600 Words Essay Samples


The film depicts the current cultural phenomenon in Hollywood and around the world as we will see when comparing and contrasting the two films. Discussion The antagonists in both the " Blade Runner" and " Shaun of the Dead" depict human-like characteristic in their physical form but are still monsters. There is a fear β†’

Communication technologies that will change our lives by graham t. t. molitor and technology and social change: the effects on family and community, by dr. j. a. english-lueck

Effect of Technology on Family Molitor and English Lueck offer slightly different views on the effect of technology on family. In addition, distance has no effect on the cost and time required to be in touch with the ones who live far away. While Molitor provides a picture that is optimistic, English-Lueck β†’

Compare nacirema and voodoo

Like the authors of " Body Ritual Among the Nacirema" and " Voodoo in Haiti", they hold quite different attitudes and views to these exotic cultures. He thinks that " the magical beliefs and practices of Nacirema present such unusual aspects that it seems desirable to describe them as an example of the extremes to β†’


Below figure shows a line as the intersection for the graphs of two linear inequalities. c.a region Yes, the graphs of two linear inequalities can be drawn with a region as the intersection. Below figure shows a region as the intersection for the graphs of two linear inequalities. d.no intersection Yes, the graphs β†’

Paige 1

In this article, " Help for Abused Women", the author Melinda Smith discuss the issues of remaining in an abusive relationship opposed to leaving. In this article, " Why Women Stay in Bad Relationships", the author Leslie Morgan Steiner, believes that most people think getting out of an abusive relationship is an easy thing to β†’

Survey analysis in fortune magazine article

The author of the article did provide a link to the survey to allow the reader to analyze and evaluate the process of identifying a favorite place to eat. The article mentions that the data was obtained by the ACSI and involved 22, 500 people. Further evaluation of the link to the survey reveals how β†’

Valuing diversity

" Understanding and managing people who are similar to us are challenges but understanding and managing those who are dissimilar from us and from each other can be even tougher." The increasing diversity of workplaces around the world means that managers need to recognize that not all employees want the same thing, will act β†’

Evidence- based decision making and discovery

The introduction allows the reader to know what the paper is going to be about and why It Is important. The background fills the reader In on previous research and the study. Results and discussion is the part of the manuscript that discusses what the research found and what it means.

Labor economics

The employment effects of a minimum wage increase While research shows that increasing the minimum wage does not reduce employment, it challenges the traditional theory of the effect of minimum wage on individual employment and the economy. Therefore, employers will increase the minimum wage and decrease the number of employees to maintain their profitability. Various β†’

Essay on how the company started and how it has changed

In addition to these, American Eagle Outfitters also deal in sofas at the back of the stores. By March 2010, the American Eagle Outfitters extended to open the first of its stores in the Middle East in Dubai UAE.

Essay on definitions and roles of financial concepts

It helps to form a significant success of the financial markets because they are easily traded. - Stock It is a security instrument issued by an organization that shows the possession right in the property of the organization and the method to be used to share the profits after payment of organization obligations. It plays β†’

Frederick douglass and martin luther king, jr

He used the Christian body to stand against the segregation and discrimination that the black people were subjected to. His hope was that their understanding of the Bible would instill courage in them to stand against slavery.

The price of freedom

The exams were one week away, and the fact that the examination was the last of my final year of campus gave more momentum to the party mood. The girls on the dance floor were also friendly, and the music groove was captivating. As the music went on to play, my new cell phone rang, β†’


This paper persuades the reader that immigration to U.S.is beneficial, both for the immigrants and the country. First of all, U.S.is a country which provides protection to its citizens much more than any other country. So, the new comers feel secure and protected. Immigration to U.S.is relatively harder than immigration to any other country.

1990 dial soap vintage ad-rough daft

This three are, however, critical to a website's design, and must make a reflection of the customer so that the customer will be interested, in what the website is advertising. This paper discusses the website of an advertising agency to find out what effects the company has employed in the website to make it attractive β†’

Swachcoin as the right system for effective waste management

Along these lines, the need of quickening the inevitable delinking process by the presentation of approaches, at all phases of waste generation and transfer has become of great concern. The principal goal of this awesome undertaking is to make a decentralized waste administration community. Swachcoin has come to change the world's point of view towards β†’

David blight’s “frederick douglass’s civil war”

David Blight's work seeks to expand on the already large and impressive study of Frederick Douglass by presenting an intellectual history-biography of the man Blight refers to as the most important black thinker of the 19th century. Underlying Blight's work is his belief that Douglass' ideology was adopted by the race β†’

Great gatsby review paper

Great Gatsby Review - CERTIFICATE OF AUTHORSHIP COMP 1500: College Writing Farquhar College of Arts and Sciences Division of Humanities Submitted by: Assignment Number: 1 Assignment Title: The Great GatsbyReview Date: March 16, 2013 CERTIFICATE OF AUTHORSHIP: I certify that I am the author of this paper and that any assistance I received in β†’

Legacy of luna

The author Julia Butterfly Hill book is a personal reference of the adversity she overcame when faced with saving a part of nature, a part of what defines her, a piece of something she would never let go of. The removal of the redwood trees was what she states to be β†’

A not so modest proposal

Swift adopts the persona of a well-intentioned economist, suggesting that the poverty and famine in Ireland can be dealt with by selling children for food and clothing; As a result, Swift argues that not only will the income of the poor increase significantly, but as well the population will decrease proportionally. Swift even suggests that β†’

Racism in “a lesson before dying”

Seeing this, some concerned characters thought of a way to make him face his death like a man. Jefferson wrote in his diary that he understood how his people, meaning the black in the community, view his life and death. In order to show the white community that he is not a β†’

Health, safety, and nutrition for the young child essay sample

Read any printed warnings or safety precautions that are also listed on the package to determine if there is an additional risk that would make the toy inappropriate for your child. Parts The parts of a toy are a major factor when buying for young children. Visualize how your child would play with β†’

How children and young people’s development could be influenced by a range of factors

A third of children and young people in poverty are deprived of the meals, toys or the clothes that they need. Family environment and background In some homes education is not at the front of their things to do list. This impacts on their social and emotional development- β†’

Sample essay on homosexuals

However, the actual reason for this sort of relationship is unknown. The cause for the increase in gay relationships in today's society is attributable to the role of media and general leniency in the morals that are upheld in society. Because of this freedom, more people have come out to claim for the rights of β†’

Basic anthropology essay

The Oxford English dictionary states that Anthropology is ' the study of humankind, especially the study of societies and cultures and human origins.' Anthropology can be broken down into different disciplines, cultural, linguistic, biological and social. Throughout the history of Anthropology as a recognized method of studying humankind, different anthropologists have given different definitions of β†’

Example of approaches to early childhood education research paper

While group curriculum is a part of learning in the primary and secondary years, it is possible to use interventions with this partner-based curriculum that engage children at their current ability levels and lift them, as needed, to remediate gaps that they have with their peers and to provide enrichment for those who are already β†’

Good essay about wa4-bio

The synthesis of proteins occurs through a series of processes known as translation where the ribosomes are the organelles that are involved in the creation of proteins. In the elongation step, the charged tRNA gets into the ribosome, and when the anticodon matches the codon in the mRNA, the two are base-paired allowing the ribosome β†’

Course work on rising healthcare costs

" Medicare" is a type of health service responsible for provision of services to old people." Medicaid" is a health program that offers health services to poor people of all age groups. A vital development that has arised in health care is the use of electronic recording.

Free essay on kindergarten education

Synoptic Overview The following is a brief synopsis of the main ideas presented by Jones, Reutzel and Fargo in their scholarly treatise on the efficacy of two different methods of writing instruction on the reading skills of kindergarten students. The students then begin the writing exercise, with or without direct assistance β†’

Good example of dementia caregiving critical thinking

The care provided to the dementia sufferers by their family caregivers determines the quality of life and wellbeing of these care recipients. History In the eighteenth century, dementia was classified as a reversible mental impairment with psychosocial incapabilities, regardless of the age. In the USA 75 % of the β†’

Software development methodologies literature review examples

To achieve this role, the developer creates a foundation through definitions, visualization, validation and understanding the character of the information process. After depiction of the pattern of information, the developer then establishes a frame work of data together with the features of the information to be stored. To be used effectively for a project, DSDM β†’

Ping sweeps and port scans

Although ping sweeping and port scanning are dangerous can lead to data and information loss, they can easily be detected and defended against. The ping is an important utility of the Internet Control Message Protocol that helps in verifying that a given host is operational. If the organization deploys the necessary tools, dealing β†’

Adolescent substance abuse treatment approaches paper research paper examples

As such, the question is thus: What treatment approach seems best suited for adolescent substance abuse treatment and why? There are many treatment approaches to adolescent substance abuse, but there is no one best approach. Despite the inexhaustive list, some of the adolescent substance intervention approaches are an admixture of the various human domains, secular β†’

Feedback & reinforcement article review example

He argued that the organisms were not changed by the environment, but were forced to change their behaviors so as to adapt to the changes in the environment. Being such a well developed theory, Darwin could borrow some ideas from it in coming up with his theory, and he actually did by borrowing some aspects β†’

Someone who changed my life essay sample

My sincere gratitude extends to the Almighty Father in heaven for giving me a loving father who guided me in a righteous and formal way. I could not have a better family to make my life happier and better as family forms a foundation to development of positive personality.

Program created

Next, it is necessary to define the tools that are going to be used and then apply them to the tool paths or curves and state what process is required to operate.E.g. It is related specifically to the component that is required to be created within this project.

Example of public policy essay

However, key questions remain as to how the American system of government is informed of the need to take actions on such policy issues and who is responsible for developing solutions and setting the public policy agenda in government. In considering a range of public policy issues, one cannot ignore the responsibility for the development β†’

Developing good business sense

While in the AT&T store I noticed the environment was attracted paced however the employees were focused on customer service and fulfilling the customer need. The MOM within the store as extremely organized and accessible to customers and the entire representative was extremely knowledgeable with all of the devices. I β†’

The problem of women’s rights in the world essay sample

Women have been perceived as the lesser group compared to their male counterparts. The 2009 World Economic Forum report revealed that men and women in all countries in the entire world are not equal. They are not able to contribute to the country's economy to their full potential. Violence is also another factor that adversely β†’

Nursing admission essay

With this in mind, it is inevitable that I pursue nursing up to PHD level if I get the chance, the same spirit that prompted me to join a Saudi Arabian University to pursue a Bachelor of Science Degree in Nursing. In addition, I am a consummate problem solver, and worth saying, is my organized β†’

Las package that is more met all requirements

Combination said that the central focuses in the Merge Mini are adaptable like the greater model, yet the new contraption has a littler IPD modification. It's indistinguishable whether the best IPD width is littler in the Merge Mini appeared differently in relation to the Merge Googles. It's vague whether the greatest IPD width is smaller β†’

7 ways to politely shut down a conversation

Set an appointment. You do not want to risk offending someone with whom you are trying to establish a relationship, so if you are too busy at the moment to chat, suggest finding another time, like lunch or drinks after hours, that will work for the both of you. The 'pass off.' When you are β†’

Communication differences: male vs. female

In this presentation, I will try my hardest to communicate to you, both men and women, what these differences are and hopefully fulfill you with a better understanding of why we communicate differently and how to break those barriers for your professional and personal lives.1. Women tend to be more emotionally involved with communicating and β†’

Listening observation activity critical thinking sample

Brief Overview of the School Meeting The William County School Board Meeting was viewed through YouTube as posted on October 17, 2012 on the URL http://www.youtube.com/watch? v= qUZJ8UuyDdU. The first part enjoined the participants to profess the Pledge of Allegiance; and followed by the approval of the agenda after some corrections were apparently noted.

Scams are one of the most common types of fraudulent – nigerian scams

The messages are an opening gambit designed to draw potential victims deeper into the scam. Those who initiate a dialogue with the scammers by replying to a Nigerian scam message will eventually be asked for advance fees supposedly required to allow the deal to proceed. The major purpose of these scam messages β†’

Richard iii essay example

The play attempts to focus on the intricacy of relationships between the main Richard character and his sycophant courtiers who are only out after one thing and that is the grabbing of power. The focus of the play remains the study of how power corrupts and how death begets death. The staging will be modern β†’

Effective strategies for enhancing successful team performance

The following are some of the strategies. Measurement System: Estimating group performance is fundamental to figuring out how to enhance and upgrade the group's productivity. Incentives can do miracles for efficiency and give the inspiration that the group needs to begin exceeding expectations. Creating Templates: While dealing with a project that is reoccurring and requires β†’

Identify core counselling skills essay sample

Clarifying is another tool used by the trained counsellor as a way of checking that they have understood what their client has been talking about. Using silence is a skill that can be beneficial to the client under the appropriate circumstances. Sympathy is more likely to be used in a non-professional relationship; identifying with β†’

Example of accounting/business administration essay

This paper will look at timeline for social media technology and summarize with positive and negative changes of social media technology. Social Media Technology timeline Technology was used early and it has diverged drastically from its preliminary primary role of dispensation in accounting transactions and sustaining financial reports. Thus social media technology enhances quality β†’

Ningbo university international college

Part B) List and explain the likely impact of poor communications skills for a company. Part B) Outline the importance of good communication skills in team building and its importance in a work environment.

Orlando portuondo essay examples

In this article, I would like to give an in-depth analysis of the three parts of the Rhetorical Triangle-speaker, audience, and situation and explore how they impacted on the successful transmission of the message to the targeted audience. It was in a conference room equipped with the necessary tables and chairs which were well arranged β†’

Wlan design and set up essay example

This is also influenced by the number of devices such as laptops that have the ability to connect to a wireless network hotspot reducing the number of cables required to establish a complete network. One of the main factors to consider while establishing any wireless network is network security. Setting up the network involves the β†’

Good essay about need and related to the class introduction to law enforcement. write a brief

Introduction to Law Enforcement Introduction Law enforcement is the legal process of ensuring that laws and legislations of a state or a country are protected and persons who go against the constitutional requirements are charged and if found guilty are punished. William argues that law enforcement is a societal concern and duty β†’

Roles of verbal and nonverbal communication

Nobody is to be left out for we all need to be on the same page when it comes to our clients, for they are the true essences of our company. The communication needs to be precise and to the point to keep the listeners attention.

Example of sensory perceptions creative writing

The paper examines the reliability of the human senses and interpretation of sensory information. Reasons for Believing in the Accuracy of Sensory Data The first the rationale for believing in accuracy of sensory information is based on the process through which humanity perceives experiences. The rational of believing in the accuracy of the sensory β†’

Good example of language development essay

She rebuked my conduct, arguing that I had to let others contribute to the conversation because that is the only way that could see communication work to improve the relationships among children. According to my mother dominating a conversation was mean and could not allow me to learn new things from my peers and siblings. β†’

Good understanding and implementing the clt (communicative language teaching) paradigm essay example

All the changes in the paradigm shift enable learners to have a better understanding in teaching. This is because it mostly encourages post positivism hence, no limits in the learning process. Understanding the communicative language-teaching paradigm is beneficial to learners and teachers.

Evaluation of the effects of media content consumption on audiences

It abbreviates the separation between individuals, synchronizes the cognizance of the general population of the world, and empowers to achieve a common understanding and union in a brief timeframe. In China, the ethical research about of the media begun exceptionally late.

Good example of dream deffered by langston hughes essay

The poem is irregular in terms of placing of words and is equally sharp for the policy makers and people who segregated from African Americans in the contemporary society. Hughes has expressed his agony in this poem and portrays the sufferings and racial discriminations of African Americans in 1950's.

Three key aspects to create a successful clickbait

You can also put something in parenthesis and add it to the end of your title.and are two good ones. A shocking title and adding to it is a great combination that's sure to get you plenty of clicks. Next you have to create an eye-catching thumbnail.

Good example of essay on advance writing

People have to learn language in order for writing and reading to be possible. The existence of different languages has pushed many people to learn more than one language. This creates a common ground for understanding among different people from different parts of the world. Language variety is an important term in the sections of β†’

Group communication essay

The group was made up of 12 members who shared a common understanding of the problem and were familiar with the various aspects of the probable solutions. However, the disadvantage with this structure was that our club head, who assumed the role of group leader, was the least experienced in the matter at hand. We β†’

Good essay on recognizing your own writing style & adapting a different style

We need to clearly identify the communication objectives, the topic of discussion, purpose of serving the audience, and the characteristics of the audience. In a given situation, we will be delivering a lecture to the students on any of the given academic subjects.

Intercultural communication

Intercultural communication In this assignment we discover some of the aspects of intercultural communication such as: the reasons for the increase in intercultural, the differences between cultures in nonverbal cues, the likeness of ethical norms between cultures, the definition of cultural homogenization and the need for community building between cultures. Some of the different β†’

Tatyana telemanyuk

In the other article " Man to Man, Women to Women" by Mark A. In the article " Man to Man, Women to Woman" by Mark A.

How you’re creating your own talent shortage

If there are any errors on the application, resume and cover letter, yet the person seems qualified and competent in every aspect except for social media grammar errors, it may be time to give him or her a second chance. 3. Scan through each job board and social network to decide which ones best fit β†’

Ignou eeg-03

In this assignment two kinds o f questions have been asked.'I'he first.such as I and 5 arc based on the materials presented in the units and the second are questions that test your communication skills - such as I , 2. 3 ) M'ritc the Course I'itle, Assignment Number and the name o f β†’

Different communication theories essay sample

The humanistic approach is used for counseling, the cores conditions are active listening, unconditional positive regard, and empathy. It is worthwhile to develop an emphatic understanding of the person you are talking to. This theory allows health practitioners to demonstrate non-judgmental behavior towards the patients and this allows clients to develop a trustworthy relationship with β†’

Free essay on successful completion

To demonstrate my the learning benefits I gained from the course, I will try to determine how the course helped me out in developing eight primary outcomes that improved both my skills and my personality as a person pursuing a career in communication technology. First to note is the improvement β†’

Animal farm literary analysis essay

In the story, Animal Farm, the author demonstrates the power of language as a mean of control in Old Major's speech, the commandments, and in Squealer's explanations of Napoleon's false testimonies. The power of language as a mean of control is demonstrated in the seven commandments due to the fact that they are a list β†’

Beowulf a good leader

Beowulf is a good leader because he shows bravery, honor, and loyalty to his people in spite of the dangers he faces throughout the poem. In the story, Beowulf knew that his people needed a leader and that he was the only one who could save them. To be labeled a good leader, a person β†’

Female power in macbeth and β€˜the laboratory

Likewise Lady Macbeth exploits her sexual hold over Macbeth as means to persuade him to commit murder.' And you would be so much How do the writers explore female power in Macbeth and ' The Laboratory'? Both include a strong, crafty and dominant female character and Shakespeare and Browning explore these β†’

Jane eyre’s gothic theme

The novel combines the passionate fairy tale of a damsel in distress with a prevalent gothic theme that is heavily symbolized throughout the novel. It tells a story of a woman who is struggling to find and maintain her self-worth in the rigid class structure. There are multiple elements of the gothic theme in the β†’

Summary of romeo and juliet

Juliet takes somewhat of a pause after she says " till I behold him." She wants to see Romeo again but at the same time she has to hide him from her mother and make her believe that she blames Romeo for the death of Tybalt. Juliet does a lot of talking β†’

Animal farm theme of power: leadership and corruption

Jones, Snowball versus Napoleon, the common animals versus the pigs, Animal Farm versus the neighboring humans but all of them are expressions of the underlying tension between the exploited and exploiting classes and between the lofty ideals and harsh realities of socialism Conflicts As the book is quite plainly written it is easy to spot β†’

Hamlet’s character

In William Shakespeare's Hamlet, Hamlet can be characterised as a curious individual as he goes through a adventure of getting revenge for his father and making sure nobody knows his plans. In Act 3 Scene 1, As Hamlet is about to meet Ophelia, he goes into detail about his vision on life and death β†’

Film characters analysis

This leads to his ambition to rise in the ranks which spill into him committing dreadful acts to gain prominence. This quote also shows how Joe exaggerates to be larger in life than he is. This also is shown when joe and billy are kissing at the start of play. Like the play, Joe's actions β†’

A warrior’s letter about the monster grendel in the story “beowulf” essay sample

I could hear him getting closer and closer to where the place I lay on the cold, chilling ground, praying that I will not be joining the deceased souls of my fellow comrades. You could almost smell and taste the human blood and flesh that seemed to be drifting in the air. I could β†’

Poor fate of ophelia

However unfortunately, Hamlet never had a thing for her this whole time. Due to Hamlet, who did told her that she should go to a nunnery because that is the best thing for her rather than getting married, she was honestly hurt by such harshly said words. But when Hamlet screamed at the top of β†’

Macbeth – notes on elements of the gothic in the play

An Elizabethan audience would have been genuinely terrified by the events on stage as they believed that witches did exist, murder by witchcraft was made punishable in 1563 thus demonstrating that people during this era believed witches were real and had magical powers. The theme of equivocation is used by Shakespeare to highlight the β†’

Someone i admire

To sum up, Hermione is my inspiration because she is so intelligent and good. She accepts her status as a Muggle-born witch, and states in Deathly Hallows that she is " a Mudblood and proud of it" Hermione is an exceptionally talented young witch.

Romeo and juliet character description essay

I do not approve the nurse decision being helpful about Romeo and Juliet's relationship. Currently, I have not read that much in the play of Romeo and Juliet. That's why the nurse made an impact because she abetted Juliet into marrying Romeo.

Health implications and identifying

The health problems that they experience will not stop as a result of lack of awareness of the health impact of trafficking and the sensitivity of the subject. Health care workers, such as nurses fail to understand the signs and impact of human trafficking on the health of the victims.

The economy of venezuela

The part of the year with the lowest unemployment rate tends to be November and December, with the percentage skyrocketing in January, which is the highest point of unemployment all year.The definition of unemployment in Venezuela is a little bit different than in the U.S. Between April 2011 and March 2013, the highest unemployment rate β†’

Native american education essay

Due to poverty, low wages paid to the teachers and difference in language and culture, it has been difficult to retain the teachers in schools that provide education to Native Americans. There has always been a great success in elementary schools that enroll the Native Americans, whose culture and language β†’

The american indian education essay examples

The world wars, especially World War One, also had a great influence to the migration of Indians into the country. During the periods that this unit has been taught in universities and colleges, there has been a significant acceptance of the Indians into the American societies unlike it was in the past. It goes beyond β†’

The progressive era history essay

The Progressive era in the United States which lasted from 1890 to 1920 was known for two things, namely that it was a period of progressive social movement and change that sought to reform many aspects of the country such as the government and economy. It was also known as the era of Prohibition β†’


Engs from Indiana University states " The legal drinking age should be lowered to about 18 or 19 and young adults allowed to drink in controlled environments such as restaurants, taverns, pubs and official school and university functions." - I believe that the legal drinking age in the United States should be lowered to the β†’

The crack epidemic of the 1980s essay

However, drugs have never been such an acute problem as it used to be in the 1980s during the crack epidemic. How did the epidemic begin? In this essay, I also want to share my ideas and views on the truth of the crack epidemic. According to one of the most reputable journalists, Gary Webb, β†’

Writer creative writing sample

3 " New York: Sunshine and Shadow " The third episode of the seven-part documentary about the history of New York, takes the viewer to the second part of the 19th century, a period rich in radical changes that affected the lives of its ever-growing population. It follows a chronological approach, beginning from the β†’

Free essay on quiz 3

If x is causally sufficient for y, then it is necessary that y is causally necessary for x. Construct an evil twin for the following valid argument form: P1: If Not-A then P2: Not-A C: B and C " Not ". Damning evidence might be known by the arguer to β†’

Ashley very influential person at the time,

Everything was seen in only the perspective that would help benefit those in the hearing community instead of those actually deaf themselves. Without the exposure to the those in part of the Deaf community, a division and ignorance was created between oralist advocates and sign language. The combined method for educating and communicating for Deaf β†’

Morphology research paper

The beans are singular sections of the seeds of the Sebastiana Paviniana shrubs. HABITAT AND GEOGRAPHIC RANGE Sebastiana pavoniana are found in the states of Chihuahua and Sonora in the Rio Mayo region. In fact, the Alamos in Mexico is dubbed the 'jumping bean capital of the world'.

How a new york storefront points out the joy of the pencil

Initially she kept her stock in a closet in her apartment." The nice thing about pencils is they do not take up a lot of room," she quips. Pencil pusher: Weaver turned tosocial mediato spread the word." I love Instagram. Ultimately, she would like to open a store in Tokyo." The Japanese are so obsessed β†’

Reverse discrimination essay

The accusation of ' reverse discrimination' is often directed against those favoring equity programs or affirmative action programs. Online Dictionary) White males undergo Reverse Discrimination in schools, like in the Regents of the University of California vs. Invisible Victims: White Males and the Crisis of Affirmative Action.

Free critical thinking on democracy in american political culture

Many joined the league of democrats since they believed that the government will create massive job opportunities to the jobless and lower the cost of living to its citizens therefore making life affordable to all citizens. Many believed that democrat party includes every spirit that has an affluent and a β†’