500 Words Essay Samples

 why did you choose to become part of the childcare profession? essay sample

The childcare profession is to be an employee of educational assistant in the school system. A number of educational assistant like it because it is flexible. The characteristics I feel that a childcare worker must possess in order to be successful in the field is to positive around children, being patient with them, having →

Parenting the father

One trait that clearly shows John is an unsatisfactory father is that he is neglective. In the story on page 1 it says "...a strange shame and embarrassment coloured every event that brought them into contact." A second example that shows how John is shameless is when he was talking to the curate and scout →

Edward edward

The atmosphere of the poem is quite dark we see this when Edward says ' the curse of hell from me will ye bear mother, mother' this shows Edward does not care about his mother and wants his mother to have a bad life, hell suggests condemned souls and devils in some religions it also →

An analysis of angela’s ashes by frank mccourt

The history of his dad working jobs and then not returning wages after a few weeks made Frank want to work and prove to his mother that frank had what it took to be the man in the household. I think this shows Frank might be willing to work for the money, but the genius →

Difference between your mother and your grandmother

Mothers have the household to look after, but you; believe me, you mean the world to your grandma. She, being elder to your mom, has several stories to share with you, her own life experiences as well, though some turn out to be boring, I bet you would enjoy most of them. →

Collaborative learning community (clc)

Collaborative Learning Community * It is a philosophy as well as a place; it is a way of being as well as a working model. Learning, based on conceptual understanding and the ability to apply this knowledge in a variety of contexts, is a primary goal within a collaborative learning community.* It →

Section 2 video report

The culture that was shown is our wanton disregard to the environment and the call to change this culture of abuse and neglect to restore the health of our plaent. 2. The dominant theme and events in the film The film can be likened to Al Gore's documentary An Inconvenient Truth that discussed the →

Against abortion

Abortion's should be illegal throughout the world because it is cruelty and mean for killing an unborn child it is unnecessary for an adult to do such a cruel thing. An abortion is a issue affecting our society. Abortion's is also a threat to the mother's life and their health.

Third world poverty essay

Per capita income refers to the average income that each person in a country receives annually. It is obtained through a calculation of is the value of the gross domestic product which is then divided by the average population for that country. Per capita income is an expression of the standard of living →

Omni communication protocol based on the bitcoin

Willett proposed that the existing Bitcoin blockchain could be used as a software layer to facilitate the creation of new digital assets and currencies without changing the blockchain or developing a new blockchain. The Omni wallet allows users to easily create custom assets or currencies and trade them through the Bitcoin blockchain.

Good example of what are the major arguments for and against capital punishment, and what is your essay

Capital punishment is one of the oldest forms of punishment, the roots of which can be found in various social phenomena, including the law of retaliation " an eye for an eye". Thirdly, it is said that capital punishment is not as cruel as one might think, that it can be humane: →

College dropouts essay

Those of us who chose to go to college away from home are taking a huge risk and testing our ability to be away from our safety zone. Times are changing and for the better but the number of college dropouts is still on the rise. A variety of causes lead to the effects of →

Classroom management

Classroom management is a term used by teachers to describe the process of ensuring that classroom lessons run smoothly despite disruptive behavior by students. Journal of Educational Research, 69, 283-289. Also, research from Berliner and Brophy & Good shows that the time that teacher →

Charles schwab swot essay

Investors over the world have heard of Schwab and recognize their quality of services. Schwab's main marketing tool is to keep costs low and services high. The industry segment Schwab was in was the Investment Services and everyone is a threat at this point for Schwab.

Art and gender

The BUST magazine casts the issue of feminism in a positive light while other feminists are attempting to eliminate the oppressions tied to it. Since most feminists are against the idea presented by BUST, it is appropriate to deduce that BUST has made an outdated claim on the view of feminism and that it is →

Two types of cost accounting systems essay

Which account is used in the job order cost system to accumulate direct materials, direct labor, and factory overhead applied to production costs for individual jobs? The amount of this balance will be recorded at the cost of goods sold account. At the end of the fiscal year, there was a relatively minor balance in →

Strategy and implementation summary

It hope to save the time of customers for going to buy different mike power and mike in market. When customers send a order to buy mike power , we will conduct the mike power provider and report the order how many mike power the customer need.

Case study

Case Study: Burger King Burger King's Advertising Tactics Burger King has successfully used unconventional marketing tactics to catch the attention of the consumers. The ' Subservient Chicken', ' Whopper Freak Out' and the ' Whopper Sacrifice' campaigns, albeit controversial, have been able to strike the right chord with Burger King's target market. The other successful →

What makes a fine story

It also makes the story to be lively. Tonal variation That is a change in tone with respect to the event. The importance of a character in the story is for the audience to relate to them.

Reflection paper

I have noticed that when they find that they have guessed my ethnic origin wrong, they tend to be sorry and respectfully ask me where I belong. Yes, I do trick people about my origin just for fun. I like to experience how people would deal me if they thought that I was from a →

Textbook analysis

The consistency is also important for introducing the reader to a synopsis of the content in the new unit. This creates an idea of the flow of the content in that unit and the reader is able to prepare accordingly. The front pages of each unit contain collages that have several similarities.

Thank you letter

The technically written mails help to provide accurate, concise and grammatically free information so that it not only makes sense but also facilitates the seniors to diagnose and resolve the issue efficiently and timely. The interview has also helped to emphasize that the technical writing is an art, especially in Communication Focal Point. Moreover, the →


In relation to my life, I have observed that people in general, me included, tend to follow and abide by laws just as seriously as the law enforcing agencies are serious about implementing laws and holding the criminals accountable. In my homeland, I have never passed a traffic interchange at a Red signal. Occasionally, I →

Informative essay on british airways

It was unplanned because it was introduced at the start of the summer quarter when they had it has one of its busiest quarters. From the perspective of sense making, management needs to be aware of the key elements that are important to the situation. From the perspective of organizational development, I →

Jetblue airways financial analysis

This is a better performance in the year 2004 but deteriorated in the year 2005 if converted into days it shows that on average 3 days in the year 2004 and four days in the year 2005. In every dollar invested in the year 2005, there is 0.

Challenges and perspectives of adoption of an electronic money scheme

This development has been in the making for quite some time now, from the inception of bank cheques to the creation of credit cards and the implementation of electronic money transfers, financial services practices and new technology has been coming together to produce the greatest leap in the way in which we conduct our everyday →

Much ado about nothing reflection

I think that because of the time that it was written in, the language is suitable for circumstances that happen in this play. I think the value of learning about this old play is to gain an understanding of the language and time of these people.

Crucible allusions

I believe Miller used Lucifer as an allusion because he wanted to express the importance that the Devil had on thecharacters of The Crucible. I think Miller thought this was necessary since it shows that they both need and want someone to blame for everything that is goes wrong in Salem. So →

The chrysalids: theme of bravery in the novel

Firstly, there was bravery shown when Sophie was forced to reveal her deviation to David, while he was trying to save her foot from being broken. " Then she said: ' Go away! Strorm found out about this little blemish of the body, Harriet stood up for her rights and her baby by speaking her mind →

Free study of the english language: reflection essay sample

After I had come to the US, I improved my English a lot especially when I got to English 100 class. This result was due to the poor organization of the body of my essay.

Practitioner reflections essay

Basically, a STEM education will be needed. STEM Education STEM is an acronym for Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics and thus this kind of education is seen as an interdisciplinary advance to learning. This in turn facilitates growth of STEM literacy thus the power to race in the new emerging economy. In my opinion, →

Philosophical approaches to buddhism report examples

- Bibliographical Entry of the assigned reading Temporality and Personal Identity in the Thought of Nishida Kitaro by Gereon Kopf - What does the assigned reading cover? The reading covers an analysis of Nishida's conception of an individual in terms of self-determination from the concept of contradictory self-identity compared to the models of personal →

Good example of research proposal on plan for developing request for proposal document for immunization database in the

The information will be written in that order centered at the cover page. - Table of content The table of content will contain sections within the document - Request This section will state the department that seeks for the proposal, the purpose for which the proposal is intended, and terms →

Have of lake victoria, and the last

The state capital is put at aconjunction between the Blue Nile and the White Nile, the principal spillingout of Lake Victoria, and the last from Ethiopia. The SouqsArabis the biggest inside the field and it is set south of the top of the lineMosque.

Theory and criticism in landscape architecture critical thinking

Landscape architecture has been viewed as one of the reasons why there are a lot of changes in the landscape in various parts of the world. The theory of landscape architecture has certain elements which need to be critically examined. The concepts used in these articles fail to explain the failure of shifts in the →

Organizational development paper

Organizational development is a benchmark for a given organization's success in establishing its core values, mission statement andgoals. Whether an organization is non-profit or for profit does not change the fact that both types of organizations need to make the best of all plans and then implement them to make the rightcultureas well as →

Outline process for developing nursing standards of practice

Outline the process for developing nursing standards of practice, and Identify the different entities that might be involved in developing a standard of practice The American Nurses Association advances the nursing profession by " facilitating development of the standards of nursing practice, promoting the rights of nurses in the workplace, →

Letter to the editor; nutrient pollution essay examples

An increase in the number of housing units served by the sewer line will further the strain already evident on the lake. A study conducted on the lake water samples showed a serious level of pollution mainly from the sewage deposits there. Data obtained from the lake indicates a correspondence between the algae levels, with →

Waterlogging in guwahati essay

It is in fact a curse for the common residents of the city. Waterlogging is mainly caused due to the poor drainage system of the city, aided by heavy rainfall. Also, the garbage, which is very often thrown in the drains, tends to block the path of the sewage.

Grant proposal – old fashioned gay love story essay sample

It is our hope that the film will provide understanding and acceptance of all people, and it is our hope that the production of the film will inspire other local artist to recognize their own dreams and to take action. We believe the film will be a valuable tool to rally →

Integral quantity data types

INTEGRAL DATA TYPES IN JAVA Prepared by Presented to On Maximum and Minimum values for the INT data type Table1 outlines the minimum and maximum values that an Integer can store in Java Language : Table 1Integer Data Types Data Type Description Maximum Value Minimum Value INT It →

International development and development projects

The female education rate drops to 25 percent in rustic regions, and young ladies' school enlistment of fifty-five percent drops to 20% from Grade 1 to 6. For the reasons for these measurements, a proficient individual is characterized by Pakistan's Ministry of Education as one who can read a daily paper and compose a straightforward →

The importance of oral language

Oral language serves many purposes, whether it is telling a story or the simple joy of entertainment, but I think the most important purpose of oral language is to inform. When informing someone of certain topic, it could vary from sharing knowledge to your philosophies and opinions. The importance of this is →

Free reflective paper dark girls essay sample

In essence, the further women get from being darker skinned, the more accepted they are in society; darker-skinned black women are seen as rougher, more intense and harder to deal with. I have personally seen darker-skinned black women be treated with kid gloves and greater frustration than a lighter-skinned patient; there is a greater assumption →

The summary of the movie maleficent

Then the story follows Maleficent's encounter with Stefan, a boy from the surrounding village belonging to the King, and her young-adult ventures. In the meantime, a fight breaks-out between Stefan's men and Maleficent.

Dissertation guide on wireless mobile communication technology in nigeria

With a population of approximately 140 million peoples and an area almost pning 1 million kilometres squared, although English is the official national language, regional languages still remain and are spoken across Nigeria. Languages including Hausa, Igbo and Yoruba, reflect the four main groups of which the population of Nigeria are subdivided; inNorth Africa, Hausa →

Thesis statement about friendship

It encourages more students to attend college and helps to keep students on track to graduate and with their finances later in life because they will not have to worry about all the debt. Student loans and debt are currently a huge issue in our economy, and this scholarship is a great way to start →

Communication in marriages

I believeit has caused problems my marriage now is not my first and I know part of the reason my past marriages did not work was because of poor/lack of communication. I would have to agree that self-disclosure is important and directly related to satisfaction in relationships because of my own experience. Although people are →

Effective business communication

These principles provide guidelines for choice of content and style of presentation, adapted to the purpose and receiver of the message. So, for a communication to be effective or successful, principles of communication are quite important.

Telephone and fax machines

Memo A memorandum or memo is a document or other communication that helps the memory by recording events or observations on a topic, such as may be used in a business office. They are a form of mass marketing or small scale, communitycommunication. Office circulars are used in the company to convey the same information →

Theories of the communication cycle and group formation

Message Decoded - The person your communicating with has to try to decode the message , they might find it difficult and jump to a conclusion especially if you do not use your body language to help. Storming This is when a group begin to fall out with certain people and there is a tension →

Prevent pollution

All time-management courses boil down to one basic piece of advice: set priorities and allocate the bulk of your time to tasks that are crucial to meeting your goals. Here are six steps to regaining control of your day: Do not check your email all the time.

Effective communication effective techniques

Feedback is always good because it allows an employee to get information about what he or she is doing right or wrong so that they can take the time to improve. In hehealthcare field workers are always completing self-assessments, this makes the team approach technique especially good for them because they are able →

The mainstream communication for the social & business conversations

Your relationship with your boss could be used as your guide to understanding whether he is knowledgeable and accepts the emojis, gifs, and stickers as forms of communications. You can use these symbols to show you love what your old high school friend is advocating and never mind whether he understands that or he does →

Writing and non verbal communication

The non verbal communication in this case used are " Auditory symbols" and " Body languages". The corporation was trying to negotiation in terms and conditions, delivery, sevices.2.

Noticing hypothesis

Noticing alone does not mean that learners automatically acquire language; rather, the hypothesis states that noticing is the essential starting point for acquisition. There is debate over whether learners must consciously notice something, or whether the noticing can be subconscious to some degree Noticing is a complex process: it involves the →

Rationale creative writing sample

Thus, written communication, as a rule, is more robust, coherent and comprehensible, as writer always wants to point to the significance of what he or she is saying. In Ancient Greece, thoughts about writing were not the same as we have now. It is possible to agree with Ong as the writing can have very →

In a genuine circumstance

Be that as it may, since instructing English is begun at the secondary school in Iran, it is vital not to repress the understudies by giving them corrective feedback in a way that produces them feel uncertain. The value of educator feedback, in speaking, is a subject of heated discussion.

Paper on sq3r

Students develop effective study habits by engaging in the pre-reading, during-reading, and post-reading steps of this strategy. Recite/write : Say to yourself (I do this out loud so I have to study where I do not embarrass myself) or write down (I sometimes do this in the margins of the book itself ) a →

Case writing assignment one

The main communication problem facing BP is failure to satisfy their stakeholders, the pubic, and the U.S.government. Its concerns are what steps BP is going to take to stem the flow, what commitments BP is prepared to make to compensate for the spill.

Communication institutionnelle

Even if it's a really technical brand, they play on the cost of the product. 3- Analyse strategy Apple has an international reputation in the field of high-tech with innovation, and esthetics of its products.

Sample essay on strengths in the presentation were

This will consequently help in the process of learning and increasing fluency. In the conclusive view, the aspect of communication in the presentation process is important and this will puddle a great deal in the delivery of messages during the presentation process. This will help in the maintaining of the flow of information between the →

Explain the principles of effective communication in the workplace

To avoid awkward questions do not talk about something which you do not know how to explain, and if you are going to include something in your presentation make sure you know exactly what it is and know how to explain it. When answering questions even when not sure about the answer it's important to →

Should lord of the flies be banned?

Half of the room believes it's a life lesson and should be continued in oureducationcurriculum and the other half believes its sending a horrible message to our society and should be forever banned from our school. I believethat it's an educational book and should continue to be taught; it's a great read →

Is macbeth a tragic hero?

We know that Macbeth's downfall will affect the future of Scotland as he is a prominent person in Scotland's society; the King.' Do we but find the tyrants power tonight, Let us be beaten, if we cannot fight?' This shows the tyrant Macbeth holds so much power within his hands. Macbeth also has a good →

Fair is foul and foul is fair in macbeth

Fair is Foul and Foul is Fair in Macbeth The quote from the three witches, " Fair is foul and foul is fair," echoes throughout the story, and is the backbone of the many 'switches' that occur between and amongst the characters and their positions. To Duncan, Macbeth is the most honorable and successful →

Romeo & juliet

Director Baz Lehrmann chooses to set this epic in Mexico, a perfect modern backdrop for the violent gangland culture Shakespeare's script conveys in a modern context. The two families-the Capulets and the Montegues- are beautifully contrasted; the lighthearted Montegues in open Hawaiian shirts, against the tight black clad Capulet boys sporting many gold accessories. Contrary →

Beowulf succeeds

One example of gender roles in Beowulf is when the Beowulf poet uses the peaceweaver as one of the major roles of women. Another example of gender roles in Beowulf is when the Beowulf poet uses the Geatish Warrior, Beowulf, is a brave, self-sufficient and superhuman strength.

Diary entries – macbeth

I am not sure if I believe what they have told me. I am the one who is to be king.

Dear friend – a letter about animal farm

Dear friend! We have just read " Animal Farm" in class." Animal farm", or " Animal Farm: A Fairy Story" as the original title was, was a little manuscript which was published right after the Second World War byGeorge Orwell, ever heard of him? It was a book that was originally placed in the →

Macbeth- act 5

For what are the Doctor and Gentlewoman waiting to see? Lady Macbeth to sleepwalk Why is Lady Macbeth running her hands? to wash the blood off of her hands what is she carrying? a taper What is a taper? a light or a candle Who is taking notes? the doctor →

Why the deaths of romeo and juliet should not be a surprise

Page one Why the Deaths ofRomeo and Julietshould not be a Surprise Romeo and Juliet both end up dying in Shakespeare Romeo and Juliet. The deaths of Romeo and Juliet should not be a surprise because there is a lot of foreshadowing preparing us; for this twist in the plot.

Essay on lord of the flies literary analysis

Bash him in! " One of the first examples of the loss of innocence and emergence of a savageculturebetween the boys is demonstrated in this quote; the initial loss occurring during the killing of the pig, the emergence of savagery in the reenactment of the hunt. One of the first, larger violent section of the →

Lord of the flies

The boys begin to reenact the killing of the pig by tormenting one of their peers." Piggy and Ralph, under the threat of the sky, found themselves eager to take a place in this demented but partly secure society. Piggy and Ralph recognize the evil that is coming out in every one of the boys →

Heathcliff: victim or villain?

Heathcliff's manipulative and vengeful actions are truly those of a villain. Heathcliff as a Victim: Nelly's unwillingness to acknowledge Heathcliff's presence to Catherine in a crucial time allowed him to overhear the hurtful things that she was saying. If Nelly had tried to stop Heathcliff from running away, he →

The departed/internal affairs film comparison

The similarities between these two crime/drama/thrillers are great. In The Departed, director Martin Scorsese takes the story into his own style of storytelling, but the adaptation of the screenplay originally written by director Siu Fai Mak and Felix Chong is almost identical to the screenplay by William Monahan adapted for The Departed. There is an →

Native americans in the united states and patrick

Buchanan makes the point that America 400 years ago was not based around democracy, equality and diversity, so why should we value that in the present? In 1957 the Queen visited Jamestown, Virginia. In his concluding thoughts, Buchanan remarks that America Is a changing nation specially in the areas of diversity, democracy and →

Women and the fight for reform

Women and the Fight for Reform Women in the late 19th century, except in the few western states where they could vote, were denied much of a role in the governing process. In 1891 Kelley worked with Addams at Hull House and became an investigator for the Illinois Bureau of Labor, and then was →

Weems wong

The reason the U.S." purchased" Philippines because this was cheaper than continuing war with the Spanish. As a result of that unrecognized fact, the Filipinos grew impatient on the U.S.

The economic growth of the united states and the labour quality essay sample

United States has the most diversified and the most technologically advanced economies in the world. American workforce is made up of 153 million; these are considered to be the people behind the driving force of the economy. In addition to that, the country is considered to maintain a high standard of women and men contributing →

Vespucci, columbus, and the new world

However, the presence of negativity has also transcended in his text when he described their lifestyle as having no knowledge and totally ignorance about arms made of irons as the natives' spears were only made of woods and cane. Another unpleasant testimonial was when he stated that these natives are vulnerable and →

Dbq new world migration

Religion during the settlement of the new world was very strict and unforgiving. John Winthrop, the leader of the puritans, wanted to create a city upon a hill , while other colonists journeyed to the new world seeking freedom of religion. A large portion of colonists came in families or large groups to the →

The no idea it was even happening. people

The novel, All The President's Men, is about two reporters of the Washington Post, Carl Bernstein and Bob Woodward, and them finding out information on the Watergate scandal. The novel follows how all of Nixon's men, who helped cover up the scandal, are arrested. The book closes with Nixon giving his State of the →

Gls{gnss} known ( satellites in this case) and

Then the travel time is multiplied by the speed of light to estimate distances between the receiver and the satellites. In theory, the distance and positions of only three satellites are needed to calculate a 3D position.

Tuberculosis compared with other diseases caused by a

It can also spread to other parts of the body, like the brain and spine. Tuberculosis is an infectious disease that usuallyaffects the lungs. Ninety percent ofadult cases of active TB are from the reactivation of a latent TB infection.

Précis 1

Hoganson believes that the majority of America felt a need to be masculine. We had to the manly and paternal thing, which was to care for them until they matured.

American history in “memoirs of a wobbly” by henry mcguckin essay

The writer lists several instances where financial constraints were witnessed in running the activities of the union. Their endurance gradually bred fruits. An outstanding aspect the writer has portrayed in his memoir is the fact that trade unionism goes beyond the classroom education levels of the leaders.

The development of the industrial united states

One way the new technology and inventions in the 1800s gave a positive effect to industrialization was Thomas Edison invented the light bulb. This was a positive effect to industrialization because the workers can work at night for a higher wage. The Bessemer process was the making of steel.

What finished in 1914.it took them 10 years.they

What is the Panama Canal? " The Panama Canal connects the Atlantic and the Pacific ocean together through the narrow Isthmus of Panama." From shoreline to shoreline is about 48 miles of the Panama Canal. President Theodore Roosevelt oversaw the realization of a long-term United States goal a trans-isthmian canal. Throughout the 1800s, American →

Westward expansion essay

To facilitate the migration of Americans to the west, the federal government passed several laws. This bill said that the people of this territory could decide whether they wanted to be a slave state or a free state.

Biology – db 1

This is because the function of the chloroplast in a plant cell is to trap the solar energy for photosynthesis thus contributes to the manufacture of glucose for the sell. A vacuole could be like a store room in an organization that helps in the storage of surplus. Part 2 Energy is the utmost →

The origins of art

The creators of the art deliberately inflated the sizes of its female anatomy and chose to omit other body parts like the head. Nowadays, the situation is not different. It is difficult o deduce this issue due to the amount of time that separates modern times and the prehistoric times.

Essay on art and architecture: museum paper

It hovers on its legs that act as a protective asset and a cage to a sac of eggs. The formal elements of the sculpture are its grayish color and magnificent size. What was the intention of the artist? The artist intended to portray her mother with metaphors such as →

Team project

Mass media plays a very important role in depicting and spreading the message of popular culture far and wide. Popular culture comes into being as a result of the interplay of a variety of factors and sources. The influence of popular culture on arts reached its peak as the pop art movement during the 1960s →

Standing in the shoes of a renaissance maste

Increase in distance between the object and the viewer leads to decrease in the contrast between the background and the object. The saturation of the object colors also diminishes; the objects color move towards resembling the color of the background, which is mostly light blue. The image illustrates Ariel perspective in various ways.

Discussion 4

Having trained in Milan under Simone Peteranzo, Caravaggio contributed heavily to the Baroque style that resulted as an evolution of the Mannerism style of artistry and is said to have clearly defined the meaning of " chiaroscuro" in paintings. Chiaroscuro, although already in existence prior to the coming of Caravaggio, became more noticeable during his →