600 Words Essay Samples

Impact of police brutality

Many of you are probably wondering why I chose this topic, and it is simply because it has probably touched every single person in this room, whether you witnessed it, heard about it or were a victim of it yourself but nothing Is being said or done to stop it. I am not β†’

Israeli intelligence agencies

Apart from that, there was other information, which slipped from the US to Israel and eventually to the USSR resulting in the loss of American agents, who were operating within the USSR. Israel and the United States: six decades of US-Israeli relations.

Knowledge sharing

To retain the knowledge base within the organization, there has to be a knowledge sharing culture within the company. Knowledge sharing comes to the rescue once again by not only conserving the knowledge base, but also upgrading the same What is the role of technology in sharing knowledge?

Good the contemporary style of teaching and learning research paper example

The modern teaching as a concept develops around the need of integrating the freedom into the educational system in order to make the experience enjoyable for students. The teacher has to engage the students into the class discussions so that they can have the opportunity of participating in the proceedings.

Rebook – the notebook of the future

Around 10 liters of water is used to produce a single sheet of paper and consequently the pulp and paper industry is the single largest industrial consumer of water in Western countries. Solution RE-book is a reusable notebook whose contents can be erased by microwaving the book for 30 seconds. Once all the pages β†’

Example of historic and current impact of computer technology on the economy, environment, essay

This is so because in practice, computers have enhanced the use of papers whereby many people prefer storing their work in hardcopy to avoid losing them in case the computer crashes. For example, invention of computers has led to lack of affective feedback in the society.

Patent for eli whitney’s cotton gin research paper examples

It shows the document that Whitney received for his invention to help increase the production of cotton in the United States. Despite bringing the case against the owners of these pirated versions to court, loopholes in the wording of the 1973 patent act prevented Whitney from winning any suit until 1800, when the law was β†’

Good article review about the rise of mobile x-ray technology

However, one of the main drivers of the mobile X-Ray technology is the increasing demand for wireless connectivity where radiologists and medical technologists can perform X-Ray imaging in half the time. The article encompasses a complete analysis of the technology providing both the pros and cons of mobile X-Ray. The Improvement Contribution of Mobile X-Ray β†’

Testing system and standardized testing in the us research proposal examples

It is usually done before and after a system is established. Objectives of Research Proposal a) Examine the various details of a testing system b) Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of a testing kit. Literature Review Sequences of systematic measures are referred to while carrying out the tests. For example the person β†’

Consequences of technology: telemedicine essay example

The quality and availability of care to patients is remote areas is boosted. The unexpected concerns with telemedicine are expected in terms of cost. The lack of empirical data to determine the specific cost of telemedicine is what is pulling down its implementation in public and private sectors.

Hp financial services

Christopher and Towill quoted Lowson et al's definition as:...a state of responsiveness and flexibility...[that]...provide[s] a highly diverse range of products and services to a customer/consumer in the exact quantity, variety and quality, and at the right time, place and price as dictated by real-time customer/consumer demand.... Mutual co-operation among all partners in the supply chain β†’

Example of essay on assembly bill 60: drivers licenses for undocumented immigrants in california

The California Assembly Bill 60 is an assembly bill in the California Assembly that will make it easier for immigrants within California who are undocumented or in California illegally to obtain California driver's licenses. Supporters of the law claim that the law will allow undocumented and illegal immigrants to drive more safely β†’

New immigrants vs. old immigrants

The New immigrants and Old immigrants differed greatly in their behavior and qualities which was also pertained to the America they found between 1880 and 1940. It is also important to mention that the New immigrants were reluctant to blend in and they were very ethnic in their ways.

Middle eastern american research paper

They have largely contributed to the growth of the American society and as well as the economy of the nation due to their entrepreneurial traits. After the enacting of the Immigration and Nationality Act of 1965, a new wave of immigrants from the Middle East countries was witnessed.

Diversity worksheet

Ethnicity is based on the person's origin, therefore in this group we would categorize people according to where their ancestors are from. I believe people label and group other people because they are uninformed to the facts of the other's culture, religion, race, etc.grouping they are categorizing people in.

Article review on envy up, scorn down: how comparison divides us by susan t. fiske

We should be cautious enough to patiently study, analyze and understand the intensions and the ability of people to influence our lives in whatever way. In addition, I would like to agree with this writer for suggesting that the only surest way to mitigate envy and scorn is through empathy and recognition. Many people, especially β†’

The burger king: building of an empire

This ensured that BK was on the fore-front in the provision of fast-food services despite the mass media influence that claimed BK as a bad client. This helped boost and revive BK's sales majorly. Question 2: Together with its implications does BK alienate other customers with its focus on the super fan? BK stands to β†’

Debating two opposite ideologies of conquerors: han dynasty and roman empire

Due to key cultural differences in Han and Roman society, their notion of technology splinters off into two similar but distinct schools of thought based on the influence of the patriarchal society and the ideology of the mandate of heaven in Han China, and the emphasis on philosophy and religion in Roman society. Han China β†’

States pursuing empires

s Pursuing Empires In Shmuel Eisenstadt's monumental analysis, The Political Systems of Empire, a purely political definition of the concept states that empires are centralized, bureaucratic forms of rule which should be contrasted to modern states characterized, inter alia, by the " greater differentiation of political activities, the distribution of political rights or the weakening β†’

The fall of the han dynasty with the fall of the roman empire essay sample

China's increase in population contributed to the collapse of the empire as did the decrease of the Roman population. In contrast to China, the eastern part of the empire maintained the tradition of imperial Rome, the Byzantine Empire, for another thousand years.

Essay on national labor relations board

The following discussion provides an overview of the board and its functions, jurisdiction, and the procedures through which the board attains its objectives, core values, and aims. Overview of the Board and its functions National Labor Relations Board is an independent organization within the borders of the Unites States of β†’

Secrets of finding and keeping good employees

On the other hand, Interviewing is an important process in the preselection of good employees and so opening a gate to have the right person in the right position. Interviewing is an art of gathering information and trying to learn about candidates before selection. Finally, companies should be aware of matching the right person to β†’

The involvement of employees

Unions being the part of the modern organizations often seem to resist the technological changes mainly due to skill obsolete created by technology. The existing research focused on finding the employee relationship in relation to the technological change and how the unions, as institutional mechanism can interfere into such process of change β†’

The phrase “freedom of speech”

However, the idea of a young adult relaying a message of their own devising threatens the ideas of other individuals in a growing populace. These instances encourage them to learn that their words need to be monitored and carefully selected within any community. The right to free-speech comes with extensive responsibilities, and failing to meet β†’

Free literature review on education means more to frederick douglass than simply learning to read and write

Douglass knew that in order to achieve freedom, he will have to pursue further education, he requested the white children around him to assist in reading a book that he had.' The Columbian Orator' was the book that Douglass had acquired at the age of twelve in this book; he found solace as it deemed β†’

Economic freedom free health care term paper examples

This is why economic freedom is being used all over the world today. Free health care The demand side of the health care is the patients who demand medical attention while the supply side is the health care centers like hospitals and pharmacies. It is rare to have a surplus supply of health care β†’

Good essay about walking by the spirit

Paul gives the principle of walking by the Spirit and not by the flesh. C. The flesh is in opposition to the work of the Spirit. III.

Bhs 220 case 5

The null hypothesis will be as follows:- H0: A= B (There is no difference between drug A and drug B) Alternative hypothesis on the other hand is the proposition that prevails in the event that there is sufficient evidence to reject the null hypothesis. If the probability is less than or equal to the significance β†’

Theory, operationalization, and observation

The researcher may adopt the hypothesis that delinquency is inversely related to social class whereby as social class goes up, delinquency reduces. Operationalization encompasses developing operational definitions, or stipulating the precise operations involved in identifying and measuring variables needed to be observed. For instance, in the stated example, the variables encompass social class and delinquency. β†’

Existing body of knowledge

Attainable: A research paper must provide a thesis statement, one that answers the research question and contributes to the knowledge of the given subject. Time: A research paper cannot be written without the researcher knowing the limits, timeshares, and focus of the required work. Without the writer / researcher stating the scope and limitations of β†’

Geomorphology 2 – lab report example

The radiocarbon age-based sedimentation rate is considered unrealistic and cannot relied upon because of the fluctuations witnessed in the rate of production of carbon 14 at the top of the atmosphere. What are the sedimentation rates for radiocarbon age-depth curve and calibrated age-depth curve From the gradient of the curve, The sedimentation rate for β†’

Congregation and the urban landscape of milwaukee

The concentration of the black in the area records the highest number of the families. b). Area A which is the first grade is with the white household, recording the highest number of people in the area. 2a).

Colonialism in southeast asia and the austral and pacific realms

Intermarriage of the Spanish and the Philippines led to the growth of a very strong community that became the most powerful politically and economically. In addition, the Spanish rule over the Philippines defined the modern state of the Philippines in matters concerning the social, religious, and ideological underpinnings. The Spanish rule over the Philippines had β†’

Geologic history

The geology of the Grand Canyon Inserts His/her Inserts Inserts Grade (December 02, -Outline -Introduction -Names, Composition and Ages of the rocks -Conclusion The geology of the grand canyon interprets the beautiful and complicated piece of artwork that nature can present. Geology on the other hand can be defined to as the formation of β†’

Week 11 exercise

By building the city at an interior and central position, the government desired to draw people away from the coastal strip and develop the interior parts of the nation. The region is the fastest growing and developing area in the city and has a population estimate of 65, 000 people.

Population geographies

While major cities are a focal point of public attention, urbanization will be concentrated in the smaller cities, which have inadequate resources to cater for the needs of the new urban population. In most countries, the total number of urban dwellers continues to swell at a higher rate than the cities' or towns' capacities to β†’

Ogallala aquifer

due: Ogallala Aquifer The Ogallala Aquifer underlies the Panhandle and is the origin of irrigation water in the entire Texas Panhandle region, where agricultural production has been one of the major economic activities. This has resulted to unfavorable economic realities which include reduced agricultural production, reduced revenue, lower tax revenues and also a reduction in β†’

The battle of algiers

Compare Frantz Fanons Wretched of the Earth book to the film " The battle of Algiers" The wretched of the earth is book written by Frantz Fanon which was published in 1961. The movie is also developed following the story in the book the " Wretched of the earth".

Reflection on the cultural geography of thailand

From the reading sources, some of the aspects that emerge as the prominent definers of the geography and culture of the country are religion, architectural design, language and the social life of the people of the country. The rich social art of Thailand amalgamates art and healing that draws from the traditional aspect making the β†’

Example of essay on literary scrap book

James Joyce, the author of this short story " Eveline" chooses Dublin to portray the position of women in Ireland and in the western world as at that time. They depict the male dominance of the western world back then and in the contemporary society. Just as Eveline is disrespected in the short story " β†’

Essay on western civilization from 16th century until the 18th century

This is not a complete list of what happened in the Western civilization for those three centuries. The 16th century was called the time of monarchs and palaces. The period of 16th and 18th centuries was the most effective in the history of Western civilization.

Essay on economic history

However, in the 19th century and the 20th century, there have been significant economic alignment and integration of the world economy typically referred to the as the global economy. As I continue with studies in the field economic history, I will be able to narrow down to a specific area of interest, with the help β†’

Free essay about eurocentrism and west-centrism

The victimizers are the West themselves corporate forces, culture makers, legislators and more who set the rules and expand this influence of culture and behavior to the rest of the world. For one thing, a greater sense of restraint would have to be fostered by the West to stop foisting its culture and values onto β†’

Good essay on the eu foreign and security policy integration

Most of the parts of the EPC has transcended to the CFSP, independent from the Treaty of Rome and most of its decisions are done through unanimity, fostering common policies to develop for the region.The need for a CFSP had been outlined in the 1970 Luxembourg Report that created the EPC. The Maastricht Treaty of β†’

Research paper on fava seeds

Seeds are formed to complete the reproduction process and also to help in the spread of flowering plants. Supply of nutrients for the embryo It stores food for that facilitates the growth of the seedling. Scarification is important to a fava bean seed because it helps to break the seed physically and it also β†’

Example of essay on choosing a dissertation topic

Perhaps there is {a bit of research| a new type of study} that still needs to be done on a topic - for example, if you are {an educator, you might want to research the effect of homeschooling on the scores of college students who have had that background| a biologist, you might want to β†’

The unification church essay examples

The Unification Church Commonly referred to as the church of the ' Moonies,' the movement of the Unification Church was instituted in the year 1954 in South Korea. Other than this academy, they have a seminary in the United States of America and several other institutions. Based on the Divine Principle, the Moonies β†’

Good essay on clarify the biblical scheme chosen by michelangelo for the sistine chapel ceiling

Michelangelo began in 1508 the Sistine Chapel and in a period of 4 years he painted the ancestors of Christ, the Old Testament Prophets and the pagan Sibyls. The complete work of the Sistine Chapel of Michelangelo shows a complete world history from the very beginning of Creation, the Old Testament including the Prophets β†’

Free research paper on religion

He claims to be the bible truth caster and steward of the mysteries of God. The information on the website of Eli Soriano focuses on the bible as the primary source whenever appropriate as evident from the catchphrase: " Ask Soriano, The Bible Will Answer". Eli Soriano: Steward of the β†’

Significant accomplishments of theodore roosevelt essay examples

From a general perspective, his key accomplishments are the emphasis on protection of public interest, expansion of the involvement of the United States in world affairs and social and economic reforms. Roosevelt always considered himself as the people's steward and felt obligated to take any necessary actions for the public good. In order to protect β†’

Human rights and present human freedom

This concept is something that has made us think in many ways, because many times, the do what we want, can take us to the wrong path, which may end up making us lose it. Since the beginning of man to the present human freedom has played an important role β†’

India and the global fight for lgbt rights

In January 2018, the Supreme Court agreed to refer the question of Section 377's validity to a large bench for examination before October. But, more recently India is in the brink of a breakthrough for gay rights.

Example of essay on media literacy

There has been war between the Arab countries and the US on grounds that they are seeking revenge. The genre of the piece of media discussed here is expository as it explains of the happening on the September 11. It is expository because it explains what took place on that day from the hijacking of β†’

International drug trafficking and terrorism

You are to choose a topic of interest from the list below and write a paper addressing the factors that have drawn you to the topic and its relevance to the study of politics. For example, the idea of a perfect society in connection to the ideals of democracy seems to depart conceptually from β†’

Adjusting to terrorism essay sample

Arizona established the Arizona Counter Terrorism Information Center which is nationally recognized for their tactical and strategic intelligence support to law enforcement agencies across the US and for being one of the states to be joint with the FBI's Terrorism Task Force. The center is operated by The Department of Public Safety β†’

Terrorism and society

MotivationOf Terrorism Attacks on 'collaborators' are used to intimidate people from cooperating with the state in order to undermine state control. This strategy was used in the USA in its War of Independence and in Ireland, in Kenya, in Algeria and in Cyprus during their independence struggles. Religious Terrorism Religious terrorism is terrorism β†’

The use of drones against american citizens essay

However, the solution is only availed to the citizens within the jurisdiction of the United States of America. In that respect, this paper supports the limited use of the drone attacks on the American citizens. In conclusion, it is necessary to strike a balance between individual rights and public rights.

What is the fair labor standards act? essay sample

Abstract " The Fair Labor Standards Act of 1938 is one of the most important pieces of legislation ever enacted, giving a voice to the millions of Americans in our workforce".Keywords: workforce What is The Fair Labor Standards Act? In 1983, President Roosevelt retained the Fair Labor Standards Act, which legitimately β†’

Employment responsibilities essay sample

The employer must then invite you to a meeting to discuss the grievance , at this meeting you can take someone with you (a work colleague or union representative). Following the meeting the employer must notify you in writing of any decisions and give you the right to appeal.

Rehabilitation after typhoon sendong essay sample

The project, dubbed the Community-Based Emergency Employment and Reconstruction Project , was a collaborative undertaking of the Department of Labor and Employment , International Labor Organization , Australian Agency for International Development and the local government units as part of their continuing efforts to provide relief to Sendong survivors. He β†’

Boston tea party: tea anyone?

In 10 Things You May Not Know About the Boston Tea Party, Christopher Klein reveals what most people do not know is the revolt was not named the Boston Tea Party until a half century later, also all the men who participated in the event have never been fully disclosed, there was a second Boston β†’

Martin luther king’s speech, “i have a dream” essay

King was educating inspiring and informing both the civil supporters and the unborn generation in the world to reach out to their dreams and giving his audience hope for a better future. Up to the time when he was delivering the speech, African Americans were still under slavery from the white people as indicated in β†’

African american history: tribute to sojourner truth

What is the title of the film you picked? The title of the film I decided to view is the " Tribute to Sojourner Truth".2.

American dream assignment

The second question ask was whether or not they believed that United States give opportunities to everyone and 68% said yes and 32% said no, revealing that U united States is a source of opportunities and aspiration to the majority of the people e that believe in the American Dream , however, we can conclude β†’

The life of nat turner analysis

Starting as a slave born in Virginia in October of 1800, to being the leader of the bloodiest and most memorable slave rebellion of the 1800s, Nat's impact can be felt even today. Some may view him as a hero for his rebellion against white oppression, whereas others feel as though he was a religious β†’

Russia in the 1960’s assignment

kaplan university student| | Compare and Contrast life in the U.S.and Russia in 1960| | Parthelia Bonnett| Unit 2 Assignment| | Russia is a Communist Country, where all the control of property is in the hand of the government directly. Life in the 1960's for both U.S.and Russia was a time of inventions, time β†’

Analysis of the movie max

The major theme in the movie is the aftermath of the First World War where by, after the collapse of the Kaiser Imperial Reich, the Germans entered in to the newly created Weimer Republic and were faced with the problems of unemployment, povertyand great difference between the haves and have-nots. The essence of the essay β†’

Example of americans and the holocaust essay

The American government was at the forefront, together with the Allies, to come up with the Nazi's solution. This paper will canvas, briefly, the knowledge and response of the Americans and Jewish community in American to perhaps in the words of Wilson Churchill the worst and greatest crimes committed against β†’

German dictatorship government vs. german democracy

Dictatorship is a government in which runs by unlimited power by the head of government or state, whereas a democracy is a government in which politicians contest for power as the people hold the highest rank of political supremacy. Hitler was appointed Chancellor on the 30th of January 1933 as head of the Nazi power β†’

Select and explain the most important factors that led to hitler’s rise to power in 1933

The majority of the public believed that Germany had not lost the war but in fact were winning it before they were " stabbed in the back" by the " November Criminals," the politicians who signed the Treaty of Versailles. The Treaty of Versailles had been criticised for causing the continual economicdepressionin Germany Before β†’

Article review on whats so bad about hate

What then could be the definition of hate that makes it so bad? The bad thing about hate is that it ultimately leads to the suffering of one group of people.

Game not over, not yet

EA's sales are down from previous years and they also missed the initial social gaming trend of which they are now trying hard to develop a digital platform for many of their popular games. The next perspective is resource-based view. EA was known for their resources because they had the human, physical, β†’

Example of essay on the oprah winfrey show and the ellen degeneres show

With the many celebrities having their own talk shows where each one seemingly has the same purpose, the respective celebrities try to come up with ways to make their shows distinct. Two of the popular talk shows are The Oprah Winfrey Show and the Ellen DeGeneres Show. It can be said that the two shows β†’

Essay on prcis 7

Nevertheless, he communicates the very important message of the dutiful existence of human beings through his views of life and the civilization. V.S. If one abides by the philosophy of Gandhi, then he needs to abstain from indulging in comforts of life.

Comparison of u.s. business partnerships: india and china

Hence, the aim of this paper is to assess the possible roles and potential similarities and differences between the two given their business partnership with the United States. The business partnership between China and the United States has continuously grown in terms of exports and imports since 1999, in addition β†’

The grapes of wrath- symbolism essay

Steinbeck uses the symbols of the dust and the turtle to show the struggles of the migrants and how they overcame all odds, revealing the only hope the migrants had to survive the harsh trek cross country was perseverance. The dust is the first significant symbol Steinbeck uses to represent the migrants and their struggles. β†’

Social class essay

The mentioned groupings include the upper class, the middle class and the lower class. Therefore, the cited flamboyantly fits the family into the upper middle class. The upper middle class has massively impacted on my life.

C’est la vie

C'est la vie The literary art of realism is used by authors in pieces of literature to portray how life really is for some people and also to prove that there is not a happy ending to every story. This was the time in history that writers realized that all stories did not need β†’

Essay analysis paper

Bookrags presented six steps to analyzing an essay as follows: 1 " Read the essay several times 2 Discuss with a teacher or peers 3 Tear apart the structure 4 Research the structure 5 Write an outline, and finally, 6 Write the analysis"." Virtual Romance" is a narration of a romance-gone-bonk between a β†’

Biography and facts about okaro white – american nba player

Standing at 6ft and 8 inches tall and weighing 93kg, Okaro is certainly a man with the looks to pursue the sport of his choice. His short career has seen him so far play in Italy, Greece, and in the United States where he has played for Miami Heat, Cleveland Cavaliers and currently is on β†’

The implication of management theory to todays administrative function essay sample

It has three schools of thinking: Scientific management, which looks at ' the best way' to do a job; Bureaucratic management, which focuses on rules and procedures, hierarchy and clear division of labor; and Administrative management, which emphasizes the flow of information within the organization. This chain of command facilitates the control and order throughout β†’

Tragic life of ella fitzgerald

From there it was all down hill for this sixteen year old and it was not long before she found herself in trouble with the law." You may be disappointed if you fail but your doomed if you do not try." These words spoken by Beverly Sills had to have somehow found their way into β†’

Essay on why do we write

The art of writing does not have any relationship with the nature or predisposition of a person in relation to the dominant values of life skills. The need to write and produce a magnanimous piece is inherent in the writer.

Early human evolution

The answers range from the mythological theories of creationism to the scientific perspectives of evolution. One of the very important aspects of that history is the discovery of Australopithecus afarensis.

Why would satanism be called magic

The practices take the turn of benefiting a few individuals who conform to the rules of engagement of the satanic world. The satanic practices involve the use of blood sacrifices to uplift the strength of influence to the masses.

Wave propagation reports examples

When we stood at the beaches and watched the waves, we guessed that the water moved towards the shore. When we watched carefully at some debris on the water, we noticed that a crest of a wave moved it towards the shore, but it moved back the same distance with the wave'

Enjoying life in vancouver creative writing samples

Finding pleasure in seeing people go about their activities and the beautiful sceneries that nature gives is one of the best things that happen to me. In most cases when I have no much activities during the day, I usually take a stroll down the city at night just to view the beauty of the β†’

Policy pitch: financial security and quality care for senior citizens essay examples

This policy focuses on two elements related to senior citizens and these are care services and financial security. The Canadian pension scheme has for long been faulted for failing to cater for all senior citizens. Many retirees have been forced to find means of sustaining themselves even after retiring due β†’

Chapter 3 summative assessment:

Chapter 3 Summative Assessment: Task: Create a " Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms For Dummies" DUE DATE: Purpose: To demonstrate your understanding of the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms Linked to: I Can statements : How does the Charter protect individual rights and freedoms? How does the Charter affect the workplace? β†’

Theory shaw and mckay’s (1942) model has been

In fact, residential mobility is onecharacteristic that is shown to affect crime in a neighborhood (Boggess , 2010; Bursik & Webb, 1982; Porter & Vogel, 2014; Smith , 1989). A study that was conducted by Bursik and Webb alsolooked at Shaw and McKay's work. Theirconclusion was also very similar to Bursik and Webb β†’

Diagnostics of adhd (attention deficit hyperactivity disorder) in american children

ADHD has a lot of different types of symptoms. Common symptoms of ADHD are Fidgets with or taps hands or feet, or squirms in seat. One more symptom of ADHD the child's behavior can be described as dreamy or unable to pay attention.

Obvious and less obvious reasons to catch a cold: lack of sleep and dressing thin

Looking back, I now realize that not properly dressing for the weather and lacking adequate sleep caused the onset of the dreaded cold. As soon as the first signs of spring were present, I immediately ran to my closet, and searched for my summer attire. I was extremely tired and still had to run around β†’

A good attitude equals a good life

Three ways to help you maintain a good attitude in order to maintain a happy life are look at the positive, treat others the way you want to be treated, and never hold a grudge. Just because someone hurt you do not mean we should make our lives filled with hate and resentment instead we β†’

Haydn surprise symphony essay examples

The music is lively and invites us to dance and even celebrate. The music is meant to make people reflect and that is exactly what it does.

The secret to happiness is giving back to others

It is a ripple effect where we inspire those around us to do the same. Such activities will inspire our future generation to help the community, their classmates, and friends, and their loved ones. What you can do to give to others is to give someone your time.

Free completed–final letter to the instructor essay example

This semester my writing improved as I became a better person in your guidance. I have written a variety of papers, the Argumentative paper was an eye opener for me as I had to find solid reasons to support my stand. The topic of racial terrorism had to be discussed, β†’