500 Words Essay Samples

Is our universe the real one?

As a conclusion, the concept that we might be living in a fake Universe is quite acceptable. Real or not, this is the only way of living life and we should take it seriously.

Stages of team development essay sample

In order to develop team working in health care, it is important to do a full evaluation of the team and to identify its strengths and weaknesses. This stage is characterised by productivity, quality decision-making, progression towards the stated goals and personal growth on the part of team members.

Choose three texts you have read this quarter and trace the development of the concept of human freedom. how does the concept ch

The tale of Goodman Brown epitomizes the conflict between personal freedom and conventionality in the guise of the oldest story in the world, the battle between good and evil. The sea symbolizes freedom and escape, and when in the water, Edna is reminded of the depth of the universe and of her own position as β†’


Guns in Learning s The issue of whether to allow teachers to have firearms in the school attracts interest among the stakeholders in the education sector. Teachers express the concern about the safety of the classroom and entire school environment due to the increased cases of gun attacks in the learning institutions.

Compare/contrast of shakespeare’s sonnets 29 and 130 assignment

In Sonnet 29, it is apparent that the Shakespeare is writing the speaker talking to his love with the lines " Haply I think on thee"..." For thy sweet love remembered...." Meanwhile in Sonnet 130, Shakespeare is writing the speaker talking about his love to another person with the lines, " My mistress, when she β†’

Ethan frome’s limitations

There are many different scenarios of limitations such as the shortness of money that the Frome's have, Zeena's sickness and depression, the marriage of Ethan and Zeena, and Ethan and Mattie's love that they share. Zeena also does not leave the house much and she's controlling of Ethan.

Becoming an atf agent

This organization is abbreviated ATF and the agents that work for the organization referred to as ATF agents. In conclusion, this essay has examined the requirements to become an ATF agent.

Relationships in the church of christ

Looking specifically at the Mexican Americans and African Americans, the thesis would try to define the role of Church of Christ in uniting these two cross cultural communities and study its influence in promoting leadership qualities for acculturation. It can therefore, be conclusively stated that the study would not only benefit the communities at large β†’

Parenting styles

On the other hand children belonging to uninvolved parents do not display social interaction and are poor in every aspect of life. Culture do impose the grooming of children as they are nurtured in a particular culture and traditional environment.


Geography According to the Webster Dictionary, a gradient actually means " change in the value of a quantity with change in a given variable and especially per unit distance in a specified direction". Meanwhile, a secular government is a kind of government wherein separation of the church and the state is recognized, and that the β†’

Data flow charts

Data flow diagrams The data flow diagrams is a modelling technique that allows use of pictures to convey how information data flows through the systems connected by pipelines of data. The flow of information shows the source and the destination of the data.

Nationalalism identity

In the present days of globalization, language and education have become the basic determinants of national identity. The developed nations of the world that are proud to command 80% of the global resources and are the driving force behind the globalization as a process, are still bent upon keeping themselves under the banners of their β†’

Investment case

VOGEL asserts that most of the clients that use the car rental service in their daily activities should be regular clients for this service. Security services - The manager for the car rental services can offer some of the vehicles to be used for security services.

From goal to goal to goal

This same principle can loosely be applied to the way that we live our lives, or at least the way that society teaches we should live our lives. Basically everything that we do, we do because we are striving to achieve a goal.and after we have achieved it, we move on to the next one.


The model also views the community as the center of correctional treatment and feels that by reintegrating the individual back to the society, he/she will quit his/her deviant behaviors and uphold a living that will be beneficial both the him/her and the society. If a law cannot pass the rational basis test, then it translates β†’

Summer vacation essay sample

I knew it was going to be a long drive my dad told me that it's going to take twenty hours to get there. Finally, we get into Florida and find our hotel I was happy that it was next to Universal Studios, because that's where we are going to be going for the whole β†’

Human resource management

Such a situation would cause a significant amount of damage to the way things are handled in the company and if the clients will suffer then no doubt there will be suffering on the part of the company. In order to keep an open mind to the situation of both the employees who are asking β†’

Touchpc transforms bp’s uk lpg distribution process

When you are one of the UK's leading supplier of LPG, supplying the nation's factories, farms, homes and businesses, you do not have the luxury of road-testing a few logistical solutions and choosing the one you like best you need to install one based on solid intelligence and built by a company with a proven β†’

Writer’s memo for the final draft (letter)

I changed the tone of the letter from being too assertive and maybe, aggressive to a morenuanced view of the topic at hand. Hence, it can be said that I took a nuanced view of the topic and the shift was subtle from the point of being belligerent to being assertive.

Why is assessment important

Learning b) It Increases Learning Independence - Pupils who understand their owngoalsand their role in learning are more independent in managing their learning; they know what to do, how they have to work and take moreresponsibilityfor their own learning and assessment. Assessment for Learning helps cultivate these valuable skills by giving pupils a role in β†’

Hazardous materials

The factors that are used in evaluating the environment in which hazardous materials incidents could be taking place involve; location of the incident, exposures to the proximity of the scene. The hazardous material incident representatives such as the local and state environmental agencies can be used to provide information concerning the assessment of factors pose β†’

The yellow wallpaper by charlotte perkins gilman

This woman completely loses her mind by the end of the story, which is seen to happen in stages as she begins to recognize the faces and figures of other women trapped within the ugly pattern of the old yellow wallpaper. The imagery of this wallpaper begins to take on a life of its own β†’

The experience of making mistakes and earning from ones efforts

Two years later, I relocated to the United States and continued my education at the Community College of Denver as I had mentioned earlier. I had achieved a modest amount of success in the field I had chosen.

Data warehousing

Essentially, a database makes the provision of information much easier as it can be accessed from anywhere within the organisation and as long as users have the appropriate access levels it no longer needs to be distributed.a centralised system, all the data processing is performed by one central host computer or mainframe, which is accessed β†’

Writing assignment

The interviewer was inquiring as to the trouble of instituting democracy in the Middle East and in so doing referred to a traditional concept that the individuals there are simply not capable of democratic order. Instead, Scheuer remarks that the United States has increasingly engaged in covert actions as a means of accomplishing goals.

Using wild sugar cane for the production of hollow blocks essay sample

STATEMENT OF THE PROBLEM The purpose of this study is to develop an ecological hollow block that is also durable and hard, and can also be safe enough to be used for constructions. SCOPE AND DELIMITATION This study is focused on the possible effects of talahib and cornhusks to a hollow block mixture in terms β†’

Blood diamond

Danny Archer The American who helped Solomon in finding his Family; He is also addicted in diamonds that's why he help Solomon for him to have the diamond; Smuggler of diamonds.2. The story ends tragically with the death of Danny Archer, but on the other hand it ended happily for Solomon Vandy because he got β†’

Travel broadens the mind

Travel also teaches you independence, because it allows you to escape the familiar surroundings of home and stay in a strange or alien place. It is a tired and unpleasant feeling that you sometimes get when you travel by airplane to a place that is far away because of the time difference.

Sensory perception

Sensory Perception Sensory Perception Question There are a number of reasons that emphasize if sensory informationis accurate or inaccurate. Therefore, the way an individual interprets a situation determines the accuracy or inaccuracy of sensory information.

Report on basic circuit analysis

The voltage drop across sections of a circuit and the current can be determined using Kirchoff's laws. The aim of the experiments was to verify Kirchoff's current law, principle of superposition, Thevenin theorem and maximum power using a simple DC circuit.

Euler buckling

Practically, Euler buckling is the sudden collapse of the structural member due to the exposure to high level of compressive stress. Collapse and the Local Buckling of Structures.

Mentor carers to help them understand the process

A study carried out by the charity Grandparents Plus, showed that in remaining within the family, the child was likely to perform better in a number of objective measures including exam results proved to be significantly better than those of a child in foster care Furthermore, in terms of the economy, Kinship care is a β†’

Writing assignment

It has often been said that the best way to end up with the worst people in your firm or business is to announce that the firm is laying off people. Given the fact that the article was written in 2010, there are some points in the article and Pfeffer's recommendations that can be implemented β†’

Intro to psych assignment

Course Agreement: Students must read the syllabus carefully and in its entirety, and " agree" to the Course Agreement online in Blackboard. If you do not read and agree to the Course Agreement, your exam scores will not be released to you.

Heat of neutralization assignment

First I placed 50 mL of water in the calorimeter, waited five minutes for the water to reach equilibrium, and used the computer's temperature instrument to record the final temperature of the system. I then immediately used the temperature instrument to measure the temperature of the heated water, and quickly poured the water into the β†’

ο»Ώargyle’s theory essay sample

Stage two: message coded- this is the consideration of what you are going to say and what format you are going to say it so that the person you are communicating with understands it fully. Stage four: message read- the person you are communicating with receives the message and they actually hear or see the β†’

Signs of worker’s compensation fraud and abuse

Responding to evidence of workers' compensation fraud and abuse is strong when the baseline of such practices is understood. New York: M.E.

Business, law, and ethics

Instead of playing their watchdog role, the gatekeepers failed to perform this function which led to the collapse of the company. The case of Enron also shows that the gatekeepers did not perform their obligations to monitor the operations of Enron.

Studying starting to develop their personal characteristics such

Theresearcher will going to examine the ability of each students who is workingwhile studying. In this research, we will going to see the possible outcomes ofbeing a working students.

Market equilibrium

Market Equilibrium Law of demand and the determinants of demand The law of demand s that if the prices of commodities are high, then buyers of commodities will inquire lower quantities compared to the case when the prices are low. Law of supply and the determinants of supply The law of supply suggests that if β†’

Greek culture-2

There are relationships between the two works, such as the power of Perseus, in Metamorphoses, to turn his enemies to stone; and that of Poseidon coming to the rescue of the Odysseus, turning the threat of the seafaring ship that pursued them to stone. Each work uses the fulfillment of prophecy to serve as cautionary β†’

Effects of learning styles to the academic performance essay sample

In this way, researchers would like to study the students unique learning styles, in what way are they good at and what's the best learning style for them as an individual.B. 2) What specific learning style dominates in relation to academic achievement of the respondents? D.

Non conformity and society assignment

To a large extent on conformity is needed for the success and improvement of a society. One of the theories of the church was that the earth was the center of the universe and that other planets revolved around it.

The death of the hired man by robert frost

The two talking to each other in the poem give the reader an overview of their perception of the hired man. The reader can create a personal image of the individuals talking in the poem and the description of the man.

Anatomical characterization of impatiens walleriana assignment

The anatomical structure of the species analyzed has large thin-walled parenchyma cells observed in the pith and the large cortex of the stem to which one of the common characteristics of fragile plants. The type of crystals found in Impatiens is raphides.

My leadership style

Old and new employees will adjust to the new system under a merged organization and will be encouraged to share their ideas, competencies, and skills in order for the betterment of the carrying out of tasks and the organization as a whole. It is also a trait of mine to determine in advance how I β†’

Critical thinking

In his mind, his relationship with his girlfriend is entirely separate from his relationship with his guy friends and that she has no right to base anything to do with them on his actions when he is with his friends. He could think through the reason his girlfriend was upset and talk to her about β†’

Chemistry of hazardous materials case study

The paper addresses the sequence, action plan, and finally communication regarding the solution to the hazardous problem illustrated in the accident scene. The three main illustrations explain that the tanker is transporting hazardous substance that can negatively affect the health and safety of the safety workers and the members of the public.

Virgin atlantic

It seems that Virgin Atlantic did not take Into account that offering a premium service as they were would come at a premium cost for them and when throwing In low cost fares Into the mix they were reading a loss and expectations they will not be able to sustain for a long time. Another β†’

Case study international business

In addition to the collapse of the Soviet Union, the interaction and integration between economies and business entities throughout the world had been on a dramatic increase; so much so that continuing to operate by the classical model with no longer yield the same level of profitability that IBM had been able to appreciate in β†’

Breathing underwater

ElsaThe topic that Nick has the most trouble discussing in his group is his____.familyNick manipulates Caitlin's low ____by insulting her singing voice and calling f her overweight.self-esteemFor his English class, Nick composes a poem called" ___".team matesContinuously making attempts to contact and speak to Caitlin is in clear violation of Nick's ________.restraining orderNick attempts to β†’

Debate topic abortion should be illegal in canada

The decreasing trend in population in Canada, over the years, is a matter of grave concern to a government and people blessed with a vast tract of habitable land and other resources. In the case of Canada, the primary reasons for stringent anti-abortion laws may be for reasons like dwindling population, family issues, and last β†’


Xerxes Debate Prosecution Building Programs * Economic decline was related to his excessive building programs.* Even though his building programs were impressive he neglected other parts of the empire.* Olmstead: " Xerxes was more interested in completing the magnificent structures begun by his father than he was in testing the formidable military machine." * Josef β†’

Case study ruth chris

What did Hannah do to make a first cut in the list of potential variables? S, but it's population is considerably smaller than the rest of the other countries so it may have a smaller pool than others.

Time method

The chosen participants will be the one who will be willing to participate and respond to the questionnaire. A brief description of the study will be provided and the participants will be assured of confidentiality of their responses.

Salem witch trials and real hero

In the play The crucible, John Proctorone of the main characters displayed remarkable courage and heroism, John realizes that he must confess his sin of adultery to the courts, only to stop the fury in Salem. Proctor accepted the truth for what it was, not because he had to, but because speaking words of truth β†’

Merchant of vinice

Merchant of Venice This paper will provide a persuasive answer to the question " How is Shylock guilty of deadly sins of avarice, envy and wrath?" The format that this paper will utilize is to first highlight some background information on the Shakespearian play The Merchant of Venice and the character Shylock. It could be β†’

The wish english

A young boy, full of imagination and new exciting adventures, is the protagonist of the story " The Wish." This story was written by the author Roald Dahl, a well-known author that has also written the stories, " The BFG", " Matilda" and, " James and the Giant Peach," Children have minds packed with creativity, β†’

Experimental design

In the light of this, an experiment has been designed to see whether people's rating on a product is influenced by the provision of the packaging of a famous brand. The higher the marks, the tastier the moonscape Is.

Types of foundation and their uses in building construction

The foundation of any construction is a structure that transfers loads to the earth or to the soil in the most efficient way possible. Strip foundationIn designing a strip foundation it is the best to aim at a condition that will cause the center of gravity of the loads and that of the base to β†’

Student narrative essay

American Life in the Seventeenth Century 1607-1692 The Big Question: In what ways did life In 17th Century Colonial America create the foundation for our current society, and what aspects were very different from our current society? What contributed to the numbers of poor that braved the Journey to come to America and what were β†’

Machine vision essay

In biscuit M, the percentage at index number 0 and 255 is 45. For biscuit D, the percentage at index number 0 and 255 is 44.

Flannery o conner assignment

Think of the last suspenseful movie you watched? one that made you feel nervous about what might happen to the characters. Think about the music, the lighting, the camera angles, and how quickly or slowly the plot moved along.

Wages and salary administration

Evaluation in the context of training Thus, any definition of evaluation In the context of training and development should Include a number of elements: what It Is, what It Involves and what It leads to. Evaluation involves the collection of subjective and objective data from a number of sources using a variety of techniques about β†’

Cognitive psychology critique essay

The fourth milestone in cognitive psychology is credited to the cognitive work of Dr. In cognitive psychology, a good understanding of the brain can lead to uncovering a person's method of processing information.

Dynamic code analysis

The objectives of the dynamic code analysis are to minimize the debugging time and to automatically pinpoint towards the potential errors and explain them as they occur during the program's execution The aim of this paper is to emphasize the benefits of a dynamic code analyzer realized by implementing a virtual processor that simulates the β†’

The captivating conspiracy of president john f. kennedy

This information supports the theory that Lee Harvey Oswald was working with the Soviet Union in the assassination of the president because it displays the suspicious relationship between Oswald had with them. This proves that Lee Harvey Oswald was working with them in the assassination of President John F.

Fear of failure

If these terms were combined together we would pronounce it as " fear of failure" which gives us a whole new definition related to fear of criticism and fear of rejection which is exactly what I managed to successfully overcome throughout the semester. To me, failure is a mind set, kind of when you do β†’

Literature and ethnicity

In focusing on North and South America during the crucial years of the post-Civil War period, the goal of " Not without laughter".was threefold: first, to analyze the various patterns of property offenses, to examine the social context in which those crimes were committed, and determine whether or not blacks were disproportionately responsible; secondly, to β†’

Marks & spencer marketing strategy assignment

We continue to expand in key locations across our priority markets, employing a mix of ownership models Including partnerships and franchises. Plan A CO neutral We were proud to retain our status as a certified[email protected]company across our operations in the UK and Republic of Ireland.

Each generation has something valuable to offer

However, in this generation, everyone is equal and has the freedom and the rights to do as they wish. Each generation also has loopholes that are unacceptable such as the comparison of men and women and also teenagers drinking & partying to be a part of their society.

Second bitcoin auction by u.s. marshals

The auction has been scheduled for 4th December and is being held 5 months after the Marshals Service's first auction. In the first Bitcoin auction, nearly 30, 000 of the total Bitcoins seized from the Silk Road were sold.

Great depression assignment

The Great Depression also so-called New Era was the time in United States history when in October 29, 1929 the Dow Jones Industrial Average fell close to 23 percent and U. The Roosevelt was elected to a third term.

How it feels to be colored me essay

Zora shows her signature acceptance of the fact she is black and proud of it. The writer is not depressed by the aspect of slavery and deems it as a thing of the past.

One-sample t-tests

So, in essence z-series and t-Test are same but used in different conditions, z-series is used when standard deviation is known for a dataset otherwise t-Test can help us out in assessing the variation of dataset.t-Test for News Based TV Shows In this case study we are provided with the result of survey which proclaims β†’

Weight reduction diet programs truly work

If you want to how to lose weight fast for men, but have it lost, then you could choose one of the best weight loss diet on the internet. This diet can be done without exercise, but when you want to lose more weight in 11 days, you can always add some exercise to the β†’

Risk management & employee relationshiips

Prior to this class, I would have handled the risk management and employee relationships issues somewhat differently that I can do it now as the manager of employee relations department. As the manager of employee relations department, now I can make good use of my skills and abilities that are required to perform my job.

Road not taken by robert frost

The interpretation and message of this poem is that the poem is a metaphor and the path that the traveler is taking his life, and the fork in the road is a difficult decision in his life where either path he takes seems to be the same. This most likely shows how the person believed β†’


It should be noted that old age has been compared to autumn where the " leaves are yellow, or none, or few do hand," to the end of the day when " sweet birds sang," and " after sunset fadeth in the west," and to the remnants of the fire which is slowly " consum β†’

Characteristics of hamlet

In the novel, Hamlet Prince of Denmark, Hamlet had plenty of time to kill Claudius in revenge of his father King Hamlet. Hamlet? s plan for revenge was to kill Claudius after he knows for sure of his guilt.

What is 3m company? essay

The headquarter of 3M company is still in St. The products of 3M company are very popular in the world.

12 angry men: influence

However, Juror # 8 a caring man, who wishes to talk about why the other jurors think that the boy is guilty, clashes with Juror # 3, a sadistic man who would pull the switch himself to end the boys life. Juror #3, who is convinced that the boy is guilty, and is allied with β†’

Geography kop van zuid rotterdam assignment

Renovated warehouse shows urban renewal and there is a big sight of gentrification; air of expensive environment, evidence of new and expensive buildings, attractive looking houses, cafes and restaurant. There is not much of urban renewal there, living houses are still old, buildings not renovated and there is no sight of available services.

Economic essay about imperialism

More land means more resourcesIf you are going to invade somewhere to increase the amount of land you have, then it is better to invade a place that has rich resources that may be exploited for the betterment of your empire. The cost of subjects may not be a problem if you can import healthy β†’


This is a subject that is prevalent in all streams and aspects of the world; may it be education, work or a personal life, it is pertinent to understand social behaviour in order to comprehend the social psyche of an individual and act in a befitting manner. The interesting thing about this subject is that β†’

My writing ritual

If I get overwhelmed, I like to go for a walk and think about the assignment. I also do research to further my understanding and to make sure I have the right ideas for the assignment.

Meat inspection act essay

The Federal Meat Inspection Act of 1906 was a United States Congress Act that worked to prevent adulterated or misbranded meat and meat products from being sold as food and to ensure that meat and meat products are slaughtered and processed under sanitary conditions. Despite betrayal of the secret to the meat packers, who worked β†’

Stop worrying about what you don’t know and just focus on opportunities

This represented a huge opportunity for anyone willing to enter the market, despite lack of experience: Raki was - and is - an engrained part of Turkishcultureand social life. The magnitude of a company's success will depend on how an entrepreneur develops her or his plan for creating value from that opportunity.

Creole linguistics

For example, some of the structural features that some theorists claim that distinguish pidgins and creoles from other languages are present in other languages as well. One of the problems of definition stems from the way in which the languages are classified.

Japanese university students oral performance in english

Tasks Interview, spot-the-difference task, description of the picture, picture identification task, and storytelling were the tasks assigned to participants. In the case of picture description and a picture identification, five minutes of data were utilized.

American individualism

And the continuous practice of individualism in every sphere of American life only make individualism to be the core of American value system. Individualism becomes part of American culture as it is nurtured in the homes a children grew up.

My trip to mexico

It was almost one in the morning when I got to the airport in Washing ton, DC. Finally, It was the end of the April vacation, saying goodbye to my aunt and the rest of her family.

Stem cells narrative essay

A stem cell is an undifferentiated cell of a multicellular organism that can give rise to infinite cells of the same type. That's what stem cells are and how beneficial they are to life.

Natures language

The language is as soft as the silk filaments floating out of a cocoon. My definition of nature as pleasant intended to create the impression to be friendly, harmonious, and tranquil and I wrote, " The language is as soft as the silk filaments floating out of a cocoon".