550 Words Essay Samples

Feeling after concert

The performances of the students of MU School of Music, Department of Arts and Department of Theatre have once again proven the high-quality education that they received from the university. The stage presence of the cast of the concert is very remarkable.

Annotated bibliography

In The Oxford Dictionary of Dance. Wendy Hilton: A Life in Baroque Dance and Music.

The valuable than honorable goals. after ww1 america

Based off of Long Island, New York, the novel is a symbolic reflection of the idealistic dissolution of wealth and materialistic views of an American life in the 1920's. The wild parties, the jazz music, the wealthy important people of the society all compact in one place, is the epitome of the ruined idea of β†’

Green days by the river

In this case as I mentioned before Shell is a fifteen year old boy who has chosen to work over obtaining an education to help out his family, especially his mother financially. With Shell being able to work, he is able to help out his family tremendously especially his mother who was the only one β†’

Broadway musicals – response journal

In the beginning of the song itself she says that there a lot of fish in the sea, and that she still wants the one not meant for her. Thus, the connotative information suggested by the song is that she is lonely and still yearns for someone who is not meant for her.

Country they settled down in memphis tennessee

He started his love for country music when he was in the military. The touring and the stresses took a toll on his life where he turned to drugs and alcohol.

Rock and roll music

Released in 1956, the song has become a hit not because of its message but more so, because of the genre and the talent of the singer. The speaker, the relationship of the text to the music and the double entendre contained in the text will be scrutinized to further understand and appreciate such a β†’

Strong argument that smartphones have negative effect on

Strong statements ariseon both sides of the argument when it comes to impacts of smartphones on ourlife. One thought that supports the argument that smartphoneshave negative effect on society is that it has taken away our focus fromdriving, to family, to our surroundings.

The confession and crime

Han kills his wife believing that he married her while pregnant and therefore, the dead child is not his while Kuzmich is pushed to the wall by his friends to steal from the cash box. Third Topic Sentence: Just as the baby is the source of Han's antagonism towards his wife, Kuzmich's wife and other β†’

Beethoven symphony no. 3 any movement

However, in the year 1804, in a move to avoid paying a fee to the royal patron, Beethoven withdrew the dedication of the composition to Napoleon. He further claims that the name of Buonaparte, beautifully inscribed on the top of the composition, is all that Beethoven close friends saw with that Beethoven beneath the composition.


The first advantage of playing musical instrument is increase the capacity of your memory.A. Next, the advantage of playing musical instrument is expose to cultural history of an instrument.A.

Poetry essay harlem

The poem " Harlem" questions the consequences of a deferred dream. We can appreciate this the moment we start reading the first stanza and noticed that it is a large open question, " What happens to a dream deferred? " There is a shift in tone between the first and second stanza " Does it β†’

Good concert review essay example

The introduction of the new songs in the Musicians set list set the theatre alive with sound and shouting. The set was introduced the song ' The Message' which is a song full of criticism of the way government carries out surveillance in the country.


Using Music to express different Emotions For a long time, music has been defined as a form of art used to express a diverse range of emotions. Music psychology has been developed in a bid to analyze the psychological aspects of music in terms of the emotions conveyed and those elicited in the listeners.

Brahms symphony no.3 programme note

" Manymusiclovers will prefer the titanic force of the first symphony; others the untroubled charm of the second, but the third strikes me at being artistically the most nearly perfect." Edward Hanslick, music critic. The other is the repeated use of an F- Ab F motive, which gives a diminished sound that is completely unexpected.

Music appreciation

In the concert, the range of the piano was high. In the hall, I saw my instructor James Martin, who was the conductor of the following music show, and Nora Chiang Worbel, the pianist for the concerto.

Example of essay on anatomy

This means that the legs require more oxygen compare to the breast, thus the amount of myoglobin in the legs is more than that of the breast. Sometimes, tumor in the brain or nerve is the cause of this irritation.

The challenge of starting up a new internet venture

Not only facing the threats of new entrants and substitute, what really bothers MusicJuice.net is the high bargaining power of supplier, i.e.the musicians. The business of MusicJuice.net is bet on the quality of their signed musicians, but what musicians really cares is to expand their fans network, but not to build any relationship with a β†’

Sample research paper on mobile banking

Mobile banking services were first introduced in 1992: a pioneer in this field was the Merita Nordbanken Bank, and since 1999 mobile banking started to spread in South-East Asia, Europe and the USA. To use this service, the person needs to be a customer of the Bank and have an account in their online system.

Ssh file transfer protocol and ssh plum xterm essay sample

By typing $ ssh host who in the terminal window 3 How would you use scp to copy ~/.bashrc file from the system named plum to the local system? On Sam's system, sendmail passes the email to the local MDA.d.

Financial services essays examples

Therefore, the present value of the savings will be $ 1, 600, 000 [1 ^ -20]/ 0. The IRR will be calculated by utilizing the costs of $ 9, 000, 000 and the savings of $ 13, 621, 702.

Growing up online movie review

The other step is to teach the children and teenagers to avoid bad things and people in the Internet and to be kind and considerate towards other people's feelings. Teenagers are very smart, so they can even hide the information of the computer from the other person, when they have the possibility to view their β†’

Assessing the impact of using internet for competitive intelligence

The aim of this article is to assess the impact of the Internet on CI and the subsequent effects on the organization. Results and implications The results of this study indicate that using the Internet has a positive impact on the quality of CI information.

Example of my literacy journey of reading and writing essay

Before one perfects these skills, one has to star from a point of not knowing how to read and write to a point of knowing how to do so. At one point, I did not know how to write let alone reading, but then I have grown over time and today, I am well versed β†’

Essay on prezi vs. powerpoint

His theory with Prezi is that when it is being used during a presentation with a presenter in front and participants who have attended a session on the grounds of the abstract or title of the session, it is not going to be somewhat different from PowerPoint. He goes on to say that prezi is β†’

Should employers monitor internet usage?

Now employers are concerned with internet abuse and they are finding themselves in the highly controversial position of wanting to monitor Internet use. While many employers allow and even expect their employees to make personal use of the internet from time to time, recent studies have shown that as much as 51% of an employee's β†’

Technology use and abuse essay sample

It is like we are never happy enough, we just want to have more and more and more of whatever is the new gadget in the market. For example, we can connect with our friends and people in the other side of the world.

Free think again: aljazeera essay example

The role of media is thereby seen as largely to shape and influence the public opinion or perception of the war, or the international community's view of the humaneness of the war. The pentagon claimed it was in order to show the factual happenings of the war, whether good or bad, although the journalists themselves β†’

Marketing essay

The distributor Lion Gate is interested in knowing about how the scope of plot and the performance of actors will attract target audience to flock into cinemas and enjoy the concept of Flash Trading and the use of technology derailing operations and sustainability of any stock market by state-supported cyber criminals. The principle reason for β†’


However, it is easy to make people believe the information or news on the computer. We are too dependent on computers, causing people to often use computers to watch Facebook and Twitter, to not want to hang out with their friends, and to easily believe the information or news on the computer.

The distinctive features of metahash as compared to existing projects

It all started with the rise of the web which united the world and opened arrangement of openings even in the e business industry. The lack of interoperability across the chain which is one of the issues have caused a lot of issue in the blockchain.

Air force one

Roosevelt called for the creation of the Presidential Pilot Office to provide air transportation to the President and his staff. In 1962, the first jet aircraft, a Boeing 707, was purchased for use as Air Force One.

Jet airways

Jet Airways broke the monopoly of Indian Airline in January 1994 when it declared as a full scheduled airline as before that the domestic airline market was monopolised by Indian Airlines, from 1953 to 1994 due to The Air Corporation Act that do not allow any privatising of air transport and all major Indian air β†’

Wheelchair assignment essay

I did not look forward to this assignment, because I had never been sitting in a wheelchair before and I did not know how to handle the situation. I was going in all different direction and in a past that was to slow to be in time.

Dominican hair

Dominican Hair This is a pioneering ethnographic and chronological examination of Dominican distinctiveness in the Republic of Dominican and the US. The overall importance of this book is its contribution to the understanding of the manner in which national and racial identities were generated and interpreted.

The fairy tale forest creative writing example

All of a sudden I feel faint and fall to the ground without much energy. My heart is in my mouth and I feel fear as the door seems to open.

Research proposal on air rights

In doing this, I will include the main points of my research proposal. In my research proposal, this will be the last major step.

Andre’s hair styling essay

0 x 40 x 50 x 5 = $99, 000 Annual Rent = monthly rent x 12 months = $1750 x 12 = $21, 000 Total fixed = salary + annual rent = $99, 000 + 21, 000 = $120, 000 Break even = total fixed cost/ cm = $120, 000/11. 60 Calculate new break β†’

Rift valley and jane axtell or the chairman

The extent of interaction between parties in the Rift Valley and those in the 21st century, however, vary according to the work practices observed in the two areas. Given a choice between Jane Axtell and the chairman of the firm, personally I would choose the chairman of the firm.

Air pollution assignment

Causes and Effects of Air Pollution in the Environment Air pollution is the unwanted change in quality of the orthophosphate caused by the emission of gases and of particulates, which are small particles, which are small particles of solid matter or droplets of liquid. It is possible, forever, to make statistical comparisons of the level β†’

Whether or not social media makes us lonely

However, there has been emerging contradictions to the question on whether or not social media makes us lonely since some studies have proven that it contributes to a person's loneliness whereas other studies show that social media highly contributes to the connectedness of its users. Majority of the people view social media as a substitution β†’

The possibilities of progress in international politics

The Possibilities of Progress in International Politics" Table of Contents Theme ment 3 Three Approaches of the Research 3 A Brief Overview of the Arguments4 References5 Theme Statement The selected theme for the study is - " The possibilities of progress in international politics". Based on the collected data obtained from the sources, the research β†’

New york city subway system as a potential target for the terrorists

New York City Subway System The New York City subway system is the largest subway system in the world boasting of 468 stations along its channel. The importance of the New York City subway system makes it a potential target by the terrorists.

Intercultural communication

Haitian culture, therefore, represents an integration of the language, artistry, and musical ideas from African and French cultures. I have skills in intercultural communication from this class, and I intend to continue acquiring exceptional personal relations skills during the coming weeks of study.

Internship hedge fund in sandell asset management

When enrolling for the internship I had clear goals and objectives that I aimed at achieving by the end of the period as an intern. The first was to take a test of myself in relation to the field and see whether it is the career line I am willing to take.

Tension between idealism and naturalism

Tension between Idealism and Naturalism Tension between Idealism and Naturalism of the tension between the terms idealism and naturalism that exist in the works such as Hermes with young Dionysus Idealism defines the stage of philosophical processes revealing that reality is dependent upon the human mind, and no world exists beyond the human mind. In β†’

Death penalty for terrorists

Thus, the government is supposed to protect the lives of the citizens. The laws of most of the states' state that if a person kills, the death penalty is supposed to be administered.

Palestinian settlement

Palestinian Settlement The refugee problem of the Palestinians started out around the 1948 Israeli Independence War The Palestinian Refugees This war as well as the refugees' flight known as Nakba in the Arabic language were the main formative events that have not only defined the national character of the Palestinians and Israel but have also β†’

Phase 4 individual project 4

This might be explained by the fact that the modern business is able to have much stronger effect on the environment and that is why many companies need to be aware of the possible negative consequences of their business. First of all, it is essential to develop programs that would benefit the local community.

Public administration-politics dichotomy

Public Administration/Politics Dichotomy Introduction The relationship between public administration and politics has beenone of the great issues in public administration. According to, the dichotomy between public administration and politics mean that public administrators be politically neutral.

Multivariate techniques

Multivariate Techniques Introduction This white paper explains the importance and use of the multivariate analysis with a real example of the firm using one of its techniques. Normal distribution of the data actually shows the quality of the data.

The different types of the net generation students

What are the Different Types of the Net Generation The Net Generation have been proved to possess a diverse set of knowledge and skills. Students have changed their preferences and their experience is biased towards the direction of technology.

Hobbes and lockes legitimate political authority

Hobbes and Locke reiterate that the people have the power to grant authority to govern and that authority belongs with the people. Conversely, Hobbes's influence is evident on what the people can do to change their government Similarities and differences between Hobbes and Locke Both Hobbes and Locke agree that the government is a necessity.

Most significant problem in american politics

On the basis of Bardes, Shelley and Schmidt assertions that in excess of 40 million individuals in the U.S.lack health insurance, healthcare can be considered the most significant political issue today. In this policy, employers were obligated to pay a monthly fee for each of their employees and the remaining healthcare fees to accommodate the β†’


It can be observed that the World Trade Organization undermines the undeveloped and the developing countries of the world and makes policies in the favor of the developed countries, especially USA. Bibliography Anon, 2013.

Nuclear plan

However, the fact of the matter is that the emphasis for the United States to encourage banning the testing of nuclear weapons was not ultimately a desire to protect the environment. As a function of this, it is the understanding of this particular analyst that it is incumbent upon the United States to sign the β†’

Uninvolved parents

So it is vital that parents understand their role in the character building of their children, as they can give shape to their future lives. Uninvolved parents are completely uninterested in the welfare of their children, and they are dismissive and non-caring.

The use of animals for research

Animals and their roles in research Researchers use animals for research and there are individuals who do not support the use of animals in research. The rights of animals are infringed when animals are used for research testing.

Magnet schools and the pursuit of racial balance

And the commitment to the republic became a guiding obligation for the American colleges. The institutions of the college movement in America intended to be the democratic institution for the democratic society.

Analysis of vast fire erupts

The local resources comprised of the first aiders and residents who came to assist in the management of the fire. It is also apparent that the scope of operations was not easy to manage since the fire spread to the nearby towns.

Examples of economic choices that prolong poverty and effectiveness of social networks in terms of accelerating the implementation of particular financial tools

The paper " The World Bank's View on the Roots and Consequences of Poverty" is a thoughtful example of an article on social science. The main argument of the article is that poverty is not just a deficit of money.

Difference between the usa and uk government type and the difference in the checks and balances. (uk unwritten checks and balances list) (usa written checks and balances)

The differences between the UK's and USA's systems of checks and balances There exist a number of differences between UK's unwritten checks and balances and USA's written checks and balances. One of the differences between UK's unwritten checks and balances and the USA's written checks and balances is flexibility.U.

Who would you talk

I have learned a lesson from his principles that one must be passionate to do a certain job regardless of the mishap and troubles in the way to success. I would love to interact with a person like Donald Trump as he believes that a person can come over all the difficulties in his way β†’

Life and times of mark twain

Many of the characters in Mark Twain's novel, The Adventures of Tom Sawyer, are based on people who were prevalent in Mark Twain's life throughout his early years. The novel, The Adventures of Tom Sawyer and the life of Mark Twain relate for the novel is based directly on his real life experiences.

J.d. salinger’s novel the catcher in the rye

According to MentalHealthAmerica, one of the most obvious signs of depression is substance abuse. In addition to his drinking, Holden is also a heavy smoker.

Holder’s desires in the catcher in the rye

Holden wants to protect the children from the terror of growing up as he struggles to do the same, clinging to his immaturity as becomes evident through his social encounters. Throughout the entire story of The Catcher in the Rye, Holdenr's innocence or lack thereof brings forth his desire to protect the innocence of children β†’

What it takes to kill a mockingbird: in search for the differences between the novel and a movie essay

Therefore, the reasons for Mulligan to leave it out of the film are understood. It is clear that Harper Lee wanted to reiterate the key message of the novel in the final chapter; however, while looking natural and touching in a book, the given scene would have looked redundant after a nonetheless touching moment of β†’

The great gatsby; theme; violence

Three major examples or symbols of violence portrayed in the book includes the characterisation of Tom Buchanan, the usage of cars and lastly, the death of Myrtle Wilson. Scott Fitzgerald, the author, uses violence as a mean to express the power, passion and mere ignorance of the characters in his book.

Catcher in the rye and children

In order to persevere the innocents of children can difficult and most of the time you just need to allow the children to grow up and face the real world. Also in this chapter, there are many symbols that show protecting children or the innocents of children.

A bad reputation of tom buchanan

Although Tom and Gatsby are fighting over Daisy, Tom has a bad reputation and he is hated more. This is the spark of the conflict of Gatsby and Tom.

The giver by lois lowry essay

They are only allowed to have a certain amount of children in their families and I know this because in the book it says " 'Lily you know the rules.' 'Only 2 children- one male, one female- to each family unit. We also sing happy birthday and the presents they give us do not have β†’

Chapter 19 gow rhetorical analysis

Perceiving themselves as coming from a similar background as the rest of the inhabitants of the Golden State, the Okies insist on similar rights; however, the natives believe that although the Okies " talk the same language" they " am not the same". Steinbeck makes the Okies appear more dangerous to the California natives and β†’

Analysis of the story of an hour

Kate Chopin, in the of an hour the death of the husband and his wife got affected by that to symbolize the control of marriage over women.Mrs. The setting begins to explain the excitement of her feelings and the effects they have over her.

The crucible – power and manipulation

' The Crucible' is set in a theocratic society, a religious community in which the church and the state are one. Because of the theocratic nature of the society, moral laws and state laws were one and the same; sin and the status of an individual's soul were matters of public concern.

Situational and verbal irony present in “the story of an hour” by kate chopin

Kate Chopin's " The Story of an Hour" is the tale of one woman's brief moment of clarity and freedom; an hour of freedom granted by the death of her husband.Mrs. The following essay discusses the presence of both situational and verbal irony in " The Story of an Hour"".

Comparison/contrast: islam and christianity essay samples

The followers also believe in the authenticity of the Holy books. Moreover, followers of both religions believe in the Day of Judgment and the existence of heaven.

Similarities essay examples

In the case of church sermons, the speaker appeals to the audience to take an action of having deeper understanding of Christian teachings, exalt their belief and faith in God, and enhance their relationship with the God. Church sermons and campaign speeches include humor and other rhetoric means to attract attention of the audience.

The multiple meanings of educational quality essay example

Quality as Reputation: It belongs to a consensus of the high-quality and poor quality and usually used with reference to institutions of higher education and very often to lower educational levels, which are known for their quality or lack of it. Quality as Process: This usage belongs not only to inputs / outcomes, but also β†’

Essay on affirmation

This is true in a sense that a people's faith and belief is as important as any other thing in life. It is therefore imperative to stop seeing the self as holy and righteous and in place of that affirm the fact that what other people believe in is as important.

Free essay on academic and non-academic writing

However, it is crucial to note that aspects of non-academic writing are also evident in the writings. This purpose is the effective communication of information to the reader.

Critique of three articles critical thinking examples

In her illustrations of how to draw the ideas of the past to frame the future, the author appears to be nostalgic and happy with what the past in landscape architecture. In my opinion, the author has succeeded in showing the connection between the past simple landscape architecture and the new sophisticated landscape architecture.

Free essay about understanding sources of knowledge in psychology

Specifically, this type knowledge forms the basis of most of the psychological work of great philosophers. The major source of this type of knowledge is assumptions of and shared concepts about certain behaviors and experience.

Essay on beginnings

The Williams occupy a central role in Deerfield society, essentially being among the revered people of the Puritan faith that most of the colonists espoused.4. As a member of the society at Kanhawake, Eunice was given the following different names: Marguerite, A'ongote, and Gannenstenhawi.12.

Free essay on phone call and text messaging

The mobile industry is among the recent innovations that have been made in regards to communication; mobile phones incorporate phone calls and text messaging among others as mode of communication. Making a phone call requires a signal carrier to send to the recipient the same way a text message is delivered to the respondent.

Essay on cross culture healthcare

Physicians who provide healthcare to patients from a different culture may face communication problems, because any medical information that the physician would find necessary to share with the patient would be filtered through the beliefs, values, and traditions of the patient's culture. In the Case Study of Justine, a refugee from Laos is having a β†’

Enforcement of a promise essay samples

The decline of promissory estoppel states that, when a promise is given irrespective of the lack of a consideration to support it, the word of the mouth becomes the bond. Thus, based on the requirement to demonstrate reliance on the promise in the principle of promissory estoppel, Cato's promise is enforceable.

The origins of different emotions article review example

I am of the opinion that emotions have their roots in the changes in the environment. The environment modifies the way of thinking adopted by the human being.

Research paper on methods: the study was a randomized controlled clinical trial

The purpose of the study was to develop an emergency department based intervention that incorporated screening of asthma symptoms, a video designed to influence beliefs about primary care physician follow-up, and a follow up remainder that was mailed to the participants, and to measure the impact of the intervention on PCP follow-up rates and asthma-linked β†’

Sample critical thinking on midterm essay, 1.5 pages relating knowledge and belief in augustin’es the teacher

Augustine's perspective on knowledge and belief, as depicted in De Magistro, is that " knowledge of words is completed by knowledge of things, and by the hearing of words not even words are learned". There are many benefits and detriments to both philosophers' perspectives on the concepts of knowledge and belief.

Hardware and software systems

He has asked for a detailed description of the hardware and software required together with an estimate of costs, and is also very keen that all of your recommendations are justified in terms of cost/benefit and importance to the success of the business. Operation System: An operating system, or OS, is a software program that β†’

The effects of computers on our everyday lives

There are the lots of positive and negative effects of computers. Some of the positive effects are faster communication, an organization of data and information, computerization of tasks, and easier access to the information.

Classification analysis 15247

It is without doubt that there are thousands and millions of computer users in the country, but is it ever possible for all of them to explain how a computer works? No. Many people can easily understand why the monitor is a form of output device since it is the screen that tells them what β†’

What benefits are likely to result from an increasing use of computers? essay sample

A computer is a device that accepts information in the form of digitalized data and manipulates it for some result based on a program or sequence of instructionson how the data is to be processed. The use of computers in the workplace leads to greater efficiency and productivity and hence productivity per worker is decreasing.

History of personal computers

History of the Personal Computer Introduction: The history of the personal computer is vast and complex. History of the Computer Task: View the history of the computer.

How to build a computer 15242

In order to build a computer you need to have a computer case where all the components of the computer will be stored. The next part you need is a Motherboard: All of the components of the computer plug into the Motherboard.