500 Words Essay Samples

How do you view the unification of women on campus, and how would you improve it

Hence, it is essential for women to come together on campus and address the issues that are affecting them both in the school and the outside world. This paper will assess the issue of women coming together on campus, illustrating its benefits and ways of improving this unification. As mentioned above, the unification of women →

Digital nation

The second section contends that the internet fosters personalization or the introduction of " Daily Me," which digital technology empowers from a positive perspective. The internet is similarly an instrument of regular manipulation and exploitation, which is a negative perspective. Seventh, PBS' Frontline believes the internet is a tool that can help educate, which is →


This is not to defend plagiarism as an acceptable practice in school but kicking somebody out of school for a single offense of plagiarism is just too extreme. I agree that plagiarism should be removed from student's consciousness that they should always practice academic honesty. Giving a warning and graduated punishment to the student eliminates →


Being employed by this company, I would feel safe for I would be building my experience in one of the largest and most popular companies in Qatar, which would be good for me in the long run. I would like to work for Qatar Petroleum because this is a very old company. Working with Qatar →

English literature

The background of the story was set in mild summers of 1945 surrounded by the environment of conflict, war and disruption which was the outbreak of the prejudice and discrimination against the African Americans.Mr. However, he resists his anger with his heart pounding to beat her but somehow; he learns to control his angers and →

Ripe figs

Although she had to wait only for a few months, she would go into the garden to see how ripe the figs were, to know how much time was left for her to go down the Bayou-Lafourche. Her impatience had made her feel that she had waited very long for the figs to get ripened.

Ethics memo

Rose line: There is a dire need for the implementation of monitoring policies for the employee internet usage at Texas Technologies Opening: Considering the recent activities that have come across at Texas Technologies regarding the use of internet during office times, a strict policy is vital to be put into action for preventing the →

Discussion forum

The type of irony that is of particular interest in the story is the irony of the situation. When the girls stop at Sammy's slot and are told off by the store's manager the boy sees the incident as his opportunity to impress the girls.

Peer review for 3

It starts with: " In contrast, globalization has both negative and positive affect on our life..". The author explains the weaknesses of each argument in the next paragraph, although the connections are not clearly stated. It responds to privacy concerns, but it is not clearly connected to paragraph 3. The second counter-argument to the thesis →

Has racism ceased to be a major problem in the world

The prevalence of racism was experienced in Africa, Asia and America at first, and then spread through colonialism to the rest of the world. Racial discrimination towards the Jews, Arabs and Turkish people has become a cause of grave concern.

For master degree in english literature

Even as I was reading and appreciating them, I was evolving as a person, at times imagining myself in the roles of the protagonists, and many other times amazed at the closeness of the events/scenes/conflicts/characters in the stories with what I was familiar with in my young life. Thus did my love for the subject →

Journal 14

Leckler as a ' large-souled creature with hunger for unlimited counsel.' This is a figurative language which creates an image in the mind of the readers and appeals to the senses of sight and sound. By saying, '...from the surcharged clouds a flash of lightning broke; and there was the thunder of cannon and the →

My dream by lucian (pdf)

Lucian had stopped his schooling and his father was seeking the advice of his friends on the next step for his son, with higher education highly argued against. Knowing that his father was not well reputable and with low income, Lucian is being assured that his father will be envied because of him and his →

Summary of eniest martinez artical

All of us do such things and are not caught only because we are lucky enough to get away with them, while the prison in-mates are not quite as lucky. It is wrong to conclude that prison in-mates are people different from us. There is a shortage of skilled and talented people out there in →

Learning to read and write by douglass and rodriguez

The master in Douglass's case opposed the desire to educate the slaves and influenced the wife to do the same because they never considered it efficient to train a slave. The masters knew the power of learning to read and write and the consequences they would face had the slaves managed to do so.

Influences and interest for pursuing a career in medicine

I am highly interested in pursuing a career in medicine primarily because as a medical practitioner I would like to serve community, especially the marginalized population in under-developed and developing countries. As a well qualified medical practitioner, I would be better equipped with knowledge and skill to heal people and create awareness about their →

It can be about anything

The real thesis of this article however is not just the current protests that are happening, but the likelihood that they will continue to happen up through the presidential election in 2012. Many protesters on the West Coast are starting to form a general game plan that protesters on the East Coast have not done. →

Effects of eating disorders

Anorexia This is the condition where the victim develops fear or resentment to food due to fear of gaining weight or even becoming fat. This is practiced for diverse reasons, like political protests and religious practices. Hunger strike practically leads to lack of essential food elements in the body.


In the case of abortion, abortion is an epidemic that is of highest concerns to the entire society. If abortion is made legal, the entire society will suffer more losses as compared to benefits. These figures clearly show that teenagers are getting involved in unhealthy sexual activity at the time when they should be focusing →

Summary and response

Summary and Response Buckley Chris, the of the article, shows that the delegates from Henan province are dissatisfied with the regional discrimination during the recruitment of the students to join the universities. Regional discrimination is rampant, and poor funding of the children from the rural areas such as Henan province reduce the number of the →

Memorable childhood experience

I was too young to have watched Joe Montana in the 1980s, but it was impossible to escape the legend that had built up around him and the San Francisco 49ers. Jerry Rice, perhaps the greatest receiver in the history of football, was still one of the premier players in the game.

An act of kindness you did for someone

She asked me what she could do so that the cat would be fed and taken care of while she was away. For one moment, I thought that it might be fine if she left Nin at my home while she was away, but then I thought how irritated my mother was with pets especially →

Do you consider yourself to be stressed?

This leads to some form of stress. 2) Were you surprised by the results of your self-assessments? I was a little bit surprised by the Perceived stress scale that was able to help me understand how a different situation affected my feelings and my perceived stress. I was also surprised by the frequency of the →

Character analysis

This character defines the direction that the play takes and also is the person who will die at the end of the play, posing the important questions that the play has to offer. This paper will look at the character of Wily Loman and his strengths and weaknesses. The play progresses through the ambition of →


Packer, is an account of a young boy, Spurgeon, who is in continuous conflict with his father, Ray, who is inappreciative and indifferent toward the physical and emotional needs of his son. But, he is confused because he has the burden of his father on his shoulders which he cannot throw away because of his →

Answer questions” toenails”

In my own opinion, he may mean it if he really loves reading and he may really want to be a part of such group when he retires because as a doctor he would be bored and feel restricted if he would not be able to at least keep an activity after the very active →

Reading journal

The story is covered in the dailies, it is assumed that the dead person seemingly died of starvation. In chapter 12, the character of McCandless is questioned.

Improving one’s writing skills via mastering literal skills

I believe I hold good potential in bettering my writing skills to a higher level of communication and interaction with the readers of my works. In addition, I hope to improve vocabulary and grammar as English, being my second language, challenges my communicative ability in writing.


The fay-star from then on acts as his ticket to fairyland where he gets to experience both joyous and perilous moments which in the long run he claims to have broadened his vision of the ordinary. As Smith travels back and forth to the fairy realm and back to reality he gets to experience change →

Summary & critical response

By and large, the article criticizes the possible adverse effects of working in fast food chains that can be highly influential to the teens, although at some points, it also provides advantages and benefits. Also, it is still much better to weigh things in accordance to something that can bring out the best of their →


In fact, it was my wish to do so. One of my close friends and I have birthdays on the same day. Now that I am recollecting that moment I deeply regret I said so. On the day we went hiking, the weather was perfect, and I was cheerful and optimistic.

Propositional speech

There shortage of higher education state funding reduces the quality of education and the level of literacy in the region. II. The SDDOE should enact a comprehensive plan of action for funding higher education. Body Overview: South Dakota has a stringent higher education funding policy that has left the higher education sector in the →

8 week forum

Sex education is more likely to reduce the cases of STDs among young adults and teenagers. Each paragraph starts with an essay statement and hence I managed to accomplish one of the key skills in writing the body of an essay.

Define tolerance

However, this is a false accusation because people need to be tolerated no matter what religion they follow; others need to understand that just because they follow the same religion as the terrorists did, they are not part of the same way of thinking or way of life. Americans as such are losing out on →

You can chose the topic from the topic list, in the order instructions

But soon the tolerance power of Fran hung up, and she runs away from her house for the sake of her son, Robert. She moves to Florida from NY, through the help of a company which runs the rescuing programs for battered women. In Florida, Fran missions to start a new life, by changing her →

Evaluation of product; apple’s macbook pro

On the other hand, outside the manufacturer environment, MacBook Pro is a fast moving product in the market. Consumer Reports ranks MacBook Pro as one of the best laptop computers in the market and a quickly moving product by consumer choice. The evaluation of this product in terms of market and consumer setting involves three →

Ethics + professionalism

She is very kind and respectful toward others, which is the main reason why she is so popular among students and all the staff. She is always very helpful, and is optimistic in nature which is why people love to talk to her regarding all areas of life.

Responding to pop culture

The criteria used to evaluate " Wheel of Fortune" as a viable and significant medium for popular culture are in its relevance to the average Joe themes that illustrate contestants in very pertinent terms to audience lifestyle and then appropriating excitement to make positive emotional connection to human behavior related to needs for excitement and →

Drinking age

According to Hanson et al, a drinking permit shouldreplace the minimum legal drinking age as a solution to the problem. A balance between drinking restriction and drinking permits should be used to address the problem. Works Cited Hanson et al.

Informative summary

Lecturer The Kentucky Derby is Decadent and Depraved The sports article was ed in 1970, by Hunter Thompson, during the derby in Louisville. This derogatively illustrates the white social group in the American society. A lot of slang language is applied in the literary work.

The university of wisconsin is one of the most diverse student campuses

These are the people who are poised to become the leaders of society, business and politics in the future, and I am one of them. All skills that are necessary for one who ambitions to become a leader and not a follower in the future. These are skills and abilities that I did not realize →

Analysis of an invisible monster: the creation and denial of mixed race people in america article

Never before had my thoughts been oriented towards the status of mixed race people in our society yet Nakashima's writing compels one not only to ponder upon the creation and the denial of existence of people belonging to mixed races but also creates a question about the accurate definition of the word " race" in →


The matter of the article is the contribution of bodily movement to human beings' superstition. The gist of the narrative is the method employed by this study and its findings.

A statement of research interests

It was a good challenge as I learned first-hand the application of my skills to the students. I will be a good addition to the university and my cross-cultural understanding and knowledge will play a huge role in meeting the inherent needs of both my colleagues and myself.

Should violent images and language be censored or banned from national media

In extreme circumstances, the child may become violent and abuse the parent and force him/her out of the room. Even if all the deleterious effects of incorporating sexuality and violence in the video games are overlooked, the fact that these factors are incorporated into the video games on the cost of their quality can not →

Career memo report

After analyzing the data available, I have gathered the information on the topics such as the roles and responsibilities, typical work environment, education and training, job outlook and median salary. They are required to improve the relationship with the community and supervising the area assigned to them.


In addition, the rise in drug trafficking around the globe also necessitated the institution of heightened security checks in airports. As I was sitting waiting for my flight to board, I sought some passengers' opinions about the security checks.

Find two articles that are influential in the field of organizational development

Strategic leaders are leaders who are proficient in motivating and persuading people to acquire the vision of that company or institution. Strategic leadership is about managing the employees by using strategies of management in order to achieve set goals.

Arabs and westerners attitude to perfumes industry

Arabs And Westerners Attitude To Perfumes Industry People in the Gulf in general and primarily Arabs approach perfumes and fragrances differently compared to the Westerners; the former are much more driven towards them than the latter. This may be attributed to the fact that an overwhelming majority of Arab women are Muslims and →

High the cleaner can be directly mounted on

The pulp inlet line is present at the top of the cleaner in tangancial direction, accepted pulp outlet line is present at the centre of the top of the inflow pulp chamber with an inserted wear resisting sleeve. The balancing water inlet line is present at the top of dregs section and washing water inlet →

Wind farms in cumbria

Although the area Is remote, you can access It through country lanes, therefore maintaining the wind farm will not be as difficult to do. Building the wind farms will reduce the level of greenhouse gases In the atmosphere. This means that the source of energy will not UN out and it is sustainable →

Manufacturing problem with otd on time delivery

But in the last few years, due to stiffer competitions, OTD has become a big issue and been hurting the company's sales. And lots of loyal customers slowly turned to its competitors. Since the improvement in its supply chain and OTD, the relationships with customers have also improved. New →

Analyze the high fructose corn syrup essay

A relatively newfoodingredient, it was first produced in Japan in the late 1960s, then entered the American food supply system in the early 1970s. HFCS is a desirable food ingredient for food manufacturers because it is equally as sweet as table sugar, blends well with other foods, helps foods to maintain a →

Applying role in society. the essence of modern

The essence of modern marketing from the following aspects: research, analysis, construction, maintenance and promote stakeholder relationships between companies and individuals on both sides. The current marketing is a basic creed and a way of general existence, not only in terms of economy and income but also it's a very popular aspect of the whole →

Budweiser’s internal constraints

This is why Anheuser-Busch is currently battling for a presence in China, the world's largest beer market, as state owned breweries seek foreign help with privatization. In 2004, Anheuser-Busch outbid Miller for the Harbin Brewing Group of China (Modern Brewery Age, Weekly News Edition, June 14, 2004). In 2007, Anheuser-Busch was appointed →

Pros and cons essay sample

Even though manufacturing the component in house has some disadvantages, it has more advantages than outsourced to independent suppliers, hence I strongly agree with it. It will not allow the firm for greater flexibility and selection. Moreover, the firm has to confront with new challenges and technologies, and sometimes which force them to increase →

Innovation pathways of nervous system that send

Thus aim of thisstudy was to help determine the effectiveness of visual vestibular habituationand controlled breathing for motion sickness. Will there be any difference in severity of motion sickness whentreated with visual vestibular habituation and controlled breathing for motionsickness?

The taste of watermelon

It is set in the states because of the language used. It is set in around the 1970s, the time it was written in.

Global polyphenylene sulfide industry

In addition, the favorable regulatory scenario in China with regards to the automotive industry is expected to further augment the demand for OPS over the forecast period. OPS coatings accounted for a small percentage of the market in 2012 due to the limitation of the thermoplastic in terms of curing temperature. China dominated →

Royal ploughing ceremony

The Royal Plowing Ceremony The Royal Plowing Ceremony is one of the most important annual royal traditional ceremonies, which is held at the open square of Veal Preah Merhu in front of theNational Museumin Phnom Penh every year. According to the tradition, the Royal Plowing ceremony is celebrated to predict the upcoming orn, bean, →

A local restaurant and western restaurant

Western restaurants usually employ more waiter and waitress that are trained well whereas the waiter and waitress of local restaurant are usually shorthanded and we even can find some of them act rude to the customers. Due to more number of waiters, the food service for western restaurant is better than local →

Global strategy essay

This will culminate in the form of team work that can lead to a better outcome as the fact remains that the answer to success lies in the fact that one should value the other individual, no matter how much it might clash with your point of view as there can never be ONE solution →

Concrete industry should exploit the upscale market

In order to realize the recycle of gold slang, there are many crushing equipment for slang small concrete mixer, but gold slang contains acidic substances, which has extreme causticity, so we must choose special crusher. Jaw crusher , cone crusher, and Impact crusher made by Henna Honoring adopt international advancedtechnologyand high quality materials, →

Demand of corn oil

Supply of Soybeans If the demand for corn increases due to is use as an alternative energy source, the supply of corn's substitutes such as soybeans will decrease. Based upon the determinants of supply - producers, resources, market expectations, subsidies and taxes andtechnology- the factors point to a decrease in supply. Some farmers may choose →

Food recognition system

If such a food recognition system is employed in conjunction with the calories tracking apps it would be a lot of help to anyone who is conscious of their health and want to make better food choices. This is particularly helpful because it's quite a tedious task to input food item manually and if it's →

Glutinous rice and cocoa powder

Champorado is considered to be the breakfast of champions because this type offoodis cooked with cocoa powder and mixed with sugar which is guaranteed to give you an amazing burst of energy for a long period of time. Champorado originated back when the Spaniards colonized the Philippines in the late 1500's during →

Threats and opportunities of ball pen industry

Cello ceaselessly endeavours to bring in the newest and the best oftechnologyto set new benchmarks in quality and innovates constantly to blaze new trails in the market place. At Cello, innovation is not just a guidingphilosophy, it is a key business process, dynamism and a defining attitude. Today Cello offers one of →

The butterfly and the banana skin

The banana skin was too slippy he hit the ground softly along with the peas unfortunately the turkey hit a rock, and took off down the road at great speed. In the morning there was a knock at the door, it was the bank.

History of the traction trebuchet

The projectile is placed at the terminal end of the long arm and pulling ropes or a counterweight is positioned at the terminal end of the short arm. As a result, most of the design innovations centered around three components: the projectile holder; the horizontal motion of the Trebuchet; and the counterweight.

Causes of air accidents

The circumstance of Air accidents takes place by four causes: takeoff and landing, mechanical failures, pilot error, and bad weather. One cause of Air accidents take place is during takeoff and landing.

Living due to the immense autonomy of online

Having the convenience of obtaining information by a click of button, online resources became the preferred medium of the public. With this in mind, the purpose of the article is to inform and guide effective pain management to post-thoracic surgery patients.

After and the document we see talked

Hamilton's vision stood on the fact thatin his mind that an increase on the produce and revenue of the society isutmost important. He put the economic growth of a society in the first positionand the document we see talked about four detailed proposal in details. Hamilton believed that in order to promote and maximize the →

Creative writing on the growth of industry

This paper seeks to explore on the effects of industrialization on these aspects of Lowell city and assess the general implication of the same. How the development of commerce and industry in Lowell, Massachusetts affected the land use, gender roles, culture, and socioeconomic class Initially, the growth of commerce and industry in the city →

Orientation phase of nursing

This is important in establishing a therapeutic environment. Mary Boyd states that this is the session where the nurse discusses the patient's expectations and explains the purpose of their relationship. By this stage, the patient already sees the nurse as one of the important people " in planning and implementing care" to them.

Evaluating a website for credibility guidelines with scoring rubric

The government of the UK provides websites of health where its citizen gets access to information regarding health. In this context, the government provides the citizens with the information regarding health issues, and measures to prevent and control the health issues.

Organizational role description paper

The director also ensures that there is a caring and safe environment maintained for the benefit of patients and ensures that the programs that are implemented within the service line are in support of cultural diversity. Another role undertaken by the director is to ensure and maintain an environment that is supportive for all members →

Conflict management

Conflict Management al Affiliation Conflict Management Summary of the Article The article written by Brinkert en d " Conflict coaching training for nurse managers: a case study of a two-hospital health system" and published in the Journal of Nursing Management presented and analyzed the application of a Comprehensive Conflict Coaching Model as a →

Why i want to work in critical care

I want to work in Critical Care because I believe that it is in the Intensive Care Unit that I will make the biggest difference in patient's lives. As a nurse, my profession matters the most in this situation because the patients needed me the most to save their lives. I am aware that working →

Critical appraisal-ebp

However, the article provides a description of the research method, which is a mixed method approach (Qualitative and quantitative methods), indicating a limited sense of its appropriateness in relation to validity of data. Ethical Issues The research does not indicate how ethical issues ascribed to access of a person's health records were managed: This →

The poor communication would initiate unpleasant transition.

Based on patient's condition he or she might receive care froma nurse in home setting. Each of these changes from hospital to home is definedas a care transition for continuity of health care. In thetransitional care, nurses work with patients and entire healthcare team to makesure that patient after discharge, patient receives continuity of care →

Ethical frame work

Confidentiality in general therefore ensures that the patient has full support of the medical personnel when it comes to health information of the patient When to breach confidentiality Confidentiality as has been mentioned above and according to the code standards of conduct, performance and ethics of nurses is supposed to be guaranteed and →


A good example of this is the use of virtual doctor's assistants in order to leave more registered nurses free to perform the existing duties. Virtual assistants will not just be helpful in ensuring that a lot of medical personnel are liberated to fulfill other duties, but will also contribute towards the streamlining of the →

Its a job application paper

The supposed weaknesses, strengths, threats and opportunities gained after would increase the ability to convey my skills in different departments in the nursing career. As an active youth with the interest, I will be of vast importance at the medical center. The Versant program is one the key reasons why I am aspiring to launching →

The 40-year-old virgin a movie review movie review

Every moment focuses on Andy's goal, which is especially amusing when he tries to resist it and everything in his world appears to be reminding him of sex, like the " Eruption" ads on the bus and the dogs in the park. Finally, the production design adds much to the comedy of the film. Movieweb.com, →

The sixth sense essay sample

The mise en scene is used when the director wants to give an impression of the characters or the situation without having the characters articulating it through the framework of spoken dialogue, and typically does not represent a realistic setting. One of the most dramatic scenes in the film is when Cole states, " →

A study on schizophrenia disorder as depicted by ron howard in, a beautiful mind

Schizophrenia and A Beautiful Mind The movie, A Beautiful Mind, is a biographical piece that portrays the life of John Nash, a man with schizophrenia. His acute symptoms begin at college and become more severe when he graduates and begins his work. Once his colleagues recognize his abnormal behavior, he is taken to →

The castle essay sample

The film uses techniques like camera shots, language and the use of narration to develop conflict between a decent, old fashioned suburban family, the Kerrigan's and an unscrupulous corporation called Airline. There are far to many stereotypes in The Castle to mention although her are a few examples, the accents, the barbecues, the holiday →

Ethnic notions: sambo character analysis

Well into the twentieth century the " Mammy", the " Coon", and the "" Sambo"" were all terms used in reference to black Americans. In 1941 the cartoon was made and made its way into many of the homes of American culture. In the early 1900s the image of the " Sambo" spread and it →

Chicago 2002 questions movie review

It does not raise any evocative political questions, but it is a nice piece of spectacle that I would highly recommend. 3. I decided to watch the very opening sequence of the film, in which the first shot is of Roxie's eyeball, which is zoomed into to form the second C of 'CHICAGO.' Suddenly, a →

The great dictator: charlie chaplin’s characterization of adolf hitler

The film makes fun of the German conformity by changing the renowned statue " The Thinker" to be in the position of a Heil Hitler salute. Having Hynkel wait to be alone suggests to the audience that behind Hitler's intimidating and powerful image, he is a foolish, childish man.

Alejandro gonzales inarritu’s birdman: characters, cinematography, theme

All of the main characters provide a wide variety for the audience to relate to which is why the casting/acting is so successful. Obviously the cinematography is what truly made this film memorable, it is because it was filmed in " one shot". There was also the satisfaction of continuity not posing as a threat →

Alice walker’s the color purple: analysis

The reader can almost sense that this was written and was never expected to be read or seen by anyone else, it feels very personal and private to the young girl just between her and god. The language she uses is appropriate in the way that you can imagine this fourteen year old black girl →

Effect of organic and inorganic fertilizers on different growth and yield parameters of rice

Higher no.of tillers, no.of filled grins spike-1, thousand grains weight and best yield of rice was recorded by fertilization of NPK kg ha-1 integration with FYM than alone source of NPK and control.. Higher rice plant height, no.of tillers, no.of panicles, no.of spikelet's, kernel grain weight, grain yield and biological yield was obtained →

The internet: today’s evolution or tomorrow’s menace

I would not guarantee that efficiency would overcome simplicity in a world wherecommunicationis scarce and a source of information is uncommon. The dilemma at our hand is that people do not acknowledge the fact that even though the Internet might help with our coffee in the morning to flying across the Atlantic, the Internet is →

Relationship between the physical body and the technology

This led to the concept of psychogeography as part of the system of unitary urbanism or " the study of specific effects of the geographical environment, consciously organized or not, on the emotions and behavior of individuals" (Situationnise Internationale, 1958). Communications technology redefined subjectivity. Even calling herself a cyborg, " For Haraway, the realities of →


submisssion Cigarette Smoking and Fertility The article proposes that a methodical literature demonstrates that there is a strong link between cigarette smoking and an instance of damaged reproductive function. Both a qualitative and quantitative impact is witnessed in the function of the ovary.