees from the working and lower class. Contained in Document 5, Japanese cotton corporations paid their workers very low wages by taking advantage of the surplus of people having the status of unemployment, an outcome of this is possible capitalism so the →

Research proposal on us agricultural crisis

Others may provide the same identical appraisal when asked the same question. But contrary to the sporadic and random claims of stabilized and/or improving farming revenues across the country and promising turnout of both crops and sales in the market, the US agriculture as a whole has been consistently barraged by economic →

Flight to darwin, number 3105, now boarding

This time though, I was a wiser man, recalling what the flight attendant quoted." Courage is not the absence of fear, but the triumph over it. Until I looked to the front of the plane, chip up, a few more deep breathes and smiled...

The quantity demanded for stents will not

However, when the price of stents decreased, the quantity supplied also decreased because suppliers are unwilling to supply the quantity demanded at the new price ceiling piece. This creates a shortage in the stents market because the quantity demanded is higher than the quantity supplied. This is shown in Diagram 1, where at the maximum →

I well ananas comosus (l.) peel have

Ananas comosus.peel have many benefits that many people are not known well Ananas comosus.peel have many positive effects in human health and industry according to many Research. Ananas comosus.peel can be used to produce Dresses, Papers and Vinegar. In particular study Ananas comosus L.peel will be grinded using blender and it will be use as →

Tool is used for determining whether the company

Benchmarking tool is used to compare performanceof the business processes and products with the best performances of othercompanies inside and outside the industry. It helps identifying the externalfactors that may change in the future, exploit the opportunities or defendagainst the threats, and asses the potential of a new market.

Poor prediction of customer behavior and evaluation of

Insummary, data quality entails the degree of correctness, standardization, completeness, and structure of the data. Business should ensure quality data iscollected and it should maintain its quality throughout the processing stage. The costsof poor data quality. Journal of Industrial Engineering and Management, 4 , 168-193.

dermavescent laboratories, inc. essay sample

P b) Rack jobbers receive a margin of 20% off the S.R.S.P. Problem Identification Phoebe Masters, new product manager, " has to decide whether to introduce a new package design for the company's Soft and Silky Shaving Gel. The idea for the new package design is a result of the following →

Domestic environment

The corporation was established in the period 1940 in San Bernardino as a joint effort between Richard McDonald and Maurice McDonald. In 1955, the initial founders transferred the establishment to Ray Kroc who is responsible for the present culture in the food industry. Initial global expansion was began in Canada and Puerto Rico in 1967 →

The world’s largest petroleum and oil manufacturers

The sole purpose of this paper is to give a snapshot and the detailed understanding of the learning organisations and knowledge management. The clear and concise understanding of implementation, best practices of knowledge management and development, retention and sharing is also structured in this paper. Chevron has been particularly adopted in thiscase studyfor the purpose →

Kohistani violence thull

These changes to the traditional culture of the Kohistani were the reason for increased violence among the Kohistani in Thull. The Kohistani were originally pastoralists. This change introduced the Kohistani to the market economy, which disturbed the balance of herding and farming.

Essay on the great migration

In the history of the United States, the Great Migration refers to the period in the 20th century when African Americans moved in large numbers- nearly six million from the Southern rural communities to the large urban cities of the North. This could be the reason that made the migration to take a long →

Whole foods market

Introduction Whole Foods Market is one of the biggest organic and natural wholefoodsuppliers in the world. Another major opportunity that they need to embrace is marketing the necessity of whole organic foods.

Investigatory project critique essay

Examples: meat, vegetables and milk is not spread from contamination due to the faulty handling of fungicides. The shift from the use of synthetic fungicides to botanical is an important step in balanced and sell regulating agricultural system, not only will the treat to the public health be reduced but also cost →

What is food insecurity

Hence, my goal was to look at the association between food insecurity and prediabetes among the diverse racial/ethnic groups. Approximately 84 million adults had prediabetes in the year 2015. 39 among the food insecure population. Looking at the statistical significance of the association between food insecurity and prediabetes among women, there →

How to fail fast, rebound and rapidly innovate in your industry

The specter of losing a business you have worked so hard on is a difficult pill to swallow, yet if you recognize and approach your failure honestly, you will be well-positioned to leverage your experience for future innovation. Related: Here are some tips to consider: →

The uae food & drink

Responding to our clients' requests, BMI's food and drink analysts have just produced The UAE Food & Drink Competitive Intelligence Report, analyzing and comparing the strategies adopted by major players as they seek to exploit opportunities and mitigate risks in a rapidly changingenvironment. Whether you are a food and drink manufacturer, investor →

There not having enough cad licensesin short,

Otherwise, your engineers get disturbed with multiple projects and doing maintenance engineering. The company has the option what activities they can focus inside and what activities they can outsource. So the manufacturing company has focus and easy to achieve milestones.3. Knowledge Transfer: Engineering Services Companies follow the well-defined process and do documentation on training to →


Future of Nursing Future of Nursing Introduction Nursing in medical science is changing like any other field of life. On the same lines, the ability to lead with compassion will also be required for medical staff to survive in the future market of medical science.

Home visit

In addition, Sallie Mae Fisher suffers from Dyspnea, obese and chest pain. Chronic congestive heart failure is the inability or the failure of the heart to carry out its core duties that include supplying of oxygen and nutrients to organs and tissues. When the cardiac output decreases, the heart is not able to circulate the →

Free essay on nursing image petition

The Office of Diversion Control cites as a crime the prescription of controlled substances without a real physician-patient relationship. It discourages people from wanting to pursue nursing which can make current efforts to promote nursing as a career path less successful, a situation that will not alleviate the nursing shortage or enhance the →

Research paper on hygiene and infection in hospitals hand hygiene

Experimental design chosen The aim of the research proposal is to investigate the impacts of various hand hygiene techniques on transient flora and consequently, overall hospital hygiene and the reduction of infections in the hospital. Therefore, obtaining data from such a wide spectrum of subjects will help in comprehensively covering the research topic. →


It occurs when a tissue similar to endometrium is found outside the lining of uterus, specifically in the abdomen on the fallopian tubes, the ovaries and the uterus ligaments supporting the uterus. If these do not work, the patient may expect a surgery. The surgical treatment may work well if the patient's endometriosis is extensive →