550 Words Essay Samples

Decision tree portfolio

The 911 dispatchers contact the police and fire departments arrive, the firefighters ensure the house has been vacated and all residents have been accounted for. What is the best way to access the organization's services?

Art across the culture: context of hornbill figure

Art Across the Culture: Context of Hornbill Figure As the making of hornbill images flourishedduring the 19th until the mid-20th century, there came a turning point when the Sultanate of Brunei handed over the political fate of Sarawak to James Brooke, a British colonist endowed with the governance of the region after his victorious assistance β†’

Japan and china after second world war

With its continuous effort to revive, Japan's economy flourished resulting to a quick rise of the living standards, changes in society and the stabilization of the ruling position of the Liberal Democratic Party, but also in severe pollution. With all its ordeals, it had still managed to keep up with the world's economy, having been β†’

Identify & reviewing the company’s investor relations information

But while the company is giving modest returns, its stability in terms of debt to equity ratio is very disturbing. The shortcoming of Best Buy is however recognized by the company and vowed to address them.

Pharmaceutical industry critisizm

The pharmaceutical industry is one of the largest and most powerful industries in the world. The actions of Pfizer were irresponsible and many analysts believe that despite the fine being very large it was a slap in the face for a company that generated $44.

Kristen s cookie company case study

For example, first dozen of cookies take 26 minutes to make, second dozen of cookies take 36 minutes to make and third dozen of cookies take 46 minutes to make. Because all costs of ingredients and boxes for each dozen are the same, total valuable time to make one dozen of cookies is Kristin plus β†’

The marketing concept assignment

The " marketing concept" is the philosophy that firms should analyze the needs of their customers and then make decisions to satisfy those needs, better than the competition. Toyota is an example of a company, which uses the Product Concept.

Week 5: forensic assessment of adults i

The R-CRAS consist of two parts where the first part comprises 30 selected psychological and situation variables that are in a sense relevant to a judgment about the defendant's mental state at the time of the offence; these are then rated by an external examiner based on a a thorough review of the data. The β†’

Decline in global income inequality

Decline in Global Income Inequality Globalization has become one of the most widely used concepts of the contemporary times that have significantly redefined businesses and societal paradigms across the globe. The paradigm shift in the process of development has significantly influenced the socio-economic policies and strategies of the countries which now need to be β†’

Essay on the way writing should be

I learned, on my own, that writing is not something to hate. You are always given a prompt, something you have to write about, even in elementary school, I remember, a teacher would say to write about what you did over the weekend or what your favorite food was.

Role of technology in emergency communications

Undoubtedly, the advent of social media platforms of communication has tremendously resolved the barriers of jammed networks and the destruction of infrastructure. Similarly, through the hash-tag feature that permits a trending topic to be easily accessed by millions across the globe, the various rescue agencies working in collaboration with FEMA can easily establish the location β†’


The customers' prices will influence the demand for the company's products. Moreover, the market test will show the current demand for the product.

Wilkerson company essay sample

Everything you need is in the case and in the requirements provided below. The format of the write up can be either in the form of detailed answers to each of the questions below or as a comprehensive, smooth-flowing case analysis.

To duty of care in health social care essay sample

1) ' Duty of care' refers to the relationship between myself and a service user, within this professional relationship there is an obligation to take responsible care to avoid injury or harm to whom it can be reasonably foreseen. 2) It is my responsibility, as a care worker to ensure that I provide a good β†’

Describe a situatio in which you showed your leadership

Specifically, during middle school years in the USA, I confronted my categorization as ' FOBS' in school due to my Chinese background, as ' FOBS' referred to ' Fresh off the Boat.' In other words, during the first year, I confronted social discrimination due to my ineffective communication skills in English language, and thus, it β†’

Define what art is

Definition of Art Introduction The word " art" is not a simple term. Definition of " Art": A Relative Perspective In determining various approaches regarding the definition of art, first it is essential to judge the general view about the term.

Formative classroom assessment:

Constructive quizzes are one of the easiest methods of collecting and analyzing the students' learning. The output of formative assessments can be used to alter and validate instruction.

Student information manual system

OBJECTIVE OF THE STUDY *GENERAL OBJECTIVE: The general objective of this study is to design and develop a system that will compile the school records/file of the students and it will serve as a proposal to help the students and teachers/school administrator as well to save time and resources with the automation of its daily β†’

Delta airlines

According to its date of foundation, Delta Airline comes 6th and the oldest in the US. Delta Airlines can ensure that it fits in by making the environment in its flights as safe as possible, and by following security policies laid down by the government to the letter.

Nubia abu simbel was built. when egyptians left

Nubia is a place located alongside river Nile and extends from the southern part of Aswan to the town of Dabba. This forms a reason for the classification of tombs and pyramids as the wonders of the world.

United front elections of 1954 in east pakistan

Subsequently, the Front for a while dominated the political landscape of East Bengal and had its usefulness as an effective political platform to unite diverse political group. The Awami Muslim League was established as the Bengali alternative to the domination of the Muslim League in Pakistan.

If i could change the world essay sample

I think it's horrible that he is 17 and being exposed to drugs and alcohol. So to make the world better, in my opinion, I would get rid of cancer, drugs/alcohol, and cheaters.

The evolution of human resource management assignment

The range of activities concerned with management of the workforce instead of resources was encompassed by personnel management In terms of nature, the personnel management was more administrative. Furthermore, the role of mediators between the employees and the management was played by the personnel managers.


The right to Counsel in the Military Introduction The right to counsel for Courts-Martial is d in the statute governing right to counsel of Title 10, US code). The section states that the accused has the right of being represented at court-martial by a meticulous military defense counsel, which is provided at no cost to β†’

Btec sport p1 unit 7 btec

Muscular Strength Muscular Strength A way to test or improve a person's Muscular strength will be to do some weight lifting. The amount of weight a person can lift will show how much strength the person has.

Everyday study a particular subject over a

A good way to keep the child's interest up would be to introduce some variety. Instead of eating dinner every day, day after day with the family they could opt once in a way to go out for a candlelight dinner.

Ethical and legal financial reporting

Ethical and Legal Obligations in Accounting Background Accounting is the " process of identifying, measuring, and communicating economic information about an organization for the purpose of making decisions and informed judgments." The use of this information has widespread application to company managers, investors, creditors, employees and government agencies. Because of the widespread applicability of the β†’


China's Economy Introduction The economy of China is among the fastest growing economies in the world today. Why the Economy of China is is Likely to Grow More Slowly In the Future High dependence on investment for growth rather than consumption is likely to hurt China's economy in the future.


The Board of Nursing defines the scope of practice and sets the standards for nursing in the State of Texas. The Act states the scope of nursing practice and the professional values and ethics expected of all nurses licensed in the State of Texas.

The internet or the world wide web

access providerbusiness that provides individuals and companies access to the internet free or for a feeanimationappearance of motion created by displaying a series of still images in sequenceaudioincludes music, speech, or any other soundbrowser or Web browserapplication software that allows users to access and view Web pagescable modernprovides high-speed internet connections through cable television networkchatreal-time β†’

Team based incentives

When there are team members who have not bought into the team concept, this may be indicative of several things: insufficient communication with all team members about the purpose of the team, personal differences among team members, lack of team player qualities within the individual characteristics of members, or that the work to be performed β†’

Origin and development of medicolegal death investigation

Origin and Development of Medicolegal Death Investigation Introduction While deaths are natural, investigation in the nature of the deaths, provide fundamental details that help curb the causes of such deaths besides providing incriminating evidence that prove the unnatural nature of some of the deaths. The primary objective of medicolegal death investigation is to determine the β†’

Allusions in arcadia

Alongside love and knowledge, Stoppard Illustrates a change In human pastimes and a general perception of the world by alluding to the Bible, In specific, the Garden of Eden. Thomas attempts to describe nature through numbers, to create equations for life, Just like Fermat and While Arcadia packs many ideas and illustrates many changes in β†’

Allen ginsbergs poem a supermarket in california

Allen Ginsberg's poem " A Supermarket in California" Allen Ginsberg's poem " A Supermarket in California" The poem ridicules two main vices in American society that were prevalent in the American society in the 20th century. Another image used in the poem is that of a ' neon fruit supermarket' as used in the fourth β†’

Sherlock holmes character

Sherlock Holmes' Character Introduction A scandal in Bohemia Irene Adler is a character featured in the Sherlock Holmes' story " A scandal in Bohemia". Irene Adler, is the the character Doyle created as " The Woman".

Martha mccaskey harvard business school

The project was assigned to McCaskey. The project was a great challenge for McCaskey given the detailed and secretive information required.

Business entity

From the noted process of projecting cash flows, it is then obvious that the systematic approach in tracking the monetary engagements of a particular business organization is very important in scaling the SGR competencies of a particular business. It is suggested though this particular procedure that the constant attendance to the capabilities, the limitations and β†’

Reflective paper

As a part of my assignment to write a reflective paper on my experiences and how they relate to the theory, I am choosing Roy's adaptation model to explore and relate to my experiences. Based on this assumption, health is considered as a managed system and the role of nursing is to support the adaptation β†’

Analysis of guidance regarding marijuana enforcement.memorandum for all united states attorneys article

Review and Reflection Paper The article is about a guidance reinforcement paper or a memorandum that is in support of a previous memorandum that was issued under the Controlled Substances Act. I believe that it is very important to carry out such steps that combat illegal marijuana business because of the occurrence of marijuana related β†’

Speculative selling, while speculative risk is the consequence

When the prices of oil priced in the united states dollar goes up, oil companies in Canada receive more United States dollars and in view of the fact that many bills like paying human resources and paying taxes are catered for in Canadian dollar, United States dollar needs to be exchanged for Canadian dollars on β†’

How to content smarter for any marketing strategy

Smart content is creating a primary piece of content to sell, followed by smaller pieces of content to support that primary piece. People make the mistake of thinking they need hundreds of ideas and dozens of hours to create a steady stream of content.

Oxidation reduction lab and physical essay

I put a couple of drops of HCI into the third test tube and then stirred it. I decided that when adding another chemical and having it bubble would have to be a sign of a chemical reaction.


On many occasions, the students have been attacked by the insects and suffered effects of the stings and the poison contained in the stings. The students have done a research and realized that the clothing they wear on the field might be the cause of the often attack by bees.

Scientific inquiry

Even though science and scientific inquiry are the fundamental elements of I/O psychology; scientific inquiry benefits more than science in the field of I/O psychology. To conclude, in the field organizational psychology, science and scientific inquiry are interrelated and synchronized.

Game advertising

Thus, the emergence of the in-game advertising industry is a response to this situation. The in-game advertising industry is primarily responsible for the placement of ads in video games in different platforms.

The long walk of the navajo

And the enforced migration of the Navajos' from their homeland has come to known to be the Walk of The Navajo. The Walk of the Navajo took place in 1863 when the government of United States forced the Navajos to leave their land and move to Fort Sumner.

Facility planning

The new renovations will services the residents of Harlan, and the resident of all the surrounding counties with the population of more than 250, 000. Description of the facility that you have selected The proposed renovations to the new emergency room will be greatly beneficial and invaluable to the medical center.

Common problem of poverty

Brown: We seem to agree that we have a common problem of poverty. Do not you believe that this is contributing to poverty and hunger in many nations?

Similarly, support for a healthy and well-performing

Under the circumstances, a systematic and phased removal of quantitative restrictions on imports, reduction of import duties and relaxation of procedural hurdles is not expected to harm the economy. And, it has proved helpful in improving the performance of our external sector.


Looking at the balance sheet of any particular company and realising that the accounts payable is more than the accounts receivable and all other assets means that the company is at the brink of bankruptcy. The cash flow statement is different from other financial statements such as the income statement and balance sheet because it β†’

A typed report concerning herman melville’s overall style, typical subjects, influences, etc incorporating specific references to works

Melville's poem, John Marr And Other Sailors, speaks to the reader in a direct manner which is typical of Melville's style of narration that he used in his novel and short story. His greatest work was Moby-Dick and this shows Melville's typical style with all the elements as discussed in this essay.

Firefighting and role model

I choose to be a firefighter, because I want to be able to help others, have benefits for myfamily, and be a role model for someone to look up to. Becoming a firefighter has the potential for me to make up to $150, 000 a year.

Jesus camp analysis

The movie also contain ironic coincident in regard to the position of the camp, where the underlying children learn that charismatic style religion and corresponding conservative politics, which are entangled within the eyes of their underlying adult power figures. Her task was countering the prevailing Islamic fundamentalists ostensibly via the camp in teaching the children β†’

Same sex marriage: a nation divided

Two Views on a Controversial Issue Same Sex Marriage Same sex marriage has been the greatest issue of this decade. The marriage between persons of same sex is against the nature as the nature has made the humans in couples.

Freedom and bravery

It is evident that one of the necessary conditions of freedom is the absence of oppression by an external actor, whether it be another individual, group of individuals, or a government or society. While Locke wrote this with the intent of establishing the foundations of a just government and civil society, the very meaning of β†’

Internet marketing tips and tricks

All that you need to do is drive traffic to your capture pages and your automated system will do all of the selling for you. If you dont have time for all of this but would still like to make good money with an internet business, there is something that will work for you.

Chapter paxar case study

The things that motivate us fit with Pixies to the extent that their key employees receive significant financial incentives, but that does not seem to be the force that drives them. 4, explain the relationship that Paxar seeks to develop with Its employees.

Price analysis for the navigation system

Price Analysis for the Navigation System Navigation System's Price Analysis and Cost ification A company's cost ification is very important not only to the managers but also to the government. Electricity is considered to be the most common variable cost especially in the manufacturing companies.


The company influences corporate social responsibilities in the form of its responsibilities to the shareholders, employees and the broader community involved in this business. The board, management and employees of this organization are responsible for the corporate responsibilities to the share holders and social responsibilities to the community on behalf of the company.

Why did britain and france get out of africa between 1957-1965

Britain and France were among the main colonial powers with the largest number of colonies in Africa and around the world. The period between 1957 to1965 saw the liberation of African colonies by Britain and France.

Womens place in our society

Up to the 19th century it was believed that women were the servants of the homes of their husbands. Rousseau the French philosopher who never married once said The dignity of woman consists in being unknown to the world her glory is the esteem of her husband her pleasure the happiness of her family.

Financial markets & institutions

Financial Markets and s affiliation Due Role and function of financial markets and s in a modern economy The role of financial markets and institutions like capital markets and depository institutions is to offer an ideal avenues for the exchange and trade of securities and mediate between institutions or people to enhance a transaction between β†’

Robin lane fox

It is an immense task to relate the story of the world's most successful conqueror in 553 pages but Robin Lane Fox manages to narrate the tale of Alexander the Great in a way no other author ever has. The description in the book about various aspects of the surroundings whether it be nature or β†’

Hypothesis exercise on green logistics chain and issues (co2 emissions from freight transport in the us)

Hypothesis Exercise on Green Logistics Chain and Issues al: Hypothesis Exercise on Green Logistics Chain and Issues Hypothesis ment The research gives an overview of the aims of the system of Green Logistics that are likely to be achieved when the outright movements are considered. It can be assumed that it is essential for the β†’

How to write a case study in strategic management

When you need to analyze a business strategy of the definite company, you should express the results of your work in a well-formatted case study. You will have to take efforts to understand the background information about the cause of this problem and its effect on the management of the company.

Line of duty death

Contrary to this, no department or person wants to experience a LODD; unfortunately, in most of the time, these are the events that shape the changes we traditionally fight in the fire service. Indeed, it is not paramount for most of the people in the fire service to experience these events.

Robert motherwell open series essay

The repetition of line and space give the painting a rhythm that is embodied in the painterly brushstrokes of the color field. The first contrast the viewer sees is the imposing scale of the work.

Risk management and insurance

As an Insurance attorney, I have the option to work with an insurance firm or go into private practice. While working as an insurance agent, one is bound to experience a lot of rejection.

Case study

In case of unprecedented natural disasters, all the levels of government in collaboration with other relief providers should take a leading role in ensuring that all the affected people get the needed assistance. It is also recommended that the government should take a leading role in reconstructing the devastated areas.

Property market

The value of the commercial and office property keeps growing with the development of the city. The process of buying a property is regulated in UK and Europe.

Ethical dilemma

The consequence of her action is that she could lose her job and be jailed for up to one year. In my view the case of Hutchinson falls under a deontological dilemma since she just wanted to do what she believes is right for her innocent child.

Idea generation and analysis

The main reason that makes the workers less protected is the relationship between OSHA and the boat yard employees. Small screens could be placed in common areas that employees take their breaks, and the screens should show clips of the various kinds of hazards that the workers are exposed to.

Prayer in public schools

Statute that suggests for making mandated prayer illegal does indeed protects the civil liberty of the people and it is for this matter that an individual should have complete and total freedom as to his prayers or the lack thereof within a school setting. It would be a sound advice to have a neutral prayer β†’


It is divided into static and flexible budgets; a static budget is constant while the volume changes while the flexible budget adjusts line values in relation to the level of activity. The static budget projects a specified level of output, input, and the net income prior to the budgeting period although the values estimated may β†’

Describe an issue where there is an ethical implication

When considering the full ramifications of this ethical dilemma it's clear that it has broad reaching consequences and implications for the fabric of the nation. In these regards, the implications are such that the entire nation's moral fabric and economic structure has been compromised by this conflict of interest as financial institutions have been permitted β†’

Rapid social and economic changes and alexander pushkin’s work

Alexander Pushkin being the poet of the era could be rightly said as a supporter of the increased liberation, independence and power of the women within the society and used his art as the way of supporting the cause. During the same century, the spirits of American and French revolutions, in conjunction with the social β†’

Poverty and welfare in american society

The film demonstrates children suffering from the rapidly rising poverty levels in the U. In addition, he goes to the extent of desiring to get into the TV to have a taste of the food.

Westover inn: financial analysis

In regards to the past performance of the Western inn, it is clear to see that the inn has been an underperformed in regards to recording any positive net income. Current Performance: The current year of 1994, the inn again showed a positive increase in net income, with a slight drop in revenue.

Role of hospitality related organizations

This research is about the role of the hospitality related organizations and the professional bodies involved, it will also state the role of hospitality related organizations and professional bodies in the UK like the People 1st, British Hospitality Association, Institute of Hospitality and British Institute of Innkeepers, Springboard UK. The springboard UK is responsible for β†’

American exceptionalism

American Exceptionalism Abstract The basic idea for the research of the paper is to evaluate the idea of American exceptionalism and consider its importance for understanding the contemporary USA. The term Exceptionalism given to the American due to the impression that America as a whole has a dominant and a special place over the β†’

Admission for prelaw program

Task Admission for Prelaw Program The Illinois Institute of Technology in Chicago has a school of law known as the Kent School of law. This three week program scholars at the IIT Chicago Kent enroll in a number of core courses that include a combination of guest speakers, lectures, and booked visitations to court buildings β†’

Questions and answers on managerial accounting assignment

Explain why the existing $310, 000 of fixed costs is a sunk cost while the $320, 000 of fixed costs associated with the proposed addition is an out-of- pocket cost. The $320, 000, on the other hand, is a fixed cost associated with the proposed addition.

Interview with a psychiatrist mr sheikh abdul-karim

He talked about why he chose that particular hospital he worked in; what challenged he faced in the hospital; what opportunities he met there; and, what the future prospects of psychiatry were. I got to know him as a person, and he got the opportunity of talking about the difficulties he faced in his job, β†’

How does culture affect empathy

Three that stick out above the others are awareness and acknowledgement; empathy and sensitivity; and empathy, understanding, and compassion. 9) What is assertiveness According to Saulters-Pedneault, " Assertiveness is a form of communication in which needs or wishes are stated clearly with respect for oneself and the other person in the interaction.

Summary response paper

He quotes the Center for Disease Control and Prevention figures which indicate that the rate of obesity among southerners is as high as 30% and has only happened recently and notes that this is an interesting development considering that the southern states are poorer than the rest of the USA. The result is that the β†’

Feedback and its importance

Feedback is the message or response, which is given to the source from where the original message came." Feedback is an important component of the formative assessment process". Different Types of Feedback There are four basic types of feedback, which include effective feedback, evaluative feedback, descriptive feedback, and motivational feedback.

The bluest eyeconclusion essay

The characters in Toni Morrisons The Bluest Eye are confronted with the ideal of beauty and strive for it whether they know it or not. The characters in her story think that they are ugly, by others opinions of them, and want to become beautiful so they will be recognized and be the center of β†’

Life span development of martin luther king

Life Span Development and Personality of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.actions were influence by his father the Rev.

How to use truth tables to analyse arguments

The premise 1 is TRUE thus if you invest in any international oil and mineral corporation, then you get rich. The premise 1 is TRUE thus if you invest in any international Oil and Mineral corporation, then you get rich.

Psychology behind supreme court case

The US Supreme Court ruled in favor of the State of New Jersey, by a resounding margin of 6-3, declaring that the search conducted by the school authorities was valid and thereby the exclusionary principle did not apply to the evidence presented against T.L.O. Thereby the search conducted by the school in the case of β†’

Role of women in poof by lynn nottage

However, she refuses to acknowledge that she is the cause of her husband as she was brought up in a family which emphasized that she had to respectful to her husband. Louren character in the play displays the changes happening towards the gender role as she is depicted to be a symbol of power possessed β†’

American poet, memoirist, and civil rights activist

Maya Angelo sees her past experiences and her thoughts as a symbol of being trapped in the image of society. Angelinos voice was " heard on distant hill for the caged bird sings of freedom" Angelo to expresses her thoughts of her confidence In " Phenomenal Woman".

How would you create a healthy, holistic atmosphere for early and middle stage children that address their physical, cognitive, and socioemotional needs that could help their development

Early Childhood Development al Affiliation) The first step of creating a suitable environment for toddlers, infants, as well as preschool kids is to study how young kids develop and learn. The environment in which the children live influences brain development in the early years.