700 Words Essay Samples

Management of bipolar (manic depression)

Maybe I can bring understanding by showing and providing insight into the life of a child struck with mental illness and hopefully people will realize that my child is just as special as the next. They dream of friends who don" t abandon them when their moods change; and look for a miracle in the β†’

Benchmarking: dave and busters essay sample

D & B's mission statement is, _" To deliver an unparalleled guest experience through the best combination of food, drinks and games in an ideal environment for celebrating all out fun" _. Dave and Buster's is facing the same type of problem that Gene One is facing with the need for IPO capital for β†’

Methods and tools of industrial ecology: strategic sustainable development essays examples

The approach of industrial ecology assists to understand the industry and environment connections to shift from the thinking of past faults to forward thinking. Several core elements characterizing the IE discipline are: - The biological equivalence - The approach of systems perspective - Function of technological modification - Role of companies β†’

Serial killers brains

Nurture.) It is true and well accepted that each individual is their own person and so this life further complicates the ability of criminologists and social behavior psychologists to determine why people act out in the way that they do, more specifically why serial killers do. The nature of an individual therefore, is imperative to β†’

Climate change in saudi arabia

According to climate change report, the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia has embarked on adaptation and mitigation measures to counter the effect of climate change in the country (Saudi Arabia And Climate Change). The gas has been termed as the one of the major cause changes in the weather pattern and increased warming of the atmosphere. β†’

Example of reefer madness, by eric schlosser argumentative essay

However, the world is a changing place, and it is exactly because of the content that such a book would be so valuable in a college 1A English Composition course. In fact, Reefer Madness, by Eric Schlosser, would be a valuable textbook in a composition course for a variety of reasons including the content material β†’

Reflection on the movie black panther

And of course, female representation was not lost in the plotting of this movie. This aspect of the film was very well played and was well received by the audience. Overall, I would highly recommend the movie, Black Panther, because it is unique in its representation of otherwise inferior groups, giving a mainstream platform that β†’

Carlee hickey

And then you have a view from France that all three of these politicians age that it is in the best interest of France to invest and promote imperialism. Even though some of the most important people in the country believe that imperialism is in the best interest of the country and can have its β†’

Fundraise to cure autism

Body Problem With reference to autism, most of the children who are diagnosed cannot be given proper management of the disease for recovery due to their parent inability to pay for the cost of the management. Conclusion With the realization of autism dangers, it is imperative that we avoid substances that are β†’

To create an isotonic solution that potatoes can be stored in essay sample

I will put each solution into a separate beaker then I will place a potato chip in each of these solutions. Detailed plan: First I will cut four potato chips of roughly the same length and mass using a cork borer and plunger. So I think that a solution with a concentration of β†’

American degeneration is considered an incurable eye

The effect and safety of acupuncture therapy in treating patients with AMD (aging-related macular degeneration) Aging-related Macular Degeneration is the leading cause of vision loss, affecting more than 10 million Americans more than cataracts and glaucoma combined. Macular Degeneration is caused by the deterioration of the central portion of the retina, the inside back layer β†’

“on first looking into chapman’s homer” vs. “frankenstein, or the modern prometheus” : compare & contrast essay

A good translation is a great gift, if not a necessity, although reading in the original, as Keats must-have, is also helpful. Giving readers the sense of being immersed in the world of the Greeks and the Trojans, or in the world of any fine literature, is a goal for many writers. It suggests that β†’

Conflict management in organization essay example

Another example is the witness of misusing the resources of the organization; the employee should take the responsibility of safeguarding the resources. Loyalty is another ethical concern to most organizations; this is a value which is frequently discussed; however, it is rarely experienced. For example, the use of the organizations resources for personal use is β†’

Discuss the significance of names in of mice and men

Many characters names begin with a C for example Candy, Crooks, Curley, to create a direct reference to ' Cain' a nomad from the bible; who was cursed by God that he would never be able to settle down because of his wrongdoings for power, this signifies that the characters and Cain have a similarity; β†’

Green tree city case study (question 3 only)

This paper mainly deals with the security concerns facing a storey-building owner as in the case study and a contrast with the concerns of the employees and the employer. The main security concern for the owner of a storey building to ensure user security is the need to ensure accessibility of the building. The erection β†’

Advanced pricing techniques

Law of Demand and Supply or the graph shows that as the quantity of pounds rises in circulation the demand decreases leading to a decrease in price. 2.at the price of $2 for 1 in the figure above: B.the quantity of pounds supplied equals the quantity demanded. B.it is the equilibrium point 3. Other β†’

What caused helen keller to be deaf and blind

From the day she lost her sight and hearing to the day she died, Helen continued to be a hero to not only disabled people, but to everyone else. She has inspired many people, because she did not let her disabilities get in her way, she wrote 12 different books and was still able to β†’

Middle childhood development

Will smith as a character tries to make the son feel at home and lead a normal life even after the abandonment by the wife, though, he faces a lot of challenges even after being evicted from their home. Reflection The son is portrayed as so understanding when he ask his father if it β†’

The short and long term consequences of child neglect and sexual abuse

Short and Long-Term Consequences of Child Neglect and Sexual Abuse Child neglect and sexual abuse ranges from minor to serious, can take a number of forms and its effects short term, long term or both. All types of abuse and neglect adversely affect the most vulnerable of society which, in turn, affects all of society β†’

Example of quick summary creative writing

However, the interns should ensure that the mentor is co operative and is of advantage to him/her and if this does not apply, the intern can usually seek assistance from other workers. Generally, the article shows the importance of intern to students. Interns are very helpful in helping an individual get the first job. The β†’

Discuss the history and evolution, justifications for, and ultimate impact(s) of canadian content regulations in canadian radio and television broadcasting from the industrys inception to the present

Essay Proposal on Media Content Regulation in Canada Affiliation Topic: Discuss the history and evolution, justifications for, and ultimate impact of ' Canadian content' regulations in Canadian radio and television broadcasting from the industry's inception to the present. Essay Proposal: Over the years, the Canadian government has been concerned with regards to β†’

Companies financials

The company captured 69 billion dollars of new orders in the course of the year. In 2009, the total revenue of the company was 28, 087 million pounds.

Uncle joe’s bookstore

I have seen 20 volumes in the back of the store and I will share them with the world. The pictures will also be of great significance for people who are interested in world history. I will make sure that the bookstore is a home for the students.

Free thesis on othello the moor of venice

It is a dark and classic tale of jealousy and intrigue set in the ambit of Venice although Othello is actually governor of Cyprus. Plot and analysis The first act demonstrates the anger of Desdemona's father when she elopes with the moor Othello and is an astute reflection of β†’

Plant imagery throughout the scarlet letter

When describing the prison in the very beginning of the novel, Hawthorne writes, " a grass-plot, much overgrown with...such unsightly vegetation, which evidently found something congenial in the soil that had so early borne the black flower of civilized society, a prison". Hawthorne uses the imagery of a black flower to depict β†’

Dangerous knowledge

Mary Shelley demonstrates how dangerous it is to pursue knowledge through Victor'shealthwith his growing obsession with his scientificgoals, the death of his younger brother William due to his neglect of his own creation, and finally his loss of rationality and mental stability when the creature retaliates against its maker. The final phase β†’

Talking styles

Can these websites be a step of knowing a person's interpersonal skill just by the way they write? MATCHING WRITING STYLES AND INTERPERSONAL INTERACTIONS A person can be whoever one can be in written form. There can be similarities in one way or another however these similarities can only be for their writing skills β†’

Kite runner by khaled hosseini

The physical geography of Afghanistan changed after the wars and the Taliban attacks. Another example of this was when the book mentions that the Taliban took over and massacred the Hazard's in 1998.

The central bank of egypt (cube) analysis

1 percent n October 2011, as pointed out by the CUBE, the higher price level was mainly due to anticipated rise in internationalfoodprices, local supply bottlenecks, and distortions in the distribution channels. In the light of this poor economic performance and Egypt financial conditions after the revolution, the Egyptian government faces a lot β†’

Fahrenheit 451: a world with no books

Another aspect of the story that made it enjoyable was the characters and their relations to each other. Each character brought a special part to the story that effected the plot and other characters.


I think if you do not like something, then do not do anything that has to do with it. InFahrenheit 451by Ray Bradbury he shows that censoring material causes people to become lazy and not think. When Faber is saying the book has pores, I think he saying since it has pores β†’

The distribution of economic and social resources

A major concern of social thinking is to identify the nature of these relations and to trace their social and political effects. Cultural factors have a great impact on working class families, their opportunities and promotion. Taking into account correlation between social factors and economic position of most Americans, it is possible to say that β†’

The importance of human resource management

Human Resource Department links the management, the subordinates and all the individuals within the organization. Producing competent employees is a desirable outcome that this department wishes to do. A good hire enables the organization to develop proficient asset in the company in the future.

Ethics essay examples

This is a serious violation of the ethics of research, and would rank two on the list of top three.. k. Intellectual Property Infringement The act of the professor in taking credit for a research conducted by his or her graduate student is highly unethical and is the topper in the list of the β†’

ο»Ώhide and seek & half-past two essay sample

The personification shows his confusion as well as in Half-past Two, the readers feel sympathetic towards the young boy and it makes you realize the innocence of childhood. Time is personified in the end as well, " He escaped into the clockless land" and it also ends with clich phrase: " for ever" While β†’

How did alfred hitchcock change the horror genre essay sample

Hitchcock started this evolution by redefining the Horror genre; giving birth to the psychological Horror sub-genre from the idea of a monster coming from within the human. A modern audience would not have the same reaction as a 1960's audience would towards Psycho as the Horror genre had evolved, changing the way we think, act, β†’

Discipline and management: different yet related

Discipline and Management: Different Yet Related Discipline, management, behavior, and misbehavior are concerns that every educator will encounter once the educator require his or her first classroom. Classroom discipline pertains to teacher's management of student's behavior, whereas classroom management involves the operation and procedures to make the classroom function efficiently.

Globally, what is the commercial and residential use and reliance on oil

After the Second World War, oil became a reliable source of domestic and commercial energy across the world. Oil has a wide range of applications in residential and commercial settings. 2% of total oil and oil products used in the U.S. The manufacture of electrodes and chemical products involves the use of petroleum coke as β†’

Delayed gratification

This is what everyone should do so they can obtain what they want in the future, by working their hardest now. In the year 2010, young adults are having trouble grasping the idea of delayed gratification and if they do not know what delayed gratification is they get into problems that many β†’

The political economy of communication

When analyzing the key activities of Google using Mosco's processes (commodification, structuration and spatialization), one must identify the relations of power that are part of the exchange, manufacture and distribution of resources/information. By adopting Mosco's process of commodification, it is evident that Google's value addition outcomes from its advertising ventures can be directly linked to β†’

Signfiance of the names in of mice and men

" The Significance of the names in Of Mice and Men" There are names that John Steinbeck chose for his book Of Mice and Men. The significance of her name is that we do not know much about her and could not really have a name to describe who she is.

The analysis of the movie “up”

In spite of the fact that his identity and conduct regularly irritated Carl in the film, where it counts he is a person who demonstrates love towards others particularly, to Carl. He is quite the opposite of Russell and Carl which is known as the antagonist of the film.

Marijuana tax act

The reason for this is that the ratio of cannabinoids2 necessary for intoxication is 40, 000: 1 while that for alcohol is generally between 4: 1 and 10: 1.As such marijuana is one of the least toxic substances and would have to be consumed in physically impossible quantities to prove fatal. As for thehealtheffects of β†’

Sexual harassment essay sample

Areas that should be pursued during this interview include:- the cultural background of the complainant- a detailed reconstruction of the incident that prompted the complaint- the context and circumstances in which it occurred- the involved parties prior relationship- the nature of the allegations against each individual in instances where incidents involved the participation of β†’

Othello eulogy

His death now casts a shadow on Venice and Cyprus, his light that shined as bright as a lighthouse, has smouldered into ash. Othello and I met on the rough seas of battle, he was the leading general of our fleet. Not even a warrior could stand the pain of drowning in his own jealously β†’

Narrative case essay

The next day my family was leaving for a trip to Glass Lake, and I was not going. When I finally did go to visit James, after an ample amount of foot stomping and pleading with my parents, it was just days after the accident.

Theories of harnold innis and the internet

Innis would have analyzed the Internet as something else because it promotes both oral and written traditions; however, it also diverges from these traditions and presents an opportunity for balancing them, if only content producers, distributors, and consumers focused on using the Internet for preserving the positive characteristics and ends of oral and written traditions. β†’

Peer pressure

Sex is something that should be taken seriously and not been done because everyone else is doing it." Early substance use and negative peer pressure - measure through self-report as weather young people felt pressure by friends to taunt from school or engaged in other delinquent activities were the processes through which risk proneness and β†’

Critical analysis of a mother in dubliners essay sample

The first one is Paralysis, which is the central theme for all the stories in " Dubliners". The second theme, marriage, deals with the way it is portrayed in a negative way. Mrs.

Critical analysis of commanding heights by daniel yergin and joseph stanislaw

The book explores the different issues revolving around the balance of power shifts across the globe in different nations, governments and markets which include the risks, opportunities, and the effects of different factors such as globalization specifically for the 21st century. The main thesis of the book is the exposition of the transition of the β†’

Curley’s wife character in of mice and men

This gives the reader the general impression that Curley's wife is an attractive young lady who seeks attention of men. George's immediate comments such as " Jesus, what a tramp", and " So that's what Curley picks for a wife" and reactions to Curley's wife, however, allows the reader to realize that she is a β†’

Why does privatization seem to be more successful in some countries than in others use some examples of your choice to illustrate your argument

In most states that have realized unsuccessful results with regard to privatization has been associated with political and institutional factors that normally complicate the success of implementing goals of privatization. In summary, it can be said that less developed countries have been victims of failure of privatization initiatives as compared to their counterparts in developed β†’

My personal journal entry about facebook activities essay examples

After three weeks on Facebook I was able to connect almost to all of my old friends of course other used different names on Facebook. When I came to the USA, I could not understand the news in English because it was hard to comprehend the difficult words and, I was not good in English. β†’

Free research paper about chilean copper mine collapse

It is important to identify the roles and the needs of the audience so that the message delivered can attain its intention. Different Roles and the People in the Audience The main audience in this scenario of Chilean Mine incident is the families of miners and colleagues. The rescue team is in the process β†’

Urban water cycle

The latest enforcement of the matter in Ohio is between the State of Oho and the City of Akron in a consent decree that addresses the sewer overflows that involves the Cuyahoga Valley National Park that is an ecologically sensitive area, thus the enforcement priority. 5 percent of the $ 3 billion-25-year plan would be β†’

Situational analysis – obamas inaugural speech

He must also bear in mind the millions of non-Americans listening to his speech, anxiously waiting for his remarks on the nuclear menace and war at large. America being the super-power and being at the watch by the world, his speech has to be well articulated.

Modual 6 questions see below

Module six Review Assignment of Unit Lecture Q A Soil is the core of civilization from the fact that it is the essential element used in the construction of building, medical uses and is a raw material for artwork. Making the Industrial farming one of the largest enemy of the soil. QC The soil β†’

Prediction number 2

It will be interesting to know if physical attractiveness that can be measured through facial symmetry is correlated with indirect aggression. It is possible that attractive women may practice more indirect aggression than less attractive ones because of the evolutionary need to promote their reputation to men and to deny competitors of access to men β†’

Symbolism in fahrenheit 451

The three main symbols that are being focused on are the salamander, the snake, and the names of the characters in the book. The final piece of symbolism that is important in The Hearth and the Salamander, in the book Fahrenheit 451, is the names of the characters.

The yellow wallpaper by charlotte perkins gilman

Realizing that her husband's treatment is not the best option for her, she begins to write in secret in order to relieve her thoughts no one else in herfamilyseems to be concerned with. The woman soon realizes that all hope is lost in having her voice heard and that there is nothing she can do β†’

Amir’s redemption

He repented for the terrible things he had committed and decided it was time for him to make things right and " be good again. " He risked his new life and traveled to his treacherous homeland to make right of something he had done years ago. He takes it because he has β†’

Abstract the process in which business, corporations,

Outlining the ways in which the anti-globalization movement is opposed to economic globalization. There are monetary and political issues with globalization that has prompted hostile to globalization development. Globalization affects economic and political development at large scaleGlobalization is avoidable and is not a means of egress for all.

Should this student have been expelled essay sample

In my opinion, Doug Hann should not be expelled for his behavior but not for the reason that the author of the article stated nor of the reasons of Mr. I firmly believe that Doug Hann had committed an offense by what he did during the night that he was drunk. I would like to β†’

Economy of any country in the world

The topic is of importance as it addresses serious concerns and a significant setback to the development and economic independence of Germany. The consistent rise in pension to the ageing population results in higher taxes affects the nation's contribution to the European and NATO defense activities. That represents an underperformance in the GDP of Germany β†’

Intrinsic value of nature

Intrinsic Values of Nature al Affiliation Intrinsic Values of Nature Intrinsic values of nature refer to the values that in no monetary value cannot be appended since they are unquantifiable. The intrinsic values of nature may be evident from some of the services that nature performs to the environment.


The plasmid region contains its own origin of replication in other words it can replicate independently from the DNA that is in the cytoplasm. When the pili has attached to the recipient cell then DNA replication of the F-plasmid occurs and it is transferred over to the recipient cell making the recipient cell now an β†’

The lottery by shirley jackson

Foreshadowing is a literary device in which an author gives a vague indication of what is going to happen later in a story. Jackson creates foreshadowing by the illustration of the black box, the explanation of a child's pocket, and the dialogue between Tessie and Mrs. To begin, Jackson foreshadows that death is going to β†’

Free essay on laptop versus tablet: which one to buy

The objective of this essay is to distinguish the key features of a laptop and a tablet and discuss how their characteristics could influence the individual in their decision in buying one of the two technologies. The most important feature of the laptop is its software support which could be β†’

Of mice and men – why curley is intimidating?

He is able to pick a fight without the punishment of losing a job. Curley's freedom is intimating to other people, they know that Curley is able to do anything to them, and with his aggressivepersonalitythey are afraid that he could do something very severe. Curley, with his ability to do anything β†’

Review of the film the mask you live in

To " take care of business" implies that to not cry, to not be delicate, to not offer folks an opportunity to upset you, to counter with cruelness, to be furious, to drink, to womanize. I felt tears and addressed if this was the time within the interest of ME to go away the territory, β†’

Sydney as an efficient department of health

Despite the sea being the main driver of the economy, 60% of the employees work in the service sector. In the past, Sydney had higher unemployment rates in comparison to the national average and other regions of Nova Scotia. Language and Ethnicity The ethnic groups that are mostly found in Sydney are mostly French, β†’

Price controls the minimum wage

Fixing the minimum wage that a worker is supposed to earn is one of the forms of price controls. Minimum wage has both costs and benefits to the economy, given that it is backed by relevant laws that operationalize it. The cost of production is likely to up, and so are the prices of goods β†’

The a huge role in the movie.

I think this is because the movie producers wanted something that would tug on people's heartstrings, and the way that they portrayed Jeannette and her dad's relationship could do just that. In the movie, Jeannette's husband was named David, and he played a huge role in the movie. In contrast to the book, Jeannette's husband β†’

Essay on key diversity concerns for australia

Choose a country other than the United State, and document the key diversity concerns for that country Choose a country other than the United State, and document the key diversity concerns for that country Diversity is referred to as differences in the human resources. The following sections will discuss the key diversity β†’

Portfolio assignment

Appendix 2 shows the value of the portfolio as at 19th November 2012. Appendix 1 WEELKY SHARE PRICES FROM 20th SEPT 2012 TO19th NOV 2012 Date APPLE MASTER CARD Target Corp. Eli Lilly & Co. Tesla Motors, Inc. 19-Nov-12 565. 92 12-Nov-12 527.

Risk level essay

It is the tendency of a security's returns to respond to swings in the market. A beta of greater than 1 indicates that the security's price will be more volatile than the market. It is calculated as: Where, RA measures the rate of returns of the asset, RPR measures the market returns and Cove β†’

Module 2 (edited)

Many international brands have adjusted their marketing strategies to appeal to target audiences, such as in the conservative Islamic countries. Methodology In studying the consumer expenditure pattern of Thailand, it is important to undertake a compressive analyzing of the consumer pattern and expenditure amid economic turmoil. To have more changes that are realistic in β†’

What is the current macroeconomic situation in the u.s. (e.g. is the u.s. economy currently concerned about unemployment, inflation, recession, etc.) what fiscal policies and monetary policies would be appropriate at this time

Table of ContentsThesis Statement3Discussion3Works Cited6Thesis StatementThe paper intends to analyze the " current macroeconomic situation" in the United States along with determining the fiscal as well as the monetary policies that would be appropriate for the US economy. By taking into concern the " current macroeconomic situation" in the US, increasing spending as well as β†’

Curley’s wife in the story of mice and men

The novel is set in the farmland of the Salinas valley, where the author was born. The story Of Mice And Men tells the story about two displaced migrant workers named George Milton and Lennie Small. Through the dreams of George and Lennie, in order to be successful, both need to work hard β†’

Neopets global marketing case study

How? Yes, NeoPets can extend its concepts to an adult market by simply creating similar program but in the context of an adult. Besides, their interests are more divers compared to children, so NeoPets can not expect considerable patronage of the site.

Celestial tea swot analysis

Celestial Tea SWOT Analysis SWOT Analysis: Celestial Tea SWOT Analysis Environment SWOT List Internal Strengths All ingredients are natural Major tea producer in North America Connects to its customers through social media Good reviews by online retailers Weaknesses There are pesticide traces in some products Tea sales less than β†’

Marketing plan assignment

Nowadays, innocent is thinking of starting its new business in China. This marketing plan tends to analyze how innocent get in to the Chinese market and come p with some coping strategy. The business Mission is to obtain a successful market share for smoothie in Gudgeon.

Geek squad: a new business for a new environment

Many of these clients could not have adequate time to read manuals on how to install the electronic products. Changes in social environment played a critical role in creating an opportunity that led to the establishment of Geek Squad. As a result, with their changing interests on electronics, Best Buy had to acquire Geek Squad β†’

Answer questions

Thus though Japanese electronics have been the forerunner in many technological advancements ranging from smartphones, televisions and other similar gadgets, they have lost out in the marketing strategy and in meeting the requirements of their local and international consumers. Which environmental forces have strongly influenced Japanese firms such as Sony, Panasonic, Sharp, β†’


Thus Media stretched its product nine upward, started to offer customers higher-end products with higher prices. These new products filled the blank area of the Chinese microwave oven market, satisfied customers' different need hierarchies. These high-level attributes make it easy to distinguish the new product from the other low-end and low-price products existed β†’

Good essay on workplace administration_assessment

Ebay is an online ecommerce marketplace that connects the buyers and sellers all over the world that can buy or sell anything using the online platform. - Workplace Roles and Responsibilities The workplace roles and responsibilities for the various employees in the online marketplace Ebay include the following: - Functionality of the Ebay platform including the β†’

The imc plan

The buyer can reach the product from anywhere, at any time and can afford it. The IMC plan addresses the consumer behaviour in numerous ways, which include highlighting the actions of consumers towards the price and quality of the TCL when making decisions on the appropriate PD providers. In addition, the IMC plan indicates usage β†’

Hotel marketing

It is also the planning of products processes, the changes in concepts and several different types of methods in order to sale the product. This is all only because of completion, if competitions exist in the market.

Swot analysis essay examples

The source of income for this retail store is from the owners of the store, Brinkman T and Spencer J,. In addition to this, the store outlines the ownership clearly; that is, Brinkman T who owns 60% and Spencer J who owns the remaining 40% of the company,.

Walnut case essay sample

In this scenario, it is worth evaluating the nature of the potential company before the release of the funds. This is an indication of an increased performance of the organization in the long run. Competitive capabilities The competitive capabilities of RBS organization are mostly defined by the organization market share and products.

Business assessment criteria reflective essay

I also gained a full understanding of the 4 Ps of the marketing mix and the crucial part in which each play in ensuring that the organization achieves their goals. I also learned about the advantages and disadvantages of each and the effect that each is said to have on consumers.

Marketing in business

Methodology follows research questions; this part should make clear way of how one is approaching the research questions and the logic and techniques to be used to address the problem. In conducting business research in order to achieve the objectives and test the hypothesis of the study, various data collection methods β†’

Social responisbility and marketing ethics

Much as a firm wants to make fair profits, it must also be aware of and protect the environment in which it operates-customers today anticipate and require more from what they buy, including safety, value as well as quality. Employees also require more than just a paycheck and the society generally requires the firm to β†’

Popular culture comparisons essay examples

As argued in Reading the Signs, popular culture can be defined in several ways which include the portrayal of adverts in a given commercial and other similar issues. However it is social media which is now gaining the upper hand in popular culture and this is reflected in the phenomenal growth and success of sites β†’

Happy feet – marketing plan essay sample

The analysis allows us to outline the best strategies to follow for the achievement of the company's strategic goals." happy-feet" will be marketed as a unique functional foot deodorizer insole while striving to reinforce the company's status as the leader in innovation and successful product launches. Brief Description of the New Product and β†’