500 Words Essay Samples

Artist questions essay examples

Compare the art of Abramovic and Bourgeois with respect to how their art reflects their lives. Abramovic and Bourgeois' art are interrelated in that respect through the use of her body and naked sculptures respectively.

Black book 2006 (european film critique)

She later, after joining the Dutch resistance, find out the person, Van Gein, who betrayed her parents who had perished in and undevout to liberate the southern part of Holland. Betrayal is one of the things that makes the movie interesting. Finally, the tactics the character use to gain advantage over others allow one keep β†’

Thelesson eugeneionesco

This is evident when he says that he is the " servant of the pupils". From the play, it is evident that the professor is also a domineering and violent person.

Aesthetic of photography

In this photo, the horizontal line is used on the right-hand side of the kitchen building to make the right angle with the shelve. It is used to indicate the sentiment of timelessness and sense of homeostasis.

Keywords:exotic storyteller. if you are one such passionate

If you are planning to visit India sometime soon, you can catch a glimpse of the diverse culture of the land, by opting for these products. If you are one such traveler who was left speechless by the magnanimous cultural diversities and rich philosophical experience of India, come and explore one of the most loved β†’


Is graffiti a real culture and can affluent in art categories or it only is a kind of vandalism and always effect people's life? Although, most people misunderstand graffiti, absolutely, it is a form of art, and it can affluent in art categories.

Utilitarian objects as art

In its utilitarian condition the object functions as a means of keeping time; it also includes a digital function that records the day of the week and the date. Internally the Clock is battery operated and contains a motor mechanism, as well as digital functionality. Throughout the 20th century the Clock functioned as an essential β†’


Their products have been admired the world over, the Fortune magazine has ranked it the most admired company in the world from 2008 to 2012. The success of Apple Inc.is characterized by innovativeness, acquisitions, and product diversification. Apple Inc.is a company that has grown to a multinational with a great reputation across the world.

Running a business on smartphones

Through the use of eTrance, the company was able to reduce the number of hours of the accountant per week, lowering their wage bill. The use of smartphones helped reduce the amount of time needed to solve an issue and serve a customer. This translates into more transactions hence more profit for the company. The β†’

Report of what i did last week

I have made several contributions that have the potential to enhance project success. The fist role that I performed in this group assignment this week was communicating to the group in time to ensure timely selection of an application and a related technology. I decided to take care of opening statements and purpose of the β†’

Discussion 1

Are people hesitant to use the Internet or wireless technology for purchases due to security concerns? These are potentially influenced by age, educational background and profession since those who are prolific users of the internet are mostly the young generation and those who unsuspectively divulge personal information. Discussion 2: Potential Consequences: Discuss what the consequences β†’

Network topology design

Lastly, it is projected that in the second year, the number of employees will again rise by one hundred. As indicated in the network topology diagram below, the initial computer network configuration at the company is composed of ten user computers. This is because, as indicated in the diagram, all operations are within a network β†’

Jerry montgomery and trusty carpets

In sum, the objective of the business is to improve the use of technology for his current store, and to include the same capabilities for his new location, support a mobile sales force. Support for mobile sales force Jerry intends to have a salesforce on the field to improve his profit margin and justify the β†’

Explain why information systems project management requires careful attention to quality management

Second reason is that lack of focus on quality management within information systems project management can result in rework and high number of project changes. This is the reason why experts suggest adhering to the standards of quality while managing any information system project." It certainly is a better and safer practice to plan quality β†’


It is important for healthcare providers to consider and serve in terms of a holistic data security program that integrates security around patient information to hinder its access by unauthorized parties. For a healthcare organization to enjoy automatic logging of application to database accesses by doctors, nurses, lab technicians, and administrators, it has to employ β†’


Thus the employees of ISP were operating within the parameters of the company and as the responded in the case they are obliged to defend themselves on limited tort liability. Under the law if an employee is involved in a criminal act, the plaintiff can sue responded for neglect hiring and β†’


Cyber terrorism is the type of violence than invades the information base of every computers, networks and stored data to misuses the information to the will of the person or group retrieving the data unlawfully.' Cyberterrorism hinges on the widespread use of computers by individuals, private industry and corporations, the military, and the government and β†’

Risk managments strategy of applaying open stack system

The complex customization and flexibility of opens tack that can be specific to an organization may lead to a conflict with the external open stack infrastructure. The strategy for effective risk management for an organization utilizing open stack can be based on ISO/IEC 27001.

Technology management blog

In addition, and most importantly for this paper, ROI plays an important role in the service strategy as it provides an opportunity to evaluate and determine whether existing services are effective or achieving their objectives. The book, Service Strategy explained that " in simplest sense, it [ROI] is the net profit of an investment divided β†’

Lear wont take a backseat

The technology has helped it to collaborate and integrate the work of designing and sculpting the interiors of automobiles and test it in virtual reality environment. It is envisioned that within the next two years, Lear's competitors would be able to acquire expertise and competency in the designing and working in virtual environment.

Summary of chapter 3: information technologies (its)

In fact, the electronic personas are likely to dominate our real personas in the near future as emphasis on electronic form of communication in all systems is emphasized more. Technology has played a huge role in changing the communications in the society. The advancements in IT have introduced a series of devices and mechanisms to β†’

Society is dead, we have retreated into iworld by andrew sullivan

Editor of Andrewsullivan.com, an essay writer at Times and an analyst, Sullivan in this essay describes his visit to the once known as city of lights and life, a city which never sleeps, New York and record his observation in a beautiful way by describing how the city has changed with technological advancements and generally β†’

Analusis of what is it about 20-somethingsarticle by robin marantz henig

Instead of following a course of life in stages, people are beginning to find confusion in the fact that stability cannot be defined during adulthood anymore in fact an increasing number of people are going back to school regardless of the age. People ages 18 to late 20s have similar actions of continuously seeking their β†’

The article jihadi john and london’s culture of gang violence

The author reckons that gang experience, Islamic identity, and the alienation faced by young Muslims living in London motivates young British men to join London's gang culture and later radical Islamist groups that offer a sense of brotherhood. Description Recently, many young Muslims living in London had joined ISIS. The radical Islamist groups seek β†’

Machiavellianism – dissertation example

He further noted that moral corruption assists in the realization of social benefits like security and stability. Machiavelli asserted that Private Morality and Public Morality must be evaluated differently in order for the Prince to rule effectively. The leaders should act immorally in order to eradicate resistance and political rivals.

Sex education in the united states

Thus, they gain diversified knowledge about the attitudes and views of society regarding sex-related issues like socially-accepted gender roles and social taboos like abortion, birth control, etc. "...cultures around the world socialize boys and girls through both, direct and indirect means, to understand their gender roles in society".Thus, children and adolescents develop their social and sexual β†’

Analysis of an animals place article by michael pollan

In a profound investigation of the arguments of people who plead for animal liberation, the author maintains that the most difficult animal rights challenge is posed by the killing of animals for meat and clothing. Strictly speaking, this is true of other humans, too, but since humans are all basically wired the same way, we β†’

Week 4

The various versions so present differ on account of the manner in which the basic principles of this theory may be incorporated but all together the function and motive of each is the same- making the world a peaceful place to live in. While one of the version calls for absolute use of the peaceful β†’

Justice & institution building in the uae

Justice and Building in the UAE Justice and Building in the UAE The tension between the western ideologies and the Islamic perception of the judicial systems and the nature of the legislation has been in existence since time immemorial. The paper seeks to analyze the Zayed's conception of justice with the aim of establishing whether β†’


As a result, every organization has a mandate or ensuring that part of the revenue collected through sales is taken back to the society to help in improving the living conditions of the people through supporting noble programs such as education and environmental conservation. Explore I find it absurd that a company can outsource β†’

Preventing nuclear capacities in north korean or iran

There are a number of measures that I would have taken to this end if I were the president of the United States, these include: Possible Measures to Prevent North Korea from obtaining Nuclear Capabilities Pressure North Korea to Return to Six-Party negotiations The United States can possibly employ the use of economic β†’

Hot topic

Winning the case followed a series of unethical market based policies in the past. Topic 2 A shocking Lack of Common Sense Milligan reports the most shocking unethical practice by a Republican senator. Shock faces allegation of office abuse by the in appropriation of the public money. Topic 3 Porter β†’

Actions speaks louder words

Of the two kind of sports, I enjoy playing individual sports more than team sports because I can play it anytime compared to team sports where I have to wait for other people before I can play. 6. TOEFL is a wonderful test because it allows me to know my level of knowledge in the β†’

International relations major

In addition, the country's relationship with other nations is at its peak due to various factors such as the terror war, oil trade, politics, and sports. The issue of Islam and terrorism, as well as the position of women in the Saudi Arabian public, is essential motivators to study International Relations. I also engaged my β†’

Human trafficking

It is a touching movie, which gives an insight about the modern world, and how even if he think that we live in an educated society, where people have freedom and there is no slavery, there are people who sell human beings, to earn profit. The way the three women were lured into the world β†’

Training to prison staff in post conflict areas

It is also the mandate of the NGO during the process to develop proper and appropriate training curricula for prison law enforcing officers. Instead, it advocates the rule of law and justice to all.

Pierson and the secret service scandal

Julia Pierson finally resigned from her position of Director of United States Secret Service, a position which made her responsible for the security of the President and the first family. Julia Pierson to quit from her position. It was not far away, 19 Sep '14 to be precise, when a man who was equipped with β†’

Ethics and the impaired employee

Instead, the supervisor should have considered issues of personal emotional intelligence and also the basic psychological needs of Beverly prior to launching into such a dramatic punishment program. After Beverly states that she had four young children at home and had no other provider in the household to assist, the supervisor should have realized that β†’

Avoiding telephone spam

Spam costs the sender very little to send - most of the costs are paid for by the recipient or the carriers rather than by the sender". Spam is taking a serious toll on several businesses worldwide, companies in the US and other parts of the world have suffered whopping losses because of the people β†’

Mexico economy

Based on this classification, the Mexican current situation demonstrates an undershot expectation with a fairly positive and difficult economic environment for economic competitiveness and economic growth. Looking out over the next year, what is the key issue to watch? The key issues to be watched out for the next year by the Mexican economists are β†’

Ethical philosophy in lives of the people

In this paper I will provide an account of my ethical philosophy, utilizing Kant's moral philosophy. The first aspect that should be mentioned with this regard is that I act in a manner that if my actions become universal law, this would not harm anyone. This means that lying should not be made a universal β†’

Article response

However, the pickle did not stop; Americans started to use it as diet reforms declined, and nowadays pickles are enjoyed as normal food. This story shows that one can eat any kind of food and speak any language and still be an American. In a similar case, Pickles has been accepted due to its convenience β†’

The positive, beneficial functions of ir law

The losses suffered from World War I and World War II caused the international community to review international laws and this brought about the creation of the United Nations, a body that is charged with upholding international laws and preventing such conflicts from reoccurring. International laws recognize that a states sovereignty does not necessarily translate β†’

Edu 701 – four curriculum

However, a Christian teacher is not supposed to inject their beliefs in a public school without threats of legal action. A Christian teacher must live Holy and pray for God to open an opportunity for witness in this setting.

Teacher of year essay

However, the teacher that I chose as deserving of the " My Favorite Teacher" earned this title due to the care she showed to each of her students through her teaching, personality, and the all the fun had in her class is Ms. Fleming is more than a teacher to me; she is a person β†’

A memorable day in my life

I was always thinking about the school, the teachers as I watched on the TV. Then I had breakfast and started for the school with my father.

Financial statements essay

Aside from traditional annual reports, interim statements are being prepared by some business enterprises. The financial statements includes the Profit & Loss statement, Balance Sheet and cashflow statements. The Balance Sheet also known as statement of financial position, and statement of condition, reports as of a given point of time the resources of a business β†’

Teaching statement for assistant professor position application

As their professor for this project, I make sure that students stay on task and that they are producing the results necessary for the project. Prior to my work at Cornell University, I was a Postdoctoral Fellow at Free University in Berlin, Germany. Many students have said that I am a very approachable professor in β†’

Market equilibration process paper

An important characteristic of demand indicates that as price falls, the quantity demanded rises and as the price increases, the quantity demanded falls. The relationship between the price and quantity demanded is called an inverse relationship and this is what Economists call the law of demand. In conclusion, this paper described the concepts β†’

Key notions in astronomy

Trillions of other stars of the same size as the sun and even bigger than it are scattered around the universe. Our earth and the remaining universe are also made out of these elements which came from stars.

How has baz luhrman used sound effects to appeal to a younger audience?

The various sounds effects used to help us, the audience, see the Montague's 'Boyz' as cowardly and spineless and the music that they are listening too 'The boys the boys...' tells us that they are young boys not men this is reflected through their music. Whereas the sound effects with the Capulets are morebullyingand sinister. β†’

Movie – my name is khan essay

As far as depiction of Shahrukh as an autistic child is concerned, though he is unable to express his emotions but understands the love of his mother very well. His younger brother is jealous of the affection he gets and often revolts and later moves to US. His mother often told him That there are β†’


The Environment of the Pleistocene The Pleistocene period was marked by a series of glaciations. It is said that there was much flooding in the area that is now Idaho, and that climate fluctuated during much of this time.

Indigenous identity

African Americans derive their social and cultural values from the religion, and with the majority of them being the followers of Abrahamic religions, African American communities are generally more conservative in their stance on homosexuality and thus condemn gay marriages. According to Jones, the most significant changes in the traditional indigenous identity of the African β†’

The difference sentencing models

Deterrence is the act or process of discouraging and preventing an action from occurring. The individual actor is not the focus of the attempt at behavioural change, but rather receives punishment in public view in order to deter other individuals from deviance in the future.

Cal report week 3

To add a greater degree of understanding and the ability to apply these ideas metaphors can be used as shown by Morgan in 1980 and later by Hassard It is necessary to choose those which best fit our particular circumstances and reflect on them. As I took part in the week 3 learning β†’

Example of ethics in public administration article review

This article talks about the causes that led to the Watergate scandal and how these types of scandals can be avoided in future and how we should ensure that the government engages in activities that are transparent and credible all for the good of its citizens. It may also be a culmination of some if β†’

Towards the understanding of nature of groups and teams

The distinction between groups and teams is that while groups demand a lot of control, planning, and direction in its leadership, are guided by a series of well-established goals and objectives, reward members depending on performance , and used when executing specific functional tasks in an organization, teams demand collaborative relationships among members, are β†’

Women in leadership

Use of softer words has been a source of more trouble to women leaders; this tends to show the audience the level of seriousness and confidence the leader upholds. The nervousness in their talking greatly affects their leadership as they talk mainly about a group of people they show signs of panic. The class material β†’

Project management

According to Jean Roberge, the vice president of IT at ABS Canada, the required system should be able to integrate the management system for the development of the entire organisation. Issues The adoption of the new system presents various management issues that include the technological changes making some of the current approaches become obsolete. β†’

500 words essay essay sample

The finally pare is said that the comparison of that two theories. The Michael Porter's five forces model is something that five competitive forces model about each countries, particularly to the competitive advantages of countries, rather than to microeconomics. This means Michael Porter's centrepiece of texts on business strategy and strategic management have high β†’

Evaluation of surviellance system essay

Background After establishment of new government and fall of Taliban regimen the efforts have been continuing to reinforce and expand the existing health system and just reconsider and refine the priorities of the health system. However, the high morbidity and mortality is preventable and mass immunization against measles has been one of the top priorities β†’

Nike product marketing

I think the shoe products from Nike continue to evolve and pass through various stages as it grows to meet the ever-evolving needs of the customers. This is to ensure that the products do not become out of date and irrelevant to customers as well as to their needs at different periods. The company has β†’

Marketing case study 9518

I believe he needs to limit his public skating sessions to the weekends. He needs to maintain the sessions on Saturday and Sunday afternoons and target families for those sessions.

International marketing – culture issue

I think it was a tweet of frustration." The Malaysian ministry of communications and multimedia did not elaborate further on its reasons for the ban in its statement. The Muslim country has strict rules for female performers, who must cover up from the top of the chest to the knees. Eek$ha have spoke β†’

Window tools used to solve window problems essay

Disaster recovery tools These are tools which are used for rolling back changes and recovering the initial system setup configuration.They include: a. System file tools These are tools used for solving system related problems. Examples in this category include: a.

Relations of marketing with my major

In addition, the management trains the marketing team on the marketing strategies to use and the marketing language to use. The management determines the products of specialization and hence the products for marketing.


Also, the slope of friendlier Isotherm In leg Is decreasing, the graph of frequency Isotherm In g and log are Increasing. Abstract Introduction Page 3 Experimental Apparatus and Procedure Result and Discussion and Conclusions Page 1 1 Page 1 Page 3 Theory Page 4 Page 5 Summary Page 1 1 References The β†’

Fashion marketing spanish group inditex

The prices are also kept same in all the shops retailing in different countries. Place - headquarter of Bershka is in Arteixo, Spain and time to time Bershka is spreading itself globally. Bershka's websites are also available on the internet, to do the online transactions of buying and selling. Promotion - Bershka spends approximately up β†’

Analysis of nike’s “dream crazier” advertisement

The ad promotes that idea of committed, passionate people reaching heights thought to be unobtainable and of people initiating or even being the change they want to see in the world. The purpose of the video is to encourage viewers to believe in themselves. Everything is earned". The intended effect of the video was to β†’

Group marketing plan

Students and those who would like to follow the event, will be required to purchase Hop Valley Brewing company products as their tickets to the event. This event will play a significant role in promoting the company's products. Organising for a games day will be another viable program to implement the marketing strategy of the β†’


The competition is getting stiffer that the qualities and information being asked from the donor also escalates. The ideal quality of a man which many women prefers is embodied by Donor 1913 who do not only possess the qualities of good looks, high education and being nice, but is also charming and funny to the β†’

My story – why i need to study

The photographs were of me and my parents in which I was very young, but I realized so were they. My parents loved me and it was because of this, that they did not want me to struggle like them to make ends meet.

Executive summary on bee farming business

Type of Business Nature The nature of the business is bee farming. Apitherapy is the use of bee products for treatinghealthdisorders.

Personal statement on job title

I instantly took to the intensive study of philosophy, methodology, theory and practice that allowed me to develop analytical skills and contribute to treatment. I was also able to develop communication skills through deepened understanding of the mentality of patients and their functioning within society. Although I like my work, I realize that, often, face-to-face β†’

Developing skills for business leadership

This research is mainly a qualitative study that explored different theories, and investigated several methods and techniques: diagrams, tables, and peer-reviewed studies that assisted the author to reach the important findings in the conclusion. It is identified that the team members' roles need to be re-assessed in addition to a critical need for β†’

Neural rehabilitation article review sample

Detecting change is important for the selection of the best instrument for research and sample for clinical studies. Responsiveness is influenced by treatment, specific sample and the type of change captured. Researchers have identified three types of change in the taxonomy of their responsiveness, i.e.observed change, important change and detectable change. β†’

Lab experiment: interference reports examples

In pattern A, we know the distance between the slits and we measure the distance between the slides. As pattern B had the higher distance, we can say as distance between slits increase, the width of the bands and the distance between them decreases - In both C and D, the β†’

Report on web-based payroll developing and debugging

The system will be used to manage the transactions and procedures that are undertaken during a pay. Software used In the development of the system, the software that will be used includes Java programming language. After getting the visual representation of the software, I was able to know which software and tools would be β†’

What is the role of graduate education in preparing nurses to meet the needs of our society

Graduate education in particular play a significant role in preparing nurses to meet the needs of society. As mentioned above, graduate education in nursing equips nurses with research skills and hence their ability to learn the prevailing health issues in the society (American Nurses' Association, 1965).

Nursing reflection on cardiac arrest essay sample

Once an emergency is identified, one staff must activate the local emergency call system and ring the switch board by dialing the code and stating that code blue or medical emergency, exact location, and name and designation of staff. One of the staff must collect the resuscitation trolley and transport it to the β†’

What my reason is for wanting to become a nurse

Perhaps you will understand what I feel inside, and be inclined to honor it. I was a child who attracted stray dogs, a small turtle who would not eat for a week, a butterfly with a bent wing, and a runaway lizard I tried to comfort while it was re-growing a lost tail. My calling β†’

Open system theory in nursing

Application of Open System Theory in Nursing of the The open system is a theory that seeks to explain the dynamics involved in the running of an organization. The system in the case study is the hospital and the subsystems are the various departments.

Quality of care for diabetic patients in a large urban public hospital

They concluded that diabetes clinic provided the highest quality care while clinic staffed by internal medicine residents provided the intermediate and the other clinic staffed by faculty physicians provided the least amount of care (Suwattee, Lynch and Pendergrass 566). Validity: As it was mentioned by the authors, the research was mainly based on documented reports β†’

Johny violante p.2

The past years before this one, (well during Christmas, as you can already presume) I felt the Magic that it had to offer, you know like from the days leading up to the grand day, you feel this Anxiousness, because you know that your going to get what you have wanted the whole year, But β†’

Has human curiosity had an overall positive or negative effect on the planet?

According to dictionaries I read, Curiosity is a strong desire to or learn something. They say curiosity kills a person but for me being ignorant can kill you or you can kill someone. It's helpful since if you will be in some situation that allows you to demonstrate the things that you learn through to β†’

Innovation and sustainability

In the past two centuries, urban sprawl has surfaced as one of the outcomes of industrial revolution, as more people have moved to the urban areas in search of better opportunities and improved lifestyle. Timber is also used as support for raising tents and fixing the wooden framework for concreting slabs. Habit 2 Urban β†’

Statement of purpose

Though I admit it has not been an easy road to get from that little boy with dreams to where I am at present, I have to say that the hard work and efforts that I put into reaching this point have definitely been worth the struggles as today, I not only hold a Bachelor's β†’

Country paper 2

The species in the island have to adapt to the climate for survival. There are a number of endangered species in the present island with different causes for their threat of extension. The habitat of the white dolphin is the sea, which is bordering the island.

Local ecology and environment

There is a presence of large varieties of insects, birds and monkeys in the vicinity of my home. I can envision that the, balance of the local ecology is in tantrums and each living being including man is struggling to live in a pollution free environment.

Itec 9 activity

The data obtained from skimming is used in the manufacture of counterfeit debit and credit cards. Electronic breach is the common security breach as a result of the increased internet access. The use of a strong, up-to-date anti-spyware or antivirus and anti-malware software is a way of preventing the security breach.

Web site publishing process

Just host is arguably the best hosting website on the internet. " Every new website begins with an idea an idea that can potentially become a challenge to construct without a little basic knowledge and understanding of how web hosting and web hosting companies actually work. Whoever is planning to publish a new website should seriously β†’

Umuc haircuts stage 4

In addition, they are ubiquitous, meaning Services or data are available from anywhere. Research shows that cloud computing is beneficial to most companies because it is cost efficient, offers unlimited storage and is easy to maintain and upgrade. Embedding SaaS The recommendation for this organization is to embed many flavors of SaaS. SaaS model: β†’

Information technology: history and practice

The paper " Information Technology: History and Practice" is an excellent example of an essay on information technology. The advent of the computer and the progress in the world of information technology has brought a major change in each and every industry. The objective of information technology is to make work easy for the organization β†’

A rape assault of an 11-year old by 18 young men

This also worsened on how residents responded in defence of the assaulters and to the extent of having video evidence of the act, which could be televised by the media. This article in the Times newspaper was too insensitive and biased while reporting this issue. Considering what happened, the mainly affected person was the little β†’