500 Words Essay Samples

Generally accepted accounting principles and contribution margin

Sales : 764, 400 Variable expenses: 445, 200 Contribution margin: 319, 200 Fixed expenses: 250, 900 Net operating income: 68, 300 If the company sells 8, 200 units, its total contribution margin should be closest to: Merchandise with a sales price of $500 is β†’

Endangered animals: sumatran rhinos

Do you know that Sumatran Rhinos will mark their territory with dung and urine and by scraping the ground with their feet to avoid bumping into each other? Physical Description Sumatran Rhinos are the smallest and the hairiest of the of the rhino family. Poaching is another threat to the β†’

Essay example animal testing

This is due to the reason that in the year 2004, there are 92 % of the medication that successfully gets through the preclinical trials include the use of nonhuman animals in experiment has come to nothing as the medication that had been created failed to appear into the market and are not always safe β†’

The two species of elephants

It was a small mammal that had a trunk and it evolved into the many different species of elephant. One of the first species that adapted from the Paleomastadon was the Delnothenum which lived In Africa and had tusks that pointed downward which helped it scarpe of bark from a tree. Stegadon which β†’

Animal rights issue research question

Research plan: I plan to conduct my research on the issue if animal rights organizations have gone too far in promoting a vegetarian diet. I plan to conduct my research on and if animal rights organizations have gone too far in promoting a vegetarian diet?

Four horsemen

Before this though, we get introduced to the next horse which is war. The next being war comes in when Pakhom gets his land. Though, the irony in that is the fact that he did the same thing when he had little to no land himself.

Good example of chipanzee culture essay

Based on the research findings incorporated in an article by Whiten et al., it is of utmost importance to denote that chimpanzees have some cultural traits that in essence make it apparent that they have a culture. In this article, Kevin and William establish that most people are inclined to believe that primates have culture β†’

Movie review on film viewing guide: “earth”

I was also interested in the message of conservation the film proposed. - The central point of the film was the amazing animal life on planet Earth. The director wanted to expose individuals to all area of the earth and tell the story of life there. - The director conveys the message β†’

Phy 155 assignment

The usage of the product remained limited to personal computers although many units were manufactured and heavily used in the company offices and several universities. The increased usage and increased population is expected to increase the pressure on internet connections necessitating upgrades within short periods. References Nielsen, J..

Becoming a good human being

In any case, rather than taking every single adverse thing or activity that transpires as an individual assault on your character, recall a certain something: you are a decent individual. Who is a Good Person? A good person is somebody who shows love, satisfaction, harmony, consideration, goodness, quietude, tolerance and who is steadfast and bears β†’

A problem of american justice system in the rich get richer and the poor get prison

Merton's " Strain Theory," Philip Zimbardo's " Broken Windows Theory," Richard Quinney's " Conflict Theory," and Richard Cloward and Lloyd Ohlin's " Opportunity Theory". In The Rich Get Richer and the Poor Get Prison, Jeffrey Reiman writes that the American Justice system favors the rich and powerful. Clearly, Merton sees that people who commit crimes β†’

The effect of field haven center on the community

Field Haven is a feline center that fosters cats and kittens and gives them a safe place where they are made more adoptable and finally, adopted. Field Haven also has a pet vet and gives cats the attention they need.

Does a “double standard” still exist between the sexes? essay sample

Therefore, sexism or double standard between men and women still exist. In the office, " There can be a little bit of a double standard in some offices about this. The answer is still no; therefore this type of double stand should not exist in the first place. Age also plays an important β†’

Prejudice, stereotypes and discrimination and the differences between them

Racism is a strong form of prejudice, it is used to justify the belief that one racial group is superior or inferior to another. This is usually shown in the sense of a racial majority presenting themselves as superior to a minority group.

Free argumentative essay about c: key terms: terrorism, surveillance, code of ethics, police state, self-regulation

Pros of the government surveillance. Minor Point 1: The surveillance agencies tasked with the role of safeguarding the government information and communication systems from any threats Minor Point 2: In order to enjoy privacy as a liberty, the government must regulate it. It is only through security that all other liberties are or can β†’

Sex discrimination act 1975

The Sex Discrimination Act was introduced in 1975 to prevent sex discrimination in any environment, for example; in the workplace, for money and role of job, a man could not be paid more in a job because he is male, and two people cannot go for a job as a nurse and β†’

Free essay about family

From the perspective of a conflict theorist, the family acts toward the persistence of social inequality within a society through strengthening and maintaining the status quo. From the point of view of a conflict theorist, the social class puts on competition, and this provides social imbalance until prevailing groups' gains control and stability through power.

The long campaign against social security

Bush has proposed allowing workers to invest some of their federal retirement taxes themselves to earn a better rate of return - a partial privatization of the 65-year-old retirement system. For such a long time the Social Security have been viewed by most β†’

Roosevelt’s stance on alcohol prohibition

The artifact conveyed Roosevelt's message to the American people and his hopes to end the disastrous effects of Prohibition. The red, white and blue composition of the poster represented the colors of America and the sense of national pride that Roosevelt hoped to convey during his presidential campaign.

Gender inequality: overview

The glass ceiling effect also indicates the limited chances of women for income raises and promotion or advancement to more prestigious positions or Jobs. As women are prevented by these artificial barriers, from either eceiving Job promotions or income raises, the effects of the inequality of the glass ceiling increase over the course β†’

Age discrimination

For examples, if all the old people have no job, they will be thought to be a burden of the society, as they do not help with the GDP. Also, old people will feel meaningful as they can contribute their stength to the society. Summing up, an aged person is not " a tattered coat β†’

Should gay marriage be legalized case study sample

The teachings of the Bible and Quran acknowledge marriage between a woman and a man both in love. This implies that gay couples have the same rights as heterosexual couples because it is their constitution right.

Resorting balance

A system is said to reach chemical equilibrium when the rate of the forward reaction equals the rate of the reverse reaction. Alternatively, the reaction can shift in the reverse direction and re-form the reactants, thus using up some of the products. The effect of temperature on a system at equilibrium depends β†’

Biochemistry of photosynthesis

The energy absorbed is used for photolysis.- Photolysis of water o The light energy absorbed split H2O molecules into H+ ions and O2 2H2O(4H+ +4e- + O2 O2 is released as a gas to the atmosphere H+ ions is accepted by NADP to form NADPH2 - NADPH2 acts as a reducing β†’

Measurement of the turbidity of raw water and study the effects of coagulation and flocculation – lab report example

Measurement of the Turbidity of Raw Water and Study the Effects of Coagulation and Flocculation Measurement of the Turbidity of Raw Water and Study the Effects of Coagulation and Flocculation Explain the difference between coagulation and flocculation processes. Both methods are useful for waste and raw water treatment purposes. Introduction of the β†’

Dbq: what caused the dust bowl?

In the fiction book Out of the Dust, an Oklahoma girl named Billie Jo tells her story on how she survives the Dust Bowl with the loss of her mother. Lots of people think differently on how the Dust Bowl was caused but I believe it was caused by overproduction, lack of rainfall, and dust β†’

The health provision of water to our daily digestion

Do you find this fact hard to believe? Most all of our body fluids are water, and many of our organs are mostly water. Stomach acids need the water in order to properly breakdown the food as it travels through our stomach, and nutrients are absorbed by the blood. The food continues down the path β†’

Essay on cholera

The term " cholera" is designed to describe a strand of gastrointestinal disease, as well as the bacterium associated with the causation of the disease. Barua and Greenough attests that the term was first used by Hippocrates who derived the term from Greek words chole and β†’

The space-time ce/se method for solving two-phase and two- dimensional shallow flow model

The model is hyperbolic and contains the non-conservative terms in the momentum equation increasing the complexity of the model. Several numerical schemes in recent years have been developed to solve the system of shallow two-phase water equations under consideration, for example, Central Scheme by J.

The provides a comprehensive description of the family as well as the family report

The reactivity of the group two elements increase with the decrease in the periodic number of the element. The reactivity of Al is lower than that of sodium Na and magnesium Mg.this is because these two elements belong to a group that is lower than Al.

Cutting down trees

Trees should not be cut down because most of the paper used is not RECYCLED so therefore it is a waste of time from God to make and plant the tree! Well it has air and oxygen and if u are cutting the trees down u re hurting the enivorment and animals that live near β†’

Lithospheric flexures creating the mariana trenches research paper samples

Bathymetry of Mariana Trench-Arc System and Formation of the Challenger Deep as a Consequence of Weak Plate Coupling. Bathymetry of Mariana Trench-Arc System and Formation of the Challenger Deep as a Consequence of Weak Plate Coupling.

Laboratory work about ice and salt

Something that would give too low a temperature is if the thermometer bulb was directly on the test tube, and the temperature decreased because of the ice/salt mixture instead of the alcohol/water mixture. That aspect of the experiment was successful.

Higher learning essay

This is showed at the end of the movie with the exchange between Malik and Kristen when they were staring at the memorial for the dead. In the beginning of the story Kristen and Malik are sharing an elevator going up to their rooms.

Free anthropology essay sample

Never again? It is a deep wound of the heart of humanity." Most people see genocide as a crime of vast scale this term loses the sense of the individual human tragedy that takes place countless times as something that would never happen here". The movie " Indian School: Stories of Survival" depicts the β†’

Emotional intelligence – summary

171 Mitch McCrimmon, the author of " Why Emotional Intelligence Is Not Essential for Leadership", presents an argument contrary to that of Daniel Goleman's claim that leaders must be emotionally intelligent to be effective. Returning to the topic of the article, the author contends that " emotional intelligence is critical for management, though not so β†’

Steven’s triumph in remains of the day

Stevens's " Triumph" Although Stevens claims to recall the evening of his father's passing " with a large sense of triumph" due to his professional duties, various hints throughout the night suggest that Stevens feels much more sadness than triumph. When Stevens visits his father, Stevens clearly seems to be in denial of the β†’

My passion in singing

When I was a child, I already use my talent in singing because one of my dreams is to make my name shine in lights and make my faces known to everyone in the world. I started singing in front of a crowd when I was 6 years old. That was the β†’

Drug and alcohol abuse and social imagination

In one way or the other, we all have friends or even family member who abuses drugs and alcohol while sometimes we may be the one who is involved in the misuse of the same drugs. It is good therefore to understand that it is one of the challenges that most individuals are grappling with β†’

Romeo and juliet by shakespeare – analysis of juliet’s soliloquy act 4 scene 3 essay sample

This also shows how desperate she is for the mixture to work and the pressure she is under. She then reveals her fear of marriage to Paris." What if this mixture do not work at all? By going through her thoughts about the future, she allows the audience to bond with her and feel β†’

Romeo and juliet essay sample

Unfortunately and unnecessarily, Mercutio aided to the death of Romeo and Juliet by bringing Romeo to the Capulet party and motivating Romeo to get his mind off of Rosaline. Romeo's point of view on love is that there is one true love for each individual and the belief in " love at first sight". β†’

Analyze the william shakespeare essay

Body Paragraph #1 Topic of the body thesis: that william shakespeare is the author of all plays and sonnets published in his name.- Find evidence - like facts, examples, quotations, or statistics that back it upor support the topic sentence of this paragraph.- Explain how your evidence supports the topic sentence Another example that shows β†’

Labelling theory on crime and deviance

For many sociologists, the work of writers such as Becker, Lemert and Goffman become the accepted, orthodox perspective on deviance. Nevertheless, In the 1970's it began to provoke strong criticism. Interactionist rallied to the defense of their work and attempted to show that the criticism were unjustified.

White-collar crime

Crime- the violation of a society's formally enacted criminal law. 3. White-collar crime- crime committed by people of high social position in the course of their occupations. 8.

Deterrence theory essay sample

In the state of Louisiana, you are able to carry a loaded gun in your vehicle as long as it is in plain, open view. Once you cross the state line into Texas, the law changes, you cannot have a loaded weapon in your vehicle and the ammunition cannot be in the same space β†’

Mafia/italian stereotypes essay sample

The Sopranos shows this because the soprano family is all Italian and all the people who the family deals with are Italians. One of the biggest stereotype about the mafia is that all of the gangsters can do what ever they ant and they almost never get caught or punished for the crimes they do.

Consequences of stealing

Social and cultural consequences The greatest deterrent to stealing is that it is against the law. An unstated consequence of stealing is that thieves often do not feel good about themselves afterwards, even if they needed the money and did not get caught.

Good example of essay on police history

He believed that the police force exists to prevent the crime and should always be present in the society in order to fulfill their duty. 2 The police work in two different capacities in the United States of America. City police is given the jurisdiction of functioning into cities only and to take care β†’

Are leaders – born or made?

The most argumentative and the most widely researched topic in the field ofleadershipis if the leaders are born or made. A stabilized ongoing development of the intellectual growth and enhancement of various skills and talents at different levels of an individual development plays a pivotal role in the making of a great leader. Today's β†’

Biblical servant leadership

Yet He is the master, the greatest? he has the power and the ability to stand on top of the crowd but He Is also the least and the lowest to be able to wash the feet to human beings. The whole point of being a servant leader is that you know God is the β†’

Leadership principles for effective change

This may seem difficult and out ofculturebut it can do a lot in making people accountable and willing to implement the changes discussed by the organization. " A clearly defined vision of the end result enables all the people to define the most efficient path for accomplishing the results". When a vision is clearly stated and β†’

Hamas, leadership and leadership structure

The recent changes in political scenario in the Palestine and Israel has given Hamas a broad role especially its stunning victory in the recent presidential elections. The first Intifada is marked by the foundation of Hamas in 1987. The initial meeting, which led to the foundation of he movement, was held in the house of β†’

Why i want to be an nco essay sample

Why I Want To Become A NCO March 6, 2013 I want to be a NCO to train and lead soldiers. The responsibilities of a NCO are to train, instruct and mentor Soldiers to be disciplined, to uphold the standards of their job and to lead and keep the outmost integrity β†’

Leadership and tech final exam

The there is the first level manager that gives the daily drill down of operations notes and ensures the deliverables are made.. Then the senior manager who's task is the developing the budget, travel keeping the organization fresh with the latest each, and constantly keeping a fresh vision of the organization.64.

Ethics in leadership

In the case of Enron, the employees agreed to a set of values that were not demonstrated and led by the executives of the company. Bad leadership and a lack of leadership ethics at Enron caused the eventual collapse of the company in 2001.

Is joko widodo a good leader?

He should manage Jakarta to be a neat modern city and also he visited flood victims when the big flood in Jakarta for several times. That is to show hisresponsibilityas the Governor of Jakarta.

Book review on russia and democracy

One of the major reasons being the fact that it is the largest country across the world, achieving a stabilized political stand over the years has not been easy for it, as it has been through attempted coup de tats, authoritarian and dictator leaderships and even bureaucracy in its rule of administration. Over years, different β†’

The worlds most unique world records

But do you know that people of this country with diverse cultures have made some world records recorded in Guinness Book of World Records? If you do not even know about these world records, then we do not tell you anything. So Lets See Worlds Most Unique World Records: The world's largest turban Many β†’

Explain why henry vii promoted overseas trade essay sample

Henry VII developed on the export of raw wool to the export of broad cloth; he also used the Merchants adventurer to limit the trading rights enjoyed by foreign traders in England this was used to undermine the Hanseatic League enabling England to prosper. In conclusion Henry VII promoted overseas trade to use to his β†’

Matthew dziuban

In the first part of the book, he learns of a new resident of the village, named Mustafa Sa'eed and the narrator eventually learns his life story. In the second part of the book, the reader learns that the narrator has been made the protector of Mustafa's estate and his wife, Hosna bint Mahmoud, and β†’

Good example of essay on president george wahingtons foreign policy

The president's approach to foreign policy was largely cautious yet it succeeded in setting the foundation for the country's future. This forced the president to sign a treaty whereby the U.

Good example of essay on common law definition

Property, torts and contracts are the basic foundation of the common law. Generally, common law is defined as a legal system created by the decisions previously made in tribunals; however, legislators and similar government officials do not impose it. The nature of the common law.

Why did henry viii break from rome? essay sample

The most important reason is his need for a son, which would be the heir to the thrown because Henry VIII would have wanted England to be by Tudors as long as it could be, for this to happen he would need a son which would forever bare the Tudor name. In conclusion, the most β†’

Thesis proposal on public memorial

- Country and tragedy I propose to investigate the commemoration of the First World War in Belgium. The foundation of the Belgian monarchy in 1830 was tolerated by the so called Great Powers under the strict condition of neutrality, an order that needed to be safeguarded by the Great Powers. Reviews can be found β†’

Differences between the french and spanish

The Spanish came as conquerors; the resulting political system was entirely autocratic and solely devoted to the furthering of the motherland. To cover the shortfall, the Spanish government both borrowed money by being interested in bearing state bonds and assigned the revenues from future years to the bankers if they would pay the defense contracts β†’

English language: key to global access

Thus, the given situations emphasize the importance of the English language in the field of globalization. In addition to this, English language can also lead the progress of a nation.

Privacy in the workplace

More particularly, it touches on the issue of whether or not the employees are entitled to privacy in the workplace insofar as e-mailcommunicationis concerned and what are the corollary duties of an employer in ensuring employee privacy rights. As adequately established in the case study, Jason Perry's suggestion that the employees should β†’

Motivating to perform in workplace

The report explores factors affecting the strength of the link between effort and performance and the link between performance and rewards/outcomes. They are the link between effort and performance; link between performance and rewards/costs and the value and choices these rewards available.

Strengths and weaknesses of online recruitment

However, the issue of concern is the benefits and limitation of online recruitment disregarding its meteoric rise in its use and revolutionized how the organizations hire and candidates search for jobs in a short time. Therefore, examining strengths and weakness is vital to understand the real outcome of this new venture for β†’

Education and teamwork

It's about understanding right from wrong and having the knowledge you need to stay know in today's society. It helps to develop your perspective on the world around you and pushes you to think both creatively and conceptually about many different subjects. If you are able to work in an area which is β†’

Personal statement on dental school admission

Becoming a dentist was an ambition I had followed for many years, since I was very young, and every day I know I made the right decision to pursue the dream. I came to the United States two years ago in order to further my education and my career. I undertook β†’

Reaction paper: the undead

It is divided into four parts which are Dead Images of the Living, Living Images of the Dead, Photographic Survivals, and Dialectical Images. The first part of the essay which is the Dead Images of the Living showed how mystification took place in relation to the photographic images of the native Filipino people. In the β†’


Students are to sign in Section B before submitting the coursework to the lecturer to acknowledge that they have read the report submitted for grading (including the soft copy of the report and Originality Report from Turnitin where applicable).4. Students are to sign in Section E to acknowledge notification of the project/coursework marks and comments β†’

The importance of sports for high school students

If the student has participated in a sport, they will have already mastered these necessary skills. If a student has previously participated in sports, it reveals to the college that they can make goals and achieve then.

Different brands of car dealerships are usually located near one another on the same street.

The mall that I shop at frequently combines the shopping and entertainment experience by expanding the size of the mall and introducing a vast selection of food choices in the food court. As a result of this shift in the internet technology, Staples and Office Depot do not have to be as concerned about the β†’

Online shopping and traditional shopping essay sample

Despite the same purpose of on-line shopping and traditional shopping, there are three obvious differences between them which include convenience, enjoyment and comments and as a result, it is important to note this three things will influence people consumption. To begin with, the difference is about convenience. According to the difference that are convenience, β†’

China and vietnam sold their products

Some observers think that it was unfair to combine Vietnamese and Chinese product In the same trade slut but In other hand, European semicolons conclude that Vietnam and China bicycle have same type and distribution. The anta mumping causes low Import shoes product from China and Vietnam and It become opportunity to other β†’

During the league of nations was an incredible

Compared to the United Nations, the way that the League of Nations vote is unalike. Those organizations were the League of Nations and the United Nations.

Student professor relationship essay

There is the possibility you will meet someone in a teacher-student situation who really is meant to be your life partner, but if that really is the case, you can wait until you are no longer student and teacher/professor before pursuing that relationship. If you love her and you love your job, try to wait β†’

Essay on the influence of globalization on hong kong

Globalization and Education: The Quest for Quality Education in Hong Kong. Globalization and Marketization in Education: A Comparative Analysis of Hong Kong and Singapore.

Eating disorders: disease or choice

Many insurance companies deny coverage for the treatment of eating disorders because they view it as a choice, because the treatment is too costly, as well as the uncertainty of the treatment for each individual patient. The standards for qualifying as having an eating disorder are very high; it is very difficult to β†’

The mmr vaccine against three diseases – measles, mumps and rubella

Professor Peter Lachman, President of the Academy of Medical Sciences, said: 'Even if there are dangers, all the evidence suggests that the chances of something nasty happening to you as a result of not getting vaccinated are around 100 times greater than something nasty happening to you if you do.' AGAINST β†’

Als lou gehrig disease

When these neurons die, the lateral portions of the spinal cord becomes marked and scarred. Sclerosis is the term used in medicine to refer to hardening and scarring. Charcot used the term amyotrophic lateral sclerosis to refer to weakened muscles and scarring of lateral sides in the spinal cord.

Narcolepsy: causes, symptoms and diagnosis

One of the main roles these specific genes play is controlling the production of chemicals in the brain that may signal sleep and awake cycles. According to experts, it is considered that narcolepsy involves multiple factors that collaborate to cause neurological dysfunction and " REM" sleep disturbances. The Symptoms of narcolepsy include: Excessive daytime sleepiness β†’

Research paper on renal stenosis

If the renal arteries become narrow, the blood flow to the kidneys will be restricted which may impair the kidneys' function. The major cause of renal artery stenosis is atherosclerosis which is when the plaque made up of fats and cholesterols builds up on the walls of the blood vessel. Furthermore, renal artery stenosis may β†’

Essay on choosing appropriate language for college writing

To add on that, most patients may be in need of the services given by nurses in the home-care sector. These nurses offer their services in a manner that the patient feels that they are still part of the society.

The impact of the minimum wage on hong kong society

In addition, the inflation rate in the Hong Kong society continues to rise and the goods prices are very high. The minimum wage for 2017 is an hourly rate of HKD$34.5. In society aspect, Hong Kong is a capitalist and commercial society.

Goa: some typical destinations

Goa is a state in the south west of India, whose beaches have an international reputation as terrestrial paradises, and have attracted tens of thousands of tourists, from all countries and origin, since the hippies in the 60s, who arrived in a truck from Europe, and never returned home, even the lovers who go β†’

Voluntary non-remunerated blood donation, pros, cons, challenges in hong kong

Since 1952, blood donation programme operated in Hong Kong exclusively on a non-remunerated basis , this programme has been managed by the Hospital Authority from 1991 and the Hong Kong Red Cross Blood Transfusion Service is the only public agency to supply blood in Hong Kong nowadays. With the aging population increased, low birth rate β†’

Why we should send a manned mission to mars essay sample

Nowaday the topic in discussion is if it is posible to live in Mars because scientists will demostrate that Mars has similar qualities to our planet, or it is possible to find a new kind of life that helps us to improve our technology. In my opinion, Mars is a good planet to β†’

Free essay on close reading of a passage

This means that the author is trying to put the lady into the cultural framework of the area. One thing that is evident is that the lady has a unique lifestyle. This indicates that the life of the lady had some emptiness in it.

Differences between secondary school and college life

One of the experiences that we are experiencing now is that we learn to manage our time to be more systematic so that we will not be late for classes. From this distraction , we must learn to restrict ourselves so that it will not affect our studies. The difference between secondary β†’

Why boarding school should be abolished

My opponent tried in vain to give points on why boarding schools should be abolished. They expressed that boarding students have less free time. Chairman, it is quite obvious that the level of discipline in boarding schools is much higher than that of day ones.

Jennifer gonzalez

I Was looking forward to putting high school behind and moving forward with my life I thought to myself imagining where I was going to be in a year or two much less 10, 20 years down the line.but I wanted to make my mother proud of me So I went to talk to my β†’

The consequences of impulsive dropping out of school

Dropping out of school is not the best choice somebody has to make, but people go through things and maybe it is not the right time for them to be in that environment. Stress, whether it's mental or financial, is one of many causes for dropping out. On the other hand there is one reason β†’

Longer school days

Sure there are some undeniable hurdles, but overall the core idea is simple that children need enough time to learn, to build the skills, develop the knowledge and well-roundedness required to work and thrive in the twenty-first century. Nothing considered by itself is enough to turn schools around not the most gifted teachers, most inspiring β†’