550 Words Essay Samples

Intoduce two organizations from united nations

The United Nation's General Assembly is the main organization within the UN. This organization contains all of the nations that are a part of the United Nations.

Dantes portrayal of church rituals in purgatorio

Dante's Portrayal of Church Rituals in Purgatorio Church ritual is an important aspect of Dante's Purgatorio because it allows for the development of an essentially feudal perspective of the world. Hymns are an essential aspect of church ritual which is conducted in almost every meeting and this is emphasized by Dante in hell as a β†’

Writing a critique to the brad dehaven’s aticle the design of an ideal business

While the title of the essay is The Design of an Ideal Business, the subject is Ten Ways to Position your Business for Success and the question that he attempts to answer is What kind of business is right for you? At the very outset, the impression that the article gives is that it is β†’

External environment , business strategy

Under the competitive environment, also referred to as the task or industry environment, the strategist takes into consideration the decisions, actions and moves initiated by rival firms in the same industry. The Michael Porter's Five Forces Framework is another important tool that can be used to analyze the external environment and gauge the attractiveness of β†’

Victorian life

People were to distribute mourning attire to scores of people in the society with whom they would mourn together. It operated in such a way that a household through with the mourning rituals would repeat sale of their attire to fend off jinx.

The storm

The title of the story, ' The Storm', itself symbolizes the sexual constraint between Calixta and Alcee. The storm is seen as a feminine element in the storm that is shown to be interlinked to Calixta's sexuality.


Obesity One of the biggest problems of the contemporary age is obesity. There has been a rapid increase in the trend of consumption of junk food over the decades among the people of all age-groups generally, and the children and adults particularly.

Case study example

The main purpose behind the creation of the iPad was to impact positively in the education sector. Compare the capabilities of the IPad to the Kindle.

Consumer needs, motivation, behavior, and decision making processes relevant to cough medicine strips

Cough Medicine for Middle Class Users As cough helps the human body to get rid of foreign bodies that can cause harm to lungs and body, it is considered as a helpful mechanism. The middle class populace can be motivated through educational activities and advertisements in television and news papers about the side effects of β†’

Multigenerational and multilingual family

The argument is between the older generation which comprises of my grandmother and my parents and my siblings and I which are the young generation. The one thing however that I have vowed to strictly following the footsteps of my culture is that of grandparents living together with their children and grandchildren.

Measures of emotional and behavioral functioning

There are a number of standard tests to measure personality. Attitude and interest may be thought of as the visible aspect of a personality.

Football envy at the un

This article is a medium used by the Secretary General to compare the institutions of FIFA and the UN and how some activities are making the UN jealous of the other. Therefore, it is for peace that we have to struggle for and this is the message of Annan.

The fiscal and monetary policy and economic fluctuations

The fiscal and monetary policy and economic fluctuations The fiscal and monetary policy and economic fluctuations The U. It has a mixed economy and has enjoyed uninterrupted economic growth and falling unemployment with a progressive decline in inflation, interest rates and high levels of research and capital investment for the past five years.

Education as a social institution

On myacademicdays I take part In education as the student, while on tech days I take part In education as theteacher. I believe education Is the most Important social Institution In our society.

Free essay on rhetorical analysis – richard dawkins’ the magic of reality

In his book The Magic of Reality, Dawkins explores the logic and reasoning behind the lack of existence of a God, and denounces the use of religion as an outdated practice that is no longer needed in today's scientific age. Dawkins' approach to the concept of reality is central to his arguments in The Magic β†’

Advertising assignment

This Post- It commercial appears to create audience responses with the use of emotional effects, but in fact, it only serves to adopt the myth of capitalism. Looking at the Post-let commercial, it utilizes the voices from people and their perspectives of simple love to represent the lifestyle brand to be as simple as the β†’

Minorities and women

Structural factors contributing to the economic gap for women of color and the cultural factors that have a role according to the Centre for Community Economic Development Social factors such as the family, polity, religion and the economy in United States contribute to the high economic gap that exists between the black women and other β†’

Baywatch case study essay

Question 1 What are the major strategic factors in the decision to relocate the production of Baywatch? After a number of years at the top of the ratings, the show began to experience a decline.


" Rank-and-File Radicalism within the Ku Klux Klan of the 1920s" By John Zerzan Summary The article about the characteristics ofthe Ku Klux Klan group, which was a violent movement against the non-natives. Their intention was to prevent the sale of cotton until the intervention of the government authorities to increase the prices.

Ronald reagan

However he knew when to get involved and when to leave the work to his people. He also wanted to change the social policy and did in in 1988.

Government intervention occurs in markets to reduce outcomes assignment

For Instance, some firms will put In some chemicals such as formaldehyde gas Into their hair care products which may help them to attract consumer by straighten the consumer hair but it was unwritten information because the firms want to cover the usage of the gas in their hair care product as it will cause β†’

Personal statement (oxford)

Through participating in the research project, I obtained the knowledge on the history of the desert movement and principles governing the desertification control. Deeply impressed with the success of desertification control at Shapotou, I have been very interested in topics related to geography and environmental conservation since then.

The variety of cloaks over the tunic;

This occurred about the middle of the 6th century BC, when Thespis of Icaria, in a drama of his own composition, impersonated a character and engaged the chorus in dialogue, thereby becoming both the first playwright and the first actor. The tragic writers, Aeschylus and Sophocles later added a second and a third actor to β†’


Linguistics - Structure and Meaning in Literary Dis Thesis ment: In literary dis context and meaning are interconnected in the sense that the context has great significance to a complete interpretation of the literary piece's meaning and the poem " Abraham to Kill Him" by Emily Dickinson illustrates this relation, where the literary context of β†’

Health education

PERSONAL CLEANLINESS AND GROOMING OF CHILDREN Personal Cleanliness and Grooming of Children All children need to learn about how to clean and groom themselves so that they may feel healthy and good about themselves. Children should take a bath daily with clean water and suitable toilet soap so that they may smell good and keep β†’

Travel broadens the mind essay

Most people have been in this kind of situation: you have just finished a great deal of work and want to finally relax. Is not it better to buy it instead of a ticket to Egypt?

Neurotransmitters, biology and behavior

Gulli and Finley define neurotransmitters as " chemicals located and released in the brain to allow an impulse from one nerve cell to pass to another nerve cell". They are stored in vesicles and then released as per the need to continue the journey across the synapse and to waiting receptors.

The story of an hour

Her life was built around that of her husband? s. Her view of the world was that which was expected of her and was indeed her husband? s.Mrs.

Job as a professional dj

I also need to be a music historian of all genres, as I need to be familiar with all types of music. It is a requirement of the job since I need to be able to read and feel the vibe of my audience.

Microbiology analysis argumentative essay

Describe the characteristics of HIV that allow it to eventually defeat the immune response. Over a period of time the immune system will run out T-cells and will not be able to fight against HIV and this will cause infections to begin to establish in your body.5.

To sir with love persuasive speech

It means tolerance is a part of human life; it is a part of who we are, our humanity. I believe it should be on the mandatory reading list as it conveys a strong message to students reading it and is extremely relevant to the topic of tolerance.

Chapter 3 information systems

IPv6 provides for 64-bit IP addressesFalseXML is used to format the structure and style of a Web pageFalseTablet computers rely on the Internet cloud for processing and storageTrueRSS is an XML format that allows users to have digital content automatically sent to their computers over the InternetTrueAll of the following are characteristics of HTML5 except: β†’

Take a stand letter

As countrys 3 million enrolled registered nurses are the essential source of service to patients during the most powerless times in their lives, we all should be clear about the importance of the registered nurses. American Nursing Association establishes that the level headed discussion of social insurance is still continuing and stays bound to instructing β†’

During asked to identify the organ structure

Specifically, the organs identified were the lung and kidney, through the use of key identificationfeatures. Thetissue samples identified in this lab were the lung and kidney.

My concept of leadership and how community service eperiences have impacted my life

Your concept of leadership and how your community service experiences have impacted my life A general definition of a leader would be: " a leader is someone who influences a group of people towards the achievement of a goal". As a style it is positive but it should be better used when the leader wants β†’

Quiz show

The $64, 000 Question" scandal and its relation to the Kantian Ethical principles " The $64, 000 Question" scandal and its relation to the Kantian Ethical principles By the 1950's, there was no television program that had mesmerized viewers in the hypotonic intensity that the " big money" quiz show. He did in good will β†’

Productivity and economic growth

Due to this effect, the contribution of computers in the US productivity is expected to increase in the near future. Change in technology can lead to increase in the rate of employment through increasing productivity.

The ethics of peta and the death penalty

The Ethics of PETA and the Death Penalty Capital punishment, more often known as the death penalty or execution is the taking away of human life due to a capital crime committed following a judicial proceeding. The two groups working for the ethics of the death penalty and animals' right to live are both paradoxical β†’

Billy bud martial law

Marshal law plays a big role is the death of Billy Budd. In the case of Billy Budd, Marshal law had a direct account for his execution.

Old sly eye

Unfortunately, his shotgun was out of shells and had to rely on the 22, the only other gun he had. With no other choice, he loaded the 22 and headed back down to the berry patch to find the porcupine.

History of reggae

Rhythm is the key to reggae music and the lyrics of reggae involve a variety of subjects, but mainly focus on peace and political issues. Suite101.com Media Inc.

Ap bio plant hormone pogil essay sample

Charles and Francis of Darwin conducted several experiments that were available to any schoolchild: they put on the caps impervious to light on the apex of the seedlings, and the rotation of the leaves of the plants to the light ceased. It turned out that if light falls on the plant from one side, then β†’

Breaking the language barrier

These can be difficult to imitate and can leave the student with a feeling of despair. By following these simple steps, the adventure into the land of a foreign language can be a painless and pleasant experience.

The main strengths and weaknesses of utilitarianism

The main strength for this theory is that it is always looking for the greatest good for the greatest number. The main weakness of utilitarianism is that it is extremely hard to predict the results of an action.

Free essay on nursing and its effect on my life

He aim of this essay is to present you with the effects of becoming a nurse on my life and the lives of the others. The quality of care and treatment of a patient as well as the positive outcome of the patient lay in the hands of nurses who help doctors and are always β†’

Why were the major cities of britain bombed by the germans

The Luftwaffe changed their tactics from bombing the RAF to the cities of the United Kingdom. The bombing of factories meant that the war production was slowed and was an attempt of completely disrupting the war effort.

Effects on septeber 11 2001

At the time of the 9/11 attack, the US economy was softening and the possibility of a recession loomed. The effect of the terrorists' attack was greatly felt in the tourism, airline and aviation and insurance industries.

Statistics-demographic reports

From the report, the data for race and ethnicity has been analyzed and it has found that in the classification of population of the city on the basis of Race and Ethnicity, Asian people have the highest percentage change in population from1990 to 2000. Therefore, the product should be introduced in the market by keeping β†’

Why we must tell lies

By the time a child is a toddler, the innocence of youth is a myth, and the child has learned that lying is a necessary skill for survival in the world. These are good lies because they reassure the people that all is well, and that is after all, what people want to hear.

The truth about animal slaughter

Perhaps the most controversial, important, serious and devastating facet of the meat industry is the horror of animal slaughter. Most of the time, these four methods do not work completely, and the animals are left half-alive in excruciating agony.

The times they are a-changin by bob dylan (1964)

The song composed of message that was against social and political inequality in the society. As a result, the song relied on its popularity and support from the communist leaders to protest against the prevailing social vices in United States of America.

Secura india real estate fund essay sample

Secura Investment Management Pvt.Ltd.is the company that handles the Secura India Real Estate Fund Scheme1 and Scheme2. Secura have plans to invest the Fund in areas associated to Real Estate and allied sectors.

Swot analyses: student collaboration and using creately

Student Collaboration One of this week's first topics is how SWOT analyses can be a great learning tool for students, thanks to their simplicity and inherent ability to be divided up and distributed. The first half of this article discussed student collaboration on SWOT analyses, and Creately is one way to do it.


The cult of a hero are relevant to every day person's life is because the values of that hero influence the group as a whole. In essence, any action taken by the people in the cult always reflect the decisions that would have been made by a hero.

Logistics pharmaceutical challenges in south africa

There are various challenges in South Africa and highlighted are challenges such as desert regions in the country, the high mountain ranges and rain forests in South Africa serve as challenges in the logistics supply and value chain of the country Pharmaceutical industries in perspective of complex networks in terms of manufacturers of pharmaceuticals, dispensers β†’

Leading change

It is instead, a stage when the leader/manager seeks the consent of the persons involved in or affected by the change. In the stage of change, the manager/leader reduces the restraining forces, and increases the forces supporting the change.

Secret college essay

Good friends are hard to find; therefore, if you happen to have a good friend you would want to share things with that friend and expect that friend to keep your secret for you. It is a part of human nature for one friend to tell another the secret and expect that friend to keep β†’

How do power and policitcs in an organization as well as communication involve leadership and organizational processes

INVOLVEMENT OF POWER, POLITICS IN THE LEADERSHIP AND ORGANISATIONAL PROCESSES The leadership process in any organization determines the mission and objectives to be achieved by the organization, communication of the objectives to all the others in the organization and persuade the individual behavior towards the pursuit of organizational goals. Power refers to the capability of β†’

Theraputic intervention

The process includes: Settling an appointment Understanding the client's symptoms Developing initial formulation Explaining the Cognitive Behavioural Therapy model Highlighting the expected outcomes of the therapy Completion of other homework The first step of the process is to settle and appropriate day and time for appointment which is convenient for both the patient and the β†’

Ethics in technology

Copyright, a form of Intellectual property law, protects the right to produce new works acquired from copyrighted work, the right to perform the work in public, to display copies of this work in public, the right to distribute copies in public, and the right to reproduce the copyrighted work. An example is when the movie β†’

Corporate leadership

By way of contrast, the leaders of the American Revolution created an adaptive structure a mode of organizing people and activities that was capable of changing itself when necessary to sustain the ideals they verbalized. That leadership style is most relevant to much of contemporary management when it can be viewed in the context of β†’

An adverse effect on the relations between the eu and iran

of the of the of the The Events Taking Place in Iran The recent political crisis in Iran, had repercussions all over the Islamic Republic. This is the reason for my apprehension, regarding the nuclear programs of Iran.

Personal recounts- a day in the life of superman

The Atomic Skull's teeth were a disgusting sight to look at and his face was bigger than his body." Superman to the rescue," I was on my way to the spot where Auntie Mary was since he was already near the jungle. I was wise and had known that earlier so I kicked the scythe β†’

Ancient rome and greek art

Moreover, the political power of the Romans was wholly in the hands of a solitary monarch. The ruins of the primordial world like Ephesus, Pergamum, Pompeii and Volubilus attest to the fact that the Greeks and Romans were exceptional builders.

Homework # 04

Family Resources Affiliation Family Resources The lesson of family resources is my topic of interest as it has taught me many things concerning my family and others peoples' families as far as resources are concerned. The concept of family resources is not new to as my life experience made me discover that for a family β†’

Strategic decision making-amd in 2005: coming out of intels shadow

One of the critical success factors in 2008 for this firm to gain greater market share, volume of sales and raising the income statement of the company from a negative balance to a positive year ending net income is the fusion project. This new computer component has the potential to transform the computer industry into β†’

A visit to the art institute of chicago museum

The eyes and the small smile forming on the subject's lips may also signify the graciousness of the subject. The artist may be portraying the righteousness and the nobility of the cardinal.

Economies of scale

Economies of scale arise when a business increases the scale of production but keeping its fixed costs the same. However where expansion can lead to economies of scale, expansion more than necessary can lead to diseconomies of scale.

An author can stress plot, setting, characterization, or theme when writing a work of fiction

Of the many themes conveyed throughout the text, alienation is the most apparent and fundamental.' Metamorphosis' deals with the brutal reality, monotony and absurdity of human existence in quite a dark manner, seen through the eyes of protagonist Gregor and the relationship he has with his family and ultimately, himself. After establishing Gregors alienation from β†’

3 competitor analysis tools for strategic planning

But to do a complete and concise analysis, you will need to use a few competitor analysis tools to understand their web traffic, link building, and social media presence. Competitor Analysis Tools for Search Engine Optimization: OpenSiteExplorer.com and MajesticSEO.com Social Media While it depends on your marketing strategy, chances are your business will use at β†’

Brian williams personality according to sigmund freud

The acknowledgement of the high-profile journalist that he invented a story that dramatized his bravery in a war sparks questions about his credibility. In contrast, the superego is the most modern part that works consciously and operates on the moral principle.

Weed control and monitoring in tuff crater reserve

The above monitoring helps to determine that the weed control methods used are effective to protect the native vegetation and habitats of indigenous species in the reserve. Objectives of this monitoring are to determine successful outcomes in the protection of native vegetation and significant habitats of indigenous species in the Tuff Crater reserve.

Responsibilities as a writer

However, it is upon the writer to pen down their writings in coherent, cohesive and accurate manner that does not show a whim of bias. The real responsibility of a writer out there is to have their message written is inputting the message in a cohesive and coherent manner.

Albert speer analysis essay

There was a distinct personality clash between Speer and his brothers as Speer was physically delicate and had unstable health whilst his brothers were robust and outgoing. Speer's first contributive act was joining the Motor Corps, a Nazi organisation, and becoming head of his sub-ranch.

Essay on homework

In most of these cases the students probably feel as if they do not necessarily need to do the homework but are forced to unless they want to receive a zero for the assignment. If homework were to be made optional I think the stress levels and other physical health conditions of students across the β†’

Manchuria crisis essay sample

Finally, the Manchuria crisis showed to the world how weak the League was. Finally, the Pact of Steel showed to the world how weak Italy were and how little their military capacity was.

Customer service change at wal-mart

Service Change at Wal-Mart Affiliation: The operations of a businessenterprise in the business environment are influenced by myriad number of factors, all of which affect the short term and long term prospects of the enterprise. On the other hand, the focus of change in customer service is to enhance the company's mode of handling its β†’

Analysis of “you can’t touch me”

She cannot allow the parent's of the students to believe that the teachers are harming the children. I would like to think that she could have chosen to stand up for her employee and defend him, but in the end it's all about the children, and teachers are replaceable.

Discussion article 5

In the second article titled Physicians and Electronic health records the authors wanted to know exactly what the use of electronic medical records by physicians was on the ground in hospitals as concerns. There were two questions proposed for this study and these asked whether the Electronic health records were available for use and secondly β†’

Zidane’s last red card

Advantages of an organization having a regulation that it ignores One of the advantages of an organization having regulations that it can ignore is the ability to preserve its ' self-interest'. Disadvantages of an organization having a regulation that it ignores One of the disadvantages of having rules that can be ignored is that it β†’

Major illness (1700/1800s) – swine flu

It was only in the late 1900s that the World Health Organization led to the eradication of the illness by developing vaccines for the same. The outbreak of Swine Flu impacted the world in 2009.

Non profit corp law

In the state of Virginia, business laws have been made to govern the application of activities in the state. The two prohibitions are different in that while the IRS code permits for benefits without exploiting the organization or without diverting from the exempt purpose of the firm, the nonprofit corporation law prohibit administration of benefits β†’

Sentencing paper

Sentencing Paper Deadrian Williams CJS/ 200 3/3/2013 Bryan Maglicco Six Forms of Punishment Fines are one of the oldest forms of punishment, the use of fines as criminal sanctions suffers from built in inequities and a widespreadfailureto collect them. People who are punished with community service have a certain amount of hours they must do β†’

How does lofgren manage conflict essay

In this case, Lofgren introduced the framework of six-person executive group into Schneider National that has a set of skills, perspectives and experience so that the top management of the company will be more effective in bringing the company towards success. Therefore each individual in the group have to learn how to work together as β†’

Carbohydrates glycerol, a form of alcohol, constructs fats

Glucose, the most common monosaccharide, is of central importance in the chemistry of life. Cellulose is a tough component of the walls in a plant cell.

Reflective paper assignment

These are the important preconditions of honesty and integrity for the academic freedom." Academic integrity finds its genesis in the fundamental values of honesty, tolerance, respect, rigor, fairness, and the pursuit of truth". The ethics of academic honesty implicitly claims that because cheating is wrong the work performed by students is actually Very important or β†’


Country Lovers is a very engaging story because of the intensity and the scandalous nature of the topic. And to even consider writing a literature that centres on this topic is truly fascinating and attention-grabbing to any readers, especially to those who are aware of American History and the heightened racial tension between the African β†’

Poverty as a social phenomenon

Sociology Poverty Thesis Statement Poverty Poverty is rather typical for the lower class and is the main feature of the underclass in the US. The main measure for poverty in the US is the so called " poverty threshold" which marks lack of goods commonly taken for granted.

Racism without racists essay

In the first chapter of his book Racism without Racists: Color-blind Racism and the Persistence of Racial Inequality in the United States, Eduardo Bonilla-Silva argues that color-blind racism, a new racial ideology which emerged in the late 1960s, has become " a formidable political tool" for " the maintenance of the racial order" and " β†’

Independent reading response

With no one else to steer the plane safely and the discovery that the jet has ran out of fuel, Henry's knowledge from flying lessons come in handy to help the group crash-land in some deep woods of a Canadian forest. Jimmy's big plans of getting to California have been thwarted by the terrorist who β†’

Homework assignment

The mind represents the cognitive and analytical abilities of the person. The connection of mind and emotions is quite variable.

Ore mill market promotes technology of grinding mill

With the development of the industry in the development of the powder, the fineness of the material of industrial production have become increasingly demanding, milling machines in industrial applications are Increasingly being used milling machine technology is constantly Improving. In general, the milling machine Is divided Into Raymond mill, ultramarine grinding powder machine, powder mill, β†’

Holt summary assignment

He argues that reading would be a more enjoyable experience for children if parents and searchers allowed children to read stories that interest them and not expect them to understand every word or interpret every meaning behind it. Agree with him that it is unrealistic to expect children to look up words in a dictionary β†’

Universal human rights

Street Law Name: Debra Clark Looking at the Universal Declaration of Human Rights The UN crafted the Universal Declaration of Human Rights in 1948. Find at least one right in the Universal Declaration that you think should not be included, and explain why you feel this way.