5000 Words Essay Samples

The potential of video games as a pedagogical tool

Each Pokemon has a name, a " type", a weakness and a strength, and a stage of its evolution. Motivations for game play and the social capital and civic potential of video games.

The function of money economics essay

In the literature the creation of the European Monetary Union is often portrayed as the result of a grand Bargain between France and Germany prior to the Maastricht Treaty in which the rest of European states sought to participate in order to get a share of the political benefits and status that this monetary union β†’

International marketing plan – apple

GDP growth slipped in 2001-03 as the global downturn, the high value of the pound, and the bursting of the " new economy" bubble hurt manufacturing and exports. Information on the use, the handling of the iPod and the disposal will be placed on the package.

Deaf sign-language using patients’ experiences in health emergencies in wales: perspectives for improving interactions

Based on our knowledge and experience as researchers and linguists, the Welsh context, and our face-to-face interactions with members of the Deaf community, we offer recommendations for how to improve services for Deaf individuals in health emergency situations. In terms of 999 services, we propose that a 24/7, pan-Wales BSL emergency video service, available without β†’

Analysis of motivational theories and leadership behavior commerce

When a individual is selected in an organisation he will be put in such a section in which he is specialized to make work for the organisation for illustration: a adult male cognizing to do histories can be sent to finance section.there are different type of departmentalization ' s This deals with the group activities β†’

Bone marrow aspirate in the treatment of chondral injuries

Our aim is to review this literature regarding the basic science of bone marrow-derived stem cells and the therapeutic potential of bone marrow aspirate concentrate in the regeneration and repair of chondral injuries. As we age the population of MSCs decreases and hence reduces the repair and healing potential of the elderly.

The mobile phone market in nigeria commerce essay

The purpose of this research is to bridge the research gap on Privatization of Nigerian telecommunication and its commendable policies to expand and modernize the telecommunications systems and services in Nigeria, and present an insight of the challenges facing NITEL as a company. Since the end of NITEL's monopoly of the government has realized the β†’

Dynamic changes in the expression of interferon-stimulated genes in joints of spf chickens infected with avian reovirus

Real time quantitative polymerase chain reaction was performed to detect the pattern of changes in the viral load in joints after infection and the changes in the expression of IFNs and ISGs at the transcription level. The hock joints of SPF chickens in the infection group showed redness and swelling.

Idealised love hope and mortality in β€˜the great gatsby’ and β€˜sonnets from the portuguese’ essay sample

In New York.he is met with a narrative of love.lecherousness.criminal conversation and slaying; it is a relation of the decease of the American Dream.and the ruin of those who attempt to make its illusive ends.' The Great Gatsby' is a novel that takes topographic point during the boom mid-twentiess.or an era otherwise known as the β†’

Older people engagement in community sociology essay

The aim of this study is to investigate impacts of older people engagement in Community day care centre activities focusing on the case of the St Matthews Community Day Care Centre, in Ballyfermot, Dublin 10. Also the study sets out to examine how older people participate in these activities and what are the benefits of β†’

Model driven development vs test driven development computer science

The focus of MDD as the name implies is on the models rather than on code that guides the development of software whereas focus of TDD is on the tests. In this process, the design is taken as the basis to start with the development and as the development process is advanced, it is analyzed β†’

Apple inc decided to enter thai market marketing essay

The result is positive by comparing the CAPM of Apple s in Thailand market with the Thailand Treasury Bills; the CAPM of Apple s in Thailand is higher by 6.451%. Based on the result of this research, the Apple Inc.action to enter the Thailand market was a good decision that favored the company and made β†’

Case report: utilizing ai and nlp to assist with healthcare and rehabilitation during the covid-19 pandemic

This article will provide a brief review and perspective on the use of AI/ML technologies and systems that can aid in the assessment and treatment of acute and chronic musculoskeletal, neurological and other conditions. To address the need for rapid diagnosis of COVID-19 patients and to gauge the impact and severity of a patients' infection, β†’

Plot summary for dante’s inferno assignment

Virgil leads Dante to the border of the second circle, which Dante observes as ' to place where nothing shines." Circle Two As the two protagonists head from the first to second circle, they hear an increasing number of wails and screams of the souls. As Prances tells Virgil and Dante her and Paulo's story, β†’

A novel m a gene signature associated with regulatory immune function for prognosis prediction in clear-cell renal cell carcinoma

In this study, we carried out a comprehensive analysis based on the expressions of m 6 A RNA methylation regulator to identify their important roles in the diagnosis and survival prediction for the ccRCC patients. Differential expression analysis of the 21 m 6 A RNA methylation genes between normal and tumor samples was performed in β†’

Treatment of unresectable differentiated thyroid carcinoma with upfront external radiotherapy and salvage surgery: a strobe-compliant retrospective cohort study

The use of EBRT in patients with high-risk features for relapse and gross residual disease has been described and subject to controversy. Therefore, our aim is to describe the results of upfront EBRT in patients with initially unresectable DTC, and when feasible, of the addition of surgery.

Editorial: the mononuclear phagocyte system in infectious disease

Upon the discovery of dendritic cells in 1973 by the late Nobel Laureate, Ralph Steinman, and subsequent inclusion of this cell type as part of MPS in the late 1970s, the term " MPS" undertook a specialized function for processing and presenting antigen to activate lymphocytes. It is predicted that the incorporation of new technologies β†’

Iran israel conflict assignment

Although the assessment states that the US Intelligence Community has " high confidence" that Iran's " nuclear weapons program" was halted in 2003 and that the halt lasted for " at least several years," the document makes clear that the halt applied only to one facet of Iran's activities relevant to the development of nuclear β†’

The dynamic expression of potential mediators of severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 cellular entry in fetal, neonatal, and adult rhesus monkeys

Since there is lack of data of the viral susceptibility of SARS-CoV-2 in fetuses and neonates of human beings, we utilized the primate animal model of Rhesus monkeys to evaluate the expression of SARS-CoV-2-related receptors, associated proteases, and immunologic features in different developmental stages and different organs. Very interestingly, the highest expression level of ACE2 β†’

Adverse effects of flood in pakistan

The Flood of 2010 which affected around 20 million people in Pakistan directly and left them homeless have been the worst flood that Pakistan and the world has ever seen. According to the facts provide by the Food and Agriculture Organization, Agriculture is one of the main sector of Pakistan's economy employing more than 42% β†’

Post-segregational killing and phage inhibition are not mediated by cell death through toxin/antitoxin systems

For example, the type VII secretion system DNase toxin EsaD of the EsaD/EsaG TA system of Staphylococcus aureus is secreted for bacterial competitiveness; this is the second known toxin that is a DNase with RalR of the Escherichia coli RalR/RalA TA system being the first. There are six well-established systems that include type I, in β†’

Right temporoparietal junction plays a role in the modulation of emotional mimicry by group membership

For example, there is a positive relationship between the volume of the rTPJ and increased impartiality in intergroup conflict, favoring the modulatory role of the rTPJ in intergroup bias in social cognition. As the rTPJ is the core area of the mentalizing system, this model implied the role of the rTPJ in processing social information β†’

Thomas green

Inability to blend in the organization and not listen to his immediate boss: Green was reluctant to listen to his boss, Davis and hence was unable to mould himself to the needs of the organization. Inability to blend in the organization and not listen to his immediate boss: Green was reluctant to listen to his β†’

Rise and fall of standard pricing

This is a movement toward modern accounting and it is important to see the relationships between costing accounting, its fluctuations and how they impact the health of the organisation as a whole with regard to productivity and job satisfaction. For the purpose of proving the argument that such changes in accounting practice has a negative β†’

Highlights of the indian two wheeler segment marketing essay

The two wheeler segment has enabled significant growth and has given a thrust to the automobile industry in India with respect to production, sales and exports of the two wheelers. The economic growth, need for better conveyance and improvement in the road infrastructure coupled with better credit and financing options, have been a major catalyst β†’

The level of disaster preparedness of pangasinan state university students lingayen campus s.y. 2012-2013

Significance of the Study The output of this research is deemed significant to the following: * The Students. This study will make the university aware on the level of disaster preparedness of the students and will help them coin appropriate programs to cope with the necessity of the students.

How the misrepresentation of war and conflict can lead to a false view of events

It aims to look at the various ways that the media communicate the conflict to the public, and how it poses itself as a watchdog, supposedly working as the public's eyes and ears, as well as giving them an outlet via which their ' voice' can be heard. Without the media, the public would find β†’

Challenges and emerging technologies within the field of pediatric actigraphy

Despite the widespread use of actigraphy for sleep assessment, there is no standard in actigraphy sleep scoring rules comparable to the Rechtschaffen and Kales sleep scoring rules for PSG. There are a number of key sleep and wake actigraph variables, including sleep duration, daytime naps, and night-time wakings, the longest sleep period overnight, sleep efficiency, β†’

Multilingual communities: effects of code switching

The purpose of this study is to investigate code switching in the teaching of English as a second language to secondary school students. Numan and Carter define code switching as " a phenomenon of switching from one language to another in the same discourse".

Phylogeographic analysis suggests a recent population bottleneck in the rare red sea tridacna squamosina

Given the scarcity of reference sequences for this species, our study aims to amplify the mitochondrial sequences of the rare T.squamosina using the Tridacna specific primers, to improve barcode reference libraries and investigate their population structure. We combined our results with those of Richter et al.and Fauvelot et al, to document the known distribution of β†’

The debate regarding the hijab theology religion essay

Contents Reasons For Wearing the Hijab Literature on this subject is abundant as research has been conducted globally on the subject of the hijab as to the grounds why adult females should and should non have on the hijab. The aims of the survey are to analyze if the dominant negative Western perceptual experience affects β†’

Is the threat of terrorism exaggerated politics essay

The terrorist attack on the twin towers of the World Trade Center took place in the early hours on the morning of 11th September 2001. In the book Thomas highlights the events that led to the initiation of the war on terror and the mistakes made by both civil and military bureaucracy.

Concept of non conventional alcoholic beverages in india

When it comes to wine what comes to mind is grape wine and for several thousands of years wine has been traditionally made by the fermentation of the juice of the grape. Many varieties of wine are made throughout the world and the French wines are considered to be the most popular all over the β†’

Using appropriate management studies models commerce essay

Throughout this period, IBM central HQ was content to rely on the success and profitability of its mainframe computer range and observe the rapid growth of another small but related market in which it had no involvement: the personal computer market. The IBM PC was just one of many computers in the small-computer market.

Discrimination for terrorism offence suspects

Title:" The case for discriminatory treatment of persons suspected of terrorism offences- a research study to test the adequacy of the current procedural safeguards that are in place in the UK to protect terror suspects from abuses of due process and breaches of human rights legislation. In chapter 4 of this paper, the author will β†’

Basic accounting: concepts, techniques and conventions assignment

As long as the two recognition criteria are met, the $100, 000 measure of revenue on the accrual basis is preferred to the $45, 000 measure of revenue on the cash basis. Even though the book value of the equipment may differ from its market price, the difference between the book value and the market β†’

Day after tomorrow

To dismiss The Day After Tomorrow purely for its scientific inaccuracies, then, clearly misses the point of the movie, which is to use realist elements of climate science as a starting point for melodrama and fantasy, so that it can dwell on the spectacle of extreme weather, appropriate for a blockbuster disaster movie, and also β†’

Double diamond essay

The size of the global diamond is? xed within a foreseeable period, but the size of the domestic diamond varies according to the country size and its competitiveness. In the next section, we will assess the Porter versus the generalized double diamond models using data for both domestic and international determinants in the cases of β†’

Application of types of lubricant

Grease is a mixture of a lubricant and a thickener; often it is made from a mineral oil and a soap. The ring which is rotating with a shaft is partly submerged in the oil and carries it up to the shaft bearings.

The way in which numeracy is taught education essay

Secondary research has been carried out by the writer into the undermentioned countries; numeracy, criterions and course of study, appraisal, instruction and larning numeracy, formative appraisal and feedback, staff and staff preparation and good pattern in numeracy." Numeracy is the cognition and accomplishments required to efficaciously pull off and react to the mathematical demands of β†’

The agent of socialization theology religion essay

In the growing process of children in a family, they tend to think that what their parents and siblings do must be correct and their own selves are allowed to do so. Furthermore, a rich family and a poor family are also playing a different role as the agent of socialization to their children.

Monitoring re-growth of invasive plants using an autonomous surface vessel

The local community is engaged in monitoring the growth of the plant and its presence in the lake. This approach " works" but it suffers from the need to utilize a number of volunteers to monitor the lake, the lack of a standard measure of the level of the infestation, uneven sampling of the lake, β†’

Children with intellectual disabilities and the effects of physical activities

On this sight there is a clear layout In this Literature review the author will review articles and case studies and compare them in the hope of gaining a greater knowledge of the meaning of Intellectual disabilities and the effect's having a disabled child can have on a family. In this part of the study β†’

Prognosis and prophylactic regional nodal irradiation in breast cancer patients with the first isolated chest wall recurrence after mastectomy

The present retrospective study aimed to assess the prognosis and the incidence and patterns of subsequent locoregional recurrence in breast cancer patients with ICWR, and to evaluate the role of prophylactic RNI. Of the 52 patients with sRR, 30 recurred in the axilla, 29 in the SC, and five in the IMN.

Reflection – learning to live with complexity

In a complex system, the same starting conditions can produce different outcomes, depending on the interactions of the elements in the system. To appeal to novice gamers and keep the price down, the company made the rest of the console relatively simple.

Senior citizen’s library resources, usage and their growing needs essay sample

THE GROWING POPULATION OF SENIOR CITIZENS Even if this paper focuses on the library resources for senior citizens, this writer finds it important to discuss first the population highlights of the said age category for the purpose of having a general yet concrete idea of how much of our elderly fellows are in need of β†’

Effects of social information on the release and expression of gonadotropin-inhibitory hormone in birds

In this review, we summarize current research on the social modulation of the release and expression of GnIH in the brain, with particular reference to GnIH responses to conspecifics. GnIH neurons terminate in the close proximity of GnRH2 neurons in the midbrain of sparrows and starlings and GnRH2 neurons express GnIH receptor mRNA in European β†’

Attitude and attitude towards foreign retailers marketing essay

The favourable government policies and the active participation of the private sector are the main reasons for the retail industry in UAE to come out as one of the world's most desirable retail environment in terms of investment and also revenue generation. The main factors that are driving the retail industries upwards are the strong β†’

What is new in genetics of congenital heart defects?

The use of new technologies has increased the possibility of identification of new genes and chromosomal loci in syndromic and non-syndromic CHDs. The molecular basis leading to CHD is to be elucidated, considering the overexpression of the TBX1 gene and the possible interaction with other genes inside and outside the 22q11.

Editorial: modularity in motor control: from muscle synergies to cognitive action representation

Alessandro et al.review the works related to muscle synergies in neuroscience and control engineering and provide an overview of the methods that have been employed to test the validity of the control scheme. In the context of direction-specific recruitment of muscle synergies, Gentner et al.investigate adaptation to a visuomotor rotation of a virtual target displacement β†’

Thalamic injury and cognition in multiple sclerosis

Progressive atrophy of the thalamus has been shown in all MS disease types, and loss of volume in the thalamus is one of the earliest and most prominent signs of deep gray matter pathology in patients with MS as seen in patients presenting with the clinically isolated syndrome and radiologically isolated syndrome. In a study β†’

Psy 270 week 5 discussion questions answers and research assignment

A major weakness of this viewpoint is the wide range of personality traits that have been tied to substance abuse as different studies point to different traits as the key causal factors or traits that could possibly be linked to substance abuse and dependency. As drug intake increases, the body's production of the neurotransmitters continues β†’

The delphi technique: making sense of consensus

CHARACTERISTICS OF THE DELPHI TECHNIQUE The Delphi technique is well suited as a means and method for consensus-building by using a series of questionnaires to collect data from a panel of selected subjects. Ludwig notes that the number of experts used in a Delphi study is " generally determined by the number required to constitute β†’

Mrp characterstics benefits and objectives characterstics business essay

We can see that the period from when the company had started in 1984 and now the period of 2012 it had undergone the vast changes many new machines had been recently built, innovation and expansion is done to create the demand and maintain the quality. The Ecological and Toxicological Association of Dyes and Organic β†’

Consumer buying behavior for life insurance

Since the risk of financial loss was to be spread amongst the large group of people, the extent of financial loss, In the event of mishap occurred, became less devastating to the individual. But this was not the end to the suffering of Indian populace that even this act recognized the demarcation between the Europeans β†’

Pasalubong center business plan

Name and Address of Business Name of Business The name of the proposed business is " MADE IN THE PHILIPPINES". It is named " MADE IN THE PHILIPPINES" because of the idea that came up to the mind of the entrepreneur during the brain storming process with her colleagues.

The history of travel agencies

Cheung & Lam added that modifications in the business over the past ten years have affectedly changed the environment and significance of info in the travel industry and, subsequently, the role of travel agency. Therefore, because of the growing of the e-commerce in the tourism industry, the tourists have numerous selections provided by the Internet β†’

Psychedelics as a treatment for alzheimer’s disease dementia

The hippocampus, a key structure in the ability to learn and retain information and a site for neurogenesis, is particularly vulnerable to AD pathology and one of the earliest parts of the brain to be affected by the disease. The 5HT2A-R is found in high concentrations in regions of the brain vulnerable to dementia such β†’

Issues of museum art and clear provenance

Prior to World War I and " Hitler's ascendency in 1933," Pan-Germanism developed based off of " the ambition...to support all members of the German Volk [people] by establishing a pan-German state".[7]Due to the aspiration of unification of all Germanic peoples across the European continent, an aversion to those who did not seemingly fall under β†’

Arius and athanasius essay

Athanasius advocates the consubstantiality of the three individuals of the three which was important statement to support the deity of Christ. 1 The contention represented a new stage of doctrinal development of the Godhead and led to the Council of Nicaea in 325 and the Church ' s first oecumenic statement of the Trinity.

Be subject of sunderland assignment

Objectives: The objectives of the Company are to continually develop production, trading and service operations in its fields of business in order to maximize profits for Shareholders and to enhance the value of the Company; to never stop improving the lives, working conditions, and income of its employees; and to fulfill its tax obligations to β†’

Idea for a business start up

My aims and objectives for Pink Ladies Aims I am setting aims so I can try and get what I want to achieve in the long run and what I want in the long run. Pink Ladies aims are: Increase market share- in the long run I want to try and be better then my β†’

Lorraine kennedy

For the past decade, I have been involved in the observation of Read, Write, Inc, Jolly Phonics and participating in the deliverance of Letters and Sounds in a range of primary schools within the North East of England. Therefore, to be able to provide the children with the best start with their reading, I need β†’

Subjective performance measurement: multi-case study based on chinese corporations

The paper's framework and contents are as follows: Part two is literature review and research propositions including the theory background and syllogism of the proposition; Part three is research design and description of the case including the process of choosing the target corporations and data collection and also the company's application of subjective performance measures; β†’

Sports essays – formula one

It analyses the role of sponsorship in its widest ramifications together with the benefit of both the advertising and association with the sport that the tobacco companies derive from their money and also the benefit that the racing teams derive from the money that they receive. It also provides a useful insight into the evolution β†’

Application of phase-only correlation to travel-time determination in gnss-acoustic positioning

The slant range is calculated from the two-way travel time of the acoustic wave and the sound speed of seawater along the ray path. Possible causes for the distortion of the cross-correlation are the degradation of the signal due to the frequency and phase characteristics of acoustic devices through electro-acoustic transformation, distortion of the returned β†’

Shortening lead-times to create an agile

Time-to-react Time-to-react is one of the lead-times given by Martin et al, which means the time to adjust the output of the business in response to volatile demand. Forza and Vinelli 1997: 125) has defined that " Quick response strategy acts on the single phases/activities throughout the entire chain-right from the producers of yarn up β†’

How much data does linguistic theory need? on the tolerance principle of linguistic theorizing

The history of modern science is a clear illustration of the primacy, in the realm of the natural sciences, of the deductive method, generally known as the hypothetico-deductive model. If we consider the specific issue that concerns us here, that is, the possibility of collecting and manipulating enormous amounts of data on linguistic variation, the β†’

Christian dior: history and analysis

I was interested to see how the designs had changed from the Christian Dior era of 1947-1957 to the present day, this will be addressed in the second and third chapters of this dissertation. My aims and objectives for this dissertation are as follows; To compare how designs have changed from the ' New Look' β†’

Business plan on indoor sports complex

4 Mission The mission of Sportsvana Indoor Futsal is to provide Dhaka Ciyt residents with a state-of-the-art Futsal facility that will enable both youth and adults to enjoy the sport of Futsal year round. The length of the pitch is in the range of 38 42 m, and the width is in the range of β†’

Do androids dream of electric sheep?

The major part of this paper will consist of the description of the state of society after World War Terminus, the things that surround the humans who stayed on Earth and those who migrated to colonies on other planets, and of a description of the status of androids per se, as well as compared to β†’

Sars-cov-2 genomes from oklahoma, united states

The huge repository of sequence data in open-source databases such as the GenBank-NCBI and GISAID has facilitated the identification of numerous mutations and single nucleotide polymorphisms in the SARS-CoV-2 genome. SNPs in the genome that result in commonly reported non-synonymous mutations such as P4715L in ORF1ab, D614G in S gene, R203K, and G204R in N β†’

Culture and psychopathology: new perspectives on research, practice, and clinical training in a globalized world

It presents a conceptual framework for clinicians to identify the role of culture on the patient's clinical presentation and care, in four domains: cultural identity of the individual; cultural explanations of the experienced signs and symptoms; cultural factors that may be associated with the psychosocial environment and levels of functioning; and cultural features involved in β†’

The peace investigative interviewing

According to the CPTU planning is " the mental process of getting ready to interview" and preparation is " considering what needs to be made ready prior to interview [including] such things as the location, the environment and the administration". Numerous authors, describe the essential elements of good planning which are: a) Understanding the meaning β†’

Csr in asia: india, china and japan

The purpose of this paper is to find out how the governments and the companies in India, China and Japan compare in addressing this issue. The comparative analysis in the fifth part of the paper will be a reconciliation of the CSR level of the three Asian countries on how they compare with regards to β†’

Neurobiological mechanisms of transcranial direct current stimulation for psychiatric disorders; neurophysiological, chemical, and anatomical considerations

Therefore, the current review aimed to provide an overview of the actions of tDCS, especially anodal stimulation, on neurotransmission and neural networks in the brain, to help understand the mechanisms underlying its therapeutic effects. Anodal stimulation with tDCS by itself is not strong enough to depolarize the membrane potential of neurons to the firing threshold, β†’

The struggle of black inequality

Fircloff ' s writing indicated the struggle of black inequality in the period immediately following the triumph of the northerners over the south republics and the hopes and expectations of the Negro population in the aftermath of the civil war. As time passed the Influx of immigrant in the northern states contributed to the changing β†’

Explanation on differences between public law law constitutional administrative essay

The drafting of the Constitution of theFederation of Malaya was the first step toward the formation of a new government after Britainagreed to concede independence to Malaya in 1956. Main features: Key elements of the Malaysian Constitution Sample of good assignmentArticle 4 state that the constitution is the supreme law of the federation and any β†’

Research writing across the discipline essay sample

Targets and Objectives The learners are expected to: a.determine the purpose of research writing across discipline; b.discuss the process of making a research writing; c.distinguish the fields of research writing across discipline; and d.know the concept and principles of research writing across discipline; II. Purpose of research writing across the discipline To observe the concepts, β†’

The use of assessment in school placement education

Although both summational and formative appraisal involve an rating of the kids ' s cognition and understanding formative appraisal relies to a great extent on the judgement of the instructors twenty-four hours to twenty-four hours traffics with the kid as opposed to summative which additions grounds of cognition and understanding based on mensurable and comparable β†’

Example of data analysis report

The research methods play a significant role in the study and present line of actions that have to be taken in the future. Software is to be defined and designed as per requirement of the data and research.

Grand challenges in gene and epigenetic editing for neurologic disease

Adeno-associated virus, such as the AAV2 used in Luxturna, has become the vector of choice for delivery of many in-vivo gene therapy and gene editing applications, although other capsid proteins such as the serotype 9 are generally more efficacious for neuronal transduction in organs such as the brain. However, the enzymes required for HDR are β†’

The role of interleukin-33 in head and neck squamous cell carcinoma is determined by its cellular sources in the tumor microenvironment

The correlations between the IL-33 expression level and the abundance of the main sources of IL-33 were evaluated by the Pearson partial correlation test. The earlier the pathologic T stage of the tumor was, the higher the expression level of IL-33 was.

Diagnosis of middle ear disorders using wideband energy

The malleus is attached to the TM by its handle; the incus bone lies in the middle between the malleus and the stapes while the footplate of the stapes is attached to the oval window of the inner ear. The Impedance matching function of the middle ear is carried out by three mechanisms: the lever β†’

Potential false-positive and false-negative results for covid-19 igg/igm antibody testing after heat-inactivation

In addition, although the SARS-CoV-2 total Ab value decreased after heat-inactivation at 60 C for 30 min, there was no effect on the detection of COVID-19 with the double-antigen sandwich method. In this study, the serological detection of SARS-CoV-2-specific IgG Ab without heat-inactivation was compared with detection after heat-inactivation at 56 C for 30 min, β†’

Conversion of number systems essay sample

The decimal number system has a base of 10, so the numeral with the highest value is 9; the octal number system has a base of 8, so the numeral with the highest value is 7, the binary number system has a base of 2, so the numeral with the highest value is 1, etc. β†’

Tumour supressor genes and retinoblastoma

The first one is the gain of function in genes and the other one is loss of function of genes. The hypothesis seeks to explain the occurrence of hereditary and nonhereditary retinoblastoma and its correlation with the age of onset of the disease.


However, the nature of the duck in AFLAC's commercials makes the surface theme of the duck recognizable and that's why AFLAC's commercials with the duck are so popular and has been a big reason why AFLAC has been a solid company over the years. Moreover, in the strengths of this company, it also has to β†’

Mechanisms of transcranial magnetic stimulation treating on post-stroke depression

One study found that rTMS can cause a reduction in glucose metabolism of the temporal lobe and an increase in glucose metabolism of the mPFC and ipsilateral cortex. In this sense, the effect of rTMS on neuroplasticity is related to age.

Syria profile of the epidemiology and management of early childhood caries before and during the time of crisis

More specifically, the objectives of the current work were to: Give an overview of the prevalence, trend, and impact of ECC before and during the Syrian crisis, Outline risk factors of ECC amongst Syrian pre-schoolers with a special focus on the role of the humanitarian crisis as an exacerbating factor, and Suggest evidence-based recommendations for β†’