550 Words Essay Samples

Marketers and consumers learn the perils of promotions case studies example

Possible Alternatives Available - Give a disclaimer stating that the company would not be responsible for any problems encountered by the customers in the implementation of a promotional campaign. - Companies communicate the exact details of the promotional campaign to avoid any confusion in the minds of both consumers. - Limit the dependence on promotional campaigns β†’


First of all, Haier could not be in the scale as the other big competitors therefore Haier will not receive a large market share in developed markets. Plus, Haier in the developed market is very new and unknown by people. Having said that Haier can do well in the specified market such β†’

Free essay on description and comparison of accrual and cash basis of accounting

Hence, the accrual basis of accounting is always preferred by the Generally Accepted Accounting Principles. Differences between the Accrual and Cash basis of accounting: Under the cash based accounting, a company's financial statements do not reflect the exact position of its assets and liabilities on a given date because of which the cash based accounting β†’

Starbucks going global fast

Still bigger problems present themselves. The baby boomers, Cataracts bread and butter consumer, are slowly disappearing, giving way to the more thrifty, down-to- earth generation X, who have become increasingly weary of powerful and rich corporations and whose focus seems to have shifted from the mainstream to the local in most consumer categories. β†’

The issues case studies example

Although the levels are within current limits, failure to introduce new technology to reduce the levels further could not only make the lake's fish unsafe for human consumption, and cause the imposition of future regulatory constraints on the company, but could damage the company's profitability. Firstly, the environmental compliance manager Jonica Gunson has β†’

Individual environmental and consumer influences analysis assignment research paper

The negative perceptions that previously existence on the efficiency of online services has been transformed by the efficiency of the website that are used by the two companies. Apple and Samsung use of websites in promoting their product companies has also provided opportunities for family interaction and consultation. The preference β†’

Understand how to make minutes of meetings essay sample

The minutes should contain the title, time, date, place of meeting, names of attendees, apologies, visitors, items, actions required and date for next meeting. Meeting minutes can be long and detailed, or they can be short and to the point, depending on the nature of the meeting. Even though there is no standardized format for β†’

Goals and vision of sharekhan company

So while someone says that investing in the stock market is a confusion, then our company simplifies the sale of shares. The company is a power plant of economic services in India, with a strong presence in equity institutions and in the investment banking sector. And they checked the portfolio of confusing actions and holders β†’

Example of pullman strike essay

The Pullman strike took place in the year 1894 in Chicago and proved to be a defining moment in the history of US labor movement and also affected the political and social structure of the America. This paper discusses the Pullman strike and several related aspects of the issue. American society, economic and industrial policies β†’

Internal analysis of caffe nero case study examples

The company has received other awards and accolades from other recognized bodies within the United Kingdom. Sources of Internal Competencies Porter's Generic Value Chain Efficient Activities Key factors are responsible for ensuring efficacy and efficiency of activities within the company, and these include the company's infrastructure, exceptional procurement process, good management, and β†’

Hbs – foxconn technology group essay sample

Gou created intense and brutal working conditions to keep product output at a peak, paying no mind to the detrimental effects his tyrannical working conditions took on his employees. Despite the meager pay and harsh conditions Foxconn was one of the best places to work for low-skilled workers. It took several years for Nike β†’

Free strategic communication plan for an effective merger research paper sample

What to expect next from the American-US Airways merger. Online Magazine Retrieved from http://www.inc.com/magazine/201305/robin-d-schatz/how-to-successfully-manage-a-merger.html. US Airways.

Good business plan about operations management

A fact that that foster the need of looking into ways that such mistakes can be eradicated and avoided come the future. In regards to the underestimated demand of Apple Inc. Subsequent to the implementation of this strategy, it is apparent that a considerable number of business aspects of Apple.

Breathe right

This case analysis of CNS and its product, Breathe Right strips, analyzes the effectiveness of the three-stage decision-making model that the company has developed for its expansion to the international business setting. The rationale behind the creation and development of the three-stage model is the need to objectively analyze a country's suitability β†’

Research paper on united parcel service

The model suggests three phases to bring changes: Unfreezing, Moving and Refreezing. Unfreezing first phase: Lewin said that in the first phase organization realize the need of change. UPS unfreezes its old processes and implemented effective measures to monitor customer satisfaction and eighteen quality processes. Moving Second Phase: this phase discusses the planning and strategy β†’

Good example of essay on cloud computing – homecare homebase

While HCHB is currently a leader in cloud services in the industry, there are viable competitors that compete for target audience and develop programming that continually streamline the operational requirements in an industry that must adjust to changing governmental regulations. HCHB is an application that is a little of ten years old with operations based β†’

Essay on ip2 marketing

Without a clear marketing strategy, the efforts to get the approval of many customers is likely to fail because an effective marketing strategy determines the sufficiency and quality of products provided by the business to meet customer demands. For the company to implement a marketing segment successfully, it must employ marketing research techniques to identify β†’

Costs of capital and dividends case studies examples

Preferred stock is the class of business ownership in a company where there is a higher claim on the assets and profits than that of common stock. In the case of private enterprises, the company can decide to issue individual preferred shares to investors to fund its operations.

Walmart industry analysis using porters five forces case study examples

The quality the customers receive of products from WalMart is high, which makes it even more difficult to influence the prices these products. Rivalry from Competitive Companies Rivalry from competitors is fairly weak. WalMart's low prices make it difficult for other competitors to make a significant amount of profit. Threat of substitute Products β†’

Allstate insurance company

Some of the techniques that are being applied by the company are creating good relationship with the customers and giving the best service possible to the insurance buyers. Since Allstate is a big company with a reputation and credibility to take care of, the company keeps on making the public informed of β†’

Admission essay on what significant change or innovation would you like to introduce in your company

To continue to grow the company though, it is necessary to incubate and implement new ideas. With regards to fostering a climate that is more accepting of innovation and experimentation, this can be accomplished by dedication and further showing the leadership what the staff is capable of.

Economics in business course work

An increase in income will also lead to an increase in the demand of imports and a decrease in national income will lead to less demand for imports. If the cost of production in the country is low then the export demand will be high. Another factor that certainly affects imports and exports is marketing.

Caterpillar excavator model 324e research paper examples

For example, if one good is a substitute of the other, then cross elasticity of demand would witness the decrease of the price for the original product. If it was a car, the cross elasticity of demand would be different. Schiller writes, " The essence of the market power is the ability to β†’

Good example of case study on taylor theory

Taylor rule is the rule which analyze the impact of monetary policy on different things like on leverage as well. - It is required to analyze the statistical relationship between inflation and leverage This particular movement of leverage from 1986 to 2011 is showing that the movement in the leverage was not volatile. From this β†’

Example of hot dog stand business plan

Hot dog stands are indeed a staple of our national cuisine, that no true resident could bear to be without, but we believe that no one has ever created a hot dog stand with the expressed aim of community betterment and the development of a sustainable local culture. Hot dog stands form an integral part β†’

Benefit of the offshore outsource

The managerial control will belong to the different company and its function will not be driven by the same standards and mission of the main company. At the end, both of the company compete each other to conquer the market.

Economic policy proposals of barack obama

Economic Policy Proposals of Barack Obama President Barack Obama seeking a second term, in his economic blue print aimed at a revival of the American economy, put forward some serious economic measures. One of the pivotal proposals made by President was a revival of the manufacturing industry in the United States of America. β†’

Wilderness and the american mind by roderick nash

As a means of understanding this cultural and historical reality, the author points to the fact that this particularly flawed level of thinking must be changed in order for the remaining natural resources and nature that is represented throughout the United States to be preserved. In order for this to take place, the author argues β†’

Humiliation of iago (othello) essay

The value of the work consists in its unconventional approach to the play analysis. The main purpose of the article is to discover the reasons of Iago's reluctance to accept his true nature and live in a real world instead of advancing his enigma and mystery throughout the play. In order to identify the actual β†’

U.s. government’s bailouts

The fixed costs of the company increase in the long run if the assistance that is given is in the form of debt financing. In the case of General Motors the long run consequence of the bailout was that the firm had to give up a lot of equity to the government in exchange for β†’

Good example of technology and social issues essay

Technological growth may leave without work millions of people, and significantly increase the level of unemployment in the world. Experts of the leading European companies in the field of artificial intelligence convinced that robots can replace not only the low qualified staff but also the highly qualified professionals.

Should be presented as a journal opinion article and address an economics issue of current interest to wall street journal readers

More concerning is the fact that the number of part-time workers doing involuntary shifts is more than 50% higher than at the beginning of the recession (International Labor Organization 20). People working part-time are 5 times more likely to live in poverty compared to permanent workers. Currently, about 75% of part-time workers in the country β†’

Behavioral endpoints essay examples

The best action forms the positive side of the curve whereas the negative side is portraying the low performing side. The staff is involved in the decision-making process and therefore they are able to understand the changes that are going to be put into place. This makes the implementation process smooth and free flowing as β†’

Weaknesses of china’s macro-environment

There is a huge gap between China's developed and underdeveloped areas despite the progress witnessed in the last few years with respect to GDP growth and development policies initiated by the government in support of the country's central and western regions. In 2009, for example, half of the GDP was realized in coastal regions. With β†’

Betrayal as a providing theme in othello

Iago intends to lie to Othello and tricking him into believing that his lieutenant Cassio has been having an affair with his wife Desdemona to start a spark of jealousy in Othello which will, later on, turn Othello mad resulting in horrific acts and Iago becoming the new lieutenant. As the play goes on, Iago β†’

Case: colgate max fresh

More specifically, the learning objectives for this course are to: 1) Develop the necessary skills for the analysis of marketing opportunities, competition, and competitive advantage based on existing frameworks, theories, and empirical generalizations. 2) Examine alternative strategies for sustainable competitive advantage and growth over the course of a market's evolution and product life cycle and β†’

An applicant with bachelor’s degree in marketing from the university of dammam pretends for admission in the utsa university of texas at san antonio

To introduce my academic background, I accomplished my bachelors' degree in marketing from the University of Dammam in 2011. I feel that I have enough knowledge and passion to show that I have a craze about going ahead in the marketing industry and contribute to the business market.

Good example of research paper on art work

The purpose is to modify the perception of the consumer and divert the attention towards the rigour of the product. Top line promotion and below the line promotional activities will be segregated and uttered to bring desired changes to the perception of consumer in accord to the objective. - Budget: The β†’

Females in advertising 10629

Once they start losing weight, they feel better, as if they are conforming to society's set pattern. Complements and acceptance once not received can fuel the drive to look like the face in the magazine. We need to teach our teenagers that the images they face everyday, whether it is in television, film, β†’


According to Gray & Larson , they think that the earliest finish time of the final activity of reject In the forward pass Is Identified as the project duration through beginning at the first actively and then adding the actively duration. If there is 2 days delay during activity O, it will not affect β†’

Essay on the courtly love tradition

The lover in the courtly love tradition was expected to worship his lover from afar, perform deeds of service for her sake and obey her commands with total loyalty and unbending perseverance. The imagery of courtly love was borrowed from religion and feudalism: the woman was above her male lover he was her vassal, her β†’

Proposed value chain- primary activities report examples

Since the products are hand-made, care must be taken to ensure they are of good quality and the workers are trained properly to do their work efficiently. Example- Give hand-made product creating knowledge to the women workers and monitor the quality of the finished products. - Outbound Logistics- The products must be delivered to the end β†’

Vornado realty trust

The Vornado Realty Trust owns high-rise commercial buildings, in the tune of hundred millions, in Washington DC and New York. The second quarter rental changes, in Washington and New York, by the sales of Washington office brought the sales of $500 with a net gain of $177million to the company.

The harmful effects of the practice of overselling on the job market

Therefore, as a salesperson you have to first find out the needs of the client. Sometimes the client might also not be sure of what exactly do they need and this is where skilled salespeople are capable of rescuing. This is the reason employees choose to take up any of the sales and marketing courses β†’

Identify and describe a minor character in the novel, the alchemist

On the way to Egypt, Santiago takes time to listen to the desert and the main reason is to discover the soul of the world. The purpose of the Camel Driver is to update Santiago and make him understand the importance of the present. The Tribal Chieftain The Tribal Chieftain is the guard of β†’

Our government

For instance, the aspect of $20 Trillion obscured in the 80s by Regan hint the amalgamation of satire. In this context, the following paper seeks to discuss a political satire about the U.S.government. It is a documented fact, in 1987; a ridicule aspect of $20 Trillion buried was ridicule and deriding vice.

I has a dream

The " I has a dream" Ad Campaign " I has a dream" was an ad that came out in the late 90s produced by the company Austin Kelly advertising that caused a wave of controversy around the country regarding the subject of proper language versus heritage within the African American population. The ad was β†’

Environmentalism as religion

After understanding the magnitude of the effects of these materials to our dear environment, I now try to avoid doing anything that would have a negative effect to my surrounding and that of others. Being conscious of the environment has caused me to have a plan that I never had before on garbage disposal.

Everyday use (style of dee)

Although Dee is hurt by the distortion of her relationship with her first boyfriend, yet she maintains the image of a powerful girl and does not share her emotions with anyone. Instead of searching for the truth, she is keen to take whatever new comes her way. Concluding, Dee has a progressive yet arrogant nature.

Points of view

Critical thinking, in this case, entails the learning application of these ideas, theories, and principles as they become implemented in the learners' lives. Research On Opinion Reliable And Credible Articles The two reliable and the credible articles on the critical thinking issue are the; The Journal of Educators Online, Volume 6, Number 1, β†’

How do movies or television influence peoples behavior use reasons and specific examples to support you answer

How Movies or Television Influence Peoples' Behavior Affiliation This paper is a reflection of how television and movies impact the behavior of individuals. This makes children love TV and become lazy in class. It is the idea of many people that movies as well as television reflect the society.

Writing style

In this light, the paper is an assessment of my academic writing style, weaknesses and strengths and smart developmental objectives guiding my writing. The undoubted fact that everybody can write but not to academic requirements has never escaped my mind in writing. Most importantly, I have a clear regulation of style, tone, voice, and diction β†’

Ukraine transit country, were seriously harmed. european consumers’

The two sides did not agree on a price which they wouldlike to buy Russian gas as well as did not concur on a levy for the transportof Russian gas to the Europe from Ukraine prior the previous assertions expiredon 2008. Conveyances to both Ukraine as well as other European nations start again on 20thJanuary β†’

Free essay on the sociological imagination by c wright mills

His coinage of the term life chances is also important as it explains what this means in the context of the American society which was, and up to a point, still is run by the very few at the top. He attempts to make us understand that certain policies instigated β†’

All the pretty horses by cormac mccarthy. a literary review

He's young and he has nowhere to go. Mexico is revealed to be not at all like the old Frontier Grady seemed to imagine. John Grady ultimately has to go back to America.

Good the sixties essay example

The book starts with the era of the cold war and takes readers on a journey that passes through various phases and ends with the beginning of the social activism and revolutionary counterculture in the United States of America. Anderson, in his book, describes how the generation of baby boomers β†’

John maxwell coetzee’s waiting for the barbarians, novel critique

The " Barbarians" Two of the foremost mechanisms inside the plot of Waiting for the Barbarians are the behavior and structure of The Empire and the " barbarians". The barbarians in this novel embody the life outside the wealthy and well-kept, constantly working, learning, and balancing the relationship of human and nature interaction.

Anne of green gables. theme analysis.

They were going to bring her back to the orphanage, but after spending time with this poor girl, they started to like her, and soon, she became part of the family. Anne trying to fit in and is always sensitive about her ' carrot' hair was one of the hard times.

My impressions from still i rise poem

The first time, its cool, however my parents seem to know the feeling that I would do it again and therefore they had to take drastic measures to prevent me from doing so again. The way Maya Angelou, " and do you think my words offend you", I think that what our parents say to β†’

Main message of a pair of silk stockings story

Chopin and Pat Moras Attitudes In A pair of silk stockings by Chopin, a mother temporarily escapes from the daily worries and fatigue of the lower class to enjoy luxuries only available to the affluent upon the chance possession of a large sum of money. The main character belongs to the lower class, β†’

A farewell to arms

While Frederic Henry became a true " code hero" by the end of the novel, Catherine Barkley was a better example of a " code hero" throughout the course of the novel. The most important characteristics required to be a true Hemingway " code hero" like Catherine Barkley are bravery, immorality, and discipline. According to β†’

Analytical analysis of the tempest

The major theme of a " dramatic comedy' relates to the idea of relationship or marriage, which is seen in the play as the climax and ultimate outcome. As stated before, the source of conflict and action in a " dramatic comedy' only exist through character interaction, as seen Prospered and Notation's relationship. β†’

The long way home essay sample

The book explores the various experiences some of the immigrants to America had during the Great War time. A great step towards achieving unity between them was, the soldiers had to learn English and this seemed to be of great value CITATION Ken04 p 4 l 1033. Americanization of many of the β†’

Rape scene in the bluest eye

When she made him sleep with her for warmth in the winter and he could see her old wrinkled breasts in her nightgown - then he wondered whether it would have been just as well to have died." If he looked at her as an actual parent he would not have thought about β†’

And then there were none by agatha christie: a character of philip lombard

This reaction gives us a peek into Lombard's psyche and way he's always acts so blase in many of the sequences of ATTWN, because to Lombard, there's always a way out. " For the first time his voice was uneven, almost shrill. Lombard's reaction opens the reader to the 2nd half of the book, β†’

Plot summary i know why the caged bird sings

Maya and Bailey are haunted by their parents' abandonment throughout the book they travel alone and are labeled like baggage.[20] The community of Stamps, Arkansas, is the setting for most of the book. Many of the problems Maya encounters in herchildhoodstem from the overt racism of her white neighbors. This coaxes Maya out of her β†’

Example of article review on children’s literature and how it grew

Other than those, Egoff assumes children that could read had to make do with books such as romances and fables and the like that were written for an adult audience. Then, in the era of the Puritans, they discovered that children liked to read books about other children, so children's β†’

Belonging in “as you like it ” by shakespeare

Different types are presented throughout the play by showing connections to place, to people and to ideas. Each connection that is presented details the characters emotions, actions and morals and values. Rosalind and Orlando had to be banished from the Court, to then thrive and find themselves in the Forest of Arden enabling them to β†’

Library system title proposal

Take for example in a library, the circulation of the books can be managed with the efficient use of Barcode System. General Objectives The general objective of this project is to develop and implement a library system with the usage of barcode system for Laguna University Library.

Book review on book : the amazing harry houdini

He moved to the Big Apple which was in New Yolk city to work as a messenger and fabric cutter in the tie factory. He started performing magic as a teen and went by the name of " Eric The Great" He changed his name to Houdini after he read a book from one of β†’

The problems of educational system in savage inequalities

The author explained that the diploma they will get from ghetto high school is not valuable in the States. Jennifer, the student at the school in Rye, New York area, claimed that her family was originally form Bronx. Jennifer agreed that everyone should have a chance to have equal education, however, she does not agree β†’

Macbeth hallucinations

These two ideas of the subconscious come alive in this tragedy through hallucinations. In the beginning of the tragedy, Macbeth receives a prophecy that he will become king. Though the reader does not see this from Macbeth's exterior emotions, it is depicted through his subconscious. In the next act, β†’

Punishment is not a solution

Therefore, prisons should be rehabilitory. Some of people think that the punishment is necessary for prisons to be deterrent. If the aim is to make the prisons deterrent, punishment is not true way.

Their eyes were watching god: overview

The judgment placed upon her and the gossip that is said is a result of na ve ignorance on both parties, the community and Janie herself. The people of the town know little about Janie and what she has encountered in her years away, but make no genuine attempt to know, so β†’

Classism in the stolen party by liliana heker

Individuals who belong to the lowest parts of society and class are seen as deviants who refuse to work hard and climb out from the bottom of the pyramid. This thinking is similar to other forms of bias and oppression that have long existed and are hard to eradicate. Moreover, people who are less fortunate β†’

Example of positive representation of women in media essay

The text is posted online at a bbc.com soccer website. Soccer fans and the general public who have an interest in the development of women soccer are the targeted audience for the text. The level of skill in soccer displayed in the soccer match by both teams was very high, β†’

Example of understanding how gangs grow and develop essay

The gangs parents hope to have their children are not kept off from gaining counter social learning as well as role modeling behaviors that raise the chances of the children being impacted by the gangs. This is due to the fact that the gang parents struggle to train and make their children devoted to their β†’

Example of essay on stourhead the storyteller

The view of the lake with its clear waters and the reflection of the birds flying above it enthralls one to the core and makes one feel so lost in the magnificence of nature that the very existence of us humans as just another specie becomes truly insignificant, and one commences to realize the presence β†’

Acing to influence ace to card more expandable

The settles, verification and clears of each Mastercard is finished by the PCs of the ace card with in a millisecond when the card is swiped in genuine word element. To draw in the clients increasingly the Master Card organization, need to give the reward and program of faithfulness.

Essay on aging in middle and late adulthood

The article provides detailed descriptions of the types of skin-care products that middle-aged women should use and why they would be good for the skin. This article is relevant to developmental psychology in that its explanation of the beauty products' benefits is a good way of convincing women to use β†’

Xbee for wireless transmission of data over terrestrial

PWM is used for controlling the amplitude of digital signal in order to control devices and applications which required power. XBee Explorer USB: XBee explorer provides a gateway between XBee to computer. In this way translates data between computer and the XBee Pro S1. There's also a reset button, and a voltage regulator β†’

Policy formation essay example

The deputy wanted to do away with the fifth and sixth grade as general math in the school. One of the principals became too furious and said that the deputy was setting the expectations of the schools too high. They commented that all the students were to strive for excellence and β†’

Effective intercultural communication

It is imperative that we be aware of and sensitive to the many cultural differences we will encounter. As you know Asian Services International Group has offices in many Asian countries including India, China, Korea, The Philippines, and Thailand. You must also be prepared to understand their actions and reactions to your β†’

Good essay on how business writing should be executed

Pick the tone carefully. Tone must be balance depending on many factors, but mainly the context of communication and the audience you are writing to. Does not matter to whom you are writing to - write clear and mannerly at the same time about the goal of your correspondence. 8.

Bad presentation traits essay examples

The presenters must first understand the audience. Contemplating the Outcome Most presenters think too much about the outcome of their presentation that they fail to realize that they are the presentation. More information ensures that the student is confident while presenting and can elucidate points when the audience requires an explanation. Prepare the Structure β†’

Example of article review on review of article five meta-trends changing the world

Yes, I think the article was written in a clear manner. Although the author gave his opinion in each of the five areas discussed, and gave supporting references for each, I still do not believe that I would classify the article as overly biased. He supported his position in a β†’

Critical thinking on environmental forces

Today it is possible to organize different conferences and meetings with the help of these technologies and there are all the possibilities for the further development in this sphere. One of the important environmental forces influencing the society is related to the technology and government. A lot of people, especially those of the previous generations, β†’

Calm technology

The underlying concept is to match the resolution of the notification with the amount and importance of information being conveyed. What do they indicate? The timing of a status tone is important, as is how you experience it.

The importance of diversity in communication today

History would tell us how far the age of humanity has stretched from the period of cave men, to the age of land explorations, to Renaissance, up to the age of industrialization, and now, the period ofglobalization. The diversity in the products of technology helps communication to be faster, powerful, and effective.

ο»Ώuse and develop systems that promote communication essay sample

Analyse the essential features of information sharing agreements within and between organisations. I understand that Certain information will need to be shared between Staff and outside organisations and that information can only be disclosed if it is in the residents best interests or for the protection of others or in the interest β†’

Scrapbooking essay

Scrapbooking Scrapbooking is a great way for me to capture the special people and events I encounter in my life. The places I have been are great experiences to talk about and share with family members but when I have a personally made book with photos to go along with my stories makes for β†’

About myself and my communication style

I am emotionally attached to loved ones and to the people for whom I care; I am very bad controlling my emotions, which is a weakness of mine. I am an introvert to strangers and extrovert to my family members.

The human auditory and visual parts of our brain

This scene would go well with both the camera and sound parts of the film. Once the flashback has been over, the camera would than put abigail in a POV perspective and there would be silence in the film. At this point, the lighting would go back to normal as she is looking down to β†’

Chapter 1: communication in the workplace

An email message sent from the production supervisor to a customer is classified: x A)external-operational communication B)internal-operational communication C)personal communication D)none of the above 6. Which of the following is not one of the basic truths about the communication process? x A)The symbols of communication are perfect.

Hamlet in the film and the play: comparing and contrasting essay

In the play, this monologue could be interpreted as a desperate call because Hamlet is not confident about his decision, whereas Hamlet in the film seems to know the answer to this eternal question. There is a certain discrepancy in the way Shakespeare's Hamlet and Gibson's hero unveil the tragic style of the play. This β†’

Beowulf is an anglo-saxon poem

In our modern culture, it is a recognized and sanctioned position, a dominant ideological position, for the masculine to be associated with the terse. So, think about for instance when Hrothgar is an early leader of the Danes and he builds that great Hall of Herot.